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Posts posted by Yasai.3549

  1. The poster for Xunlai has the same first character as Jade BH's symbol. 

    I'm guessing Xun is the Canthan pronounciation for Jade (which is pronounced  in chinese mandarin btw hence I made the connection that it's a one-meaning symbol)

    This means the =口 is Canthan text for lai 

    This means the two Tech related Tofu characters are somewhat related to invention and engineering and could sound like lai. (Some eastern text use character prefix or suffix to give the character its "sound" while the supporting prefix or suffix alters the meaning of the character. Good evidence that Canthan text uses a similar system is the Profession symbols literally being Man + symbol relating to the profession)


    I've only skimmed through the page so this is the sort of understanding I can draw regarding the unknowns. Sorry not much help 😛 but I hope this gives you some insight. 


  2. 2 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    I just feel like the speed is overkill and annoying in design, I like the changes don't get me wrong but I would have preferred hitting harder so that there's more value in each swing and it wouldn't so much as take away from what Hammer was before.

    Alas we know how Anet treats "Hard hitting" in competitive modes. They'd rather make something do more damage over a longer duration than frontload damage into a short frame of time. I'm still in the mind that Hammer should be made more dueling centric than sieging centric so this change is "okay" in my books. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Shao.7236 said:

    Hammer is a menace now, I'm afraid of the complains it's gonna get. On Vindi it was already good before the changes, now it's pushing even more.

    Nobody is talking about it but that 100% proj finisher is really good to spam cleanse for teammates as well. I swear they better not change it, that makes it unique as a weapon.

    They already gave it a rather hefty coefficient nerf so I hope people can actually learn how to use their classes' kits to counter projectiles. It's so dumb if Hammer gets nerfed because lobotomites don't know how to use Projectile hate.

    I was fighting a Scrapper and couldn't do much to them with Hammer set because there's so much projectile hate. PTing into them with Ancient Echo Shiro was too risky as well because I can only get 4 autos unblockable while putting myself in danger. 

    • Like 1
  4. 3 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

    Hammer does look interesting in sPvP, but I just hate the game mode and how it limits build variety.
    I got sick of it early on and still have no desire to go there, so I still stick to small scale WvW.

    Yea WvW is where it's at for me too but I do dabble in sPvP to see how a build functions under restriction to simulate (nerfed state) 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

    Too bad Coalescence of Ruin and Phase Smash still keep their 0.91 and 1.0 coefficients in WvW. Trash.

    Essentially, yup.

    Ironically the "self casting DTH" is now one of the best skills of Hammer after it being the laughing stock for almost 5 years. It refreshing CoR is just more points to DTH but CoR itself being unreliable in most content is 🤮

    5 minutes ago, Sereath.1428 said:

    Still shortbow for everything.

    Unless you specifically want 1200 range Power focused autos. Now Hammer can give you that.

    I've been running Core GS/Hammer in competitive since patch dropped and honestly, pretty decent deal. You will mainly use GS for all your damage but you can swap to Hammer to harass people who are too dangerous to go melee range and a huge plus is that you can chase down and kill people much better with new Hammerbolt and Shiro. Also remember that Hammer 4 gives Aegis now as well as anti projectile, good for pushing into ranged enemies before you swap to GS and start tearing them apart. 

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    75 energy to get them all out without any orders or weapon skills is disgusting

    Yea the Energy Bottleneck is a gameplay flow problem with Kalla's new design atm but it's not due to Kalla, it's because Revenants are waiting around at 50 Energy on swap or entering combat cos hurhurhur. (Literally have a thread about how this new design is gonna pigeon hole Kalla deeper into a "demanded to spam but unable to" situation)

    As the others have also mentioned, there NEEDS to be a UI indicator if you are currently able to Band Together. I was playing it in WvW and honestly while NOT BAD in small scale/duels but horrendous when there's alot going on. It definitely does not help that the skills have terrible range and terrible terrain checks for casting

    Overall: Good attempt at making Kalla more user friendly but it still has several Functionality issues plaguing it, namely the terrain check and the godawful range. 


    My suggestions are relatively simple:

    Band Together mechanic: Consumes 5 stacks of Kalla's Fervor to trigger. 

    You have Kalla's Fervor? You're good to go, no need to spam back to back Summons. 


    All for One: When you use a Citadel Order, instantly gain 5 stacks of Kalla's Fervor (balance accordingly to game mode) 

    For the people who like to wait on Energy and then machine gun skills. 




  7. Honestly the only thing I think is left "awkward" on Hammer is Phase Smash. 

    Firstly, it's just way too long as a damage tool but it's decent as a defensive tool.

    Secondly, even if it's a defensive tool, it's essentially a telegraphed self-own because you're locked in place.

    Would be nice if it was changed slightly to be something like a backwards Roll but I don't see it happening anytime soon.

    Also, CoR is still CoR so I'd rather not talk about it. 

  8. 4 hours ago, Ravenwulfe.5360 said:

    looks like it was designed for weapon swapping to maximize, but engies can't weapon swap


    5 hours ago, Tobias.4975 said:

    Sorry, but i think it is very unlikely that anyone from anet is reading this, especially after the adjustments of the scepter.


    Hammerbolt rebalance got me excited then I saw Scepter patch notes and was like "Yep. Just tone deaf as heck" do they do their balancing off DPS Golemn or something? 

  9. 3 hours ago, Silesium.5623 said:

    Wonder when will they re-work Replenishing Despair. This trait was made when Resistance work diffrently now is only used for bots.

    Because they slowly moved Mallyx away from a Condition Juggernaut and into a Condition Conduit. 

    They first removed Bolstered Anguish which was originally what made the whole "I tank a gigagillion conditions" worth while because if you get stacked tons of Conditions, you gain 3% strike damage per and could potentially swing like a truck. This was also made possible with old Resistance where you had complete immunity to negative Condition effects.

    After Bolstered Anguish was removed, they probably nailed down Replenishing Despair as its one other remaining asset of the Condition Juggernaut playstyle. The new Replenishing Despair is actually not bad if you play around it. It's designed for Upkeep camping so that you can stack up Torment on yourself while DPSing then Invoke Torment to pass it onto enemies. Thing is, Replenishing Despair is actually pretty poopy in a "Test Golem" DPS setting because 10% Torment damage is straight up stronger and better, so no one really uses Replenishing Despair when Charged Mists can do the job better PLUS you get 10% Torment damage. 

    It can be used in Competitive sure but why not just take Demonic Defiance instead for better survivability? 

  10. Invoke Torment:

    - Activates immediately

    - Pulses 3 times, inflicting Torment on each hit (3 stacks total for lesser duration than before) 

    - Total strike damage reduced compared to before

    Reason: The 0.75s delay it currently has severely hinders the effectiveness of Corruption's GMs, especially with Permeating Pestilence which often gets cleansed away before transferring its Conditions. Pulsing 3 times also increases Condition pressure and ensures the skill actually has better chance of landing. 


    Demonic Defiance: 

    - Changed to Gain Resistance when you use a Legendary Stance skill.

    - Remove a Damaging Condition only when using Legendary Demon Stance skill. 

    Reason: Frees up the Trait from Demon Stance exclusivity 


    Demonic Resistance:

    - Gain Barrier per interval for every Damaging Condition currently on you. (1s Interval) 

    Reason: Barrier gain is better for the Condition Revenant to harbor Conditions for the purpose of transferring them. Extremely strong synergy with Replenishing Despair.


    Fiendish Tenacity: 

    - Invoke Torment grants Resistance

    - When you have Resistance, incoming Strike damage is reduced 

    Reason: increases immediate defensive power of the GM trait at the cost of sustain which can be obtained elsewhere. Currently Fiendish Tenacity is the weakest and least picked trait among all Corruption GMs due to how much better the other two GMs are at their respective builds. 


    Permeating Pestilence:

    - As with suggested change above for Invoke Torment, now transfers 1 Condition with each pulse

    - Prioritized to transfer Damaging Conditions first 

    - Immune to Blind and Unblockable as it currently is 


    Diabolic Inferno:

    - As with suggested change above for Invoke Torment, now pulses 1 Condition with each pulse

    - Inflicts Burning > Poison > Bleed in this order 

    - Additional effect: increases Invoke Torment's radius with each pulse (240 > 300 > 360)

    • Like 5
  11. I would like:
    Staff mini revamp:

    Staff 1 now bounces three times instead of pierces. 

    Soul Marks > Soul Master

    Marks become unblockable and grant 3% Life force when triggered

    Additionally, Staff 1 plus two bounces and can bounce to allies, granting Regeneration. 

    Prioritizes ally bouncing when Soul Master is taken. 


    I'm sick of Necros having really bad Regeneration application. This should help it out without juggling Mark of Blood, rolling on the floor to get a Dodge Mark under the boss, being married to Serpent Siphon or wasting precious revive tool that is Well of Blood. 


  12. I always thought that Initiative should act less like "Ammo for skills" but a "Cooldown bypass cost" when casting a skill which is already on cooldown. 

    This allows the Thief player to use their "optimal DPS skill" until they are out of Ini but still have 3 weapon skills and their auto available for casting while their Ini regenerates. 

    So say if a Deadeye player uses Dagger/Dagger and is currently doing their DPS rotation all over the boss. They go D5 > Backstab > D5 Backstab > D5 Backstab : oh they're dry and D5 is on cooldown (say 15 seconds). At least they still have D2 D3 and D4 to use along with autos. They can then go back to bypassing cooldowns again once they can pay the ini price. 

    • Like 1
  13. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    It's not as strong as it was when Battle Scars lifesteal was doing about five times as much as it does now, but it's still a pretty decent hybrid weapon.



    • Like 2
  14. 46 minutes ago, mikexg.7329 said:

    Fractal or strike

    If your group is okay with you/casual run then it's fine. 

    Usually structured content like Fractal, Strikes and Raids desire all party members to stack up for buffs and for everyone to run proper damage weaponsets to clear the content efficiently. Unfortunately some bosses even absolutely HATE projectiles, rendering Hammer and Shortbow very weak due to projectile reflection or block, so if you insist on using ranged then you're out of luck in such encounters. 

  15. Assuming this is PvE openworld, Hammer is really comfortable and strong. Good damage and more importantly extremely long range. Getting buffed this week too. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  16. Assuming this is PvE, Quick-Herald is literally the least intensive BoonDPS out there. 

    If you're playing Low Intensity, you can just run Jalis/Shiro and toggle your Upkeep on and generate Might and Quickness with 100% uptime for your party without even pressing anything else, so all you gotta do is auto attack and cast Sword 2, 4 and 5 occasionally and it results in just decently good DPS for how little you need to press things. For people who go the extra mile, they use Glint instead of Jalis to push their DPS a little further and provide more boons but otherwise it's still the same thing. And the cherry on top is that you don't need specialize gear at all! You can just run full Berserker and do your job well if not more consistently than other BoonDPS without sweating!

    To sum it up:
    - Quickness Herald is a very easy yet effective build for its role (QuicknessDPS)

    - You turn on your Upkeep and keep your priority DPS skills on cooldown (Sword 2, Sword 4 and Sword 5) 

    - You can leave F2 on during Shiro stance and cast it when exiting Shiro for some bonus damage. Its effect grants allies extra chip damage, so it's very good to keep it on during Shiro. (You don't need to care about this for Low Intensity QuickHerald but usually F2 is used for Glint to extend boons before they swap)

    - Only need Berserker gear

    - Very high Quickness uptime for very little effort

    - Does decent damage for very little effort

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  17. It's about priority. GS5 > GS2 > Dodges > GS3 > Autochain 

    Firstly, you understood it's an Opener. GS3 is used first in the opener simply because it's a gap closer. You want to put GS5 into cooldown immediately so that Alacrity can do its work cooling it down and then fill the rest of the rotation with GS2 and Auto Chain > Dodge.

    • Like 1
  18. 2 hours ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    It actually makes a certain amount of sense: St Viktor was probably a W/Rt, and the rest of the symbol is reminiscent of Jade Sea wildlife. But yeah, the last two elite specs felt that, to some extent, they were trying to placate the ritualist crowd.

    It'll never happen, though, since the core of revenant is a secular dervish, and the general design of being heavily defined by legend choice is pretty much the opposite of how customisable the GW1 rit was.

    Problem was Kalla's "summons" were realistically just very bad Wells that could be interrupted, something the update next week aims to fix but not in the way which supports the "Summoner" feel but more of a "Wellmancer" 

  19. 13 minutes ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    Because the ritualist playerbase wants ritualist, and they're unwilling to recognise that revenant can never be ritualist.

    Really didn't help that Vindicator's Icon is so explicitly a literal Eye-con, something which in GW context was strongly related to Ritualist. If I had no better things to do, I would have started a petition to change Vindicator's Icon. Gosh that icon was such a bait. 

  20. 2 hours ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    that's kalla
    literally just play kalla if you wanna be the gw2 version of rit, i don't understand why the entirety of the rev playerbase seems to hate it

    Because she's clunky and expensive to use, so between bad flow and worse inbuilt mechanics, she's not as desirable as solid choices like Glint or Core.

    Also Condi Renegade still uses Kalla for Raids-strikes-fractals so she's not-not used.

    Thankfully, we'll be getting a Kalla revamp next week which could see her usage rate go up if it solves her current issues. 

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