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Seth Moonshadow.2710

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Posts posted by Seth Moonshadow.2710

  1. 1 hour ago, Cloudz.6890 said:

     It's on life support.

    Where do you think gw2 will be if they keep up the "Get Good" approach to an "Open World Experience"?
    If we had our turtles by now I would have easily dumped another $400.00 into guild wars 2 today! No support for me no support for them.

    This has morphed into a different game than I originally purchased. This is not cooperative open world PvE where you get to be a Hero this is a perversion of RAID level instanced content  pushed onto a game mode that clearly doesn't want it. All we'll ever be and hear is "your a tryhard" and "Get Good" and "you should have xyz". No, and we'll see you in our place in 20 years.

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  2. Okay we got in on a map and we were working the events. A CMDR arrived wanting to kitten U Me control of a map. I was going to say something about that if it were controllable it would have been made an instance. But I held my tongue. I said to myself lets see where this goes. Some other in map chat stated that CMDR had led wins before and they would make this map a win also if we did things they asked..Given I was already prepped (+10 map boon 1hr+Def & Of boons and all my other normal addon's) I figured okay lets see what happens, we have a CMDR that has won and knows how to, a full map, players willing to work together equipped for battle.

    Things went smoothly for the most part. For I and my group. We did have much down time but here is a couple of problems I noticed:

    1. Pet swapping, while in combat (a time when swapping pets isn't allowed) my turtle keep getting swapped out when it's still healthy and combative for my alt pet I didn't want just then!
    2. EMP kept getting removed even while in combat with SooWon
    3. CC even when breaking SooWon CC bar she keeps tail and swimming across platform owning half the players on the temple
    4. Lagony, be it from our older PC's (though still above your req specs) or the RNG bafflerythm SooWons status bar and timer drops in 10s of % and by minutes respectively. We were doing about 15% per minute and should have easily made the timer and instead at 3% with out even letting us finish we were removed with time still on the clock. at 50 seconds the 3%  vanished and we watched as the event failed and it just sat counting down from 43 seconds. I call BS.

    So we should have won, but didn't. This should have been fun but wasn't I'm not saying anything that hasn't been said already. I'm done trying till I read more changes were made.


    Change this to a proper Open world Experience.


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  3. 1 hour ago, Firebeard.1746 said:

    Well just going to put some thoughts here:

    1) The quality of groups appears to have gone down

    Yep! I was just running some events there. Maps have like 5-8 players. They obviously have skills but are upset at the meta. Checking lfg for SnG's I found 1 CMDR that will kick you if you don't have the condi build they are looking for. The other CMDr requires Discord or kick.

    End of Dragons = RAID play! In Open World!? What is it they say? "Dafak"? So I guess I don't get to play what I want!


    It's okay though when I have time I'm running event maps in DE so all will be welcome!

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  4. On 3/9/2022 at 5:44 PM, Josh Davis.7865 said:

    We're investigating this. Ultimately, we want the End of Dragons metas to be a staple of the endgame open world experience, like the Heart of Thorns metas. We'll be taking the first step towards addressing this in the March 15 build.



    So "endgame open world experience" means raid level complexity? Because as you are most likely aware of now it is most assuredly not like any Heart of Thorns meta. I'm asking to 1 clarify the verbage of "endgame open world experience 2 understand where the company is coming from and going to.


    Core, Heart of Thorns and Path of Fire meta's are what I think would make many happy. It would certainly restore joy and a desire to continue playing the game.

    I will make an attempt each night this week and again on Saturday. If we have not had at least 2 wins by then, there is more work to be done. I plan to PUG, at common theme in meta's.

    I hope the applied resolutions today works to more equally normalize this meta and hopefully the others also.

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  5. Welp good job filling the Dragon's End map!  They just turned from "meta maps" into "event maps" and that works for me! Sucks we can't (well we can, but you wouldn't call a failure a hero) do the metas on the releases anymore but oh well, one more activity we won't be doing in the game. This keep up we won't have anything to do.


    But for now we can at least farm the events in DE. Then we will see if our little group has what it takes to do the strikes to complete the collection. If not then that'll be it for us. They had their hearts set on the Turtle.


    I just hope Colin sticks to his words because this is spelling the end for our Guild Wars 2 journey. We could go back and play Guild Wars but what would be the point? We won't have a part 2 to look forward to!


    P.S. Vendor is in the South Central WP near the Strike Mission entrance.

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  6. 5 hours ago, Desh.7028 said:


    Ok. I understand now what the background here is. This is however not about webapps or pages though but about mods and overlays for the game.

    Arc and Taco are half silently accepted but Anet wanted none of that, this is also a technical thing with how programs interact with the game while it's running. Did some research here for no particular reason at all. :classic_rolleyes:

    The wiki, snowcrows or voip was never target of that though with one of those resources (arguably the most significant one) being fully endorsed and Anet has no business in telling you what you're doing with your browser anyway.


    Overall a personal DPS meter in game might've been the right choice though as long as it gives detailed views. Even a good player can only ever get to great with such information because in order to know what to learn you first must know that there even is something you could learn. It also would communicate correctly that in a game without trinity and active dodge DPS is kind of a big deal. Another way would've been what I've seen in Lost Ark recently where instanced missions are won with a small award window for support, damage and crowd control to give you a ballpark idea how you're doing.

    This is not about slapping your kitten on the table but rather about having accessible options for getting feedback on your efficacy.

    For example: Condition specs actually deal a varying amount of damage through different conditions and even power damage. Knowing the ratios is something one can learn and then make more informed decisions about gear and gameplay.

    Yes to much of the above! especially " Even a good player can only ever get to great with such information because in order to know what to learn you first must know that there even is something you could learn." It could have been addressed with a head's up display option. Not that that SHOULD be AreanaNets job they did after all give us some tools that other apps and browsers read off in the Chat box. There is a "Combat" option and in there you can select some options to fill your chat box full of lingo about damage output and received that could have been put in a heads up display to be turned on or off by the player. But it wasn't and I don't fault them for that. Though I know some out there use and read that info. To me it doesn't make sense when you compare other players talking about 10k DPS or 40k DPS, I'm like "Mine says I hit for 1897 six time in a row, does that mean I'm only doing 12k rounded up? or just 2k rounded up?" So meh wut eves.

    But yes you are right on many points there.


    Another issue with all this is the AreanaNet Partners are even saying to the player base they won't go back, in map players are telling players IF they get the turtle they won't be back. So If no one is going to be there who is going to help or teach those that need it? I've even said it. It's not what any of us wanted for the game. Maybe some l33tz did but I don't think a majority of them did.

    We were all collectively excited for the release.


    Let's hope for the best tomorrow, yeah?

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  7. 4 hours ago, Zabi Zabi.3561 said:

     Except for one third party add on which I think was endorsed? (not sure might have to correct me on that one) which was the Radial Menu add on for your mounts. (why the devs don't just pay the people who made the add on and add it to the game themselves I have no idea because it is a god send when it comes to swapping mounts on the fly and it beats remembering a dozen flipping hotkeys)

    You could be right? I recall a discussion about that along side some mention of relaxed DPS meters "as long as you didn't do anything to other players" Cuz THAT never happens! I also would not say it 100% on either of the topics Except that those with DPS meter do do things against those that don't and/or are not to that players standards (whatever those might be).

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  8. 13 minutes ago, Desh.7028 said:


    So pointing out that it's third party software feels somewhat weird.

    Accept that back in the days of Guild Wars (know as Guild Wars 1 or gw1) the topic was made about having voice chat added to guild wars 2. So if they were going to go the route of "Extreme Sports" or rewrite what Open World means later then they should have done more to include that as part of the game and maybe it would have been a more acceptable meta? But they didn't and so to those who've been here long enough to recall that it doesn't feel weird.


    No it doesn't require it but it sure does help and they made a big taddo about not using  3rd party software that they are apparently going back on now. Like the use of DPS meters. They are not technically allowed but they let players use them. For me I've been booted from party's because of them and it took a long time to complete that content until they made changes all because lfg was gating it with DPS meters. In fact it took a year. So there is room for improvement. I think is all we are saying.


    Just some background I don't know if you have.


    Otherwise 😃👍

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  9. 11 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

    Well, sorry... Triple Trouble also requires decent coordination. You can't always design content based on the lowest common denominator. If you do, you're going to be creatively bankrupt at some point of time.

    False! "creativity" has nothing to do with difficulty. Not coding for your lowest common denominator needs a different kind of packaging as that is the average game out there including Guild Wars 2. You will go bankrupt if you don't and then where will your creativeness be? Many games have failed because of that.


    The creative portion of that meta is fantabulus! Having a tail swipe (when not rng) having the slapping hand the battle it's self is great! That is not many of our complaints!


    The complaint is:

    1 Open World belongs to open world = Lowest Common Denominator

    2 RNG remove it or keep it but only in the instanced version

    3 Should have locked box items and their access (not to be confused with unlocking just the collection but actually getting and using of the item) attached to story, Tasks or achievement  and not behind another "Unique game experience" (i.e. RAID's and Strikes).


    As I see them and as many others have stated. That seems the consensus.


    At this point I would be happy if they just unlocked the mount on every ones account. I liked the way I earned all my other mounts. This was supposed to be easier.

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  10. 7 minutes ago, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

    1 out of 15 are extremely poor numbers.

    People keep saying that you need to know what to do... they completely and utterly forget new players in the map. 
    I could perfectly know what to do, and the guy next to me as well. But what about everyone else?

    The biggest gripe I have with this meta: you need to rely on those you cannot rely on. 
    You need an entire map knowing what to do, the margins are WAY too tight. 

    have 5 or 10 people not knowing mechanics because they bought EoD, slapped a booster and wandered into the map...
    have 5 to 10 people doing achievements and not the meta....
    have 5 to 10 people not knowing CC or their damage output....

    The whole map pays for those... and that should NEVER EVER be the case in Open World content.

    The minute you say Organized... you disregard those 5 to 10 people.

    For NO meta in this game, do I need to be in a squad, let along in Discord. Yet this meta people keep talking about Group comp in Squad, talk about discord communications...

    I am sorry, but if this meta needs to rely on THIRD PARTY SOFTWARE which discord is, to be succesful, there are problems. 

    I should be able to join the meta, NOT in a squad, NOT in Discord, NOT have the 10% map bonus because I happen to port in around escort and that should NOT significantly lower the chances of a succesful end... It is NOT INSTANCED CONTENT.


    This is not about casual vs elite, this is not about them vs us... this is about the lack of variables in this content for it to succeed.


    "we are seeing the number of succes going up" they say... when organized groups are running it in optimized gear, optimized groups with discord communications and succeed end after end.

    What is the PUG succes rate of this meta? 

    You got those numbers?




    Not to mention in a game where 3rd party software is austricized and even a bannable offense. When it leads to having an advantage over other players. Yet that is exactly what it is doing now! Now there are tools to check and see how well your DPS is doing. Again those tools are in the "Special Forces" section of the game!


    Yes! I wold love to see the numbers of PUG maps! I've been on many I know none of mine have succeeded!


    Even IF the turtle is unlocked via a vendor to complete the collection to fully unlock it you'll still have to do strike mission that if are more than story level ISN'T going to get us our turtles still! On a mount that was supposed to be "easier and faster" to get .🤪


    PUG's may be failing the meta and other EoD content but AreanaNet is failing PUG's & PvErs too!😔

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  11. 4 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

    It isn't hard - the only "hard" part is RNG screwing you over. The rest consists of basic game mechanics.


    No, "Basic" is not the proper word for this. Dodge is basic, pressing keys is basic. Knowing when and how and what to drop boons, condi removes, or stack Stability. No not basic. Advanced / Challenging play levels yes but not basic! Use of comms, coordination + previously mentioned is above and beyond what even AreanaNet was willing to put into the game! There is no built in voice service, Commanders on a map do not automatically get to have audio to the map! No not even AreanaNet was willing to put the effort into EoD!

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  12. 34 minutes ago, Raizel.8175 said:

     submit suggestions again to improve Dragons End.


    Mine have and so have others. I could make them more clear but then End of Dragons wasn't very clear in its information either.


    But yeah suggestions are all over this post.


    Question is will they be heard? Will they have impact? Our fear is they won't. Our hope is they will or we wouldn't have said anything at all.


    Here is another suggestion: Make all content that is harder than Pre-EoD Open World content Instanced content with CM's and add higher level CM's to befit "Hard, Challenging, Elite and finally  Grenth"

    Another one is to stop locking mounts behind challenging content.

    Yet another, stop putting RNG on things it doesn't work (there is no true randomness in coding every one above a tech or who has had basic computing 101 knows that) and players don't like it.


    I'm sure those have been mentioned before. Question is will it do any good?

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  13. 18 minutes ago, Pyriel.4370 said:

    Just adding in case people are unaware.

    You have to do a strike for the collection to unlock it after the event.

    A main advertised feature behind a raiders meta and a strike mission.

    I’m regretting buying this xpac now. Anet has shown that this new direction is just misleading advertising and severe lack of awareness of its player base. 

    This is nothing like the roller beetle.

    I have to agree.


    I think a change in marketing tactics is in order OR a change to allow players to select the level of play they want to play. I think clearer labeling of the content expectations and less blurring of lines. Start labeling releases as "Open World / Living World" and keep the content to Pre-EoD  content levels. and "AreanaNet/Challenging / Hard Core" content and keep the base level at EoD and higher to the contentedness of the l33tz.


    Nothing in here states the game is meant for challenging content! It speaks quite literally to the solo, group, PvEr and casual who might also want to meet and play with others! I kept hearing "make it easy" and "What you want to play, where you want to play when you want to play it" and "we want the player to feel like the hero" . That is nothing like this release. If the "unique game experiences" are all going to be balled up into "challenging" content then maybe AreanaNet should start looking at other games and how they offer game mode difficulty choices?


    One option is to build game release so the player actually gets to pick the level of play they want to play the content in. THAT is the BEST design. Have choices for Solo, Normal, Hard, Challenging, Elite, Grenth level modes. Group play is with Normal-Grenth.


    Because this goes beyond JUST the Battle for the Jade Sea! I have finished story and map comp for all of EoD. As we went through we found similar levels of requirements for the other content in the release.


    I made a choice years ago between Guild Wars and another game. The sole reason Guild Wars won that battle at that time was no monthly fees. EoD is forcing a reconsideration of that choice especially now that the other game no longer has a sub fee. The choice is becoming very hard to remain. I realize I am but one player. I will make no difference to Guild Wars 2 if I remain or leave.


    So I make this plea AreanaNet, Please....Please add player choice levels for game modes in future releases. I know many have asked on the forums before for level selection choices in strikes, raids and other content. This one feature added to Guild Wars 2 can truly put you at the top of the industry.


    Sadly we have already made the choice that EoD content is not for us. I hope Guild Wars 2 future includes more play styles than what EoD does. Because EoD is just for "Hard, Challenging, Elite, Grenth" level modes. There is very little content for PvE Open World at more Pre-EoD play levels.

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  14. I think with this release it was very much geared towards the l33tz or "Hard Core". If you can say hard core because I would wager myself a hard core player and still not a "challenged Player" I'm not here for extreme challenges, a little challenge sure. I think that is a part AreanaNet does not understand. Or it does and they just want every one to be into challenges. There is a place they have built for those in the game. The problem is they are moving them into the rest of the game. In particular a game mode that does not want it. The problem we face here with this event is elsewhere in EoD too. I have tried to solo many events that in any other area, Core, HoT, PoF, LWS and Champions my participation alone would have completed the event successfully. For example: Baubles. I found the hatchery yesterday and proceeded to activate the event and go about enjoying where the "REAL" baubles was and what they were doing. Something veteran players would know about.


    To my amazement as I kept contributing time and again and I found that the event was scaled so high as to be worthy of a mini SooWon event. Anywhere else I would have succeeded that event. Then someone else arrived and they too appeared to have done the event before and began helping. With the two of us surely we would have succeeded. Yet both of us barely moved the bar enough to see it as being progressed. The event failed and chained nicely into the next event. Was that on design or did we just truly fail? On the second event removing the invasive species we fared better as it was a standard "I swung a sword, I swung a sword again" style event. Even that too was much harder than I would have normally expected. Is that bad? No. Is it what I was looking to do ? No. Did the two of us succeed? Yes, but barely. Had I not been using my skills the second they became available it would have failed for sure.

    And this is not the first event in EoD that this was my experience.


    This is where I feel AreanaNet has gone astray or ignored or just never wanted to accept that there are some, dare I say a majority, of players out there who do enjoy and derive fun from "I swung a sword, I swung a sword again" and a bit of a challenge. That doesn't mean we want to be pressing every key the second it is ready and dodging every 2 seconds, jumping every 3rd attack and spend 40 minutes of every hour or 2 of my play time just getting ready to play!
    "GW2 doesn’t fall into the traps of traditional MMORPGs. It doesn’t suck your life away and force you onto a grinding treadmill; it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun rather than just having fun"~GW2 Yet the grind to "get good" or be l33tz is the worst grind there is in any game for many of us.


    So, do I enjoy Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons? A little. I appreciate the adjustments to the one event for which this post was created. I also appreciate the adjustments to improve average win rates in Soo-Won. I appreciate the alternate method of acquisition for the siege turtle ( I hope, haven't seen what it's going to look like to get 200 Write of the Jade Sea) . But this is just one in what seems to be a whole release that suffers from the same problem. along side other launch problems.Another example would be the Junk Yard boss. We stumbled upon it while doing daily's and kept with it as we would normally.  There were about 30 players including us there and no tag. This event too, even with audio and visual tells, half the group would be downed on average a quarter of the group was reviving another 5-10ish players. so only 15-20 were really attacking. Did we win? Did you have to ask? So far Soo-Won IS the theme for EoD content!


    I just want to "Swing a sword, swing a sword again, swing a sword another time" at as many varied creatures and locations as possible. Until EoD I was all about Guild Wars 2. I hope though this is a phase and like HoT and some things in PoF we will see a return to the old ways that worked, that were fun that, had some challenge not keyboard breaking high speed high stress low payoff.


    Yes the use of things from past maps was awesome, but we had been asking for that for years! Just about everything you put out we asked to be added to other maps. That is one way to accomplish the goal of showing how one event in a maps time has changed the world. But that wasn't done. It's great you brought them back but for only one battle. I'd like to see them all over Tyria now.


    Okay I've said my piece about Soo-Won and the meta and EoD. I hope to return and not be so disappointed. I really was looking forward to this release. Mainly because it means you can finally bring us something 100% no Tyrian has experienced. The question is, can you really keep the game fun for all of it's "unique game experiences, including Living World™, World vs. World, Player vs. Player, endgame PvE, and more. "~Colin Johanson?


    Or are you only "Challenging Content" now?

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  15. 10 minutes ago, Stelawrat.6589 said:

    "ANet knows nobody wants RNG, especially not in something that's necessary for progression. This decision must make some kind of sense internally, but I sure don't see it. "

    Yeah, this is where I've landed as well & I have a gut feeling, that the RNG component, is not only intentional, but is meant to be the incentive to keep players returning to challenge themselves against it.

    May as well just have a slot machine next to the entrance, odds of winning are the same. 

    RNG The GODs have spoken! You get.....nothing.


    Okay so I am one to say I absolutely despise the RNG in this game. I feel it is a PERFECT force multiplier for Strikes/RAIDs/Fractals and other instanced based l33tz wanting a challenge! Back when rng was on drops my wife saw all manor of good loot. I on the other hand saw drops of white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, white, blue, white, white, white, white, white, blue, white, white, white, white, white, white, white. All the while she had an EXOTIC DROP BEFORE SHE COULD EVEN EQUIP IT! SRSLY!?!? though it was after her second exotic that I received my first green😶


    Yes I agree the RNG should just leave Tyria as the Gods did, they left THAT one behind to F'with us!

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  16. 20 hours ago, Sentient Anomaly.9473 said:

    First, effective immediately, we’ve reduced the frequency at which the Jade Sea Final Boss activates their 'Tail' by about ~50%. This will give players longer windows to deal damage to the boss and contend with the various other mechanics of the encounter. To be clear, this change does not require a game build to take effect.


    Second, in the March 15 update, we’ll be providing players with an alternate path for acquiring the Siege Turtle Egg, which unlocks the collection required for the Siege Turtle mount. We’ll be adding a new vendor to the Jade Sea map that will sell the Siege Turtle Egg at the cost of 200 Writs of the Jade Sea. The Siege Turtle Egg will continue to be awarded to players that successfully complete the “Battle for Jade Sea” meta event, so players will have the choice to unlock the collection via a challenging meta encounter or through time investment.

    First, THANK YOU! for the alternative method of unlock. I would have liked to see it via doing something but I will accept that change. We Thank You!


    Secondly, I know I said I would play the meta again. But I also said I would until it was fixed or a change was made. That has been announced and so I participated in another meta. I did use ALL the JADE boosts of DEFENSE and OFFENSE (so players USE THEM they make a difference, I'm sure that was intended from the beginning) as I usually do.


    The tail swipes, those are different than a tail slam? We are talking about the attack on half the platform right? I did not get the animation for any of the tail hits (but I could have been facing the wrong way 99% on the head). We only had 6 times that half the platform was lit up and needed to move to the other side. and then she would swim across the platform. And we would go back to attacking the head or hand. The CC bar for head didn't seem to pop as much this run. But our DPS just wasn't enough I saw that on our Pres. before the boss encounter.  We only reached 45ish % before timer ran out. I stress that I know we did not have DPS to raid level and probably only a strike level if that. I do NOT have  a DPS meter I just watched the dmg on health bars and know the differences.


    Damage Window YES! I did absolutely feel like and we did have more time to do dmg. But we were not doing enough.

    Writs of the Jade Sea Is this a new currency item?

    I thank yo for all the work being done on this event. I would TRUELY hate to think that I would not be able to defeat this one world boss that sums up ALL the world bosses and ALL the adventures I/We've been on. to fail at the end is the worst. I feel just a small adjustment to the heal bar 1-5% maybe? I don't know how your numbers work so that maybe too much? or not even noticeable. I'm just saying that of all the ones I've been on and those are mostly PUG's the most we have gotten her down to is 13% I feel that if we can get half of that reduced on the health bar we should make up the rest as PUGs and start getting more wins.

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  17. 3 hours ago, Ruisen.9471 said:

    Can anyone confirm if the new bug fix has fixed the RNG issue?   It seems like that was the bug addressed in the patch notes.   I've done it once post patch and didn't have the RNG issue, but its hard to say with just 1 run.

    Meh, just finished another fail had at least 5 swips and tails. reached 25% Best I've reached was 13% before fail. But FTN I'm done with it.



    38 minutes ago, Lampshade.7569 said:

    I decided to check if the changes to RNG really made things better, and failed right at the gates:



    And yea this l33tz gatekeeper crap is why I don't do raids! Not that I can't or won't It's because of 3 things 1) time it takes 2) gatekeepers 3) toxicity


    NOW appearing at a meta map near you!

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  18. Not that it matters if the other metas are like the Jade Sea (haven't participated in the other meta's yet we will this weekend) but It does seem that even with the increase the most we see is around 5 other players. but still on average it seems like just or group.


    Again, meh works for me we just might not get metas done. But then there is the other meta we won't get done so meh.

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  19. 22 minutes ago, XDeathShadowX.2619 said:

     don't want to come back to help others

    it's literally draining some of the life from other maps.

    As with all releases this happen, new content players flock to it. then once they have finished they go back to what they enjoy doing the most and spending time on. So I don't worry about the other maps they will fill back up again and probably sooner than you'd think.


    The bigger problem and what is already happening to some extent is the lack of repeatability. DE / B4JS is NOT going to survive the test of time as other meta's have.  Sure you have the "show offs" who have returned to show off their win and completed turtle. You do also have those whom have it and actually use it to help and play the meta, though those numbers are fewer than the ones sitting around slamming down at the main wp doing nothing else, imo. That is concerning.

    Players talk of dead content well, this is that. Since our tries over the weekend we have chosen to just go there for map comp and some events as we play each of our mains through the story and maps. It sucks because it is a good battle and it is a good "End" to a long story. The battle was fun. It also isn't worth the hassle for a win.

    Personal I feel cheated. It's not what they said for the mount unlock. Here's to wizz'n in the wind I guess?

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  20. This right here 100% every last word and perspective! Good Job and well said. Also moving forward if it's a box item feature then like EVERY other mmorpg deliver the items to me in in game email the second it launches and let me use the new shinies to play the content you built! OR Start labeling your release "Challenging Content" or "Open World content" releases. So we know which ones to buy and not buy.



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  21. 5 hours ago, DarkXi.3289 said:

    Is the turtle really worth the "grind"?

    Well, technically it's not a grind IF you have 1) CMDR who knows the mechanics and works well with others 2) VoIP/Comms 3) Know your build enough to have DPS>CC>Revs + recognize tells & can see markers + know how to dodge + know to split and tackle individual targets then return to main 4) know the mechanics of the meta, the phases, the prime targets. Then you should not have any issues and already have your turtle.


    On the other hand there are still the bugs and other issues. For instance I never ONCE saw any of the memories your supposed to get when you get knocked off and turned into a sprite. So I just WP back and returned to the fray. 🤔 I wonder if that is causing a fail to happen? I wasn't the only one either My wife also had the same problem and others in our map reported the same thing.


    Is it worth it? It can be it helps with the meta, It's fun and it's part of what I paid for. It appears to be a main selling point too according to marketing art. So it must be worth something!


    But no for us it's not worth getting, it has been the single most disappointing problem with the release. especially since it is supposed to have been easier and faster to get than the Griffon or Skyscale! I call that a fail. But it is what it is. We will just keep messing with maps as we do other achieves there and not participating in a meta we won't succeed at, oh well. I didn't want to be labeled a leecher but then I also see there are plenty of others trying the same only intentionally.

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  22. 1 hour ago, Raizel.8175 said:

    The "Casuals"-argument is getting really annoying.

    So too is the l33tz argument. The game has 3 different modes. Those modes should be left to their own fun and joys and NOT mixed. Every time that balance is toy'd with this kind of post happens. But we have also seen it time and time again "Hard Core", l33tz, Top Tier game content on it's own WILL NOT LAST! Can we say Wild Star (and many others.) Don't count the FPS's those are a breed of their own. I'm talking an mmorpg only for RAID style content.


    The point is if they really want to keep this game going on a positive note and not have this turn into a major blunder it needs a nerf. Or it will go the route of RAIDs You'll have your fun and the masses won't touch it. And it will die a slow and wasted death. Then you and the others will sit around crying about when you get your turn to have content. When it COULD have LITERALLY been the BEST release they EVER produced! This is a great balance with the strike mission story setup. But there is still a balance. RAID are now strikes and get created right along with the other content!😱😲 THAT's AWESOME! For EVERYONE!


    Yes there are masteries that will help improve the player experience, like the jade bot, but how many players are going to wait until they maxed the masterries before completing B4JS? Not many, even the story rightfully so drops you off ready to go in the start of a new meta for it.


    It's also funny how the l33tz like to voice their woes when they re not happy but expect us to keep our mouths shut when we have them.🤔


    This is NOT an attainable goal for PUG maps and that is a big concern on many levels. Then there are all the other reasons it needs a second look. But all any of us can do is 1) voice our opinions and 2) wait and see.

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  23. 3 hours ago, Seraphis Zurvan.6839 said:

    I also believe this was true. It has been slowly increasing since Heart of Thorns. The core game before any expansions was an absolute joke and the majority of people wanted something more challenging. Of course, when that happened people bitched up a storm so I don't know what they expected. About the hardest encounter there was at the time before HoT was Tequatl, before that became a joke, and Triple Trouble, which was near impossible to kill all three wurms. LS1 had Marionette, but that was only temporary until recently. The rest.....1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.....


    However I think this encounter was a bit too big of a jump in difficulty for the time being. Casual players *should* be striving to become better than they are, but you can't force people, and there will be plenty of people who refuse to give a kitten about that. I don't see why anyone could be possibly content at staying at the same skill level but that's just me.

    You are right the game has steadily increased it's challenge rating since even before HoT when the champions received the CC bar. That's not a bad thing. It's NEVER been my experience that #1 works. I would wager my skills are right up there with the greats if only technological constraints would cost as much. That being said the fact is AI will ALWAYS win! If the dev's toon it there is NO  way ANYONE will E V E R WIN period I know that, you know that, we ALL know that. So would you enjoy a game you are constantly loosing at? No you wouldn't even buy it much less play it.


    Fact is they have not come out and said it, and they need to, but if this game is going to be "Challenging content only" I and thousands of others are out. The ONLY time the boards light up like this is when they do something  a game mode doesn't like. The game mode in question is open world PvE content. They tried "we challenged our own conventions for creating open world content to provide an encounter unlike anything ever seen before in Guild Wars 2" and succeeded but they also EXCLUDED a player base. In the  span of 3 maps or just over 20 hours of playtime / story time, if you also completed optional content, they are asking new players and veterans to have mastered all the skills form multiple content sources and previous content some haven't even played. In order to participate "effectively" in a world boss meta event. With such precision that NO PUG or no non-Org'd map will EVER succeed.  That needs changing. NO MATTER weather or not the siege turtle is attached to it. I did enjoy it but I also know it is spiked way up there for PvE content. They are wanting a player base to become something they don't want to be and they need to specify if the content is going to be like this moving forward because I will not buy more content I can't win at with a PUG. The whole aspect of a social game is a PUGs!

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