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Posts posted by Jaken.6801

  1. 1 hour ago, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    This doesn't make much sense. After all the stuff Jormag has pulled, the idea that of the our heroes, especially Aurene who suffered direct verbal abuse from Joramg, would even pause to consider anything it says, is straight nonsense.


    Also, with the way Kralk spoke of her, I would assume mother is dead. The way Kralk said mother was very reminiscent of that cliche where someone dies, and their loved one lives on for years after trying to fulfill some goal or their, or get vengeance, and after doing so they die, and their last words is the name of their deceased love one. It really didn't seem like a call out to someone who is alive.


    Why not?
    Jormag has hostages. She can bargain for help. Can offer to let them go, offer knowledge, make false promises, etc. She has a lot of options to go by.
    Sure we can't trust her, but still, she can give us what we need.

    Also what did she really do? She didn't lie. She said she would do it her way. We just don't like her way. She was very open to Aurene.
    We decided both are dangerous.

    So far, we don't know anything about Mother, or anything at all. We just know she exist(ed).

    She is much more a mystery than the elder dragon of water.
    And that's only because Anet is dangling the water dragon key in front of us the whole time, instead of actually implementing anything meaningful of it into the game.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Plagiarised.2865 said:


    1. Ryland is very special to Jormag. Jormag sees Ryland's kind as rare, "Oh, there are some exceptions. I can see why you've bound yourself to your commander."

    2. And retreating and finding another champion on par to Ryland would still give Primordus time to get ahead, which would snowball, and Jormag would still lose.

    Which is still irrelevent. Jormag retreats, recoups their losses, Primordus increases in power, Jormag loses later. Its checkmate. 


    1. Just because she found out why it is so "useful" or "rare"  to a more sentient elder dragon, doesn't mean i can't be replaced or substituted. A champion is a tool and seeing how it only became relevant with this season, as well as the fact that Braham has to push himself unto Primordus till he was "tasty" enough is a sign.

    More so, because the "champion" status is not really explained enough. Gameplaywise Braham and Rytlock grew massive (because, magic, doh), so why doesn't Aurene support us in a similiar fashion?
    It's actual usefullness doesn't seem to be higher than any other Leutnant or "leader" we saw with other dragons. I mean Mordremoth had some, Zaithan had some.

    2. Well, a strategic retreat isn't a bad thing, more so with what Jormag is able to do. Sure Primordus can increase it's power, but was more or less on par with Jormag now. The thing is, having him gain a bit more power, while Jormag siphons somewhere else, while setting her pieces right (she had hostages for example). She could have found ways to get support from other ways. She could have been the smart adversary, who gathers an army of her own, exploiting the weeknesses like we do with Aurene. Having others do the dirty work for her. Sending them out, to regain land, cut off primordus, etc.
    It didn't have to be a clash. She could have been smart.
    This was no checkmate situation.

    • Like 1
  3. Here is what I would have been kinda fine with (though it would still need a better Primordus story beforehand, with dwarfes, deeps and everything)

    • Jormag and Primordus going at each other, because the latter instigates it
    • Jormag is actually trying to flee, calling Aurene for help, even offering her to free the people in return
    • Aurene hesitates, but when she intervenes, it's too late and what she does only allows for the mutual destruction
    • Aurene jumping in to protect the armies which are fighting, absorbing the energy
    • She then starts to crack, scream, winding, as the energy of two at once is too much for her, forcing her to leash out like Krakaltorik before and she goes into hibernation, with one last call: "search for mother"
    • Afterwards, Ryland, braham stuff. Maybe they still punch each other for the bow, which gets just tossed in brahams face, who then collapses.


    That isn't perfect, but it would be at least be something with a bit more bite and engagement.

    More so in terms of presentation, there could be done so much more, than we got here.

  4. What I liked

    • The overall art (even if they were just heads)
    • The Ryland thing, even though it still felt too short
    • The Kaiju Battle (even if it was disapointing)


    What I didn't like


    • Everything else


    Too many things to go in and my abridged list in the last thread has been deleted.

    To sum it up, this release crushed any high hopes I had for the future of the story, like they did with the dragons.
    Even if they do a fake out, retcon, etc. it won't help, since anything that comes now isn't earned.

    They litterally killed of things we were engaged in for over 8-11 years in the most undeserving manner possible, with nothing to replace it.

    Even Cantha isn't big enough, because the only thing left, is the one elder dragon that matters the least. The one they use as a key dangling in front of eyes teasingly for years, with no glimps to it.
    We had dragons we cared about and they were uncenemoriously killed of as a sacrifice for the next expansion (doubly so, as there was no celebration at the end. Just a lame "our work here is done" and everyone vanished from EotN)

    Anet can do way better, which they have shown.
    However, that was mostly when they worked, based upon a sound foundation.
    They cut that one now.
    The hypetrain they started just minutes before the release, crashed before it even started for me.

    • Like 2
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  5. On 4/21/2021 at 12:59 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    Umm...the last Chapter of Icebrood Saga: Champions will be released on April 27th.
    Not sure what you are expecting, but there's information on it here: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/the-game/releases/april-27-2021/

    Well, that didn't age well...

    Then again, roadmap...whee...sorry, that's all they managed to get out of me.

  6. I feel they chose the worst ending to go with.

    So much wasted potential, to the point it feels like a betrayal to the whole series.

    Not only did they kill of two elder dragons in one swoop, but...


    • They broke Jormags character from one moment to the next (so much for sheming dragon. I'm the big trickster drag...a kitten it, i just smash... and I don't bring an army, just one Charr).
    • They didn't build up Primordus much more then he was in the core story and his little cameos in other seasons, leaving him... the first one, highly underdeveloped, compared to all others.
    • They shoved a deus ex machina in, to suddenly "easily" being able to defeat them (and it looked very very sad)
    • They had the "audacity" to have a pretty clean ending and think it's earned (seriously. Aside from the wreckage in the DRM they caused, the aftermath is one dead Rhyland, a sad Rytlock, some more dead on our side and... shock... some magic escaped, which no one really seem to care about...)
    • Completly ignore several plot threads that have been dangling for kitten years now, just to get a rushed unsatisfying conclusion before EoD popps out...which is a name they could have given the IBS... the dragons are dead already.
    • Kicking us out with: "well, guess we have to see where that went, how exciting. doh" no... no it isn't. We know who got the magic. We know where it went. Afterwards we get send back to the EoN with a letter von Anet... no celebration. No extra ending. Nothing. The Leaders just stand there, hidden under dozens of spawning players and are gone afterwards. Nothing cool as a reward.

    This ending litteraly killed any kind of expactations I had for anything coming from now on.
    If they don't manage to do the most obvious, simplest thing (Primordous justice), they won't be able to bring anything satisfying in any way.

    More so, because there won't be any retcon, any course shift, anything (And I don't expect anything up their sleeve, like with "aurenes dead", which was less annoying, but still kinda stupid in retrospect).
    We had 8 years, to get a better Zaithan ending. It could have been delivered in several ways.
    They never went back. One very important fight. Ignored for years because it would have been too much work (it could have been a fractal, a new dungeon path, a scrying pool adventure, a new map, nowadays an DRM, etc. )

    Any good words I have for the whole thing. Any goodwill the first chapters... no the proolog. The season before, build up. Poof... gone.
    Again... starting strong... then crashing.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  7. I think some things have been said allready, but ehre are my two cents (By the way, did you just really plaster some quotes over an old video? If that is final, then it is lazy and doesn't reflect what the game is about. This was teaser material):

    • You need to advertise the actual content that get's into the game and not only tease the type of content (you don't have to reveal the whole hand, but get people excited by showing gameplay is much better than showing some sweeping shots). You can also hide (like in the past) new rewards in the backgrounds (like weapons. The Scythe weapon would have been awesome for the last release)
    • You need to differenciate between teaser and trailer. So far the recent trailers were close to teasers, or movie trailers, but not game trailers. A game needs interaction, so show the game beeing played.
    • don't obfuscate by special dev angle shots. It is great to show off art and enviroment, but also show the same area of the game in normal play
    • If you want to jump on the (in my eyes boring, because self inflating) acolades trend, then do two versions: The Player and the Critic version. It's more genuine. For the fan version allow more than "It's so awesome", but also "I am not a fan of this, but I abusolutely love that", because it shows you are aware of different peoples likes and not only bathing in praise.

    As for future marketing:

    • Create a place, where people can see the biggest changes to the game, since release and keep it up to date. Things like the Wardrobe, Fractals, Archievments, Mastery system, Mounts, PvP overhaul, with new maps, details, leagues, etc., WvW overhaul with new maps, features, etc., Legendary Weapons, New Maps, new rewards, etc. There has so much changed since release, that no one who saw the initial game might be aware of. Ignore balance, but highlight things "no more rep costs, because it was in the way of fun" (Add to that a simple coding to which part is part of which expansion and you are golden)
    • Link to that place if you put out an update, to see what people can get for free and with an investment of 30$ for a lifetime
    • Make a video that highlights this content. Or three videos. One for general changes that are part of all gametypes. One for PvE and one for PvE and WvW (I was personal working on making something like that, but life got in the way and I wasn't even able to transcribe the patchnotes so far, but there was another reddit user who made a compelling list)
    • Overhaul your website. If I go to GW2, I mostly see GW2 and info regarding the base game. It would be much better if it would incorporate the expansions as well. On one hand it is great beeing so simple but on the other hand it is very barren. I get info about races, the normal classes and lot's of outdated info. It would do good for the game to adress these things and add the beforementioned contentupdates to the mainpage. People who played in the past or only knew the reviews of old don't know about awesome features like the wardrobe, LFG, Elite-Classes, Guild Halls, Guild Missions, etc. UPDATE THE FRONTPAGE TO REFLECT CONTENT CHANGES THAT APPLY TO EVERY USER
  8. Okay, pro and cons:


    • The mainstory has some really nice mechanics and objectives that reminded me of gw1
    • The mainstory went to interesting places
    • The new maps are beautiful, detailed and have some really great callbacks to gw1
    • The mounts feel great
    • The new visuals are stunning
    • You heard the feedback of the beta and implimented it

    Contra (mostly nitpicking):

    • The mainstory does lack focus and feels disjointed. It feels more like a checklist, than a story
    • The mainstory lacks too much personality, as many things just feel like footnotes.
    • The mainstory relies too much on the open world information and can be hard to be enjoyed if you don't experienced the dozens of open world content
    • The mainstory does intoduce stuff´, which doesn't come back and has no real bearing on the plot (like choosing a faction just for a backpack)
    • While more reduced, there are still too many items I don't know if I still need them, or if I can toss them after completing the archievment (bounty hunter tablets. The text suggests it will be used somewhere, the same goes for some granite slabs... do I have to keep them?)
    • While 5 armor sets are certainly more than the 3 in HoT, I am missing some more subdued and less busy ones. I would have loved some casual regional clothes.
    • The weaponsets feel rather plain and I hoped for more regional weapons
    • It seems like we don't have many unique weapons to find, which was already a problem with HoT
    • Heart Vendors feel to similiar and I wish there were something else to find, beside the same recipes and the occasional mini (some unique skins for example)
  9. @titje.2745 said:

    @Just a flesh wound.3589 said:When the players switched from guild wars to guild wars 2 they left everything behind . All their characters, their titles, the collected armors, weapons, minipets. Inventories full of platinum and items. All left behind because ANet decided they wanted to make a new guild wars and the players were willing to trust ANet and go to the new game. As a reward for years of faithful playing in guild wars, of support for the company over all those years and as a consolation prize for leaving their old accounts behind and switching to a new game they gave the vets of guild wars some mini pets, armor & weapon skins and some titles. They also promised at that time that these items would not be made available from guild wars 2. To ask ANet to make any of these items available to non gw1 players is to ask them to break a promise they made.


    Be careful what you ask for. ANet might give it to you.

    yes this is a right answer :D thanks. i understand it now. i hope they comes another mini that is awesome :)the racoon is a funny mini :D maybe because it was funny in the sims :P

    The racoon it's awesome, bit you can get something cool and similar pretty cheap.The red panda mini.

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