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Sugar Min.5834

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Posts posted by Sugar Min.5834

  1. An RP guild? An Anime guild? A joke? Honestly I don't even understand what that 'ready for the monster' mean in the other topic.

    Well, good luck in getting members in.

    • Like 1
  2. 47 minutes ago, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

    I got the same message yesterday, but it does nothing to prevent the purchase. Just click "OK" every time it shows up and finish the transaction.

    Same here. I believe that is just a glitched error message. So continue to click ok and you can purchase from the store as per normal. I hope.

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  3. Hi. Every few months this is happening. When I login to the game, suddenly my characters will start walking or running with a crippled shuddering animation. Even when moving backwards or on a mount. I have to jump forward and continue walking/running and that will remove the glitched movements. But the moment I stopped and  then moved again, the cripple and shudders came back. Many times over the years, I wrote to support for help and usually within 24 hrs the problem is fixed. But a few months later, the glitched animations came back and I have to report again.

    I cannot understand why this problem persisted after so many tears, like there is no permanent solution? As for my side, no I did not do anything in particular to my computer that is why I cannot understand what is wrong. Does any one of you guys experienced same problem? I did data repair too but that didn't help at all.

    Thanks for reading.

    • Sad 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Farohna.6247 said:

    Where are the players who said they would happily pay anything to have swimsuits?  Well, here's your opportunity.  

    I am one of them. Hi 🙋‍♀️

    I anticipated that it will be around this price, so no surprise there 😄 Waited for years for these, thank you ANet ♡

    • Like 4
  5. On 6/15/2024 at 10:51 PM, Obnoxa.6702 said:

    ... I'm starting to feel the same level of discomfort and confusion I felt the first time I was legitimately Rick-rolled.
    You had me on the first post, I thought maybe it was an English as a second language barrier, but then you got greedy... you took it too far with killing people by playing she'll be coming 'round the mountain on a flute.
    Millions of players... that's good, you almost had me. 🤣

    Did you miss the part where he said " we can instantly let billions of players know about your game...." B i l l i o n s 😱

    • Haha 8
  6. On 6/12/2024 at 7:26 AM, Leaa.2943 said:

    ... And the tools, the tools i been told i am a idiot that dont understand that you guys are making amazing tools to make awsome matchups and i am just a moron that do not give you the time to show them. So are you? Is there new tools? How will they work? How do matchup works. What deterimine which worlds will fight eachother? What counts as a win? How do you win? Will a win get something? How to you determine that? How long will we stick with the people on our world that is not with our guild? I mean it is litterally like links but again people told me your tools will fix everything, will they? ...

    What tools? I read they only use bottle spinner for WvW for matchups.

    • Like 3
    • Confused 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Damien Vryce.3578 said:

    Same issue 2 days now:
    Tried 4 different browser - Edge, Chrome, Brave and Duckduckgo
    Disabled security in chrome, enabled javascript (enabled in chrome by default) turned off ad blocker
    Same errore
    Support person told me in email, "Use a different computer"
    Sure, buy me a new one! Happy to purchase using that! 
    But my guess is new computer will have MORE security features, not less.

    This does not feel like a "me" issue. 
    You want me to buy stuff right? 

    Even if you have a different computer that some how worked around the problem and one year later another one of those patches broke the gem store again? Then what? Get another computer??  Instead of fixing their glitched patches, they want us to work around their problems. If I get a new computer, I will definitely get some of the latest games and dump this glitchy 12 year old game like a brick. Really.

    • Confused 1
  8. ERROR

    Something went wrong, please try again later!




    I still cannot use the gem store, I can't buy gems. Reported many hours ago and I still don't see a fix. This is why I hate patches, there is a chance that something will break and will never be fixed. I have been using VISA for gem purchases for years and suddenly one day my bank blocked my purchases in the gem store citing fraudulent activities on ANet side. One of the patches must have messed up the gem store payment system. The thing is, after many correspondences with ANet support, nothing is fixed. Then a friend advised me to use PayPal and all is good then. Until now. Again?? No way I am going to change my mode of payment again.

  9. I like all the four new pieces of decors this year; Skyscale Rental Post and the Wrought Iron Dragon Statue, Body and Tail. As usual, my screenshot is bad, sorry that I have to remove it.

    See it in person, it's a lot more impressive just like the near to Eastern Watchpost Waypoint but much smaller.

    • Like 1
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  10. On 6/2/2024 at 11:22 PM, Dyers.1567 said:

    GW2 Fun roller beetle race tracks - GW2 GH EDA Jade Skiff Race

    This water racetrack is very well done and 'colourfully' decorated. So picturesque! ❤️ Black River by Andur a while back is superbly done too! 💖

    Right now I am working on my own short and simple skiff racetrack, and looking around for some ideas. I have limitations though, I have too much stuff in my GH 🥺 You guys are incredible 🏆

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  11. Like I mentioned in the other thread, I love water featured stuff. A water garden would be cool 😀 Don't mind my asking, how many guild halls you have to play with? 😅

    I only have one, that is my private guild. Although I am in 4 other guilds as well, I am just a junior member in them (without any permission). Except for Matt's guild, I am a decorator there too but I didn't do anything at all. My one guild is enough to totally burn me out after spending like 1.5 years soloing it to max level 😓 I'm just glad that all that is over. But, occasionally I still do some decorating when an idea comes to mind or new decoration I like comes along.

    • Like 1
  12. Love your top 10 series 😄 Fantastic work!

    I believe I have all the fountain decorations featured here in my guild hall and some I have put up more than one :classic_happy: I just like water features. I never notice there are gold flakes in Glided Hollow fountain until I saw this 😮 For me, my top three choices would be the SAB fountain, the Asura's Council Fountain and that layered one in Amnoon 🙂 Please keep these videos coming.

    Thank you 🙂

    • Like 1
  13.  @Mattahood.9423 Hey Matt, only after you left in a hurry (as always :classic_mellow:), I came to understand your question. I thought you were referring to my Skiff decorations being under water 😬. Ok, the two sailboats are meant to be partial sunken hence half their bodies are in the water. Working as intended 🙂

    Sorry to hijack your thread Ronin, Matt's latest post is here. Good luck guys! 

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