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  1. Did you just necro a thread just so you could say "I told you so"? How much more childish can you get?
  2. The animation looks pretty lame, but I'm still looking forward to it. The spec has a nice theme, one of my favourite weapons AND it is melee. Thank kitten for that, honestly. I wouldn't be able to bear thief getting scepter and revenant getting a ranged greatsword. Still, I hope they change these animations, but even if they don't, I'm good.
  3. This makes absolutely no sense. They even said it's unlikely to be used on high-end PvE content.
  4. It absolutely is. I doubt ANET leaked the weapons on purpose just to throw people off or something like that. Now we just need to see how it plays.
  5. You expect a new elite spec just to satisfy some people's needs for a specific aesthetic? Seriously? We already got some of it with the Renegade. That's the point. We don't need a similar specialization for the SAME CLASS just so people can get a feel of nostalgia.
  6. Lookin' good. Here's hoping it'll be a martial specialization. It's my last hope, since WB is just a lame Daredevil and Thief is getting a stick to use as a weapon.
  7. No, you were trying to make the idea look ridiculous and out of place. You're not the first to try that, considering people's ignorance and prejudice against The Sims is still prevalent within the gaming community (which consists of a toxic hellhole). Housing has been a part of MMORPGs and RPGs since forever, and if you weren't trying to make a bad faith comparison, you wouldn't be talking about The Sims. And if you can't see the ROLEPLAYING aspect of it, it's okay, but a lot of people do, including me. I'd like to humanize my commander, because right now I feel like a murder hobo. Having a nice house and interacting with people there (rp sessions, interaction with other player in there, something you cannot visualize) would help me achieve something above a murder hobo. But that's me. There's a lot of reasons, you just need to ask around to understand why and how housing is good for the rp/rpg fans.
  8. If you're going to pretend The Sims is the only game that should have housing, try to at least remember what you say. So, is Ultima Online the inspiration for The Sims? Maybe, just maybe, the system is something to cater to roleplayers? You know, the rpg from mmorpg. And here's something that you should make sense of: if the game is a casual game, you should create content FOR the casuals. Makes sense, no? It would also get them a bunch of money (to help fund the game, you say?), just like the Sailor Moon cosmetics. I dare say it would get them MUCH more money. Just look at ESO.
  9. Oh no, I agree with you. GW2 is not fit for a system like Ultima's or Archeage's. Something like ESO would be fantastic, in my opinion. The dream of having a cozy house in Cantha lives on.
  10. Is this a new way of saying Ultima Online? You naysayers are hilarious, truly. Old hardcore games had housing, but your barbie dressing game that sells Sailor Moon based cosmetics cannot have that, otherwise it'll turn into The Sims.
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