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Posts posted by Hindenburg.3415

  1. 1 hour ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

    Love the years worth of "Bring back LWS1" and when they finally do you see people whining about "no new content".

    Anet doesn't do what people ask them to do - Whine
    Anet does what people ask them to do - Whine


    People always whine.

    Just look at the professions forum.  Almost every sub forum is a wall of whining about their class being "the worst" , "useless" , etc


    As someone who missed LW1 live I was very pleased to see it even if it's not truly authentic experience. 



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  2. 18 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

    My son got his skyscale back when he was playing a couple hours a week.

    The only thing I found unpleasant when I did it was the grind for a full stack of each zone currency. ANet has since changed that with the Return achievements.

    There’s already a chunk of the collection you can skip with treats bought with gold, if you hate JPs.

    So many players already have their skyscale. More are getting it every day as evidenced by how fast skyscale related items move on the TP.


    When I returned I honestly thought skyscale is a EoD mount because so many people have it.

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Rovaeden.8546 said:

    I have played an awful lot of mmos over the years and Skyscale was by far one of the most tedious and un-fun grind fests I have undertaken.


    Is this some sort of bait ?


    This "grind" is nothing to people familiar with original Lineage or Miragent grind in Aion for example.

    And I can understand the complaints but it's nowhere near being "most" tedious and un-fun. 

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  4. 10 hours ago, HotDelirium.7984 said:

    They need to tune it because its impossible with less than 10 people and all the adds respawn eventually. 


    Dunno we just did it with 5 people ( 3 mechanists ) and it was fine. Mobs are annoying but manageable.

    Navigation is a bit confusing thought.

    • Like 1
  5. 2 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

    The story doesn't matter in MMO's, they live and die by repeatable rewarding content. Sacrificing an entire year of content updates to have a story "make sense" is Cyberpunk levels of bad decision making.


    GW2 already has more content than average player will ever experience. 


    And story do matter unless it's B-tier Korean garbage MMO of course.

    Sometimes it's even the best part like in SWTOR.


    • Like 6
  6. 20 minutes ago, Brasides.9360 said:

    However, after playing catalyst to learn about combo fields for a while and then switching to Weaver, I found that while fun in lower stress environments I tended to die a lot in what was more difficult for me - fractals and map meta bosses. Then I went down the snowcrows rabbit hole and tried learning the Catalyst rotation and barely hit 19k on the golem with an easier adjusted rotation using lots of fire summons. My guild said that was below what was required to start doing raids, and I started looking into other classes.




    Enrage times are very lenient in gw2.  In most fights 10-15k ( sometimes even 5k ) is enough to get a kill.

    Everything else is varying degrees of elitism and gatekeeping from "we don't want to do mechanics" crowd



  7. I just love topics like this.

    "Bad" ? What do you mean by it ?

    Any class with any build can complete any content in the game.

    In pve 90% of "oh no my class has 3k less benchmark dps than that guy it's complete trash now" people can't reach those benchmarks anyway.

    In pvp 90% of the time it's LTP and performance issue not class issue.


    You can pick up any class and perform well in any content.


    Only small percentage of people can actually reach the point where class balance is the thing that impacting their performance.



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  8. Everything will be "not fun anymore" if you play it for 10 years.


    I tried renegade recently and yes it melts stuff but it's so boring.   All you doing is casting circles.

    Cast buff circle , cast dmg circle 1 , cast dmg cirle 2 , do some pew-pew , cast circle from another legend , do some pew-pew.

    Repeat till the end.


    At least playing warrior feels like an actual combat.

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