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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. 12 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    -Leeping everywhere, jumping, pulling, going through walls and structures, getting 1 shot by traps, having Perma-immunity, having Perma-Invisibility, having Perma-Conditions, being pulled arround in the air like a Yo-Yo, Press 1 button to Auto-Attack Endlessly, Spam everything until you win, contesting keep while in stealth, Teleporting at unlimitted range, Stealthing without having counters or drawbacks, Perma-Unkillable, Teleporting underground structures, 1 Shotting, Insstant Kill, Perma-Everything, Chase a Big Ball-Boon Ball around and call it "balance"..

    Sounds fun.  😁 I never gave willbender a try. Do you have a special easy-cheesy build?  😅  Maybe if more and more players running this build, Anet will notice and fix it? 😇


  2. 3 hours ago, ArchonWing.9480 said:
    On 6/16/2024 at 11:53 PM, Jeff.6537 said:

    One of the things I always liked about GW2 is that I could take a break from the game and come back at any time without losing a step.

    Are you going to expect them to put developing the game on hold just because you're not there? Nobody's that important.

    Why do you attack other players just because they have an expectation that you apparently don't like?

    GW2 is/was known as an on/off game and was sometimes advertised as such, where you can take a break from playing without losing anything. That's why there was a lot of criticism of Season 1 (not from me, but from other players) because you couldn't play individual episodes and couldn't experience the content if you couldn't play in a narrow time frame. That's why Anet changed that again in later seasons.

    The fault here therefore lies not with the players who are demanding something supposedly outrageous, but with Anet, because Anet's changes were not adequately communicated beforehand to those players who are not regularly online or in the forum.

    Would an email like "important changes to WvW - choose a team/guild," with explanations to the account email address be too much to ask? I don't think so.

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  3. 25 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Time of play should be a factor in sorts, been one of those that have been touching on when they open discussions on the topic. They said they were adding, did they? Not sure since we didn't get a more detailed post pre this launch.

    Yes, at first only activity (play time in WvW) was to be taken into account. Later, it was planned that language, times of day/week, commander coverage, etc. would also be taken into account. If I remember correctly, a post with details was planned before the final WR introduction - but I haven't seen it yet. 


  4. 37 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    1. Anet has been working for a major UE MMORPG project for years, and 3 years ago they were already at the point well past the concept stages.

    That project does not seem to be just a support work for a different studio.

    That project is not Throne and Liberty, nor is it Horizon MMO.

    We know that Throne and Liberty, when it was still called something else, was based on a customized Guild Wars (2) engine. The only people who knew the engine were developers from Anet. So they must have worked on it or collaborated on it.

    Later, because the project wasn't making enough progress, NCSoft decided to switch TuL to a different engine. That was around the time when Anet had mass layoffs. Later after the mass layoffs, Anet said (sometime in mid/late 2019) that they would only work on GW2.

    Whether and when Anet actually started working on side projects again? We don't know exactly.

    What we do know, however, is that Anet is working on at least two (mini) expansions for GW2 at the same time.

    37 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    In short, none of those things is a clear, undeniable proof that a GW3 MMORPG is being worked on.

    I can completely agree with that.


    36 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Still, taken together, they are just way too much to simply dismiss it out of hand.

    Sure, absence of proof does not mean proof of absence. 

    38 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    And in the worst case scenario it may mean the GW2 replacement is not only being worked on, but it might be not 7-10 years away but something we might see as soon as in 2-3 years.

    I like GW2, but for me it would be a worst-case scenario if there was still no worthy successor in 7-10 years. Because the game keeps getting older and some parts of the game don't age very well.


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  5. 10 hours ago, Burnfall.9573 said:

    Leave that to Throne and Liberty. It is being called the next Guild Wars (1)

    According to NCSoft's statement on an analyst call some time ago, Anet's know-how and experience will be used in Throne and Liberty, but it is a completely different game (I played the last beta) and certainly not a successor to Guild Wars or Guild Wars 2. 

    BTW: There is no Guild Wars 1, it's just Guild Wars.

  6. 19 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    So what I am seeing is sides stacking a time zone and then losing when they didn't consider a 24x7 game. On  top of that is initial placements. So its a bit gray.

    An alliance/guild can stack up to a certain prime time / time zone, but an entire server cannot normally plan this in advance - unless Anet's server composition does exactly that. The fact that the players adapt after the initial composition and change their playing times, or stay away altogether, is only a consequence of the initial server composition. 

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  7. 2 hours ago, Ronin.4501 said:

    What can I say my alliance guild runs sweaty. They want to see who's contributing in the fights and who isn't. And don't me wrong, they know everyone's not perfect. But who's trying and who isn't? That's what they're really looking at. And tbh so far we're mostly rolling over everyone else in our match-up. (...) and they're looking for something else come next round.

    That was one of the early predictions of the WR: There will be a separation of the player mix and a concentration on a few fight alliances in which players are rated and have to prove themselves (to the guild leadership) and the casual alliances will become worse and worse and will lose more and more players and be less and less able to keep up.

    I'm not saying that it's wrong for guilds/players to focus just on fights. But WvW will change significantly from what it was before. Good for the players who like this different WvW better.

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  8. 11 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    So, while it is entirely possible that what CFO said was inaccurate, it could only have been because he misunderstood something, not because he tried to make up things on the spot in order to get out of difficult topic. He was too senior of an executive to not know consequences of doing just that. It's also however entirely possible that he was spot on in his reveal, and it was the PR "correction" later that was inaccurate

    That could all be true. But the correction (or rather clarification) was not just non-binding PR-speak and was also not allowed to contain any false statements.

    11 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

    Notice, that, either way, Anet has been working on some UE MMORPG game for years already, and looking at the people they were hiring for that project, it was well past the early concept stages. Now, of course, we can't be sure if what was called GW3 and that project are the same thing.

    Yes, that's right. We know that Anet didn't just work on GW2 in the past. They worked on at least 2 side projects and when they were stopped, around 30-40% of the developers were fired.

    We also know, because it was officially stated in an analyst call, that a few years later Anet's know-how and experience was used for other NCSoft games (namely Throne and Liberty).

    Of course, it makes sense for a game studio not to just focus on a 13-year-old game. It can take years from the first ideas and pre-tests to the actual start of a complete game development, or it can be stopped completely. And even if a "real", major development starts, it still takes many years until the release.  We don’t know how far Anet is on this path.


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  9. 8 hours ago, fantom.8427 said:

    I am on T3 and you nailed our matchup pretty well.  Red (Abbaddon) has very little coverage.  They put up a fight a couple hours of the day but just get steamrolled the rest of the time.  I actually feel sorry for them as that cannot be fun.  Blue (ToD) is all fight guilds.  They care very little for objectives except to draw out a fight.  Green (DoT) has a pretty good balance of fight guilds and PPTers, but don't have the numbers or coordination to go against the best of blue. 

    I'm in the same matchup. Red does have the Abaddon (only one "b", please 😉 ) server alliance community guild, organized with TS (well... 😎 ) and Discord but then it seems there is only one other com (using a different discord) that is using discord-voice, sometimes. Everyone else seems to be unorganized randoms or single player guilds without any voice coordination or public com that are just killfeeding blue and green and don't read chat. The map/team chat is mostly in English, with a little bit of German and Spanish. I haven't seen French or other languages yet.

    Blue seems to be well organized and can deliver good fights when they are not absent and red is not absent. Green seems to consist more of clouds and small ganker groups that target individual players and want to farm players. 

    It's a very strange line-up. I have never seen so many disorganized and inexperienced players (when there were linkings) on my server.


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  10. 11 hours ago, Yolaus Kriff.3465 said:

    I've played on several different servers, and the guild has moved with me. I didn't enjoy the communities of some of them. 1 died when several guilds transferred off. Nothing about those communities was worth saving, or even enjoyable in my opinion. Nothing was left that 'has grown over a long time', and it really was just a name for me at that point.

    Just because you haven't made friends with any server community and have changed servers several times doesn't mean that there aren't any good server communities (or more precisely: that there weren't any). 


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  11. 2 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Ironically, there has been a rash of posts here and on reddit just this week of players complaining they were banned and may have been using exitlag, thinking it's a vpn.

    I've never heard of this app, but getting banned for using a VPN tool (which does happen and sometimes seems to result in false positive bans) has nothing to do with banning the type of hackers/cheaters this discussion is about. 

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  12. 10 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    It kind of works both ways.  Players come here and repeat, repeat, repeat the idea that no one ever gets banned for an exploit or third-party hacks so then others think they can get away with it.

    I agree.  That's why it's important that Anet shows publicly (without naming the specific accounts, of course) that there are bans and that Anet is really doing a lot. As a deterrent.


    10 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    I can't speak to the situation around the accounts that get reported that never seem to get banned, but to use these outliers as an example of no action at all is misleading.

    Whether they are outliers or not cannot be seen from the outside. Maybe they are, maybe they are not.


    10 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Players have gotten banned for exploits and hacks.

    Yes, they did. Even streamers were sometimes banned. In the past.


    10 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    Anet just doesn't advertise it when the sanctions happen.

    There was a time in the past when Anet did tell this publicly when there was a banwave. And also that they don't ban immediately at certain events, but first collect data for a few days in order to be able to identify and ban more hackers/cheaters. But if the same accounts (on the same server) just keep doing this for months and brazenly claim that Anet isn't taking action against them, it seems that these accounts haven't even been warned and Anet is definitely not doing enough.


  13. 17 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    I can't speak for everyone roaming, but if I have two targets, I will typically go for a ranked one versus a base level one. Now if there are 30 of these base level players running around zerging without counters, they begin to be become fair game. 

    Sure. I see it similarly with opponents zergs/clouds. I meant it more like a single player runs to a ruin in the south of an alpine borderland when it's daily and then gets ganked by 3-5 experienced players.

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  14. 2 hours ago, Yolaus Kriff.3465 said:

    Guilds are the backbone of WvW and always have been. I'm glad they are the basis for teams now, instead of loyalty to some dumb name people picked years ago at launch

    If you don't understand that it's not about a dumb server name, but about the community behind it that has grown over a long time, does a guild essentially just consist of a dumb guild name for you?

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  15. 16 minutes ago, Zyreva.1078 said:

    (Perma) banning players for bug abuse/exploits is problematic, because where to draw the line?

    The question no longer arises because Anet had already answered it years ago, when the "ban hammer" was circling from time to time. For example: Gradual sanctions that begin with a warning and then, in the case of repetition, lead to a temporary ban and then eventually to a permanent ban. 

  16. 9 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    Is that because you duel? I just leave them alone. But I couldn't ID them outside of seeing two people standing off and bowing to each other. 

    I respect them because they generally want fair fights where the best player wins and they respect each other.  They usually don't attack weaker beginners who just run by and might just want to do a quick daily.


    16 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

    They know their roles, may be a pain in my backside but I can appreciate their impact and the focus on a goal. When players fall to them or get lured by them they get called gankers. Personally they are roamers and havocs filling roles in the game mode and even if they kill me I can look forward to being sorted with them and would consider them for an alliance in the future since they can impact more while using less. So yes I would say respected.

    I can respect players who can make my life difficult and who I lose against. But what I don't like and don't respect is when several players pick on individual beginners like vultures. There is no honor in killing a weak unexperienced beginner. Maybe I'm too old-school. Yes, I know that's part of this PvP mode, but I don't think this kind of predatory behavior is right. 


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  17. 1 minute ago, Stone.6751 said:

    Raids don't get done because you need to find 10 players willing to invest an hour or more with a pretty decent chance of failure and the party disbanding.

    Just as a side note: Raids aren't fun for every player (just like WvW isn't fun for everyone) but the players who enjoy raids still do them regularly and have fun. That's why it's good that after such a long time there will finally be a new raid soon.

    9 minutes ago, Stone.6751 said:

    There's also still a decent amount of elitist attitudes in raids, and many players would simply rather not. Enter Strikes which mimic the challenging aspect of raids without the time commitment and with less elitism.

    This prejudice seems to have been around for a long time. The same players who run raids also run strikes and there is very little elitist behavior. But let's not talk about PvE raids here, let's talk about WvW.

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  18. 5 minutes ago, Chaba.5410 said:

    You mean like this:

    Nope. I was talking more about 5v1 gank squads or 30v5 in a tower/keep. But I think you already understood that and were just looking for a reason to post the video.

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  19. 30 minutes ago, Stone.6751 said:

    Isn't it kind of boring to run around trying to chase down a squad half your size and roll over it in a 5-second fight? That can't be engaging content, or at least not for long

    I don't enjoy it and I know a lot of other players who don't enjoy it either. But there are also a few guilds who enjoy waiting inside a tower/keep and not hitting the boss, for example, in order to farm the inexperienced defenders who come in one by one. Or the small groups of 3-6 players who pick out individual inexperienced players to gank them.

    So there are definitely players/guilds/zergs who want really good and epic fights and there are those who really just want PPT karma trains and player farming.

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