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Posts posted by Zok.4956

  1. @Rasimir.6239 said:

    @"otto.5684" said:We are now down to one LW episode every 3 monthYou might want to check your
    . The Icebrood Saga releases so far have been/will be every other month (September - November - January).

    Technically true.But the two Icebrood Saga episodes we already got, felt more like (especially the story), from the amount of content, as half episodes. So every two months the content amount of a half episode means every 4 (or 3-4) month the content of a full episode.

    In 2019 we had two Episodes of S4 and two small episodes of S5. Even with the small epsiodes of S5 we still did only had 4 episodes in 2019, so the average is one episode every three month in 2019.But I still have hope that the next episodes will be bigger and with more content.

  2. @"Blude.6812" said:By going to another game where fishing is the reason to play, otherwise not needed at all or dev time wasted on it.P.S. this is a topic that has been addressed many many many many ......... times on the forums.

    Yes, fishing is mentioned on the forum for years and it is a "dead horse" in GW2 like mounts and capes.…. but wait …. mounts and capes were added to GW2. ;)

    So, there is hope for future fishermen, if fishing could be monetized with skins in the gem-shop.

    P.S. There are some fishing hearts/minigames already in GW2. In Thunderhead Peaks, Sandswept Isles and maybe other maps.

  3. @Aaralyna.3104 said:They never said that all side projects got canned and it would have been bad for business if they had. No studio can live on just 1 title forever.

    This also does not mean that GW2 is doomed. A game company can work on several titles at the same time

    yes, I agree.

    @Aaralyna.3104 said:More titles means more income that can be used to keep other Anet games running and get investment to spend into expanding the existing portfolio of Anet games.

    Thats a little bit too idealistic. Anet is not a charity but a company and decides how to spend its mony (i.e. in existing games, or in financing development of new games, or in higher saleries for management, or a company plane etc. etc.).

    And every game has to contribute financially. Which means that the revenue of existing games usually will finance also development of new games, but the revenue of new games usually does not finance (further development of) old games, that do not make enough revenue themselves anymore.

    I really would like to get a new expansion. But my guess is, this would not happen, because the revenue of the gem-shop is "easy money" with very few development costs, in comparison to the revenue-risk and the massive costs of the development of a new expansion.

    The future of GW2 itself? It is an online-service and Anet will make sure that the game feels still alive and that players log in regularly (so there is a chance of in-game advertisements and gem-shop sales) and will try, that the whales (the players that buy lots of gems with real money) will stay in the game and continue to do so.

  4. @"Sobx.1758" said:Then when anet listens and decides to make a massive re-balance patch to lower the dmg (amongs other things), it's immediately seen as an expansion preparation.

    Is "lower the dmg" something that Anet directly said as a goal for this coming balance patch, or is it your own interpretation or wish?

  5. @macallen.6453 said:I'm at the part where I'm going everywhere and doing stuff

    That sentence describes nearly every collection (for the skyscale) in the game. :-)

    @Danikat.8537 said:If it's the Djinn or the Champion Branded Ley Anomaly in Vabbi you need help with then I agree with @"Ayrilana.1396".

    If it is the "Skyscale Lost" collection for which you need the "Champion Branded Ley-Line Anomaly" in Vabbi, you can use a "Extra-Pungent Skyscale Treat" to finish it without a fight. see: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extra-Pungent_Skyscale_TreatThe Skyscale treat you can also use for other items of the collection that you are not able to complete yourself.

    If it is "The Nature of Fire" for the "Skyscale of Fire" collection, for which the Grand Elders Djinns have to be defeated, than your best chance is waiting for other players. And look in the LFG tool and (in Vabbi) in mapchat, to kill the Djinns. And also park a character in the hanging Gardens. Because if the Djinns were defeated recently, you can talk to Grandmaster Elder Djinn Emine for the item without a fight. These Djinns are still killed regularly, but maybe it takes more effort and a little bit longer now (I finished it with a secondary account a few days ago, so getting the skyscale is still possible, without the massive player rush of the first days).

  6. @PseudoNewb.5468 said:You can't get griffon's max speed just from skyscale height, but, given a modest hill or structure, where you normally can't launch the griffon from, the skyscale can give you enough height to greatly expand possible launching points for fast gliding.

    Or you can stay on the ground and use the beetle for fast travel without waypoints. Since one of the last patches, the beetle starts with full stamina, which improved the usefulness of the beetle a lot.

  7. Its all a preference. Skyscale is like a luxury Mercedes Benz while griffon is the Ferrari. There are areas in the map that griffon cant reach but skyscale can, although you could probably bunny up in those cases. So I dont think one is supreme over the other.

    It is true, it is all personal preference and it is a good thing that there is not one single "best" mount.

    However, I never used my griffon again, since I have the skyscale. The other mounts I still use, depending on situation and terrain.

  8. @"StrYdeR.2459" said:This doesn't feel like you are addressing the biggest problems. The "Loadout System" (I cannot in good conscience call it a template system) introduced is inherently flawed and should be removed and completely reworked.It feels like it was designed by a person who once read a paragraph that described build templates, and thereafter only ever played Call of Duty - and based this system on that.

    For me it feels, like if someone only looked from a technical view and tried to extend the existing PvP/PvE/WvW loadouts with the least amount of work without checking, if the user experience will be really better with this and without putting too much work in the design of a good UI for this. And then after a while working on this, another person decided that the feature already took too long to implement and decided to release it unfinished to make money with it as soon as possible.

    You have lost me on this one Anet - truly!

    What I am asking myself: How could this system pass QA?

  9. @"Yasi.9065" said:How you guys liking the new episode?

    I could not believe how short this first episode of the "Saga" is. It is much shorter than the other, older episodes and it is even shorter than the "Prolog". Maybe this is a test and Anet tests how much (how little) content they can deliver every 2-5 months without decreasing their Gemstore-revenue too much. Or maybe some parts of the episode had to be removed because they were buggy or otherwise were still not ready.

    I hope, this size will not be the new standard for the "Saga".

    And the mastery was disappointing. You only really need it, if you want to open the few bigger (medium) sized chests for loot. But I felt no difference between fighting mobs and bosses without the mastery unlocked (when I first entered the map) and after I unlocked the mastery completely.

    Only fly in my soup is that the "big" openworld events are a bit anticlimatic, too easy, too fast done.

    The map meta is indeed easy, but is dragging too long.

    The Prolog-episode itself was not very long, but it felt like both episodes were done by two totally different teams (and the prolog-team delivered a better episode).

    So overall, I am disappointed with this episode.

  10. @Tizjo.9648 said:Hello,I tried to track changes in my inventory with the api. But I'm experience problems with the update rate.If I for example use a salvage kit, I see these changes only a couple minutes later. Is this normal or can I do something to improve this situation?

    This is normal. The data of the API is not updated in real-time.

  11. @"Schlabbi.6352" said:When I fetch the content of my bank, I get this object as part of the response:

    { "id": 82854, "count": 2, "binding": "Character", "bound_to": "Cialea" }

    However, as soon as I want to fetch the item behind this bank slot by fetching https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/items?id=82854, I only get { "text": "no such id" }. Is this a bug? Or something else going wrong here?

    I checked with my local copy of the item-database that is part of gw2gh.com:The item with id 82854 and the chat code [&AgGmQwEA] has the name Surveillance Data and the description Return to Keeper Pamir in the Ruination. <c=@Flavor>Records of Forged and Awakened troop movements collected from an Order of Whispers listening device.</c> Renown Item and it was last changed at 2017-09-26 in the gw2gh.com-database.

    Because the item still exists ingame when you enter the chat-code, it seems to be an issue with the API. Maybe the item needs whitelisting (again) in the API.

  12. @"Loosmaster.8263" said:I'm not going to touch it with a 10' pole until I get some clarification on the gear. From what I understand when you use it and store the gear, it basically becomes Soulbound and can't be used on another character that can wear that gear. So if I did that I would lose my Legendary gear and weapons to one character.

    Your legendary gear will not become soulbound. If you put the gear in a "gear template" (in the "gear template storage") it is the same as if you put it on a character. It is removed from your inventory. But you can put it back to your inventory when you remove it from the "gear template storage".

    So gear, that is actually not soulbound when equiqued to a character (i.e. legendary, ascended, etc.), will stay this way with gear templates in the future.

  13. @Morozzko.2136 said:Same as ISO-8859-1 and windows-1252 shoud it works as charracter id?

    @Morozzko.2136 said:Okey some guys have nickname as :"Magè" and when i parse https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/characters?access_token= i got wrong symbols, any solution?

    Your API-client should treat all data from the API, this includes the character names, as UTF-8 encoded. If you use internally a different character encoding in your client you have to convert the data from UTF-8 to i.e. ISO-8859-1 etc. but then you have to convert it back to UTF-8 when you use the character name for the endpoint: "v2/characters/:id/"

    But be aware: There are UTF-8 characters that have no corresponding character in ISO-8859-1 and other single byte encodings. These would be lost if you convert to ISO-8859-1.

    So the best solution (if possible for your app) would be to use only UTF-8 character encoding in your app/client.

  14. @"StevenL.3761" said:I don't know about any headers or how to use them. What I do is get the entire index of items (/v2/items), discard the ids that I already have in my storage and then fetch the ids that remain. If the build number changes (/v2/build), I wipe my storage.

    I use the same strategy for https://www.gw2gh.com/ with one exception: If the build number changes, I do not delete my storage but mark all items in my storage as "dirty".

    "dirty" items will be replaced asap with actual ones. But if the API fails and (some) items are not available over the API anymore (which did happen a few times in the past) I could still use the "dirty" items from my storage.

    Of couse, this means that old items, that were removed from the game, will not be automatically deleted in my storage. This is acceptable for me.

  15. @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:It never really made sense to consider the maps to be perpetually moving forward in time since the core content always remained.

    It made sense at that time. When the core game was released, all maps were initially at a certain point in time. And then with season 1 the world-time started to progress and the world was changing - it was a living and progressing world, like in the real world were we also can not dial the time back and a lot of things of the past only exist in memory.

    But Anet could not hold the pace in creating the new content to get players so involved that they had no time to go back in time and play old episodes/events/content. And with the years new players came to the game that wanted to play the old content, which Anet probably did not think about initially. Game development is often "trial and error" and Anet had tried new things (some were very good, some not) in the past.

  16. @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:Maps are "stuck in time".

    That was not the idea of Living World season 1. Season 1 (and also in parts season 2) changed the existing open world maps, which actually made season 1 in a lot of ways epic for the players that played at that time.

    Only in later seasons they changed that concept and now every new living world episode has an open world map that is exactly "stuck" in the time of the story of the corresponding living world episode.

  17. @Batel.9206 said:Yes, please... It's such a small thing, but it's kind of annoying to have a blank gray space there that I'm never going to use. The option to remove it would be lovely.

    Yes. And it is not good looking that it stays grey (and does not show the active item) even when you use all 4 novelty-slots.

    So please make an on/off switch (also for the mount button above) to show/hide the button. Or at least make it bigger and show the icon of the selected novelty.

  18. Ist been some time now, but both achievement-IDs are still invalid in the API request. But users of www.gw2gh.com have these achievements in their account-data, so I see them everyday in the local error log as "achievement not found" errors.

    Please whitelist them like it was done in the past. If I remember correct, it was not a big deal in the past to do this.Thanks.

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