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Keelin.5781's Achievements

  1. Sure, i agree that you should have to choose. I'm just saying you should be able to play a DPS scourge if you want, and it should be viable, even if it means that you get weaker in other areas. I don't think that's too much to ask. And while it's certainly true that the scourge is one of the cases with this problem, it's by far not the only one. But it's highlighting the issue because of the current numbers, that's for sure.
  2. Sorry is this about PvE or PvP? I'd assume at least partially PvP because you're talking about projectile hate? Now i'd agree that you can manage conditions pretty well even as a DPS scourge but the barriers you put out are very small without healing power to support them. Is this about doing an entire raid with nothing but scourges then? In any case there is no reason why any elite spec shouldn't have a valid DPS build. If the DPS build has too much support then balance the traits in a way that manages that problem. Although i can understand why that expectation might be a bit much at this point.
  3. Oh good, can't wait for the class to be destroyed. Nuanced changes are not something we often see. Knowing how these things usually end up, we'll probably get something like: Nerf MH pistol into the ground => Scourge back down to normal levels, Harb now unplayable unless it gets buffed at the same time. OR Nerf Scourge => Scourge baseline now balanced around MH pistol, scepter etc unusable. Or, quite frankly, some other inexplicable change that will leave half the class unplayable for months. Of course people have already made some good suggestions on how to avoid things like that, I'm just not confident that will happen. 😟
  4. Engineer needs a balance pass. Risk/Work - Reward Ratio is messed up. Mount switching can be cumbersome. Disabling the smart camera does not work for mounts.
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