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Posts posted by Aavataris.5720

  1. 4 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    We have DE, ES and FR worlds, it's just not strictly enforced because that would be stupid.

    1) First, learn to read. I am not talking about dividing into worlds, instead applying a filter on the current mega-server system (approve the current system) and give notice if another instance has more players of your speech.

    2) Then, it is not necessary that you insult (and humiliate yourself) detracting from the idea, when you do not even understand the subject (I repeat, it is not division of worlds, it is to populate the instances with priority of language). 

    • Like 1
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  2. 31 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

    Your own world is already prioritized.

    Well, it doesn't work, because the worlds haven't language distinction.

    ...in addition, it does not cost SO MUCH to do a sub-filtering and that, as the game already warns when there are few players in your map instance, it also warns you if there is space in another instance with more people than speak your languaje.

    Minimal changes, taking advantage of the current system, that can greatly improve the experience of all non-English speaking players.

    • Confused 1
  3. Could you include in the Megaserver a priority per language (interface lenguaje configuration) ??? So that it tries to fill the instances prioritizing the language.

    The gaming experience is seriously impaired for those of us who do not speak English as our first language.

    The game is spectacular in every way, but it would be much better if you could find more people who speak your language when exploringmeet others and coordinating map missions.

    Please! At least in Latino communities it is a very recurring theme 😅

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  4. On 7/9/2021 at 8:16 AM, anninke.7469 said:

    Might not be the case. In some languages the male pronoun can be used as a general and pretty much neutral one depending on the noun it stands for, no assuming at all. Add to that using a translator and here we are. Or maybe the OP met a male character in the situation they describe, thus "helping him".

    Thank you very much for being understanding, @anninke.7469  😁
    And also thanks to use a good argument (logical and obvious) as a response to the irrational, victimizing and discriminating comment of @Ashantara.8731

    • Haha 1
  5. @Ashantara.8731, what?!?!?!
    So pathetic and forced comment.

    On 7/9/2021 at 7:35 AM, Ashantara.8731 said:

    Assuming gender... :classic_rolleyes: There are (and always have been) female players as well, and more than some male egos would presume.

    If you want to make a mess and pretend offended for no reason is your problem. If I misspelled it is because English is not my primary language (and I specified it, in the post).
    It is your poor, insecure and toxic "female ego" that is too fragile 🙄

    • Haha 1
  6. 18 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

    Basically, it comes down to me not looking for a solution to a problem I can't see and seeing problems in a solution that can divide.

    It is not that difficult, simple as:

    - 99% of the times I (and others) have tried, it is someone who speaks another language.
    - ---> Over time demotivates <---
    - It would be "nice" to recognize someone random to talk to and build a team, with same language (without depending on the Guilds, which are also limited).
    - Considerer a simple option could be made (because it is a very low cost solution) for those of us who speak with another language, so as not to exclude ourselves because we are a minority.

    It is to empathize a little and see that for years things have been like this (it is a very real problem, commented on forums and Latin networks).

  7. @Tanek.5983, it's like in life.

    In my country lots and lots of foreigners, many of them I know who speak Haitian, English or another language, but that's not why I'm not going to help them if I see them in trouble.
    However, if I have to ask someone something or I want to talk to someone, I usually do it with those who I can see that they are of my speech (by their features), because I know that they do have the option of answering me and communicating.

    Similarly, in the game I see many players, but not knowing if I can communicate with them only discourages me to try.

  8. That is a very negative, and unreal, way to start by assuming things 😕

    4 minutes ago, Tanek.5983 said:

    Just so I understand your goal and the consequences, what would you do if you came across a player who needed help, but the symbol indicated a different language? Just not help? Help and then flee without saying anything?



    In addition, when you travel, you can recognize people of the same language by clothes and features, and socializing with your "compatriots" does not have to isolate you from others.

    Rather, it is just an incentive to come over to talk, and not just "jump in to help and then leave."
    Without forgetting that, as I said, it can be an option on the menu, no?

  9. I love the game (totally, I have played many RPGs online and this is the most complete I have seen, especially MMORPGs), but i'm a latino player and the MEGASERVER ruins the experience in several ways:

    1) You go exploring, doing missions, traveling the world.
    2) You see another player, fighting a difficult enemy and you help him.
    3) You talk to him hoping to team up, explore together or ask about the map / mission.
    4) 99% of the cases speak another language and although you understand enough to finish the mission/fractal/dungeon, it ruins your immersion and cannot converse.

    Any suggestion? Any function that I do not know and can help me with the LANGUAGE issue?
    Do not know if with so many changes that are to be announced they will do something about it?

    I say:
    - The Guilds still imply having to coordinate beforehand and they don't always work (worse for Latinos).
    - The group finder works well to get out of trouble in PvP dungeons and fractals, but for PvE, MvM or Raids it does not solve the situation.
    - Perhaps a symbol or something that identifies those who have the same language would be useful (it may even be optional to hide it, for those who have no problem speaking others language).

  10. @"kharmin.7683" said:

    It was you who focused on the community being the problem, now I find it cynical and hypocritical to CONVENIENTLY discard an example that proves otherwise...based on the level of production, right? That makes no sense

    PS: You made that point (the dependency on the community) and I showed that it is not true with an example (the mounts today do work despite what the community said in past, so you have no argument) ...but: "Ok, werever u say", you insist because conveniently "you don't believe"

  11. @kharmin.7683 said:Arguing for/against mounts is significantly different than what is being presented here. I don't believe that to be a fair comparison to support one's argument.

    In fact, if it is, it is a perfect comparison:

    • You blame the community for not being able to implement the idea.
    • I show you that good ideas that the same community have condemned if they can perform, that it does not depend on it (they always violate the new and in a bad way).
  12. @"DeanBB.4268" said:

    1) Through the use of AR, the difficulty is increased and narrative coherence is saved by using the "fractal" wildcard.

    2) The cooperative survival system needs to limit the group on which survival depends, but maintaining an instance is cheaper when multiple players are kept in it. So:

    • If your group dies, they start from the beginning or a fortress.
    • You can see other groups, sharing the instance, as well as disarm and arm new groups.

    The best of both.

    3) This is the survival mode, long games against difficult enemies, advancing as far as possible. In terms of quantity, you can enter alone, but by necessity you will end up aleandote with other players (something that they already demonstrated, if it happens in the Draconic Responses).

    4) It is much cheaper to take the base of already built maps and plant on the same enemies already built (with some changes or recombinations), than to have to create new maps, with their own stories, elements, mechanics and rules.

    ALL of this can be deduced from the original post.Now explain it "with pears and apples", but it is only a matter of wanting to understand.

  13. You are totally wrong:It is the same as they do in Fractals now (take an existing map, add new elements from other maps and increase the difficulty, both by AR and by stats).

    In fact, it is much cheaper to take existing maps and have enemies already created (under the excuse that it is a Fractal) than to create new maps, with new enemies and stories. It's like Obvious.

    P.D .: I can't even believe that your comment has a like, there you see people who want to tear down new ideas just because.

  14. @"kharmin.7683" said:

    If you talk about investment (and only from that point of view), then this is the best idea in the world:

    • Take what is already done and mix
    • Alter the filling of the maps, leaving the bases intact.
    • Have a lot of new "content", built on updating what has been recycled to a new series of mechanics, cheap to implement and program

    PS: To that you add skins, themes and accesses. Ready, for sale

  15. @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

    Perhaps it is even simpler: Use the same instances as now, public and with a certain limit of players , but change the rules for filling in the maps for those in "mega-fractal" mode .

    Basically, loading each map instance (where they exclusively find mega-fractal players, obviously) with other events, enemies and NPCs, keeping the extra load charge to a minimum. In that case, the biggest difference would be that the minimum number of instances of each map would be 2 and not 1 XD

  16. @"kharmin.7683" said:

    That would address it from 2 sides:

    1) Increase the stats of the bosses, yes, but also take advantage of the fact that it is a "fractal" to abuse AR ... increases the difficulty requiring more resistance to agony the further they move away from Lion's Arc.

    2) Take advantage that there is a range of bosses in the game and these mix or increase them. This already requires combat mechanics and team combinations, in this way, the difficulty varies depending on how the team is combined to face a difficulty (and events, if added).

    The idea is, exactly, to leave this point open, since it is a whole new world where to implement what already exists, but raising the base stats and the need for AR ..."imagination is the limit"

  17. @"ElijahFitzroy.5762" said:

    1) That is why it is necessary that they be PvP ZONES and not the entire map.

    2) PvP is an optional and extra, but aimed at finally materializing the GUILD wars, in a way that does not interfere with the rest.

    3) Yes, it takes up more instance space, which would be minimal. No more than what each instance of the new game modes occupies.In addition, it is not a PvP + PvE, it is mainly a PvE of increased difficulty and in cooperative survival mode and with areas focused on clan warfare.

    4) with you I could be "civilized". With the previous 2 who immediately commented on something negative and / or inventory things just to tear down the idea, I will not be "civilized".

    Thank you for your comment and indeed try to dialogue, do not seek to be negative

  18. Good day.Seeing that the Draconic Response missions work at least "well", and can be bether, I wanted to raise an idea that I have been turning around for a long time (please read a few paragraphs before crucifying it, I will be brief):

    Imagine ending the story of the Fractals (in any of its 4 difficulties) and in Lion's Arch, outside the Fractals, another azura appears saying that “it is very unstable to study separate fractals, I have found a new mega-fractal”.

    This Azura allows you and your team (from 1 to 5 people) to enter this mega-fractal (a version of the previous Lion's Arch, like another dimension) with all the other maps that already exist (maybe with a filter that makes them look more gloomy and dangerous), but without the NPCs and with an ¡¡insane enemies difficulty!!, that increases as you move away from Lion's Arch …and no Fast Travel Points (no fast travel and no self resurrection).

    So, the objective is:Travel in all this public maps, from the center to the edges (increasing the difficulty), fighting against maps full of monsters and bosses of the highest level and difficulty, struggling to go to next map, using all the tools and skills unlocked in PvE, without being able to leave (except to do MvM and PvP, with their respective menus), having to plan strategies, build groups, meeting other players who try survive, to reach the edge. A true adventure that can take days, organizeing teams or meeting new allies.

    In this way:

    • With a minimum of extra programming, ANET can recycle ALL maps, but expanding a lot of content and a new mode (already tested in a small version).
    • If your entire team dies, they have to start over from Lion's Arch (they can revive each other, if at least 1 survives).
    • You have to advance in extreme difficulty, and with a real challenge, but with great rewards.
    • If you exchange characters within the mega-fractal, they appear in the same place as the previous one (without affecting the exploration of the PvE map of each character), allowing to reformulate the strategies and functions in the team. Upon exiting the mega-fractal, each character returns to where it was.
    • Meals, armor repair, potions and teamwork take on real importance, having to stock up before starting.

    Extras (they are only alternatives to consider, do not condemn the original idea if you do not like one):1) Clan War:

    In this mega-fractal there can be PvP zones where only members of the same clan and group are allies, the others compete for loot and events (giving meaning to GUILD Wars).1.2) There may be floating fortresses that the clans can capture (but that is not easy, that requires cooperation and several days of invasions). Clans can maintain a permanent 1 fortress, which connects to the clan hall and serves as a Fast Travel Point for their members (if your entire group dies they can return to Lion's Arch or the fortress).1.2) You can steal the fortress from another clan, but you have to conquer it and defeat the other clan (in several days of fighting, invasions and destruction of key points).1.3) You can make alliances or clan mergers (temporary or permanent), to share strengths and expand the power of the forces (respecting the extensions and limitations that exist for clans).

    2) New world, new events:In this mega-fractal there would not be the same NPCs and other events as in PvE, but they can be recycled and adding new special and high difficulty events.2.1) Small and few "safe zones" can be added, with NPCs that allow teams to "rest", repair armor, make/buy food and potions, etc.2.2) You can create unique bosses and events, which cannot be overcome without a high degree of coordination and teamwork, focused on clans or groups of 1 to 5, which in another game mode could not exist.2.3) Maybe include just some fighting NPCs, who help in combat randomly and with whom to do special missions.

    3) Language flags (totally optional):That in configuration there is the option -OPTIONAL, I repeat- to mark 1 to 5 language flags (the default languages ​​of the game), to notify those who see you which of these languages ​​you speak. Those who do not want to make differentiation deactivate the option (they do not see or show the flags), those who look for people of their lenguagecan mark the ones they want (example: in my case, I would mark English and Spanish, to denote that I understand both).

    I don't even know why I bother to answer, the biggest "argument" most odf you give is:Your idea is bad for "pretext that has nothing to do with the post or far-fetched nonsense that is irrelevant or asquing by something written textual in the publication!"

    The idea is there, don't you like it? "Surprise!", that is how they did not like (and you insulted and discredited the ideas of) the mounts, the "flying" mounts (actuals skyscale), optimizing supp of the Thief (arts of the shadows), optimizing the Inspiration of the Illusionist, nerf the Scourge, aquatic mount, etc., but now all that exists in the game.(You can still see several of those in my profile ...the ones that DID NOT DELETE due to insults from the community, "thanks again")

    What happens is that you always have to throw down the ideas of others, without bothering to read (I saw only 1 person who read well ...and he gave solid arguments and critics), and that is ...the most of you are just horrible people, is everything.

    PS: I don't bother to answer any more.

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