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  1. This is so true. I'm a slower elderly gamer and there's really no reason to click, except due to habit. Get yourself a Razer Naga Mouse or something similar with 12+ buttons. Practice a bit and it really speeds up combat choices. As for Kuya's point, he/she is spot on, from playing an Engineer for most of my time, the simplicity of the short bow on Rev is perfect, you can play it with power, condi or celestial. Try it.
  2. Thanks for your input, but I fear that without an evade, knockdown or boon strip, we are just rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic. What hampers the support concept is that without weapon swap or mitigating kits, we will be eaten alive by every class in competitive play. It's telling, that the only workable use of the shortbow has been helping the Mech tank in open world. Still it's only the beta.
  3. I was shocked at how poor the concept and workings were, too. Other weapons were in some cases clunky, but you could see the idea and design. I, like you, just don't get it. It was terrible and with no movement or defence, you are dead in competitive. I can't even offer feedback as it needs a complete rework.
  4. So true, but they didn't care with Engineer and other classes. The amount of builds I've had to drop is silly, they are not going to follow logic, nor your biased but interesting take on the overtuned WB. All I know is they kill me more than any other class, I mean it's not close they r still half to full health. They can out run 2 rocket boots and signet if Mech. Neutralise damage and boon defend so much it's crazy. Hate to ask for nerfs but I've suffered and so should you, because there will be no logic incoming soon.
  5. Any similar win build I've ever played has been nerfed within two months at most. But Anet must play it alot, as it's still overturned after all this time. I can't beat them. If I get close, they runaway and reset. At least you know with a Thief, they don't have stability, cleanses, invulnerable, fast speed, endless boons and hard hits on tap.
  6. Thanks for your input. This is just the theory craft as though I've run around in a havoc group, which it isn't suited too. I've not directly Commanded with it yet. Please critique and offer advice, I'm not sure about pets and whether to swap them or the final utility which could be stone spirit, signet of renewal or something else. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?POhAIFlZwCZasHGKmsWrPtSU9dA-DSJYnRFfpEWCkZE0bIkeB4xTAagwlGoC-e
  7. Thanks, the Druid build is pretty much what I run normally, it really outperforms my old Heal Scrapper. The frontline one looks good, with 3 lots of stability, 4 if you take Relic of the Centaur. My server is such a terrible clouding one, I may need to share my own boons and run more toughness. But I like this, maybe I'll try it out in pugs this week, as I may not be leading till next Monday. Thank you so much.
  8. I'm relatively new to Ranger, (though I've dabbled over the years) as I've got Engi burnout. My Guild Leader also is burnt out irl and I'm thinking of picking up the WvW slack on one day a week, till she recovers her mojo. We operate in T1/2 on a predominantly cloud server and open ourselves up to pugs and Allies. Conventional melee balls aren't usual on home borderland and the raid will only have a core of guildees 10+ in support on TS. Healing is like herding cats and I don't want to play a class i know nothing about. Is there a frontline, or just behind frontline build I could try and what runes and relics would help. I really need some veteran Ranger input. It could be only for a few weeks, but we don't take ourselves too seriously and have a good mix of Senior Players, who will be supportive. Thanks in advance.
  9. I wish people would specify PvE or not, as nothing powerful about Mechanist in WvW with the nerfs it's taken.
  10. If it takes another nerf it will be just as useless as Holosmith, Dps Scrapper and Core in WvW.
  11. They are very situational like any burst build. If the initial artillery is dodged, they have nothing for 20 secs. Condis will murder them as they have no cleanse, bar sigils and shift signet on 40sec cd. Cele builds can overload them quickly and the Mech can go walkabout like any bad AI. They are all or nothing, as the Mech needs the precision, ferocity boost and loses any tankiness. Hit the Mech if you're ranged, bring it down and Engie is dead. Willbenders, Harbingers, good Rangers, Thieves and Mesmers are more of a pain IMO.
  12. How, why and which format WvW , PvP or PvE?
  13. We know, the main benefit will be for Guilds trying to get friends and guildees who were stuck on a link server in. Guilds can contribute to the cost of transfer. I was just happy to see us open up, it's been so long and it will certainly boost morale.
  14. Come you huddled masses, you lost, you deserted, you gorgeous Guilds, come to Gandara. A community who stick together and fight together. Come play with us. No bandwagoners welcome. Come for the laughs the battles and the smack.
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