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Regon Phoenix.8215

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Posts posted by Regon Phoenix.8215

  1. Adept Minor TraitYou now can use Shield in your off-hand and allow you to use Pheromone abilities.Reduce your maximum life force by 33%, reduce direct damage you do by 10% and reduce duration of conditions you apply by 20%.While in combat, then you summon 1 Jagged Horror every 10 sec for 18 sec (trigger when you enter combat).

    Adept Major Trait LineMajor Trait 1Increase all your stats by 7 for every active minion you have.Major Trait 2Redirect 5% of damage you or nearby allies (excluding minions and pets) take to your minions. If you do not have any active minion, then redirect this damage to yourself.Major Trait 3Your Pheromone abilities now apply 3 sec of protection and 2 sec of quickness on any affected ally (except yourself). Utility 3 and Utility 4 cause you to apply these boon on yourself.


    Master Minor TraitSummon 1 Jagged Horror for 5 sec whenever you evade an attack. Gain 3 sec of vigor after you dodge in combat.

    Master Major Trait LineMajor Trait 4Your Jagged Horrors now spawn with 6 sec of quickness, fury, protection and resistance. Gain 4 stacks of might for 8 sec when one of your minions dies or expires.Major Trait 5Increase your life force generation by 5% for very ally (excluding minions and pets) nearby (Radius: 600). Gain aegis for 3 sec when one of your minions dies (Cooldown: 10 sec).Major Trait 6Regenerate 80 (scale with healing power) health per sec while you have no active minion present.


    Grandmaster Minor TraitImmobilize nearby enemies for 4 sec when you get downed (Radius: 450). Redirect 75% of damage you take to your minions while you are downed.

    Grandmaster Major Trait LineMajor Trait 7Summon 3 Jagged Horrors for 10 sec when you enter shroud and your Jagged Horrors become immune to all damage while you are in shroud, but increase your shroud cooldown by 10 sec.Major Trait 8All damage you take becomes delayed by 1 sec. If total delayed damage reaches or exceeds 33% of your maximum health, then transfer 100% of it to one of your minions (cooldown: 30 sec).Major Trait 9Increase power, healing power and condition damage by 200 of all nearby allies (excluding yourself) while you have no active minion present, but you can no longer passively summon Jagged Horrors.

    Shield 4Form a shield gaining stability and absorb 25% of damage you take over next 3 sec. After this ability expires, then release explosion of dark energy dealing all absorbed damage to nearby enemies. If absorbed damage exceeds 50% of your maximum health, then inflict fear on all enemies damaged by this ability. This damage is distributed evenly among all enemies and can't be critical.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 25 sec
    • Stability: 3 sec
    • Enemies hit: up to 3
    • Radius: 300
    • Fear: 2 sec


    Shield 5Minion. Summon a stationary blob of flesh. It will pulse weakness and cripple on nearby enemies every 4 sec. After 12 sec this blob will evolve and start applying might on you and nearby allies with every pulse. After evolving, this blob will also taunt nearby non-player enemies every 10 sec.

    • Casting time: 1.5 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Cooldown: 40 sec
    • Pulse radius: 300
    • Health: 40'000 (at your max level)
    • Weakness: 1 sec
    • Cripple: 2 sec
    • Might: 2 stacks for 12 sec
    • Taunt: 2 sec

    Healing PheromoneHeal yourself and heal all nearby allies. Healing done on your minions is doubled.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 30 sec
    • Radius: 450
    • Self-healing: 2000 (scales with healing power)
    • Ally healing: 2000 (scale with healing power)


    Utility Pheromone 1Cause a nearby ally (except yourself) to taunt all nearby enemies and give that ally regeneration.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 40 sec
    • Range: 600
    • Taunt radius: 300
    • Taunt: 1 sec
    • Regeneration: 5 sec


    Utility Pheromone 2Apply special fragrance on all nearby allies (except yourself). When affected ally applies a boon on themselves, then they also gain might.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 40 sec
    • Radius: 600
    • Duration: 4 sec
    • Interval: 1/2 sec
    • Might: 1 stack for 10 sec


    Utility Pheromone 3Cause a caustic explosion to blast your target with acid after a delay dealing damage to all nearby enemies around your target and apply vulnerability. Damage done by this ability ignores toughness.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Delay: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 20 sec
    • Range: 600
    • Radius: 450
    • Damage: 1000 (scale with power)
    • Vulnerability: 5 stacks for 10 sec
    • Blast combo finisher


    Utility Pheromone 4Release toxic fragrance poisoning and confusing all nearby enemies.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 25 sec
    • Radius: 600
    • Poison: 3 stacks for 8 sec
    • Confusion: 2 stacks for 4 sec


    Elite PheromoneCause nearby allies (except yourself) to become enraged for 8 sec. Enraged allies take 5% less damage and deal 5% more damage. This effect is doubled on your minions.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 180
    • Radius: 600

    Flesh of the Master (death magic trait) - now increase toughness by 15 per minion.Necromantic Corruption (death magic trait) - cooldown per every minion now becomes 20 sec.Death Nova (death magic trait) - now no longer summons Jagged Horror upon killing an enemy, but now increases duration of any Jagged Horror you summon by 5 sec.

  2. @Dadnir.5038 said:

    @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:Lets remember what you have said:"1.5 second stun does or will ever do"I proved that you don't know what you are talking about, because you claimed that it can stun only for 1.5 sec. Which is way better for power builds. At least admit when you are wrong, mate.

    I'll answer you the same way you answer:"still don't reach the inate 2 seconds of immobilize despite the fact that you add a sigil effect"

    And i will answer you the same way you answer:"I disagree, because i want to disagree, but i have no reason to do so, so i claim immobilize to be stronger CC than stun"

  3. @"Dadnir.5038" said:Which doesn't mean that your shroud gain inately this effect and thus is a matter of build. Thus bleed isn't a condition that come directly from the shroud. However you turn it, trait improve the shroud they aren't "inate" abilities you make "sacrifices" to gain their effects.

    Well, you have to take one of those, and even if you don't take that one, you still have to take something, because you need to take reaper elite.

    @"Dadnir.5038" said:30% push the stun effect to a duration slightly under 2 seconds. 100% condi duration push immobilize to 4 seconds... Far longer indeed. I think you can take off your black glasses.

    Lets remember what you have said:"1.5 second stun does or will ever do"I proved that you don't know what you are talking about, because you claimed that it can stun only for 1.5 sec. Which is way better for power builds. At least admit when you are wrong, mate.

  4. @Dadnir.5038 said:You introduce a trait in an argument which is only about the shroud. I could say that core shroud can be supported by 3 core traitlines instead of just 2.

    If you take reaper elite, you must take one of three traits. However, if you play core necro, you are not tie to any traitline, thus taking one of reaper traits is necessary.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:And to entertain you, you could also list "reveal" as condition.

    ....... I am not entertained.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:Immobilize is affected by condition duration which make it indeed "better" in some situation, effectively rooting in place your targets for far longer than a 1.5 second stun does or will ever do.

    (• •)( • •)>⌐■-■Sigil of Savagery(⌐■_■)

    @Dadnir.5038 said:A 1200 range instant single target fear. Again, this is an effect that can be a lot more potent than the reaper's fear based on the situation.

    Reaper have damage reduction, stability and AOE fear in one single ability, which makes it way more potent and versatile in nearly every single situation.

  5. @Dadnir.5038 said:It's arguable to say that reaper shroud have "better" conditions because core death shroud have access to immobilize, chill, bleed and torment while, strictly speaking, reaper shroud only offer poison and chill.

    Nope. Reaper shroud have blind, chill and poison. Also, why do you put immobilize to both conditions and CC?Death shroud have bleed, chill and chill.So, 3 for 3. However:Death shroud - 2 stacks of bleed and a chill once every 15 sec; 2 stacks of torment once every 40 sec.Reaper shroud - blindness every 6 sec; chill every 25 sec; 12 stacks of poison every 30 sec; chill every 30 sec.Now add "Deathly Chill" and now every single chill adds bleed.So, reaper applies more conditions, applies them more often and i would argue that reaper's conditions are better.

    @Dadnir.5038 said:The same goes for the CCs, is a stun really better than immobilize? It might be in PvE faced agaisnt a break bar but it might be weaker in other situations... etc.

    1.5 sec stun VS 2 sec of immobilize. Are you trying to claim immobilize is better?Also, death shroud have single target fear. Reaper shroud have AOE fear.

  6. @derd.6413 said:just because anet didn't adress powercreep in 4 years doesn't make it a design issue/not an issue, that's some really arbitrary logic.

    According to what Anet was doing for past 4 years it is not an issue. It is an issue according to you. Because you aren't working for Anet, so i will take the side of Anet - reaper shroud is better and was designed to be better than death shroud.

  7. @Sigmoid.7082 said:To add to the what dred has said:More retaliation and weakness =/= too much retaliation and weakness. More is fine, too much is not.

    Define how much retaliation is too much. For example, lets just ignore boon removal (and typical 2 sec length of fights) and just talk about uptime. In 60 seconds, how many seconds of retaliation is too much? Be specific.

  8. @derd.6413 said:you lose death shroud

    And get reaper shroud - the one with better damage, better fear, stability, better CC, better conditions, etc. How is that a trade-off when core shroud gets turned into a better version?

    @derd.6413 said:you lose elite toolbelt skill

    And get entire new 5 new abilities who work as direct improvement towards all weapon sets available. How is that a trade-off?

    @derd.6413 said:Dragonhunter?you lose the core virtues

    And get better one. How is that a trade-off if you get a better thing?

    @derd.6413 said:and don't come with "reaper shroud is better then death shroud" , that's a balance issue, not a design issue (same goes for the other examples)

    Reaper shroud was added in 2015 and it always been better than death shroud. Anet had 4 years to balance it, so it is as balanced as it can be, yet, it is still better.So, it is an design issue and it proves my point perfectly.(• •)( • •)>⌐■-■(⌐■_■)

  9. @Sigmoid.7082 said:No need for the "deal with it" and only quoting the top half of the quote, which is now pretty irrelevant due to them having a change in design ethos. It's literally in the following sentence what they are planning to do with them now and how they will a) change those which don't have a trade off to have one, i.e. DD and swipe, and b) make sure specs added in future already have one when released.

    So, what is a trade-off for picking reaper over core?Also, what is a trade-off for picking holosmith over core engineer? And how about druid? Soulbeast? Mirage? Chronomancer? Dragonhunter? Scrapper?(• •)Oh, wait, nearly none of them are trade-offs. All of them are improvements.( • •)>⌐■-■(⌐■_■)

    @Sigmoid.7082 said:On top of what Dadnir said this spec has far to much retaliation and weakness. Throw in the healing and this would be one of the most annoying specs to actually fight.

    Core necro have chill - reaper have more chills.Core necro have torment and burn - scourge have more torment and burn.Warrior can apply more weakness. Guardian can have more retaliation.Core necro have weakness and retaliation - this elite have more weakness and retaliation.

    It is as if(• •)this elite improve what necro already have( • •)>⌐■-■just like most other elites in the game(⌐■_■)

  10. @Dadnir.5038 said:Elite specializations were introduced with the Heart of Thorns™ expansion and have become a regular sight throughout Tyria. These specializations have SOMETIMES come with trade-offs, and SOMETIMES they've been PURELY BENEFICIAL compared to a core specialization.

    (• •)( • •)>⌐■-■(⌐■_■)

  11. Adept Minor TraitYou now can use sword in your main hand and allow you to use Unbalance abilities.Gain new F2 ability. Each weapon gain new AA while F2 is active. This Elite uses core shroud.

    Adept Major Trait LineMajor Trait 1Weakness you inflict will now last 15% longer. Deal 5% more damage to weakened enemies.Major Trait 2Increase all healing you get via life siphon by 15%.Major Trait 3Gain 5 sec of retaliation when you exit shroud.


    Master Minor TraitGain 4 sec of retaliation when you enter combat. Refresh this ability when you exit shroud.

    Master Major Trait LineMajor Trait 4Inflict 3 stacks of poison for 8 sec on enemies whenever you inflict weakness on them. Cooldown per unique enemy: 15 sec.Major Trait 5Your life siphoning abilities and affects deal 10% more damage.Major Trait 6Gain 3 sec of retaliation when you evade an attack. (Cooldown: 3 sec)


    Grandmaster Minor TraitInflict 4 sec of weakness on an enemy when you damage it via retaliation. Cooldown: 10 sec.

    Grandmaster Major Trait LineMajor Trait 7Damaging an enemy with your sword have a 33% chance to inflict 1 stack of poison for 5 sec. Poisons you inflict will last 20% longer.Major Trait 8Your F2 now will siphon health from nearby enemies every 2 sec. (Siphon damage: 300; Siphon healing: 170; Radius: 300)Major Trait 9Ignore chill/cripple/slow/blind while you have retaliation. Using one of your Unbalance abilities will reduce remaining cooldown of F2 by 2 sec.

    Sword 1First hit of two hit chain. Slash your target and inflict poison on weakened enemies.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Damage: 375 (scale with power)
    • Life force: 1%
    • Poison: 1 stack for 4 sec


    Sword 1Second hit of two hit chain. Slash your target and inflict weakness on poisoned enemies.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Damage: 450 (scale with power)
    • Life force: 2%
    • Weakness: 1 sec


    Sword 1While F2 is active. Impale your target siphoning some health and inflict poison.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Siphon damage: 280 (scale with power)
    • Siphon healing: 175 (scale with healing power)
    • Poison: 1 stack for 5 sec


    Sword 2Shadow step to your target and hit all nearby enemies dealing damage to them, inflict weakness and poison on all damaged enemies.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 600
    • Radius: 300
    • Damage: 750 (scale with power)
    • Weakness: 3 sec
    • Poison: 2 stacks for 5 sec


    Sword 3Create a shield of horrors which will absorb next control effect inflicted upon you. When this ability absorbs a control effect, then inflict fear on your attacker. Gain retaliation if this ability expires without absorbing a control effect.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Duration: 5 sec
    • Cooldown: 15 sec
    • Fear: 1 sec
    • Retaliation: 4 sec

    F2Enter into necrotic frenzy causing you to deal more damage, take more healing and take more damage. While on this frenzy your weapon AA changes in new one. This frenzy ends automatically when you enter shroud or get downed.

    • Casting time: 1/4 sec
    • Duration: 10 sec
    • Cooldown: 30 sec
    • Bonus damage: 10%
    • Bonus healing: 15%
    • Increase damage taken: 20%
    • Cost: 5000 life force


    Staff 1While F2 is active. Cause shadows to strike your target and all enemies nearby your target.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Radius: 300
    • Damage: 750 (scale with power)
    • Unblockable


    Axe 1While F2 is active. Mutilate your target while channeling. Each hit of this ability inflict vulnerability. Deal 50% more damage against enemies bellow 25% of their maximum health.

    • Channel time: 2 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Damage (4x): 900 (scale with power)
    • Vulnerability: 1 stack for 10 sec


    Dagger 1While F2 is active. Slash your target with reckless fury dealing damage to it and inflict bleeding on yourself. Deal more damage per stack of bleeding on you.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 350 (scale with power)
    • Self-bleeding: 1 stack for 6 sec
    • Damage done per stack of bleed: 5%


    Scepter 1While F2 is active. Cause necrotic miasma to burst out of your target inflict poison on your target and 1 more random condition.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Damage: 150 (scale with power)
    • Poison: 1 stack for 6 sec
    • Bleeding: 1 stack for 10 sec
    • Torment: 1 stack for 5 sec
    • Confusion: 1 stack for 3 sec

    Healing UnbalanceBecome invulnerable to all damage.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Duration: 4 sec
    • Cooldown: 40 sec


    Utility Unbalance 1Stunbreak yourself, consume some of your own health and gain regeneration.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 20 sec
    • Health cost: 1500
    • Regeneration: 10 sec


    Utility Unbalance 2Consume a boon on yourself and remove the same boon from all nearby enemies.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 15 sec
    • Radius: 450


    Utility Unbalance 3Immobilize yourself and gain retaliation.

    • Casting time: 1/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 15 sec
    • Immobilize: 2 sec
    • Retaliation: 5 sec


    Utility Unbalance 4Tether yourself to your target. Heal yourself for 15% of healing your target takes. This counts as siphon healing.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 40 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Tether break range: 900
    • Duration: 4 sec


    Elite UnbalanceReverse all boons and conditions on your target (can be cast on both yourself and enemies) turning boons into conditions and conditions into boons.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 60 sec
    • Range: 1200
  12. @"ZeroTheCat.2684" said:Worst class.. that has been defining the meta for god knows how long and is appering x2 or x3 in basically every game right now. Dude, just stop trolling.

    Ok, lets review what other class and necro don't have:1) Self-boon application. Other classes like holosmith, scrapper, any mesmer, etc - can apply way more boons on themselves and their boon application is way more reliable;2) Support via boons. Only scourge have it, and then it can't barely add any boons on team. Now compare that to herald, firebrand or any other decent support;3) Self-healing. Almost all other classes have better self-healing than reaper. Even scourge pales in comparison to classes like scrapper, holosmith, spellbreaker, herald, etc;4) Team-healing. Only scourge have, but even at that tempest, firebrand and even druid are better than scourge;5) Single-target direct damage. Only repeat have that, but majority of other classes can do way more damage than reaper;6) Multi-target direct damage. Necro have none of that;7) Single-target condition damage. Necro fall behind meta condition builds in that. Mirage, condition thief, burn guardian - all of these do more single target condition damage;8) Multi-target condition damage. Reaper have nearly none of that. Scourge the best or second best in this area of the PVP;9) Evades. Even warrior have more of them. Neither scourge nor reaper have reliable evades (excluding basic dodge every other class have);10) Block. Necro have none, it just don't have any means to block any damage;11) CC. Very limited and mostly works around fear. Every single other class have better options for CC. Every. single. one;12) Boon removal - necro is the best one in the game. However, it works mostly for condition builds;13) HP - necro have the largest health-pool when you factor in life-force, but you need to charge life force and you need to enter shroud for both access extra health to survive and to deal damage, because both core necro and reaper deal nearly no damage outside of shroud;14) Mobility - every single other class have better mobility than necro. There is no class with worse mobility.

    Could please specify how necro is meta defining and " Scourge and to some extent reaper is much stronger than all other classes right now"? I can't stop laughing about those claims.

  13. @ZeroTheCat.2684 said:Honestly if anything needs a nerf it’s necro. Scourge and to some extent reaper is much stronger than all other classes right now. There is a reason we see double necro in every kitten game right now and it’s getting annoying. Or bettet yet, bring all other classes up to the same level.

    Maybe because necro is glorified kitten? :D you find fighting against necro to be problematic? :D Whenever i play my guardian, herald, daredevil or even CONDITION BOW SPELLBREAKER - i simply ignore necromancers, because reaper can't even touch me without shroud and scourge is just a joke.Every single time i was in a team with two necros - we lost the game. Every time i played against a team with two necros - we won with at least 2 times point difference.

    Are you serious complaining about the worst class in the game? :D please, confirm that you are serious. This is comedy gold.

  14. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I get the proposed Axe AA then, but rifle AA sucks now so why not make this version a little better?

    Rifle AA does 247 damage before scaling and doesn't inflict vulnerability. So, mine already is an improvement.But yeah, i get where you are going. Both base and new rifle AA aren't the most fun in the game. Gotta to think about it.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:But Outrage is mostly just a stunbreak that extends BMode some. The artifact you proposed also adds a large amount of toughness on a relatively short CD in comparison to the duration, which is what I was trying to call out. I think making it a source of party protection instead would be better with something like a 1/3 to 1/2 upkeep rate.

    Already changed that. Now, they add boons instead of just stats. Also, they add boons to nearby allies for a support build.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I like the utility changes to boon sharing. I do not know if it is possible to have the various boons do extra stuff when you give them to OTHER people. I know several classes have traits that alter the boons THEY receive, but I do not know if it can work this way or not unless an Anet employee chimes in here to help guide such discussion.

    Well, i don't know either. But maybe they can.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Things like "Every 10 sec copy 1 condition from your target and apply it to nearby enemy. Radius: 450" will require some action to perform other than targeting someone. Like every 10th attack transfers 1 condition (ooooo I like that).

    Well, maybe.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:I hope you don't feel like I'm picking too much, I do like this concept, there are just some things that I notice that I am not sure Anet can do and some things that require more active use than passive.

    Well, that aren't many passive withing this one.

  15. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Too much evade on GS, remove one of them.

    This point i think will repeat itself many times, so i will put it here: F1 get replaced by something like a conjured weapon where you equip an improved version of the normal version of the weapons.Because GS already have some evade frames, so improved version adds more evade frames.But yeah, i get your point. Gonna remove evade from 4th ability.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:GS5 seemed to be the only one that disarms the weapon so unless the last skill is supposed to do that for all of them then get rid of it from GS, or add it to the skill 3 or 5 of the other weapons.

    Each God-arms offer some unique things, not only improve existing abilities. And each of them are quite different and work differently.Now, regarding only GS having auto-unequip. Basic GS already have ability where you throw your GS, and this is just more flashy version of it: high risk - high reward. Other weapons have other special abilities to offer.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Cast times on some of the Auto Attacks are a little slow (axe and rifle in particular)

    I modeled them after existing ones. Except for axe, because first two are fast and weak, but the last one is long and strong. God-arms rifle have the same attacks speed as normal rifle....

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Sword should have at least one more hit to the AA chain. Same dmg, cast time, targets and range but with burn(3s) added to it.

    Yeah, it could. But i wanted to make it a bit more unique. Currently sword relies on AA to apply condition and other sword skills acts more like support for AA. Well, God-arms AA works as support for 3rd ability. So, sword still keeps its theme, but who support who got reversed.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Mace 3 should be a cone AoE (if you meant that by the flavor text it wasn't clear in the rest of the skill).

    Yeah, it should. I made a mistake in putting "radius" instead of "range". Will fix that.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:For clarity: The healing artifact is 600 (scaling) per second heal over time not 6000?

    Well, total healing is 6000, but because it is over 10 sec, so yes, it is 600 HP per 1 sec over 10 sec.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Utility artifact 1 would need 20-30 second CD for that benefit+duration not 15s CD.

    Outrage (berserker utility) - 10 sec cooldown, stunbreaker, increase berserker duration, cause burning if traited. Looks quite similar.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:You would lose Burst attacks, and gain 2 bars of adrenaline with 5 bars being required to change your weapon to a God-Arms correct?


    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Losing bursts itself is enough of a drawback.

    God-arms counts as separate weapons. Traits and other effect, who occur when you switch weapons trigger themselves. Also, instead of having 2 different weapon sets (lets ignore off-hand weapons for a bit), you will have 4 weapon sets. I think that compensate the lost of burst skills.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:All weapon specific traits should work with the God-Arms.

    They do. Greatsword God-arms is still a greatsword. Same with bow, rifle and other weapons.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Would each attack from a God-Arms be considered using a burst skill, or just equipping one?

    Just equipping. That's why i added how other traits would change in regards to this elite.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:Let equipping a God-Arms emit a burst of celestial energy in a 420 radius, 5 targets, inflicts torment for 5s, deals 4000 (scales with power) dmg (PvE), 1000 dmg (PvP/WvW).

    Yeah, i forgot to add a little bit of lore.God-arms are mean to be very special kind of celestial weapons with more celestial power then normal celestial weapons. Weapons of gods in the most extreme. And this elite would be able to call them for help (just like in movies/anime/games main hero gets legendary weapon out of nowhere just because that character is the main one). However, some of these weapons are purely celestial (lawful good) and easy to handle, while other would be chaotic and maybe even more demonic in nature. That's why some are able to inflict torment, while other aren't.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:You have traits that work off of regeneration and protection, but no source of either in the weapons or skills. I suggest working them into some traits/artifacts somewhere. Maybe artifact 1 should be a stunbreak that grants protection (10s) to yourself and all allies within a radius. Let the Healing Artifact instead of the Heal Over Time, pulse regeneration (2s) over 10s to you and allies nearby you. Let Artifact 2 and 3 also grant their boons to nearby allies. This would give it some party support which is something that people have been wanting from any new warrior e-spec.

    Yeah, that was a mistake on my part as well. Those traits should have worked a bit differently, but i forgot to change them before posting. Gonna change them now.

  16. Previous version.

    Adept Minor TraitAllow you to use Artifact abilities.Your Burst will now be replaced by God-arms ability. These abilities allow you to equip an unique main-hand weapon with new abilities based on your current main-hand weapon and maintain it until you switch weapons, get downed, pick conjured weapon or deactivate this ability (similar like how necromancer's shroud works). God-arms cost 50 adrenaline to equip.

    Adept Major Trait LineMajor Trait 1Remove 1 condition from yourself whenever you equip God-arms Weapon.Major Trait 2Regeneration you apply now increase all healing all affected allies take by 15%.Major Trait 3Your critical hit have 20% chance to inflict 1 stack of torment for 8 sec. Torment you inflict will deal 10% damage.


    Master Minor TraitGain vigor for 6 sec, regeneration for 4 sec and fury for 3 sec when you equip God-arms weapon.

    Master Major Trait LineMajor Trait 4Move 33% faster while you have equipped God-arms weapon.Major Trait 5Vigor you apply now decrease condition damage all affected allies take by 10%.Major Trait 6Whenever you inflict a damaging condition on an enemy, then also inflict 2 stacks of torment for 8 sec. Cooldown: 8 sec.


    Grandmaster Minor TraitEvery 10 sec copy 1 of your boons and apply it to nearby ally. Every 10 sec copy 1 condition from your target and apply it to nearby enemy. Radius: 450.

    Grandmaster Major Trait LineMajor Trait 7Gain 1 stack of might for 5 sec every 2 sec while you have equipped God-arms.Major Trait 8Fury you apply now increase precision for all affected allies by 100. Remove 1 non-damaging condition from all affected allies when you use Artifact ability.Major Trait 9Equipping God-arms now inflict 3 stacks of torment for 5 sec on all nearby enemies (Radius: 450). Whenever you inflict 6 or more stacks of torment on an enemy, then summon a demonic spirit to to haunt that enemy inflicting 3 stacks of confusion for 6 sec on it (Range: 900; Cooldown: 14 sec).

    Greatsword God-arms

    1First hit of three hit chain. Impale your target dealing damage to it and inflict vulnerability.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Damage: 400 (scales with power)
    • Vulnerability: 1 stack for 8 sec


    1Second hit of three hit chain. Slash horizontally and wind up for a massive attack.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 200
    • Damage (2x): 650 (scale with power)
    • Enemies hit: up to 3


    1Jump over your head and release an explosive slash against enemies in front of you.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Range: 300
    • Radius: 180
    • Evade: 1/4 sec
    • Damage: 700 (scale with power)
    • Enemies hit: up to 3
    • Blast combo finisher: 20%


    2Enter into mists becoming untargetable and charge forward towards your target. At the end of you charge yo exist the mists and damage nearby enemies chilling them.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 9 sec
    • Range: 600
    • Evade: 3/4 sec
    • Damage: 800 (scale with power)
    • Chill: 3 sec


    3Crease a sphere of collapsing energy. After some delay or when you reactive this ability it will pull all nearby enemies towards it and damage them.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 14 sec
    • Radius: 400
    • Pull: 240
    • Damage: 550 (scale with power)


    4Become a vortex of divine energies damaging nearby enemies while channeling.

    • Channel time: 2 sec
    • Cooldown: 20 sec
    • Radius: 300
    • Damage (8x): 1600 (scale with power)


    5Throw your God-arms at your target. If it hits an enemy, then it will chatter, damage nearby enemies, stun them and disarm this God-arm form yourself. If it doesn't hit any enemy, then it will return to you.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 30 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Radius: 240
    • Damage: 1800 (scale with power)
    • Stun: 2 sec

    Hammer God-arms

    1First hit of two hit chain. Smash the ground and create an unstable crater. It will collapse after a delay and damage enemies within it. Enemies within this crater are crippled.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Radius: 100
    • Damage: 400 (scale with power)
    • Delay: 2 sec
    • Crater damage: 250 (scale with power)


    1Second hit of two hit chain. Slam your hammer and cause all nearby craters to collapse instantly.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Damage: 600 (scale with power)


    2Jump towards your target. Deal damage and daze nearby enemies when you land.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 10 sec
    • Range: 450
    • Damage: 750 (scale with power)
    • Daze: 1/4 sec
    • Leap combo finisher


    3Thunderclap causing damage to nearby enemies, cripple and weaken them.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 12 sec
    • Radius: 600
    • Damage: 300 (scale with power)
    • Cripple: 5 sec
    • Weakness: 5 sec
    • Blast combo finisher


    4Cause lightning to strike your target and stun it.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 20 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Damage: 800 (scale with power)
    • Stun: 3 sec


    5Crush your target. Cause lightning strike your target, if it is controlled. Lightning strike is always critical.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 25 sec
    • Range: 170
    • Damage: 800 (scale with power)
    • Lightning damage: 1000 (scale with power)

    Longbow God-arms

    1Shoot an arrow of chaotic energy at your target. It will deal damage and inflict torment on hit.

    • Casting time: 3/4
    • Range: 1200
    • Damage: 500 (scale with power)
    • Torment: 1 stack for 2 sec


    2Release several chaotic orbs to float around you. When enemies comes too close, then these orbs will launch themselves at those dealing damage to them and inflict torment.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 8 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Number of orbs: 3
    • Damage per orb: 300 (scale with power)
    • Torment per orb: 1 stack for 4 sec


    3Shoot a chaotic vortex arrow at targeted area. When this arrow lands it will deal damage to nearby enemies, inflict torment on them and create ethereal field for 3 sec.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 12 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Radius: 180
    • Damage: 350 (scale with power)
    • Torment: 1 stack for 5 sec


    4Release demonic arrow at your target. When it hit, then it will release chaotic explosion inflicting torment on nearby enemies. If this ability scores a critical hit, then the cooldown of this ability gets reduced.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 18 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Radius: 240
    • Damage: 850 (scale with power)
    • Torment: 2 stacks for 10 sec
    • Cooldown reduction: 12 sec
    • Blast combo finisher


    5Release several chaotic arrows at your target while channeling. First arrow will immobilize your target, second arrow will inflict torment, third arrow inflict confusion, fourth arrow will daze.

    • Channel time: 2 sec
    • Cooldown: 20 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Damage (4x): 800 (scale with power)
    • Immobilize: 3 sec
    • Torment: 3 stacks for 5 sec
    • Confusion: 2 stacks for 4 sec
    • Daze: 1 sec

    Rifle God-arms

    1Shoot a miniature start at your target to deal damage and inflict vulnerability.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Damage: 450 (scale with power)
    • Vulnerability: 2 stacks for 10 sec


    2Release a gama-ray burst as a wave in front of you dealing damage to enemies and burn them.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec (can't move while casting)
    • Cooldown: 10 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Damage: 950 (scale with power)
    • Burn: 2 stacks for 3 sec


    3Release a barrage of miniature stars at your target dealing damage to your target. Each hit inflict vulnerability.

    • Channel time: 2 sec
    • Cooldown: 14
    • Range: 1200
    • Damage (4x): 1400 (scale with power)
    • Vulnerability per hit: 2 stacks for 10 sec


    4Create a defensive nebula around yourself for few seconds. This nebula destroy projectiles and gran fury.

    • Casting time: 1/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 16 sec
    • Duration: 4 sec
    • Fury: 8 sec


    5Shoot a miniature black hole at your target. When it hits your target, then it will damage all nearby enemies and pull them towards your original target.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 20 sec
    • Range: 1200
    • Radius: 400
    • Damage: 1200 (scale with power)

    Axe God-arms

    1First hit of three hit chain. Chop your target dealing damage and grant might to yourself.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 400 (scale with power)
    • Might: 1 stack for 3 sec


    1Second hit of three hit chain. Chow your target and gain fury.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 450 (scale with power)
    • Fury: 4 sec


    1Third hit of three hit chain. Chop your target and gain quickness.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 500 (scale with power)
    • Quickness: 1.5 sec


    2Release a spinning slash dealing damage to nearby enemies and gain quickness for every enemy hit.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 6 sec
    • Radius: 300
    • Damage: 400 (scale with power)
    • Quickness: 1 sec
    • Enemies hit: up to 5


    3Jump high and fall on your enemy with a powerful chop dealing damage to your target. Deal bonus damage for every unique boon on you.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 12 sec
    • Range: 600
    • Evasion: 3/4 sec
    • Damage: 600 (scale with power)
    • Bonus damage per unique boon: 150 (scale with power)

    Mace God-arms

    1First hit of two hit chain. Strike your target and energies yourself removing weakness from yourself.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 350 (scale with power)


    1Second hit of two hit chain. Strike your target and weaken it.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 450 (scale with power)
    • Weakness: 3 sec


    2Strike your target and create an enemy shield which will block the next attack done against you.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 8 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 550 (scale with power)
    • Block duration: 5 sec


    3Cause an energy wave to erupt form your mace to deal damage to nearby enemies and daze them.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 10 sec
    • Range: 450
    • Damage: 800 (scale with power)
    • Daze: 3/4 sec

    Sword God-arms

    1Slash your target, inflict bleeding and cause 1 charge of chaotic energy to build withing your sword. This chaotic energy builds up to 10 charges.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Range: 130
    • Damage: 300 (scale with power)
    • Bleed: 1 stack for 4 sec


    2Teleport forward to your target and deal damage to it. Build 2 charges of chaotic energy within your sword. This chaotic energy builds up to 10 charges.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 10 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Damage: 750 (scale with power)


    3Release all chaotic energy stacked up within your sword inflict damage and torment to nearby enemies. Inflict bonus torment for every stack of chaotic energy your other abilities have built up.

    • Casting time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 12 sec
    • Radius: 300
    • Damage: 900 (scale with power)
    • Torment: 2 stacks for 6 sec
    • Torment per stack of chaotic energy: 1 stack for 3 sec

    Healing ArtifactHeal yourself instantly. Also, grant regeneration for yourself and nearby allies.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 30 sec
    • Radius: 450
    • Instant heal: 2500 (scale with healing power)
    • Regeneration: 10 sec


    Utility Artifact 1Stunbreak yourself. Also, grant protection for yourself and nearby allies.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 15 sec
    • Radius: 450
    • Protection: 10 sec


    Utility Artifact 2Remove chill/cripple/slow/immobilize from yourself and remove up to 1 damaging condition from yourself. Also, grant swiftness for yourself and nearby allies.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 30 sec
    • Radius: 450
    • Swiftness: 10 sec


    Utility Artifact 3Gain quickness. Also, grant fury for yourself and nearby allies.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 30 sec
    • Radius: 450
    • Quickness: 5 sec
    • Fury: 10 sec


    Utility Artifact 4Inflict torment to nearby enemies. Also, grant might for yourself and nearby allies.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 40 sec
    • Radius: 450
    • Torment: 1 stack for 10 sec
    • Might: 5 stacks for 10 sec


    Elite ArtifactStunbreak yourself, remove up to 3 damaging condition from yourself. Also, share all boons on you with all nearby allies.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 90 sec
    • Radius: 450

    How existing traits change when you take this elite

    Sundering Burst (arms trait) - it now only inflict vulnerability on a critical hit while you have God-arms equipped (cooldown: 5 sec).Burst Precision (arms trait) - you gain 10% bonus critical strike chance while you have God-arms equipped.Versatile Power (discipline trait) - now reduce God-arms weapon skill cooldowns by 5%.Burst Mastery (discipline trait) - now only grants swiftness and adrenaline when you equip or unequip your God-arms.

  17. @rng.1024 said:Dude you are comparing one burst skill against another in order to decide viability of a condition build. So what if it does less burn, it has lower cd and higher coefficient, your heal and elite fully recovers adrenaline and mixed with mace primal bursts knocks anything a condition spellbreaker can do out of the park. Berserk mode also passively increases your condition damage by ~20%. It's definitely a build/rotation problem.

    Good job. You almost got the thing i was talking about right. On paper berserker should offer a better condition build in PVP. All the trats, all utilities, etc. It SHOULD be the case, right? However, in reality it isn't the case. It is counter-intuitive, but nevertheless spellbreaker is still better for condition bow build. It doesn't make sense until you try it and find out that spellbreaker perform way better than berserker. It was bizarre to me as well at first, but that's how it is.

  18. @steki.1478 said:Because condi berserker has aoe fields and is squishy, while spellbreaker can cast condies on the move and is harder to kill.

    Core bow burst offer better AOE field than berserker bow burst.

    @steki.1478 said:If you compared these in pve, spellbreaker wouldn't even get close to zerker. Just because zerker is labeled as condi doesn't mean that it will always be the best condi build on warr. A lot of builds are very situational.

    That's why i specified that i am talking about PVP.

    @rng.1024 said:You know how with Spellbreaker using full counter allow you to recast your f1? Berserker can do that - like 5 times in a row.

    Imagination doesn't count. Burst skills have CD and require adrenaline. There is now way you can do 5 burst shots in a row with a bow.

    @rng.1024 said:It's f1 even does more damage as a result, so it seems like it's a build/rotation problem.

    Scorched Earth (berserker) - 3 stacks of burn for 4 secCombustive shot (by spellbreaker) - 4 stacks of burn for 5 secWhy are you lying, mate?

  19. Lets start with the obvious:1) Berserker have lots of traits to support condition damage and have utilities to deal condition damage. Berserker looks like an improvement upon core condition builds;2) Spellbreaker have no traits to support condition damage and have no utilities to deal condition damage. Spellbreaker doesn't like it is meant to deal condition damage. In fact, even core warrior seems like a better choice for a condition build.

    About two weeks ago i returned to play my bow warrior in PVP. I always wanted to play it, but it never was a good build. Many time i tried to create a build (using berserker elite) for condition bow warrior which would be at least decent. But two weeks ago i tried replacing berserker with spellbreaker.....Here are my findings:1) Spellbreaker deals more condition damage than berserker, because it have way easier access (and arguably better) bow burst skill;2) Spellbreaker have better sustain, because it can easier get off Adrenal Health (defense trait) ticking;3) Spellbreaker have better defense against direct damage and against condition damage (full counter of course);4) Spellbreaker more pressure, because it can peel away defensive boons.

    So, what's the point of berserker? It have traits for condition damage, it have utilities for condition damage, but it is still outdone by spellbreaker who have none of those.Why would anyone play Condition Berserker (one of its intended builds), if people can simply play Condition Spellbreaker (who isn't even supposed to be played as condition spec) and perform way better? Why does berserker even exists at this point?

  20. @Kahrgan.7401 said:I was hoping when there was a culling of jobs they might of gotten rid of the major players in the poor balance of this game, but alas, its still the same. I havent played in 10 months, and started again this weekend. Things are STILL the same.

    Yes. PVP is just like it was for years - you need absolutely no skills and no tactics to win. Just take overpowered easy to play class, mash random buttons and win. Average fights against some classes lasts 2 sec or less. And while pvp is THE MOST FUN PART OF THIS GAME, it is still the most broken and neglected part of game. It could be literally made better by simply nerfing all damage and all healing by 70%. It something this simple can improve PVP gameplay, then it should be clear how bad it is.

  21. @sephiroth.4217 said:

    @praqtos.9035 said:So taking utilities for "oneshot" setup is ok? Make build especially for oneshot is ok? Then why its bother you AT ALL if they build for it ? Makes you complaints and thread itself ridiculous

    Because some classes can do that with nearly no investment. Like mesmer who can simply 1shot people out of stealth. Of deadeye who can 1shot you also from stealth. This how it should be: 1shot builds shouldn't be possible full stop. No matter how bad or good they are, there shouldn't be such thing. However, they are a thing and some are much much better than others. Even if you go core rifle warrior, it would never perform as good as rifle deadeye.

    @praqtos.9035 said:In fact like 4-5 days ago I did play unranked and it did hit me 19k

    Did you made a picture to prove that? No? That's what i though.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Maul sic em gazelle CC chain death. Can be done from stealth ez.

    Alright, however, if you look way above, you will see a screenshot in which i already showed that ranger is broken. Though, soulbeast is more broken than core ranger.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Any engineer can oneshot with "meme barrage". Also Kamikaze holo with overheat bomb.

    ...... I already said that holosmith could do that. Why are you repeating what i have already said?

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Like... why anyone need to prove you wrong because you have no clue what classes are capable of ? What a facepalm.

    :D :D :D so, you prove me wrong by admiring that i am right? :D :D :D you are doing a great job, mate. Keep it up.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:What is the most hilarious you are trying to justify warrior oneshots which defeats purpose of your thread, if you even had it...

    So, me saying that riffle warrior is a bad example (because it it is no way as strong as other 1shot builds), but example none the less (agreeing that it should not be possible for warrior to do that), is me justifying it? :D :D how high are you?

    What happened to all my quotes?And im the high one?What?

    Like what?


    Bro... Bro... I didnt say any of that, someone else did and you slapped my name all over it.The guy who said it was right too, cellofrag is a good example of churning earth memes and what @praqtos.9035 said is true about the other classes too.

    Now, how high are you? Seems like good stuff, mind sharing?

    Mistakes happens.

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