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Posts posted by Frozey.8513

  1. On 9/30/2024 at 3:36 AM, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I recall a period when the PvE meta was basically warrior, elementalist, monk, or Good Luck Finding A Group.

    In GW2, at least at the moment the play rate imbalance is mostly a matter of people choosing to play the popular professions - I've very rarely seen someone being kicked for playing one of the less-played professions.

    I also recall a period in GW2 where if your class icon had green in it, you would not be welcome in any parties. Never had I experienced this occuring back in GW1, but perhaps something like that might have happened post-GW2 launch as you described.

  2. On 9/30/2024 at 3:12 PM, Atoclone.4810 said:

    ele has never been that, especially the op's desire for a fire caster. an ele is a master of all 4 elements. whilst i raid with fresh air i don't enjoy it as much as something thats going to let me use everything

    In Guild Wars many people opted out to play fire wizard, as you could choose which elements you want to put your points towards to. It's only when Guild Wars 2 came out that Elementalist got assigned their new position of using all of the elements, rather than the ones they wanted to specialize in.

    Perhaps the OG Elementalist gameplay could be achieved in Guild Wars 2 by borrowing Revenant design to a new specialization, where Legends would turn into 4 elements but you could only pick 2 of them. Then again this would require enourmous amounts of work from Anet, with utility skills and weapon reworks for one specialization, so I doubt this would ever see the light of day. Oh well, one can always dream. 🙂

    • Like 3
  3. I really like the 600 range on spear and I'm having ton of fun with it. I fundamentally try to use it as melee weapon that just happens to have a lot of extra reach, so perhaps it might not be as fun for the people who try to view it primarily as ranged weapon, where always staying on the edge of max range might be problematic on 600 cap. That being said from melee to close-range perspective spear feels just amazing. 😄

  4. 22 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:

    So soulbeast with the eternal bond trait.

    You still end up using the pet, and you have to micromanage it as you put it away each time you change map/are downed or use the pet's skills that are still tied to you. Fundamentally I agree with you that it's a lot less pet gameplay than other options we have, but I would want the GW1 Ranger experience where you get to just focus on pew pew with bow with pet being purely optional choice. As of right now playing pure Archer in GW2 is kind of hard. 😅

  5. Ranger spec where the pet is fully removed and reworked into a type of Archer mechanic with snipe.

    Ranger spec where you just turn into the pet itself, like you know, a druid would in other games.

    Allowing Rangers to pick different skins for their pets, cause it sucks big time if you make really neat outfit only for your optimal dps animal for the said build bringing it down. Pig farmer Soulbeasts are the worst contenders, shiny legendary swords and what not yet your best pick is to have ordinary walking bacon with you to save the world. 🙃

    • Thanks 2
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  6. I wish they would make it so that while blocking you'd still get to use your MH weapon skills, sort of like you would with actual shield irl. Probably will never happen, but would be really cool! 😄

  7. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

     and neither of them really had powers that went outside what regular professions could do.

    This goes for all the Legends with the exception of Glint and Mallyx. We don't channel to Legends because of their power standing among their peers, we channel to them due to their historical significance - their Legend status that was established by their actions, and that is what we draw our powers from.

  8. 2 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    ArenaNet tends to choose legends according to their in-world significance. Kalla, for instance, was never directly interacted with by the players, having been an important figure during events that happened between the games.

    And that is the biggest downfall of Renegade as a legend. Having Legend that you can't have any personal connections to, nor having any kind of mention in the original game leaves her as very shallow character that just shots nonsense such as "Freedom must be earned, not given" leaving you to wonder what in the world is she even talking about, as you have no way to experience any of that in-game. Glad Anet understood this and didn't repeat the mistake with Vindicator.

  9. Legend Mai Trin won't likely be happening due to conflict of channeling to her Legend whilst doing any content where she is alive. Think her Fractal dungeon for instance.

    Now that being said we are missing Elona-based Legend, thus perhaps Varesh Ossa or Margrid the Sly might be good contender to the idea you are pitching in as highly impactful and cherished characters of the Guild Wars Nightfall.

  10. Spear 3 feels very counter intuitive in the sense that it helps you stay further away from the enemies, while rest of spear mechanics reward you for being as close to melee range as possible. Should the design for spear to stay as rewarding melee range combat, then please make Spear 3 into gap closer instead, preferably with at least 600 range leap.

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  11. For a weapon  that can be used both melee and ranged in a meaningful way I think 600 range is justified, and I'm very excited to see it in action.

    Other than that I do agree with points others have made about there needing to be more even condition spread, rather than all eggs in one basket with torment. Otherwise hoping that spear won't feel as slow as people are worried about now when we get to try it out. They did Fix Necro swords when they came out too slow, so should that be the case I believe we can get Rev spear faster too if it really feels like it 🙂

    • Like 3
  12. My personal issues with Warrior:

    - 90% of the things seem to revolve around Berserker, whilst Spellbreaker gets much less attention, and Bladesworn is outright left into darkness.
    - Large amount of weapon skills that haven't been updated in ages, while other professions have gotten similar reworks done years prior. Looking at 100 blades and whole sets of shield and rifle especially.

    - When we finally get a new ranged weapon, it's most efficient when used on melee range.
    - Lack of condi-weapon options.
    - Spellbreaker doesn't have access to providing alacrity or quickness for the group, nor is it able to out dps the other two elite specs on PvE.
    - Bladesworn is unable to walk while charging the dragon trigger, which would be fine if it didn't take so long to load max charges on non-alacrity variant.
    - Core Elite skills feel very bland overall.

    - Bladesword has a scabbard for gunsaber, yet is unable to sheath it in any other scenario than on a dragon trigger stance.
    - Berserker Headbutt self stun is slight annoyance even if you can counter it with stun break or stability. 

    • Like 7
  13. Just now, Fenris.8563 said:

    No.  Take the L and move on. This is embarrassing.  "At one point in development" doesn't mean anything.  What matters is what their END result of the job is.   Which I just shared in my last response to you.  So I won't spam it.  It's pretty clear though, it has absolutely nothing to do with ranged weapons.

    As it reads there the whole GW2 Ranger is based around Marksman and Ranged Weaponry, everything else being added back into it from the originally removed elements of GW1 Ranger. Ranger is very deeply tied in with Ranged combat, and it's pure copium to state otherwise. 😅

    • Haha 1
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  14. 8 minutes ago, Fenris.8563 said:

    You can't be serious lol. That is literally a different game.  Why don't we check out what it says about Rangers for THIS game.   (Oh look... NOTHING about ranged attacks remotely mentioned)



    If you read the whole article you will find out that;

    "At one point in development, according to The Making of Guild Wars 2 book, the ranger profession of the original Guild Wars was split into many different professions, notably the warden and the marksman. Eventually, with only marksman remaining, who only possessed the aspect of ranged weaponry, was combined with already scrapped elements of warden and beastmaster, and renamed the ranger for the sake of the original series."

    Thus GW2 ranger is very much based on the ranged weaponry. 🙂

    • Confused 3
  15. 11 hours ago, Sansar.1302 said:

    Different game

    Very well observed, and same job exists in both Guild Wars games.

    5 hours ago, Trejgon.9367 said:

    Ranger in Gw1, within the class itself only could efficiently use bows (it only had attribute used by bows). For efficient use of any other weapon type, they need to pick a secondary class with attribute for that other weapon. Completely different system to how GW2 works, completely different design, and therefore, not really a good point to bring up.

    Anet themselves have formed their own definition of what Ranger is in the Gameplay manuals of previous titles, clearly indicating the class is heavily favouring ranged combat. Thus there is no point in trying to define identity of Ranger as non-ranged user based on generic dictionary entries, when Anet has already established the connection of 'Range' into 'Ranger' themselves.

    • Confused 3
  16. On 6/18/2024 at 1:00 AM, Fenris.8563 said:

     Because the class "Ranger" has nothing to do with ranged weapons.  

    The definition of a "Ranger" in general is "a keeper of a park, forest, or area of countryside."

    Therefore, the idea of Ranger here, is simply someone supports, protects, prefers, or uses "nature".  More about their way of life. The reason why they get bows, is because it's a very 'natural' weapon in a sense. Bows are historically tied with nature in general. Hope this helps your understanding.   



    Guild Wars Nightfall Gameplay manual says no.

    • Confused 5
  17. 18 hours ago, DeathPanel.8362 said:

    I'd prefer to see new specializations for each profession.

    That would be really nice, or at very least a new core traitline to accompany new set of weapons different classes could get. I would especially hope for either of the bows being given to the Light-armoured classes since none of them has access to Longbow or Shortbow. 🙂

    • Like 1
  18. On 6/13/2024 at 3:48 PM, Beddo.1907 said:

    I was going to say it's AoE specifically, but lost it somewhere in the middle of writing. AA can be projectile, but the rest has to be non projectile AoE.

    Something like mortar sounds like an idea, but annoyingly, the Engi mortar is projectile activated.

    Cone AoE shotgun style rifle with 600-900 range depending on how wide you make the cone would be pretty cool take. Sort of like Engi flamethrower vibes 🙂

  19. On 6/4/2024 at 9:31 PM, Thornwolf.9721 said:

    The trailer showed them off, now I feel its only fair to ask for them. Because they look super good. Please.

    At this point I would be happy to get any new playable race, but since they have overslept on Tengu already, and because Dwarves didn't happen either, it's looking like that ship has sadly already sailed. Oh well, maybe new and better races in GW3. 🫠

  20. On 6/10/2024 at 12:32 PM, Malus.2184 said:

    I hope it'll be a proper Condi weapon, Warriors have so few of those, and then traits are being reworked to also support the spear in addition to the sword.

    They need the ranged weapons they have to work properly first. The rifle is so scuffed.

    Very much this, Warrior is missing a 2 handed melee condi weapon. That being said I won't be disappointed if it's going to be ranged, although I would rather have either MH Pistol, Shortbow or possible Crossbow rework from Harpoonguns as Warrior's new ranged option.

  21. 5 hours ago, Trejgon.9367 said:

    12 years in and we still have people claiming rangers are range class because of the name, and people correcting that premise. I guess some things never change.

    The issue is that people see the original GW2 art for each class, and Ranger is always seen posing with the bow making players to assume this is the physical ranged class of this MMO. And while it would have been correct assumption, since the launch of GW2 the Ranger has been steadily been taken away from the Archer archetype, leaving a void for physical ranged gameplay that hasn't been filled.

    Can't we just pick up a bow on another class then and call it a day? No, not really since none of the classes really cater right now to full on Archer. On PvE due to existence of weapon swap bows have been left as a sidearm, rather than something you would meaningfully camp on. And while you technically could equip both short- and longbow, for the only class being able to do this one of the bows is condi while other is power. As cherry on the top last time a new class got Longbow was HoT, which is nearly 10 years ago by now, so it's very much understandable why people keep asking more physical ranged weaponry to the class that at least initially seems most Archer-like to them.

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  22. 8 hours ago, Beddo.1907 said:

    Ranger doesn't mean range. It's not a range class, never was and I doubt it will even be.

    On Guild Wars it very much was. In GW2 however they've been taking Ranger away from Archer type and slowly more towards Druid or Shaman.

    • Like 1
  23. On 6/7/2024 at 8:56 PM, Fenris.8563 said:

    Nothing ironic about it!  A lot of people seem to confuse "range" with "Ranger".   The job/title/word "Ranger" has nothing to do with 'ranged weapons'.

    A lot of people played the original Guild Wars where Ranger was the Archer class. With the current state of Ranger in GW2 it could be argued that whole Archer identity is up for grabs should Anet decide to make bow-based playstyle a thing. Then again it's been 10 years since Longbow was last time added to a class, so it's not looking like they are in any hurry. 🙃

  24. Holding Spear on one hand makes perfect sense for especially classes that plan to use Spear on range, or in case of wielding it with another weapon, but for two-handed melee fighters I'm hoping we will see another stance, much like Staff weapons have for melee and caster stances, where spear is held differently with both hands on the spear as you enter the combat.

    • Confused 2
  25. 5 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Would be ironic if they end up getting land speargun before rifle.

    There was a pretty cool idea of repurposing spearguns into crossbows, as fundamentally crossbow and speargun are very close to each others. Both shoot bolts, have stock in the back, bolt is released from a trigger, with only real difference being if bolts are shot from gun barrel rather than track by the bent limb and it's bowstring.

    Crossbows would be really neat addition to Ranger, and would allow optimal full on ranged bowbuilds without needing to swap between 2 bows of same kind with same skills.

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