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Posts posted by dace.8019

  1. New balancing team with a bold approach and fresh take to making all e-specs & base profs worthy & fun


    Serious under the hood improvements to performance


    Double down on instanced group content (fractals, raids, strike missions, etc.,) that is much more interesting than following a zerg death ball around open world events. Bonus points if they can do this by encouraging elitist players to be more inclusive (eg. bonus rewards when someone in the instance gets an achievement for that content).

    • Like 3
  2. Base game is very easy and will not challenge you, until maybe Orr. Dungeons have a noticable difficulty spike and will challenge new players. HoT and PoF are harder, occasionally challenging and are much more interesting as a result. Anything can be rendered faceroll content by zergs/farms/groups. For instanced group content you can look to Fractals, Raids and some Strike Missions for challenging content.

  3. @"Fenella.2634" said:And the sylvari are referencing King Arthur legends so much, it's not hard to see the connection between Mordred and Mordrem / Mordremoth.

    While this might be the case, there's another possibility and it's in line with ANet's (and many others) approach to naming - using words/names from non-english languages. I suspect this is the case for Mordremoth.

    The Dream is very important to the Sylvari and Mordremoth offered a Dream of their own.

    In swedish, Mor means mother. Dröm (pronounced much like "drem") means dream. Motherdream / Mother's dream? Furthermore, in swedish, the word "nightmare" is "mardröm" which is looks and sounds much like "mordrem".

    And "Nightmare" is also a very important concept to the Sylvari.

    I suspect this is a much more likely basis for the origin of "Mordem" and "Mordremoth" than Mordred, or a larger component if indeed Mordred is part of that.

  4. I think that they're always working on the engine and performance, and lawd, the game needs that and more. I'd expect the expansion will contain plenty of performance work, which may or may not be countered completely by new content and features.

    A big part of the problem is that ANet cater to huge zerg events and metas, because people like those (which is great and all) but those are the places that the game becomes a ridiculous migraine slide show. You'd think that performance might be higher up the list of priorities given their fervor for such events and how, as good as they sometimes are, show the game in the worst light possible. Which makes me think we're pretty much at peak performance for what this game can handle without substantial rebuild or something new.

    And that degree of effort (read: cost) is almost certainly reserved for sequels.

  5. When you complete Tarir and people proceed to the looting below and the 2 mobs. One of them always does an attack with a long wind up, a red circle that fills up beneath every player that has aggro'd him. Watch how many people out of the zerg are downed by this. It's easily upwards of 90%. It's like a 3...2...1...dodge/block! And they still fail it. Some of them have been killing this guy for years. The average player in this game (or at least in its OW) is a zero effort casual in a zerg of people who is relying on the sheer weight of numbers and the few who understand any extra mechanics/defiance/whatever to carry them.

    Thanks to this carrying, they do not need to learn, so they do not learn, and when those who actually do know how to do events/etc aren't there to essentially do them for them (or lead them), they will fail.

  6. To the people having repeated disconnections in story instances: Are you in the UK and using Virgin Media?

    If so, this is an ongoing problem. It might be down to the security settings in the VM Hub (the router/modem device). You don't get any disconnects generally but in GW2 you get disconnects but only in story instances.

    You might get some success logging into the VM Hub (via the local IP, going to the security settings and disabling "IP Flood Detection". This deals with DDoS style attacks and for most virtually all users is a non-issue, and can be re-enabled at any time if needed.

  7. @melandru.3876 said

    useless for you, because it excludes you most likely

    You couldn't be more wrong in that. I've run them to death.

    They're useless because of the amount of dead weight that we need to carry that can meet these requirements. How many guilds carry people through Raids and help them fulfil their legendary farms? A whole bunch. And those people, even if they've done this content lots, still don't understand basic GW2 gameplay let alone high-level fractals/CMs.

    So because they're so poor at weeding out the weak players, and so many good players haven't got these requirements, we started advertising more openly, only requesting experienced. Guess what? It's basicaly the same. Except we fill the party in 1 minute instead of 15+.

  8. I can't agree harder with the OP. The first thing I do when contemplating gem store (or any mtx) purchase is compare the value to the game itself. While almost nothing looks good in this light (which helps maintain a degree of prudence) when something looks particularly egregious I can't buy it. Like costing the same as the game or an expansion for a skin or effect. It reflects badly on the company because I wonder "Do they think I'm a sucker?" and that perception about a business asking me for money is bad for that business. And I do spend money on Gem store here and there, so ANet aren't all bad on this front but they do have some items in there that are, frankly, a rip-off.

  9. @lokh.2695 said:I'm sure the idea of combo fields and finishers looked great on paper and it works well in organized groups. But with the zerglike gameplay we see in WvW and PvE they should just either scrap the idea or make you only combo off of fields you yourself lay down. The system of fields and finishers sounds good but doesn't work in a MMO.

    Just another casualty of the casual semi-afk zerg catering content that, oh boy, people can't get enough of.

  10. @Fire Attunement.9835 said:

    • Raids are a trickier beast. They're a unique experience and community that we want to find better ways to support, the biggest challenge in creating more is the small audience they attract. We gathered data to determine why, and the most common answer was that there is a giant leap in difficulty between raids and other endgame content, and there isn't anything to help players work their way up.

    Further to this - the biggest obstacle for many people to get into Raids is actually other players and their join requirements equating to having more or less mastered the content already by linking LI. I fully understand why most Raiders do this and I'm sure you and the rest of the team do, too, but it compounds the problem you mention with respect to difficulty.

  11. @Aza.2105 said:Graphically GW2 has aged great. Anet made the right choice when they decided to focus on art style instead of technical feats. The only thing they need to do is make it so the game runs well on modern machines. I hope we get some optimizations for the EoD xpac.

    You sort of caught the truth of it by accident - graphically the game is OK, but the art direction is what really carries it and has allowed the visuals to age well. They are closely linked but seperate.

    @maddoctor.2738 said:and pixel count

    pixel polygon

    Sorry to nitpick

  12. @Obtena.7952 said:

    @dace.8019 said:I honestly cannot believe some people in this thread are aguing against improving this game's performance. It is probably the most significant problem it has.

    It's not that hard to believe ... for some people, a game that has better stuff is a game they can't play; they are limited by their gear. For others that are more astute ... recognize that performance is something you have to pay for and realize what we would pay for what we would get isn't that so good a proposition.

    I'm not sure I'm following you correctly - do you believe that improved performance will only benefit people with high-end or expensive systems? IMO, improved performance should positively impact all users, and quite often the biggest gains (in % terms) from improved performance are usually seen on the oldest/weakest specs.

  13. The endless slew of vendor trash and basic crafting supplies, concealed within bags within boxes within chests exist to mask the almost complete lack of worthwhile items you can actually loot in the game. I think it also allows more discrete compartmentalising of some loot tables and allows ANet to manage rewards by activity. Almost all of the worthwhile rewards in the game have a track, achievement, recipe, currency or some such other means of acquisition. This is fundamentally a credit to the game, IMO. But it does mean that the lootable items are very boring and a chore to manage. I've noticed, lately, some attention in this regard where you can loot some better items as part of reward cycles and that has added much needed spice to the loot system, so perhaps it's being recognised.

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