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Everything posted by Necrid.6247

  1. Same issue. Game shows 100% map completion, but the Skyfarer achievement is stuck on 2/3
  2. Can confirm. Did 5 t2 rifts - none of them counted for the achievement. Seems bugged.
  3. Tried your idea, closed gw2 first, deleted gw2cache folder and started it with DX11 on. Unfortunately it still crashed again... Back to DX9 for now.
  4. had a similar issue. Switching back to DX9 in the options menu allowed me to play again. Maybe that helps you (temporarily).
  5. Hi there, the whole last week i did run the game on DX11 in preparation for the Arenanet news and the game worked fine for me. After the new update today however i get a crash every time i try to start (with the option to send a report, with lots of text and something like " ImgMemAlloc" seemingly causing issues). Did remove arcdps - but no improvement. When i switched back to DX9 in the options menu i have no more crashes and can enjoy the festival. Anyone else having this issue on DX11 - and any ideas on what might cause it??
  6. Hi, i didnt find the topic in the other posts yet. It seems that EOD:Act IV Mastery cannot be completed. It is possible to do all 15 achievs individually - but the mastery only lists 14 and is missing KAINENG UNMADE - therfore never completing. https://imgur.com/X8nVZ6V Please do reply if you do not have this issue.
  7. Well, i had high hopes for the Beta directX11 functionality. They got crushed pretty fast. On the character selection screen ALL text was just unreadable colourful area-fields - had to fight my way back to uncheck the BetaBox. Completely unplayable unfortunately. Windows 7 Service Pack 1, CPU Intel i5-3570, 16 GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB, Driver (06.21.2021)
  8. for me the fix was to remove ARCDPS once again. Until there is new patch i assume crashes will happen. Keep on forgeting it though...
  9. I completely agree with thieves ruining WvW. There is a massive balance problem here going unnoticed since a long time. The fact that a class has high stealth (even permastealth), the highest movement-speed, high evasion and super high dmg should ring every balance alarm bell.Just the fact to engage and disengage any combat at will is a huge advantage. Two thiefs being able to be uncatchable by a whole zerg and recapping a keep should not be possible.Strong adjustment overdue!!
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