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McMarc.1276's Achievements

  1. All adventures in Janthir Wilds only give a mastery point for silver! Gold doesnt award you with any mastery, so theres no need to stress about it other than for completionist sake. A good change in my opinion 🙂
  2. God bless that one guy in map chat that made me aware of this. The concentration usage is the most impactful, you can basically have it up all the time which is a really great bonus for the run.
  3. It is really tough and definitely needs some practise. Some tips on how to make things a little easier: #1 use gear with with concentration so the swiftness lasts longer #2 equip relic of speed for a little bit faster movement speed #3 swim in first person to avoid getting caught on the surface hope these help 🙂
  4. Holy! First off I love the salmon races. I spent so long trying to get the gold and finally did it! It didnt feel great though, because for how janky the terrain and route is in many parts, I think 2:30 is way too tight! 2:45 seems more fair, considering only about 300 people managed to get under 2:30 since launch! Thoughts?
  5. Same here. I got the last tier reward delivered, but not the emote from the tier before. All claimed on twitch.
  6. My thoughts aswell. I've been enjoying the first map so far, but the titan enemies constantly spawning these puddles makes playing melee an absolute nightmare. the condi spam is insane, blind and weakness are so annoying.
  7. Thanks guys, I guess it has to be the pig pet. I didn't know this particular item bundle existed because I have really never seen it before in my 12 years of playing this game. You never stop learning, I guess!
  8. Hello everyone. Today I saw something weird, something I have not seen before. There were several "greatsword" items on the floor while doing the Tarir meta. I assumed it was a player dropped item, but they seemingly spawned out of nowhere without a player near. Unfortunately I didnt capture a screenshot, but I found the bundle on the wiki: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Greatsword_(bundle) There is not much info (basically 0 ) about it on the page, so I was hoping one of you could enlighten me on how in gods name they ended up in my Tarir instance?
  9. I love Bravost for that spot. It's funny to see the despair and straight up resignation on the small jump until someone drops a portal. I cherish these moments of causal goofynes and lighthearted laughter, so I would be sad if they ever chose to remove the jump.
  10. My favorite roaming build usually deals well with your average overconfident willbender in a 1v1. But I agree, they're slightly overtuned compared to the rest of the roaming pool. Being so good at everything (offense, defense, boons and mobility) is not okay and should be looked at. But welp, I don't think they'll get nerfed any time soon.
  11. title. About every second attempt to load into the map ends up with me getting a fatal error and getting kicked from the game.
  12. At this point, my game keeps crashing if I try to open the WvW tab or enter Armstice Bastion.
  13. better bring some longbow rangers to your squad 👊
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