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Posts posted by Aavataris.5720

  1. It would be great to be able to put a companion on the mounts back side. So when you teach a new player both ride together.

    In this way is more immersive and he would want to have his own (buy or unlock it) :blush:

    P.D.: The new Skimmer underwater buff is excelent! "A simple addition for a major quality of life" :tongue:

  2. I thought the same, but realy it is a bad reason:I could use a simple version, since the functionality is more important than the aesthetic (and, equally, they already have the aesthetics that give the auras of chaos ...and those wells are of chaos) :/

  3. ¿Why the wells of mesmer (chronomancer) not work underwater?Those of the other classes do (they create a sphere around the player)

    I wish I could use my conomante build underwater ...and I don't understand why not :anguished:

  4. Currently stealth is very weak compared to what it once was.Moreover, today there are lots of skills that disable and penalize stealth. In fact, I do not use stealth as a source of damage (only utility and defends), because it is a functional mechanism for the full killer (which is the idea of ​​the thief).

    I don't think I need modifications, let alone some so brutal.If you are not a tanke and you are wounded by full damage in a 1vs1, this is what corresponds (in most games):

    • Killer > DPS
    • DPS > Magician
    • Magician > Tanke
    • Tanke > Killer
  5. @"Genesis.5169" said:Even assuming the worst case scenario, when nobody understands that a 1vs1 in a team game can obviously have desbalance (and that "it is only for fun"), activating the PvP balance at the time of a duel is not impossible

    ...and although they would like to make more changes in that balance, it is not a big problem to maintain a different configuration in 1vs1 traits (when the traits who vary in diferent modalities are the least).

    Either way, it's still just to spend time and have fun, not to compete.

  6. @"Genesis.5169" said:No, because a ton of classes will be nerfed because of 1v1s.And i say this as a mesmer player who loses to many matchups and thieves would be nerfed over this hard and they are my hardest counter.

    I repeat, "just for fun." Just to pass the time, no competitive

  7. First of all:I am not asking for a competitive mode or anything like that, just an option for fun and to spend time while a event start or teams are assembled.

    So, can you allow the duels 1 vs 1 in PvE and WvW? Plz!Usually, we have to wait a long time with nothing to do....can you give us the option to fight while we wait (and, perhaps, the viewers bet gold on those who fight) just for fun?

    P.D.: In any case, it would still be a great tool to practice (not against NPC, not against multiple players, only 1 against 1).P.D.: Could you enable Chat Voice and automatically when entering a group or squad (instead of having to be connected by other applications and those fail or complicate things)?

  8. @"SeikeNz.3526" said:can you even see other people statistics? what is the point of them?

    1) Being able to see the effectiveness of my build and its effects ...that is like the base of the game.

    2) Although less important, receiving the appropriate recognition for "healing" and helping (which also help with extra progress of reward path).

  9. There is a certain "detail" about the statistics of PvP mode that I want to mention:

    In the "healing" shown at the end of the game, the blocked damage (for effects such as Aegis) and mitigated by shields (at least the effective part of the shield) should appear and count like "heal".These are significant statistics by the Supports characters, but I see that they are not reflected at the end of the game.

    ...and for the acknowledgments at the end of the game ("mayor damage", "mayor healing", "mayor attack", etc).

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