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Posts posted by Hindenburg.3415

  1. 24 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    What? You seem a little lost here. You said "it's true" (to something I already said), I said "I know it is" and you went into somehow claiming I must know your feelings better than you? What are you on about? 🤦‍♂️


    Maybe. English is not my native language after all.


    25 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Cool and because of that you've lost some dps, so... works as intended.


    If dps nerf was the intention it's a very clunky and dubious way to do it. And people here already stated it numerous times.


    26 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    That's very clearly false, based on many players doing it regularly ingame right now. At best you can say that you can't do it for whatever reason.


    That's very clearly true based on mech's movement when it routinely moving out of range on it's own.


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  2. 3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    Yup, I know it is.


    Yup. I am sure you know better how I feel


    3 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    It's not really questionable. The purpose and implementation of it is rather clear and it does work.



    It is.  My gameplay hasn't changed at all.  So it serves no purpose and implementation is objectively dubious.

    5 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    That's very clearly false.

    It clearly isn't.

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  3. On 12/6/2022 at 9:08 PM, Sobx.1758 said:

    No, you can just use the two buttons like, really, quite a lot of people still playing mechanist and not pretending it's somehow dead or bad.


    I mean this is true , I am playing my mech like this mechanic doesn't exist.   It doesn't bother me at all.

    But it's still a questionable design choice.

    It does nothing in terms of promotion of more active gameplay because there is no reliable way to keep mech around.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Dreams.3128 said:

    No, YOU'RE lying over the fact that you used the word 'everyone' when that is a blalantly, gross oversimplication of how raid groups work. Yes, a lot of people prefer the pre-established comfort of people they know, but I know MANYYYYYY people that had pugged their way between Qadim and Dhuum, or simply took on the challenge of going through a training raid period with people before they finally got it. You really must be bold to claim this statement so confidently yet be so wrong in the same breath. If you are going to express the community accurately, at least actually know how raid people move before just typing anything out like you know how all of us work. 



    Please stop grasping at straws.

    I just replied in the style of my opponent and acknowledged before that there obviously will be some exceptions.

    Btw how many is 'MANYYYYYY" ? 2 ? 5? Maybe 50 ?

    And no I don't believe that you actually know "many" people who "pugged"  those bosses in a way I was talking about.

    It's just nonsense. 

    Content like this very rarely being pugged in any game I played over the years.

    • Confused 4
  5. 1 minute ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    BS, I was running PUG groups 6 days per week to only learn how SH worked as chrono tank. You have no clue as to progression raiding for the average player and even static players which need to practice outside of their static.

    Even here, those statics ALSO had to learn the fights.


    Yeah.  When content was new as I said

    Not to mention that practising other roles when you already familiar with encounter is totally different story.


    3 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    The flaw here:

    there is constantly new players entering raids. If that were not the case, there wouldn't be such a disparity in LI and KP. Simple logic dictates that your position is nonsense.


    I don't even understand what are you trying to say.

    Sure, there are new players but clearly not enough in order to make any difference.


    4 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    never said it's common. I said that it would apply there. Yes, I am pretty sure by now MOST groups are made up of some experienced players, which makes it even easier on inexperienced players if they are in the correct groups (aka trainings).


    And makes it way harder for "incorrect" groups ( like 90% of LFG )

    5 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    You have never done progression raiding, and it shows.


    I did.

    I am playing MMOs for more than 15 years now.  Doing new group content after release is literally the best experience you can ever have.

    8 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    That's called demanding other payers time and if you are expecting other players to take you along while being inexperienced, aka they have to cover for your short coming, it;s called demanding to get carried.


    LoL , its not.  That's called asking for fair treatment and equal opportunities.

    Not to mention that the whole premise is deeply flawed. I remember joining one pug raid as newcomer ( I had one or two kills can't remember already ). Rest of the group had like 20+ on average but I was "given a chance" .  In the end half of the group was dead but we got the kill.

    So was I "carried" by those experienced players who were lying around for almost the whole fight ?

    If someone is inexperienced it doesn't mean they can't perform their role.

    15 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Ding ding ding, you got it genius. The in-game LFG is in fact one of the worst places to look for when wanting to enter raids.

    Yeah , I know genius.

    But that doesn't change my point.


    10 hours ago, Fuchslein.8639 said:

    No, but really. Now there are Tons of Guides and ways to make a group and write youre lfg. So instead of whining, start doing.


    Or maybe instead of whining about someone's alleged "whining" you will try to read more carefully next time and restrain from giving advices no one asked for ?

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  6. 1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    That's LITERALLY how EVERYONE did it when the fight came out and in some cases for statics it's the case even now (or PUG trainings without experienced players).


    Lies again.

    LITERALLY EVERYONE did it with within already formed communities and groups.


    But yes , it could have possibly be done for some period of time after release before majority of player base gained encounter experience and started gatekeeping it.

    1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Worse even, the resources that are available left and right by now WERE MADE BY THE PEOPLE WHO WENT IN BLIND.


    YEAH , because it's easy to find a company to do it when EVERYONE IS INEXPERIENCED.

    How you can't grasp this simple concept is beyond me.

    1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    As late comer to the content you already have it far easier and even that is not enough. Those training groups with experienced players trying to teach new players, those weren't always around. Those experienced players were inexperienced and new too at one point. Those guides, discords, guilds, etc. those are resources to make use of IF someone is serious about overcoming the challenge.


    No not really.

    Late comers usually have to deal with elitism , speedruns and gatekeeping.

    Doing challenging content shortly after release  is probably the best PVE experience you can have in MMO

    1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    You have no right to other people's time and experience. Lucky enough though, there are many players who ARE willing to help, on THEIR terms, not yours.


    I never said I have.

    People usually don't need HELP. They need players who are willing to PLAY with them.

    1 hour ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    If you are looking at XYZ KP groups for entering fights, you are looking in the wrong place as someone new to the content and SHOULD rightfully get the boot. Start respecting other players time, and you might actually get some where.


    LFG ( the only group making tool game offers ) is "wrong" place ? L:oL , ok.

    Also if absolute majority of LFG consists of said groups that's called gatekeeping regardless of your perceived "rights"  So I dunno what are you even trying to say.


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  7. 21 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    this is how you improve, same way anyone else does/did. In no way anything here is gatekept because other people don't solve the content for you (except they do and make the guides, sometimes training/no-req squads, but somehow that's still not enough).



    Good luck learning Qadim or Dhuum in a training pug group where everyone is new.

    I think it's a pretty safe to say that no one did it that way.


    And yes 90% of LFG being "w2 250kp" ( true story btw) is definition of gatekeeping.


    But anyway , I am not going to waste any more time on "can't find a job ? Just create your own company"  comments.



    • Confused 4
  8. 3 hours ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    There is an unique currency from Dragon End meta, its called Jade Dragon Statuette. And you need it to access Myung-Hee merchant that you require for gen3.

    Based on the price of  Statuettes on TP, the Dragon End meta is completed by more players than Echovald or New Kaineng meta ( twice more often than Echovald and 10 times more often than New Kaineng) .

    But its true that its harder to get a group for it because most groups that list on LFG fill in a matter of seconds. I would recommend you find an organised group on discord to run it. Because even the groups that list on LFG are often already quite full due to pre-organisation.

    Also if you look at the supply on TP you can see there are several hundreds listings each day. 


    After finding meta train and getting it done once it all makes sense now.

    Looks like Dragons End is similar to TT in terms of complexity and organisation.

    I just wanted to do it once so I am good for now.

    Thanks for advice.

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  9. Just now, Sobx.1758 said:

    Ok. And what that experienced commander would do? Explain the mechanics? So that's  the equivalent of reading a guide or watching a video to then explain the new commers or simply adding "know mechanics" in the group description (something that also actually happens fairly often in lfg btw) and you are good to go, right?



    Said commander can assign roles , choose a strategy and  call the shots during a fight which makes learning way smoother.

    Simply watching a guide can give you a rough understanding but you are not going to remember everything anyway so practice is a must.

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  10. 2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

    How is it "gatekept" when it "can be killed by a group of new players after 2-3 tries" combined with the fact anyone can make their own group for any content at any time with their own requirements or lack of them? Please guide me through the logic of what you've just said in your post (preferably while keeping in mind what I just wrote).


    Because in order to make a group you need to actually know the fight and be able and willing to lead people ?

    And I was talking about a group of new players with experienced commander. Should have clarified it.

    • Confused 2
  11. 54 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Again, no you are not because for the amount of legendaries entering the market, from a mere resource perspective, the metas ARE required. The fact you are this uninformed though just proves my earlier point: just another player who spends no time in EoD telling everyone else how dead the content is.


    I don't give a flying kitten about legendaries.  And what "amount" are you talking about ?  Like 5-10 per type on tp ?

    What the leg crafting details has to do with my experience as a player ?


    The fact  you are trying to use your assumptions about "amount of resources" to gaslight people and invalidate their experience for some reason.


    1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

    No, you do not need the meta to craft legendaries but if there's no meta, the price for Summoning stones will simply skyrocket.


    I mean it's already like 4 gold. So clearly this meta is not very popular. And there are not that many of them on TP as it is.

    1 hour ago, Silent.6137 said:

    If you just hop onto a DE map, chances of it being a meta map is very slim. This is no different from most other maps where players will join meta maps. DE meta especially, where it requires some organizations, few people will just tag  up, have players on map join and hope for virtually guaranteed successes. Most are formed in LFG but as I stated earlier, they fill up very fast and do not stay on LFG for very long. If you check 1/2 hour or less before meta starts, chances of finding a group is almost zero.


    I see. Thanks for helpful information.

    • Confused 9
  12. 7 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    That is actually incorrect. Not every DE meta might make it into the LFG, but they are being run.


    I checked the lfg and map itself repeatedly.

    So unless some magical premade filled map instantly I am absolutely correct.


    16 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    You need a minimum of 2.5k imperial favor (3.5k if you build the pre yourself), which is insanely slow in any other content BESIDES metas. We are talking maybe 100 per week if running a LOT of WvW (20h+).


    So again, wrong.


    Do I need to explain word "required" to you ?

    Every single currency for legendaries can be obtained without running any metas.


    So again , I am absolutely right.

    • Confused 9
  13. 14 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    What ever works for you. Just saying given the market around resources FROM the supposedly dead EoD metas is very active, your experience while certainly unique, seems far more like spreading fake nonsense on a forum. Something quite common with many players who know that EoD is dead, yet almost spend no time there.


    Sure thing.

    Not a single Dragon's End meta has started in a last 12 hours ( I personally checked every time ) but it's me who "spreading fake nonsense".

    Also I am pretty sure you are not actually required to do any meta to craft legendaries.

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  14. 17 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    As someone who has by now crafted over 20 gen3 legendaries, the last one 1.5 weeks ago, which requires a significant amount of EoD meta farming. You are talking nonsense.


    Sure thing bud.  You know my experiences better than me.

    25 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

    Please make yourself aware of how to use this games LFG system because you seem unaware of how to find active maps.


    I am pretty sure I know how it works , thanks.


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  15. 2 hours ago, Providence.7185 said:

    t won't solve the issue that it is impractical to keep the mech in range all the time. Even dodging a mechanic puts the Mech out of range. And they often run off. Once out of range it appears to take up to 3 seconds for it to register as back in range. This hits damage and survivability. How badly depends on the situation.

    Fun is subjective. While all pet classes require some attention, this is over the top baby sitting in my opinion. And I said, that is the point. Use a stick to annoy players to move to other specs/classes.


    Or , hear me out , this is crazy idea I know - you just play the game as usual without paying ANY attention to this mechanic ?

    It's not like it's required for anything at all and absolutely doesn't matter unless you are tryharding some CM or something.


    Sure , it's a strange design decision to say the least and probably will be reworked in the next patch.

    • Confused 2
  16. 11 minutes ago, Okhu.7948 said:

    No one is talking about mech, they're talking about rifle which is a weapon all engineer specs can use. Put your clown make up on next time you come in Engineer forums.


    You mean just like yours ? Didn't know this salt mine has a dress code.

    But no thanks I have a good taste.


    Also absolute majority of last 3 balance patches were various buffs to Engineer. So crying about constant nerfs is silly regardless of topic of this discussion.


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  17. 3 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

    Reminder that engineer is the golden child. That is why we get nerfed every single patch. /s



    That's why you can't even make a step into Eye of the North or Aerodrome without bumping into hordes of mechs.

    Last time I even counted them.

    12 mechanist out of 19 people.


    But sure.  Poor-poor mechanist getting nerfed every patch.


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