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Rosabell.4283's Achievements

  1. Same bug here as well. Can still navigate through the daily, weekly, and special rewards by clicking on the black text of each on top, but it just don't look right.
  2. I have a few comments about axe for thief. I noticed is that the axe skills don't give shadow force when you are a specter spending initiative with axe 2 and 3. This makes it more difficult to recharge your shadow shroud. Another is that the axe is slow and very easy to dodge, making the axe more difficult to play in compensative game modes, when all target has to do is run to avoid being hit, not even dodge. The tooltip for a/d 3 says it teleports behind the target, but instead is shadow stepping to the target. Also, why are we teleporting to target with a/d? I understand that dagger 5 is a melee attack, but that is technically the only melee attack since the axe is a ranged weapon. Also, why does the spinning axes return to me and not go straight to the target when using a/d, it makes it even more difficult to hit the target if the target is moving. I personally find it hard as a thief to lock down a target and feel like most of the time I am "setting up" axes, only for them to fly past the person I am targeting. I find a condi build is great with the axe, but only on a stationary target, which makes the axe a difficult choice to bring into pvp and/or wvw, with wvw being to game mode I spend most of the time enjoying. Edit: also forgot to mention that when the axes go off a ledge or something, they follow the ground, so on a tower wall or near a cliff, makes it even more difficult to use axe 3 to hit a target
  3. Why is the range on these deadeye skills being nerfed? In competitive play, these skills are the only ones (that I know of) that can hit longbow rangers that can fire at you from 1,500 away, as they can hit you with rapid fire and hunter's shot. Without these ranged skills on deadeye, I believe that it is taking away the essence of that a deadeye is, a SNIPER. A sniper should be able to hit foes from far away, especially a longbow ranger that might be firing on you or one of your allies, and in range when others in your squad are not able to hit. The nerf in range for deadeye just doesn't make sense.
  4. I hope this is important, but at least in WvW and Armistice, I found that just gliding once in the map causes the mech to disappear when using Jump Shot until you reload the map by leaving and coming back. This also happens in PvE land, which I tested my theory on to see if gliding causes the issue to be recreated. I made a video of what I observed, and I hope it is found to be helpful to the issue. https://youtu.be/Ed-6Y45e0tw
  5. The specter I feel is great as it adds a different playstyle to the thief that is not seen with the other specializations in the past expansions. However, I have seen a few problems with it. The one thing I found is that when you do the elite well, "Shadowfall", there is a distortion on the ground that makes it hard for me to fight within it. It disorientates me and I can't tell where my character and enemies are within it. It would be great if this distortion can be lessened in effect so it is not as disorienting and hard on the eyes. The other thing I noticed is the third attack of the auto attack chain. I have it selected so that it will constantly repeat on a target so I don't have to spam the 1 key. The attack has a very long cast time, which is roughly the first and second attacks combined or higher. Also, most of the time the third attack gets triggered twice. It would be nice if the animation time could be decreased and not cast twice on the third skill in the auto attack chain.
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