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Ben Phongluangtham.1065

ArenaNet Staff
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Posts posted by Ben Phongluangtham.1065

  1. @sephiroth.4217 said:

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time.
    In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends.
    Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.

    Well, can we start playing with 4 friends?

    You can, if you queue up for an AT!

    I hope that wasnt a serious answer...

    some of us have jobs and family to provide for and cant adhere to your very specific time schedule.

    It's a bit of a joke, a bit of truth. We made the sliding schedule so that there should always be a tournament time 2-3 times per week that fits your schedule. We're currently considering increasing available tournaments to give people more opportunities. In the far distant future, we are planning for on demand tournaments. Basically, tournaments that will launch when at least 4 teams have signed up.

  2. @Crab Fear.1624 said:

    @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time.
    In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends.
    Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.

    Well, can we start playing with 4 friends?

    You can, if you queue up for an AT!

  3. Re: the matchmaker not keeping high rated players in queue longer: The reward for getting better at the game can't be, "You don't get to play anymore."Re: Duo queue - We thought about this for a long time. In the end, we decided it's just not fun to not be able to play with your friends. Additionally, removing a feature is a poor reward for getting better at the game. It also motivated all sorts of bad behavior, which I won't go into.

  4. The community voted to keep the ability to swap classes prematch. In addition to the reasons people stated already (fixing a bad comp, or wanting to exploit a weakness in the enemy team comp), people also sometimes like to play a different character in PvE while they wait for their match. People often have different characters for PvE and PvP, so this allows them that flexibility.

    There are of course some negatives, as you mentioned. Bypassing the matchmaker being a big one. But I think the positives outweigh the negatives overall.

  5. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:Dawg idfk who u are but heres some advice, actually know what you're talking about before you spout nonsense. EVERY.SINGLE.GAME i have played was duo'd with someone who is higher rated than me so save me that bs. You are literally the epitome of every forum pleb with 0 information acting like they know anything, you dont.

    We have been qing duo as r1 and r2 the entire season. He has more games played than me qing with other people so where is this qing with low alts to get easier games bs? I legit just explained to you why high rated players in low rated games = NOT WORTH but you're too dense to even understand basic concepts. Anyone that has run into us this ranked season knows we were both on our mains. This is the last time im posting here to clarify misinformation because clearly no matter how much I explain it some people just lack common sense but keep yelling wintrade and cry because some people are just better than you.

    Edit: because both of us are qing on our mains and not using low alts to tank rating here is how our qs go, and it is exactly why we get put into games we shouldnt be in.

    and before you cry about offhour qing, look at the time.

    All i'm saying is it's a thing people do. Not directly accusing you or anything, but you did try and say that DuoQ isn't exploitable at all, when the reality is; it is being and has been exploited season after season since it was reimplemented.

    Now I may be a misinformed nobody(As that seems to be the go-to insult for top rated players to dealing with any sort of criticism) but I understand at least that the top spots are really volatile, and the formula for determining rank gain screws you, but not to the extent of +2/-40. That isn't even close to normal for that rating. As a content creator that's been in that top spot consistently, I don't see how you can expect people to believe it is.

    Like I say, not accusing anyone of anything. I recognized your mains from the OPs screenshot even. You had just said that DuoQ isn't exploitable even thought it is, and you also gave what is either a pretty gross exaggeration of rank gain compared to rank lost, or; like I say, it could be DuoQing with a smurf because that would do it.

    And it is absolutely practical to do that. If you are satisfied with whatever spot you have on the LB, that would be an easy way to keep your spot and keep up with decay and/or the minimum games LB requirement.

    And that is an argument against DuoQ, not you specifically.

    Pretty sure John from my team was the smurf. Trebbed for 3m, then ran directly to naru to feed on respawn.

    Maybe @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 can clear up how the matchmaker decided this was an even game?

    I could try to look up the match. I'd need the display name of one person in the match, the approximate date/time of the match and to make it easier, the final score.

    Thank you for the response!
    • Egorum.9506
    • 6/24/19 @ 0918 PST
    • Red: 501 Blue: 61

    Yep. That was definitely not a good match. Actually, probably the worst match I've ever personally looked up! Unfortunately, there is not much the matchmaker could have done in this case. 2 legendary players duo-queuing is near impossible to find another pair of legendary players playing at the same time.

    I would bet the legendary players were in queue for close to 10 minutes at least. When a match is being built around you, the matchmaker looks for players within 25 rating of you. It doesn't start expanding the range until it's been looking for players for 5 minutes. After that, it expands slowly until it can find 10 players. To find the players it did for this match, it would likely have taken close to another 5 minutes.

    We ran some experiments on the unranked matchmaker a while back, as some might recall. We tried several tweaks, but all it really did was make put some people in queue for 40+ minutes, with little discernible increase in match quality by the time they did finally make it in.

  6. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:I should have known that would come back to haunt me. ;) I can't give a full update yet, except that a lot of good progress has been made in the last couple months. There is still some work to do, but we're optimistic.

    The desire for swiss was never a population thing. We just believe that the combination of swiss and single elimination we plan is a better, more competitive format. It also gives teams more chances to play together rather than 1 loss and out.

    thanks for the chime in ben. was wondering: are there any plans to make AT's more frequent? also, will 2v2s/ 3v3s get shipped out with swiss? if so, how will those work? a separate swiss option or ranked option? anyways thanks in advance.

    We've been talking about making tournaments more frequent. But we want to get the queuing issues mitigated first. There is some concern that with more tournaments available, individual tournaments will have less participation.

    2v2 & 3v3 tournaments are currently only planned for special events. We're planning to run more of these in the future, but we've both been waiting for swiss and waiting for a bug fix on the relog issue that came out in in the last 2v2 event we ran.

  7. @"Falan.1839" said:Well, that did not work out.

    https://ibb.co/Mc2W0hB (Ben about Swiss)

    I should have known that would come back to haunt me. ;) I can't give a full update yet, except that a lot of good progress has been made in the last couple months. There is still some work to do, but we're optimistic.

    The desire for swiss was never a population thing. We just believe that the combination of swiss and single elimination we plan is a better, more competitive format. It also gives teams more chances to play together rather than 1 loss and out.

  8. @Sabatier.9634 said:

    @Sabatier.9634 said:Just my two cents why i think the matchmaking is useless:
    I know the pic is a bit older but the reason why i post it is the fact that its a ranked game with two duos on one side while my team does not have even one duo.

    Honestly the fact that it is 496 - 500 despite the fact they had two duos might actually mean it is working pretty well since it managed to balance out individual skill-rating with duo-skill-rating.

    Yeah, i think your kind of right about that. Would be interesting to know how much the skillrating is raised trough a duo. Or maybe it is not?Also its quite strange that the matchmaking has to do something like this. Would have been better to divide the duos, right? Unless the Skill rating-difference of one or two players were just way to big. So the question should be why these players even had to play in that rating-"class".

    The matchmaker used to work harder to spread out duo's. However, based on our data, skill rating is generally a better indicator of potential performance than whether someone queued up in a duo. So the matchmaker puts the greatest priority on making sure the average skill rating on each team is as even as possible. It also tries a bit to make sure the standard deviation of skill rating of each team is pretty close. In addition to these, the matchmaker will also do it's best not to put any more than +1 of a class on a team. Though, players can work around that themselves with character swapping. Something we've decided to leave in, based on community vote and because we think it's ok if players/teams who are skilled or knowledgeable enough to recognize bad compositions can resolve that themselves.

    I've said it many times and I'm sure people still won't believe it, but the match maker has no idea if you have won or lost your previous match. All it knows is your current skill rating, your class, and whether you're in a duo queue or not.

  9. @RisenHowl.2419 said:

    @"NotoriousNaru.1705" said:Dawg idfk who u are but heres some advice, actually know what you're talking about before you spout nonsense. EVERY.SINGLE.GAME i have played was duo'd with someone who is higher rated than me so save me that bs. You are literally the epitome of every forum pleb with 0 information acting like they know anything, you dont.

    We have been qing duo as r1 and r2 the entire season. He has more games played than me qing with other people so where is this qing with low alts to get easier games bs? I legit just explained to you why high rated players in low rated games = NOT WORTH but you're too dense to even understand basic concepts. Anyone that has run into us this ranked season knows we were both on our mains. This is the last time im posting here to clarify misinformation because clearly no matter how much I explain it some people just lack common sense but keep yelling wintrade and cry because some people are just better than you.

    Edit: because both of us are qing on our mains and not using low alts to tank rating here is how our qs go, and it is exactly why we get put into games we shouldnt be in.

    and before you cry about offhour qing, look at the time.

    All i'm saying is it's a thing people do. Not directly accusing you or anything, but you did try and say that DuoQ isn't exploitable at all, when the reality is; it is being and has been exploited season after season since it was reimplemented.

    Now I may be a misinformed nobody(As that seems to be the go-to insult for top rated players to dealing with any sort of criticism) but I understand at least that the top spots are really volatile, and the formula for determining rank gain screws you, but not to the extent of +2/-40. That isn't even close to normal for that rating. As a content creator that's been in that top spot consistently, I don't see how you can expect people to believe it is.

    Like I say, not accusing anyone of anything. I recognized your mains from the OPs screenshot even. You had just said that DuoQ isn't exploitable even thought it is, and you also gave what is either a pretty gross exaggeration of rank gain compared to rank lost, or; like I say, it could be DuoQing with a smurf because that would do it.

    And it is absolutely practical to do that. If you are satisfied with whatever spot you have on the LB, that would be an easy way to keep your spot and keep up with decay and/or the minimum games LB requirement.

    And that is an argument against DuoQ, not you specifically.

    Pretty sure John from my team was the smurf. Trebbed for 3m, then ran directly to naru to feed on respawn.

    Maybe @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 can clear up how the matchmaker decided this was an even game?

    I could try to look up the match. I'd need the display name of one person in the match, the approximate date/time of the match and to make it easier, the final score.

  10. Hey folks. 1 quick update here. The thing we're furthest along with is the new skill. Outside of a bit more testing, we're in line for some art requests.

    Current design is that the 4 skill will require unlocking a new mount mastery. After that, it's a just a missile attack that if hits, dismounts your target and yourself. I can't give you a time frame yet, unfortunately.

  11. Hey everyone. Just wanted to give an update on this bug. We have a potential "bulwark" to the problem currently in testing. While not a fix, our hope is that it will reduce the time someone experiences the problem from potentially hours to minutes. Once this has gone through enough testing, we hope to be able to deploy it soon.

    As far as real fix, it's a very difficult problem for us to track down. It's not something we've been able to reproduce internally and only seems to happen in a live environment with normal server load. We're hoping at that as we add more logging, we'll find a long term solution.

  12. One note about the tournament gizmo type rewards. One of the reasons we are able to do such a "noisy" reward is because the availability of these rewards is exceptionally exclusive. The number of people who get access to the tournament gizmos every month is 20 in the world, including China. If they became available to everyone just from grinding, even if it was for a very long grind, the fx would probably be somewhat unbearable.

  13. Hey everyone. Just wanted to put up a quick note that we are actively investigating the issue with getting stuck unable to queue up for PvP matches. This bug is something that would come up occasionally in the past.

    A bit of simplified explanation: For a currently unknown reason, players are sometimes not removed from the roster (group) they were in during a PvP match. Then, when you try to queue up, the system sees that you're in an active roster and decides to do nothing. As this used to be somewhat rare, we created some scripts that comb the system looking for old rosters and clear them out, which would fix the problem. These scripts can only be run so often and against rosters of a certain age, since the automated tournament system keeps players in the same roster for longer periods and we don't want to destroy those rosters.

    In the last 2-3 weeks, the frequency of this bug has gone up dramatically and we're not sure why, though we have some thoughts on ways to work around it. We're currently in the process of building some additional logging to further help us track down the issue.

    We understand that this is extremely frustrating, it is for us as well. We'll keep you updated as we get more information.

  14. We have no current plans to make the monthly tournament gizmos available outside of winning the monthly AT.

    We do have a weapon set coming for PvP/WvW this summer, assuming nothing goes wrong. Additionally, there is a new pvp/wvw armor set planned for late fall/early winter. We have some other rewards planned as well, but I want to preserve some mystery. :)

  15. @bravan.3876 said:

    @Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:We believe everyone should be cleared up now. Let us know if this isn't the case!

    Another question: ingame on the ranked button it says season ends on wednesday, 1 am (cest). That is weird because normally it ends on tuesday 1am (cest). I am asking because on tuesday the minimum games you need for the leaderboard increase +15. So when the season now runs until wednessday instead tuesday, do we now need 135 games minimum in the end of the season to get a title? And do we really can get into ranked q and still get rating until wednesday, 1am?

    We looked into it. Looks like we got the day off by 1, that's being updated now. Once adjusted, we'll be back to the normal end time of Tuesday 1am.

  16. @Meteor.3720 said:@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 Will there be any incentive to get a title more than once? Or at least will such an incentive be introduced in the future? I like the new titles but a pre-existing issue is that once you've achieved a certain rank and got the associated title there isn't any particular reason to push for that rank again.

    It's something we talk about from time to time. 1st place has a good motivator to try to get it again as you can prevent others from getting it. Which has some value to some types of players.

    We have some ideas of other things we can do. However, I think it's going to be quite a while before we have time to put more thought into it.

  17. Hey folks!

    After the recent vote we had, and looking through the suggestions, we've decided to go with the nobility theme, but replace "of PvP" with "of the Arena."

    1st: God/Goddess of the Arena2nd: Demigod/Demigoddess of the Arena3rd: King/Queen of the Arena4th-10th: Prince/Princess of the Arena11th–25th: Duke/Duchess of the Arena26th-100th: Baron/Baroness of the Arena101st–250th: Knight/Dame of the Arena

    The current plan is to have this in place for season 17.

    If you earned the current titles, they will not go away.


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