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Everything posted by OnyX.9027

  1. Things is why does anyone care really? I recently returned just to play through the LS I missed from PoF onwards and saw loads of AFK farmers but frankly who gives a toss? doesn't affect me or my game, doesn't affect the majority but like RL at present most people seem to want to find offense or fault or basically snowflake about anything and everything regardless whether it affects them or not Exploits that directly affect gameplay in PvE or PvP deserve ban-hammer but those are exploits, actual gamebreaking stuff like no cooldown etc..., however ppl standing in 1 spot with a weight on how ever many keys (probably using a macro but unless you can confirm then you cannot assume) affect nothing other than (gasp sock) driving down TP prices on general crap, let's be frank even if they were being awarded 50 legendaries a day for standing there AFk who cares? it is their choice to "play" the game that way, just like ppl that train meta events. boss's, run fractals or raids, wvw or pvp for hours on end, basically it is the way THEY want to play regardless whether you like it or not Just earn to enjoy your game the way you want to play it and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing imo
  2. The thing is they knew they will get away with it as GW2 has some of the worst whiteknight fanboi's ever, no matter what they do they will be defended I have already seen people saying "it is for cosmetic so it is not p2w or a problem" no it isn't p2w, but it is basically milking the cashcows that fanboi them all the time knowing ppl will still defend it lmao Basically they know that they couldn't sell a full collection for say $100, so instead RNG it knowing full well that the herd of cash cows will blindly throw the cash until they get the skin/skins they want anet adore gw2 as the revenue stream from the shiny shiny crap is insane and just went 1 more step further in seeing just what they can get away with I have seen people use the term whales, sorry but that does not apply here. p2w games have whales, quite intelligent creatures who just want to be at the top by throwing cash knowing they will be hated gw2 has cash cows, dim witted creatures who throw cash at something shiny that catches their eye (and ofc then defend a-net for it lol) flame away or infraction me or w/e I couldn't care less lol this game is a pisstake in regard to how far they are willing to push the boundaries to milk more money
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