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Solomon Darkfury.3729

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Everything posted by Solomon Darkfury.3729

  1. HEy now... Pocket Raptors were LETHAL at launch lol
  2. There is a decoration called Lit Wagon that has a tooltip that shows the lanterns glowing. However, when you craft it, there ARE lanterns but they do NOT light up. They are not lit by default and there is no way to interact with it... VERY frustrating as I was planning on using is for my spooky Halloween setup and now I have wasted resources on what I thought was a "Lit" Wagon because silly me, it's called "Lit" Wagon...
  3. Yeah I'm sitting at 860 as I am saving space for Mad King and Wintersday. Sadly, once I use those remaining spots up I will have a MASSIVE swath of empty land between the Homestead house and the cliffs at the coast.
  4. You can build 250 of every item but you can only place 1k total items which is ridiculous...
  5. As someone who is at the limit, rest assured that 1000 placed decorations is not nearly enough by far...
  6. *me jumping from one cliff, over a river to another cliff at a higher elevation* "Huh?!"
  7. https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/topic/150769-decoration-cap-for-homestead-needs-to-be-heavily-adjusted/
  8. Lol and guild halls are filled with SEVERAL pre made buildings and structures... Guild Halls don't gave giant swaths of empty space. There's verticality, tunnels, water features, loads of stuff...
  9. I've noticed when placing and picking up random items, sometimes it will count that item as 1 sometimes as 2... There appears to be no rhyme or reason behind it. Not even the difference is static. For instance I pickup a Kodan Wall, and it will count for 1 then I place it again and it counts for two. Then I pick it up again and it counts for 1, then replace it and it counts for 2. It's totally random. And it appears to be affecting all decorations.
  10. By the gods please make sure they name it just "Steve" lol
  11. "Will lower end computers struggle?" You knew exactly what I meant... that they would struggle to render when approaching the cap in THEIR Homestead... Simple solution as with any game, don't push your computer beyond it's capabilities. Decorate as much as you can and leave it at that. It takes an absolute leap of mental gymnastics to think I meant "raise MY cap and I don't care if other struggle because I placed 2k decorations."
  12. I think it is when you clear all from what I have heard. Also, I'd rather have autmnal grass than no grass. Will need it as a placeholder for green grass anyways
  13. Evidently there is multiple bugs possible doing that. 1) the grass never goes to your deco storage 2) if you clear all your decorations it has led to a bug where you can't decorate beyond the wall... I would advise against this.
  14. Why would I want to remove the grass? It's a part of the environment that makes it look real... I'll adjust the fence at some point using larger wall sections... All that said, that will barely make a dent in what is needed...
  15. Then the physical size of the homestead map should have been drastically decreased...
  16. Why did you quote me, quoting someone, implying their words were mine?!
  17. If it's the same system as Guild Halls, which it appears to be, they've adjusted those before... Also since a kax 5 players will ever be allowed in, game strain wouldn't be an issue.
  18. Preface- This is coming from someone with essentially unlimited funds that is capable of truly stress testing this new game feature. Currently, I have capped both week refinements. On tp of that probably purchased an additional 500g in "Black Market Refined materials". I can FIRMLY say the cap of 1000 decorations is WAY too low. I am currently sitting at 740/1000 and I still have two rooms, two hallways, a basement, a kitchen left to finish decorating. I'm pretty sure that will put me at the cap. I've added a couple dozen trees to the Homestead Grounds inside the wall to give it a more forested look. I've added a Grenth tree and 3 gravestones near the coast as a memorial to player friends who have passed. I've also created a temple structure at the coast but haven't decorated it yet due to being so close to the cap. There is still a MASSIVELY EMPTY barren wasteland covering the rest of the homestead. As new decorations get added like additional structural items (walls, rooftops, windows, etc), I'd love to be able to add additional buildings making a small village area in this HUGE open space. We shouldn't have to choose between what to place and what not to place. Forced to choose on how well decorated and lived in we want things to look. SOOOOOOO much potential and space is going to get wasted! I am almost at cap and am getting ZERO lag and loading issues. Will lower end computers struggle? Sure. But at least give us the option if we have the capability to make something truly great... TLDR; The decoration cap needs to be raised to a minimum 2000 to 3000
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