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Solomon Darkfury.3729

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Posts posted by Solomon Darkfury.3729

  1. 46 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

    No I don't find it strange at all. Announcements normally come on a Tuesday and a week ahead of the release they're announcing (except for big things like expansions) so even if it's starting on the 11th I wouldn't expect an announcement until tomorrow.

    Last year there wasn't a lot going on except festivals, so it made sense to stretch them out so there was less 'down time' between releases. A lot of the world was also still under covid restrictions, meaning more people at home with time to kill which might also have been a factor.

    This year we've had a more normal release schedule with festivals interspaced with LW releases (in this case the return of season 1). So I think Halloween will start on the 11th or the 18th and run until the 8th November. Most likely the 18th because that will exactly match 2016 and mirror 2017 - 2020.

    Except every year, Halloween had been announced more than two weeks out bc of it's popularity so people can plan for it...

    • Like 1
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  2. Anyone else find it strange the silence regarding Halloween this year? Last year they started it on the 5th which was a wonderful change giving us an extra week... this year, crickets... No announcement, nothing. I really hope they don't make the mistake they did in 2015 where they didn't start it until the 23rd... The community lost it's MIND over that...

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  3. 5 hours ago, Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

    Hey folks,


    We've been reviewing the situation on NA of having most worlds at "Full" status. As a result, we've decided to make some changes in the math that determines when a world is full. You'll notice that there are a lot fewer full servers now.

    We'll be keeping an eye on things in case there are big unintended consequences.


    Thanks for your patience!

    To accommodate this, did you also raise the map queue cut off amount? If so what is the cutoff before a map is queued in WvW now?

    • Like 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    That doesn't make sense ... I never limited what I was saying to a specific game mode or situation. The new approach to torment rewards players who's targets aren't moving. That applies to any game mode you want to talk about. 

    ok I'm done replying to you at this point I'm just going to believe you are trolling.

    • Like 2
  5. 8 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    OK ... but that doesn't change what I said ... you're interpretation of the game's design is not the basis that Anet makes the changes to the game. 


    The torment change properly rewards application of immob effects to the players applying the torment. Considering that players are by DEFAULT in motion in competitive modes, the old design had the bonus DPS application in the wrong place. 

    ahhh ok so your logic is this makes sense despite the fact it nerfs torment for the any clkitten that can't apply immob/stun and torment all to benefit what? 1 maybe 2 clkittenes?

    Great logic fam

    • Like 1
  6. 3 minutes ago, Sarmach.1547 said:

    Because as usual they didn't put thought into the wider effects of the changes. Though guess that's why they put the notes out two weeks in advance so we do their job for them. 

    I've never seen honestly something nerfed so hard it rendered a portion of a clkitten completely useless. Changes to corruption line and Demon stance not only make it unviable, but a detriment in small parties. They completely destroyed an entire legend for Revenant.

    • Like 2
  7. 5 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:



    OK, and now it's not ... Anet designs the game, not you. Lots of things change from how they were originally intended. There isn't a right or wrong here. It's just how Anet decides it works. The new way has always made more sense to me as it rewards people who thoughtfully apply immobilizes, etc ... and from the fact that originally, that torment application on Rev was a melee weapon. 


    You can't argue this change is wrong from a design perspective, because you don't control the design, Anet does. 

    Lol you must be an Immob Soulbeast main

    • Like 1
  8. 4 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Except the fact that Anet changed it means that it your interpretation is off. 

    Though they took the original patch notes down but here is a video from when Torment was released and it shows a SS of the patch notes.

    Torment was specifically designed to punish those for their movement.


    • Like 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, Obtena.7952 said:

    Actually, there is ONE player that thought that when it was released ... and it was me. it makes NO sense to kittenume torment was designed to be ANYTHING except what Anet intended it to be designed for and never have I heard Anet say it was a 'kite' mechanic. 

    So a condition designed to punish you when you move that is applied to you from a hostile target isn't inherently meant to be kite kittenmage? 

    Well that certainly IS a take I guess...

    • Like 1
  10. 1 minute ago, Blaeys.3102 said:



    Specific to WvW, it could easily become the single best way to get players to hop off of arrow carts, rams and other siege equipment - or to destroy oil/cannons/etc. And there are plenty of times that players stop moving - in both WvW and (especially) in sPVP (point capture). 


    My point is, it is far from as useless as you try to paint it, even outside of PVE.  It seems like a good change to me - across all game modes.

    In WvW, there are only like 3 skills that can reach someone on a wall on seige if it's placed properly and none of those skills are on Mace Axe or in Demon Stance... sooooo not sure where you get that conclusion.

    In Pvp they still have a 50 ft circle to move around in on a point. No one stands still and eats kittenmage.

    Not sure if you have just never played those two game modes or are just trolling at t his point.

  11. 8 minutes ago, Blaeys.3102 said:

    Not true. You mention raid bosses, but it is also very beneficial for open world boss encounters - almost all of which are stationary.  The same is true of environmental objects such as doors, totems, etc.  Shifting the kittenmage to stationary actually opens the condition up to more use.

    I actually like the change and look forward to seeing it action.

    lol No one in the history of ever has complained about the difficulty of killing world bosses so much that they had to change two core game mechanics.

    I can't even remember the last time I've seen a world boss fail thanks to LFG.

    To say this was beneficial? I mean sure you do more kittenmage but it's not needed, like at all...

    Also, no one stands still in PvP... even point campers...

    Also, did you really use, "we get to do more kittenmage to doors" as reasoning for your point?

  12. 16 minutes ago, Cuks.8241 said:

    They might as well just have equal dmg on torment regardless if the target is moving or not in pvp modes. It's not like you want to stay still ever. Even before it didn't make that much sense just from the perspective that it was overabunkittennt on some professions. Now it makes even less sense.

    Resistance, I don't know. We also get a new retal that counters condi dmg. For zergs it could be OK, on small scale pvp it will need to be further adjusted.

    Rev Demon F2 is now a suicide button though.


    The changes were clearly PVE related.

    Oh yeah and pain absorption now transfers conditions to you without any kind of kittenmage mitigation lolz

    Look at how they specifically targeted Mace and Axe and Demon Stance... This completely destroys the use of Demon Stance in PvP and for WvW roamers...

  13. Looking at these at face value, one can easily see this was done for reasons other than what was stated in the article. No player in the history of ever was like "Torment would be much better if the bonus kittenmage worked on stationary targets rather than moving ones!" It was designed to be a kite mechanic. The only place where this change benefits anyone one is on some PVE Raid/Fractal bosses. It completely destroys it's use in competitive game modes like PvP and WvW. Developers CLAIM that it will help create more interesting strategies and synergies in PvP... for who? High end organized ranked groups? What about the other 90% of your PvP players who don't have a group fully formed when they go into a match?

    The article also states changes to Resistance... changing it to ONLY affect NON Nonkittenmaging conditions. Now this in and of itself wouldn't be that bad but when combined with the changes to Torment you can see the true target of these changes... Hybrid Herald.

    The Torment and Resistance changes COMPLETELY destroy this build in competitive game modes. They've completely changed two core game mechanics all to cripple one build. This screams over reaction to Lord Hizen embarrkittening Sunqua Peak CM mode 48 hours after release. We aren't all Lord Hizen. And to completely gut Torment and Resistance like this screams over reaction. Torment was designed to kittenist with kiting. Resistance was designed to help when you don't have a lot of condi clears. At this point in this new form, they are both practically useless. Might as well remove them from the game.

    One of the worst nerfs I've seen and I've been playing since launch...

    • Like 5
  14. @Lini.2698 said:I'm writing this from the point of a PvE player who gets intense anxiety from just stepping foot in PvP environments. So knowing what I enjoy and what makes me feel absolutely awful, I avoid those game modes... except I need to go into WvW for the Gift of Battle every time I want to make a legendary, which I do want to make because nice long term goals and all that. Now, I know that a lot of arguments against just being able to get the Gift of Battle outside of WvW is that the WvW player base still has to deal with a bunch of PvE stuff if they want to make legendaries. While I don't think we can completely remove the PvE components, surely it would be good for both parties if we could exchange one gift for the other?

    PvE players who don't want to go into WvW can focus on the slower and probably more tedious Gift of Exploration. And dedicated WvW players can just grab the quicker Gifts of Battle and exchange those for Gift of Exploration so they don't have to spend ages map completing central Tyria.

    Yes, I am aware of that one can just do dailies overtime for the WvW track potions, but it's not really about the difficulty, it's the feeling of the game mode. Just stepping foot into WvW has me instantly super anxious because of the risk of getting destroyed by a roamer when I'm trying to get a monument daily, or seek out a veteran creature, and I don't think I'm the only one who feels this way.

    This is actually a VERY bad idea... GOE takes SIGNIFICANTLY more time to get than GoB... I can get a gift of Battle in about 8 hours of playing WvW by doing the GoB reward track and using the proper boosts...

    And this is coming from the perspective of a HEAVY WvW player... it would be WAY more useful for the WvW player than it would for the PVE player... Bot to mention RDICULOUSLY profitable...

    GoE sell for like 5-600 gold... for what would be 8 hours of work lolz

  15. @Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

    @maddoctor.2738 said:IF I'm not mistaken US servers are in Texas. EU servers are in Frankfurt

    NA servers are in Virginia; it's been years since they were in Texas.EU servers are still in Frankfort, though they are different servers now.

    @OP You can find the IP address of any map by typing /IP in chat, and use a program (like PingPlotter) to check your connection.

    How do I translate the the PingPlotter data. I've run a test using the IP for the Lion's Arch I was in, and it looks like I'm getting 100% packet loss?! How is that even possible? I'm in North Carolina! Literally one state over...

  16. @Dean.3056 said:All that fancy stuff isn't that much related.Ping is mostly heavy on your location. For example I live in an area with a monster PC and my ping will stay 70-100 because that is the time that it takes for data transfer between the location of the servers and my location.If you have a super monster PC and you live in India and the server are in europe you wont enjoy low ping.

    This setting aside, If you live in Europe and you have high ping then there is an issue. I suggest help center.

    I'm literally central east coast USA. Is there anywhere we can see where the servers for GW2 is located?

  17. Ok so let me give you my setup-

    Processor- I9-9900kGPU- Nvidia Geforce 2080 TIRAM- 64gb of Corsair VengeanceMotherboard- AMD Z390Cooling- Corsair Liquid coolingStorage- 2TB SSD (games and OS on there with OS partitioned off) 1TB SSD for everything else.450mb download and 45mb upload.

    Ok now that's out of the way, I'm having issues with ping. I can't ever get below 40ms according to the in game settings window. In large groups this sometimes spikes to 100ms.

    While playing the game I've run an OOKLA speed test. It says my ping is 11ms consistent.

    Why am I having issues with ping in game?

    Any and all help is very much appreciated!

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