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  1. Isles of Janthir was always something I'd speculate about with my friends in my early teens when playing Guild Wars 1. The fact we're seeing a very Icelandic like environment makes me really interested. I get Ice brood saga vibes from some of it, like that dark, corrupted, cursed feel we got in the early days. Player Housing - I love the concept of player housing. Its a fickle thing to get right. There needs to be enough engagement that players can enjoy being in their own home, however not exclude themselves from other players. We've seen this in other games where it can lead to people excluding themselves when they don't want to. Being able to visit other houses, and admire players decorating skills would be something I'd love to see. Couple of hopes I have for player housing: - House/Farmstead skins - Would love a Charr themed house. Or houses that represent - Restoration progression - Slowly progressing to unlock new areas of my house, not just with Masteries but farming specific materials in order to restore/extend your plot. - Displays - Being able to display mounts, armour sets/weapons, trophies from world bosses like a crystal spike from the Shatterer. Spears - Not really got any reservations on this, the idea of a new weapon I'm all for it. I was keen on a new Elite Spec, but I totally understand that to be able to balance practically another new profession is a nightmare. Would be interesting to see how it plays out, but new weapons is a win. Warclaws - Such a good shout to bring this back with some PvE aspects. I'm curious to see what mount features we'll have for them. More aspects on Warclaw in WvW, I'm all for it. Raids - One of the biggest regrets for me that I've never been able to do is raids, I'm a super casual player, I enjoy hopping on for a couple hours here or there, and whilst I have some legendary gear, and ascended for the rest I don't have enough experience. Raids were well loved back in the day, and even now. I love the idea of them adding extreme challenge modes for players who love this aspect of the game. Overall, not seen enough yet to make a conclusion on the expansion. However I'm keen to see what we'll get up to in the Isles, and excited to see where this will take us. Bring on August 20th.
  2. Hey, everyones entitled to an opinion. Not shooting anything down, people love it, people don't. Respect to either side of the coin.
  3. Enjoy fishing.. dissapointed with rewards? Did you read my post? Not really sure why theres attitude on this response?
  4. As someone who enjoys a more of a casual aspect of Guild Wars due to real life time constraints. I find fishing to be rather enjoyable, even more so with friends. When it was announced, it was such a big hype for me, as I enjoy fishing in other games. I felt that this would be quite intricate especially as it had it's own set of masteries. Other than achievements leading up to a few titles and a rod, I'm left dissapointed. I do wish that fishing offered much more. Even though I've not completed the 30 achievments required for the Spirit wood rod, I'm over half way. My thoughts: - Fishing up lore relics that can be lead up to a display cabinet for either your home instance or on your Skiff. - Display specific catches in your home instance/Guild Hall/Skiff. - Unique Chairs, perhaps ones you can fish out of. - Fishing up currency for some sweet rods/fishing attire (More than the 3 available) or even a skiff that has unique trademarks. - Fishing competitions for great rewards, even chances of infusions, unique weapons, ascended gear. - Tackle box to store my bait Appreciate fishing isn't for everyone, but if its a feature, I'd like it to be expanded. I love chilling on the water. Relaxing with my partner, or meeting random players and chatting away whilst I'm enjoying ther scenary and music of Guild Wars 2. Any other fishing enthusiasts? Zeike
  5. I've just got stuck with this too, and my friend.. not sure what to do?
  6. Only noticed on human so far, but my character has black hair. When I set the appearance of the Canthan Sun hat, it turns my character blonde. (Facial hair remains the same) Unsure if other races are affected!
  7. I've said the same on my post earlier where I feel it's lacking but there are means and ways of saying it. You can voice your concerns in a constructive and fair way. Without being rude, or attacking a team that have done a great job as a whole.
  8. Oh I did, they were not suggestions. They were complaints. Learn the difference.
  9. I really think you're belittling their work based on 1 meta which I've failed 16 times now, and using the fact employees have left a business to move to another as a reason for it. Moving company happens everywhere, even my own, and it's more common in this generation not to stay in a job for years and years. Perhaps the reason you are deemed toxic is you see all the negative, and no positive. You complain without offering constructive feedback and make it an attack instead. I also think this meta isn't the worst ever, it's definitly the most difficult. Gorgeous beyond belief, and mechanics are simple once you know what to do. Unfortunately it's unforgiving, and if I can be fair after 16 failed attempts, I think you can be fair and offer constructive and helpful feedback other than.. "Wost meta ever." Lets get one thing, this doesn't mean I didn't think it needed tweaking but I will give credit where it's due. Your comment is horrible and spits on the hard work they've done to make a fantastic expansion based on 1 meta.
  10. I think my biggest frustration following 15 attempts and all of which failures, is mechanics which were designed to be followed, are skipped in order to make the timer. You have some of those with the turtle who will purposly stand in green causing others to fail, and this is a 2 hour commitment per attempt, bearing in mind. I don't expect it to be easy but I've genuinly put my all into it and come out short as opposed to others who got in by luck into a better group. Disheartening and I know of a handful of people who have left because of it. I think gating the turtle behind it isn't the best idea, but the boss fight itself, I love. The mechanics are simple to work around, just need the right people. Pretty sure its better on a raid setting than open world, many dont care to upgrade themselves for that kind of content so it's a mix and match of who you'll get. People who are giving it their all, CC'ing, hittting the tail, as opposed to those pushing 11111 are the ones who miss out sadly.
  11. Good things about Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons: Art - Sensational artwork, the maps are all gorgeous, loading screens. There isn't one I dislike or think needs work, they are beautifully designed and keep true to Guild wars 1 Factions. The story - I wont say much to keep it spoiler free, but I enjoyed it thoroughly. Attention to detail - Theres small lore hints, and references of characters from GW1 era, an example Nika being seen in New Kaeing. Fishing - I find it probably the most relaxing thing to do at the moment, I enjoy it. I'd love to find more skins etc. Skiffs - Amazing feature, so much fun but I'd like to see again more skins. Jade Bot Mastery - Where has this been all my life! Loving the elite specilisations! Bad things about Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons: The Masteries, whilst some are good, I think feel lack luster. I feel thats because of how much Masteries made significant impact during Path of Fire. I'd like to see more come out of it, dont be afraid to dabble! Dragons End Meta - I love the difficulty, I do not think shutting the turtle behind this meta is a good idea. I've done this 14 times and still failed. Some people who have the turtle are actually trolling. I've also wasted over to 28 hours to this and I've taken time off work to enjoy the expansion. It's not forced on me I know.. but I'm a completionist, and I like to finish my masteries. Feedback: Skins - Maybe added and unlocked by completing acheivements, hard ones as long as there is an option to unlock without needing to swipe. Even if its 1 or 2, just like working for those kind of things! Story - I have feedback and suggestions for next living world season but I dont wish to post in case it spoils for others so I will hold off for now! Dragon's End meta - Needs some tweaking. Or even removing the Turtle mount which is locked behind it. Impossible with some people. Overall, you guys have knocked it out of the park with the expansion. Apart from the meta theres no real dissapointments for me. I was worried, Cantha was a huge part of my life as a teen, and now being 32 I can come back to a place with close friends and enjoy the area again. The story was fantastic, and I cant wait to see whats in store for us next! Thank you for a fantastic expansion.
  12. I've said that one of the issues is people are not giving clear instructions, thats one issue out of a few that I posted based on my findings. It is fair to say given that in the now 7 attempts (14 Hours) I've been in it hasn't been explained by the Comm or others. I've been the one to explain the tactics and I'm not comming. The last 5 or so I explained things to a specifics and it was done on Say, Map and Squad, people still ran inside it. One attempt, Comm just stood in the green himself so people just got confused. Communication is a big key in this, but it isn't the only factor to get this done. It's frustrating. There isn't a suggestion, I'm merely posting my findings based on my experience. I cannot base it on anyone elses but my own. As for the doomsayers, the ones I've had were not saying it out of frustration they were spamming it and annoying people in chat. Luckily last run was just a nice "Gg all nice try" All in all things will get better the more people get the hang of it. I just think they need to remove the phase that people are skipping, it's clearly a massive delay for people.
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