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Everything posted by foxtrot.6902

  1. Something/any of these would be stellar. Scrapper has been nerfed pretty hard over a series of small cuts with another coming on 27th (additional superspeed nerf action with speed of synergy). Superspeed + quickness at least allowed for some hits w/hammer. As of right now it's getting pretty easy to kite and hold mid range. We have rocket boots but that's not really a precision tool like say a shadow step, a little bit buggy, ~900 range, and can still get hit/stunned during it. The quickness nerfs look to be mostly across the board, guessing they'd like to get rid of a lot of it in wvw so...guess scrapper isn't alone there. But being slow to swing and move, with (1) gap closer on 18sec cd hurts a bit lol. We have rifle but...oof auto's hit for the dmg of a condition weapon w/o the condition application and leaves no options when there's projectile block (always thought toolkit auto would be a stellar option if they revisited the cast time & dmg to make it like an actual melee weapon and would be fair given it eats a utility slot). More stability, resistance, or protection action would definitely help with the "bruiser" feel vs just bruised.
  2. Rocket charge is barely/small dps loss though, that's not hyperbole- granted I never tried looking @ numbers where prioritized over other skills (which we might have to do now, all depending on base duration granted). It could be fun, it could be obnoxious. It might open up some more possibilities while also boxing out old. Really going to depend on base duration granted. Currently can manage superspeed uptime & quickness w/same actions so that was nice vs jumping through additional hoops. I'm down to check it out though. One thing is certain, benched scrappers from all the wvw nerfs will no longer be as good for home instanced farming lol and not much to look forward to in wvw with even more nerfs to superspeed compounded with new change
  3. Wishlist = chill out on scrapper papercut nerfs. It's become a stunlocked, unga bunga w/hammer that you obviously can't swap out of, easily kite-able, limping around with one 18sec gap closer.
  4. Weird hill to die on here dude - it's a net loss that was likely unintentional and this guy is asking for it to be kept. If you've ever been in wvw fight that turned south/massive incoming zerg shows up, that small cd reduction can mean getting away or not. Or any other number of reasons someone might find it useful outside of your golden standard of how rocket boots should be used. We have a few before patch, it might not seem like a lot, but I recommend try playing with it and without. It is noticeable.
  5. Never was locked into a 5 gyro build though, and if anything, you could change up BD numbers to lower amount of gyros if you wanted to swap some of those out. Now however, we're likely locked out of 100% gyro build if we want due to won't have enough blast/leap finishers.
  6. Honestly rifle turret is pretty awesome. Low cd so dont mind popping in water fields and toolbelt is really good being off global cool down. But I guess the actual turret and dmg itself pretty laughable. Heal turret is pretty solid too. If thumper had lower cd's on both turret and toolbelt i'd use for fun a bit, nice support heals for blasting water fields. Rocket, net, and flame (debatable) = junk-o
  7. Ya...not sure what warranted the change to the core flavor of the class, seems like they think it needs it or something (that one patch attempt to change gyros to ground targeted etc etc). Scrapper easily one of favorite jobs, think it's pretty on the money minus series of wvw papercut nerfs its been getting. I never felt like it was too button mashy and I don't see this solving it, if anything potentially making it worse. Depends on what base duration is given. I'm still going to blow heal/shredder/blast/reconstruction likely off cd because, well...they're useful. I'm down to give it a go though, it could be fun and looks like it could work decently well with what's available. BUT if my rotation turns into flame kit must: flame kit swap > #2 > swap out of flame kit every 6 seconds I'm out for a few, time to take a break lol. This would've been a great time to revisit thumper turret & toolbelt skill cd's. Always thought would be fun to use but the cd's are just too high to make it worth slotting.
  8. Ah yes, the "just dodge" argument because it's always available. But ok.
  9. Scrapper: -Change to quickness could be fun, I'm down to try it but also worried if it just got made more clunky with zero pay off. More actions to generate quickness than before. Also worried about being hamstrung w/build making sure you have blast finishers~ eg) is flame thrower kit going to be the staple, which sounds a bit obnoxious and we're talking even more keys to generate same amount of quickness (if base is same) having to flip into kit> use #2 > flip out of kit etc etc. every 6 seconds. Guessing no more 3 gyro util. builds. -This would've been a stellar time to revisit at minimum cd reduction to say thumper turret (40sec) and toolbelt Rumble (38 sec:). That one could be fun w/new scrapper changes and breath some life into old unused utilities. As it is now the cd is just to brutal to make thumper anywhere near useful. -please stop stomping this spec into ground for wvw. It's already slow movement and easily kitable in wvw w/previous superspeed nerfs, now it'll be even slower, limping around with a hammer and no quickness. Rocket Charge still 6 sec longer cd in wvw as well. Elixirs: -Get rid of toss, make it a mist. It's been a two steps forward, one step back deal with aim time + cast time + air time for ~3 sec buff Willbender? Nada? That's fine? I can smack two buttons on mech and call it a day for alacrity I guess.
  10. This is literally a life or death request (for wvw at least...lol)
  11. While comical, I'm 200000% ok with self CC on rifle 4 being gone Whatever they did last patch to rifle (I want to say heavy after cast added?) kind of killed it. Honestly can't tell if quickness is up or not sometimes with how rifle is now.
  12. Would love to see a change to toolbelt elixirs to be a mist like elixir gun vs having aim time + cast time + air time as well
  13. Been having fun lately trying out willbender (minus pretty underwhelmed with offhand sword) until....I just learned a majority of boons from trigger/activation on f1-f3 don't get shared with teammates? 😕 I thought i was this awesome support tossing out boons, but teammates pretty much get nada lol . Restorative Virtues doesn't even pass out the ~2 sec of alacrity on activation.... Hope it gets tweaked w/next 'balance'. Already a bit brutal it takes x2 grandmaster traits for team alac, and those two grandmaster traits basically work against each other w/Battle Presence heal, then removed w/Phoenix Protocol. Also...offhand sword, cmooon t's an elite weap w/only two abilities, make them solid. At minimum, to make it more interesting/useful, I'd think at least treat "Executioner's Calling" like heartseeker w/more dmg% based on HP, I mean look at the name of it! I guess dps + heals is a decent option to go if want to support?
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