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Regon Phoenix.8215

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Posts posted by Regon Phoenix.8215

  1. @Psycoprophet.8107 said:Lol wow. For starters before RI nerf core guard had one of the best esiest one shot builds and is still present after nerf ur built right.2nd core guard was used and seen alot in pvp until its recent tone down due to its high bursts potential so a guard complaining about one shots is funny to see. Guard has a espec that is and has been meta since it was added (fb) in both pvp and wvw, not just meta but THE meta spec of all specs along side scourge. 3rd may not care because ur clearly the thing u care for only but others obviously do, and for the record tons of core guards cared when RI was nerfed. I was one of em. That said I agree true one shot builds shouldn't exist,bursts across board need tuned down but thief ttk needs to be balanced better to balance its frailty,one extra dodge doesnt cut it especially when other classes also have same type evade skills like evade frame in attacks,tele on top of higher burst/sustain,blocks and invulnerability skills cuz rightnow outside of niche one trick builds/attacks thief hits like garbage on most its attacks.

    Lol. You lost this argument when you stated that core guardian was more meta that thief.

  2. @RedShark.9548 said:

    @RedShark.9548 said:And do you know, how much work it is to create a completely new class? Creating traits and skills that work well together

    Did you create animations for it? Did you put it into the gw2 code? Did you fully balance it with other classes

    Do i look like a team of +20 people?

    @RedShark.9548 said:Did you think about lore around it, or did it just pop out of nowhere and suddenly its all over the world?

    Did you even read through it?

  3. @"Thornwolf.9721" said:Rather than Maniac you could name it Butcher, Head-hunter, Inquisitor or Reaver. And then you could give it more extreme names but all and all I like your concept and this would make me want to make a thief, Id roll one just for this spec because it sounds fun and isn't so much of "more of the same". Keep it up I like the theory crafting and passion shown in this spec Idea.

    Well, name could be changed to anything to fit the story. I just thought that something like "maniac" would fit the most leather wearing madman jumping around with a massive 2H sword (especially 2H katana), cleaving enemies and laughing like a crazy person.

    Oh, and this is just one little suggestion. I made tons more. For example.

  4. @Rinagal.9235 said:1) Charge generation seems very unbalanced, you may generate tons of red charges with GS (much more than you may spend) and even single trait allow you to generate 3 red charges in 9 seconds with any weapon, whereas you may hardly generate 3 blue charges with both trait and charge-up (i'm not counting elite ability, but hey, why do i must sacrifice elite slot just to make core mechanic work somehow?) which requires very specific traits and weapons to be used.

    Well, that's to keep the class basis on the direct damage.Red charges means direct damage and this elite is focused on dealing direct damage, but it also offer some versatility like some other elites.For example it is not optional for dragonhunter to be played as healer support, but it is possible. It is not optional for spellbreaker play as condition bow, but it is possible.Well, same goes for this elite. The most viable build would focus on red charges, but you would also be able to play while focusing on other two. It wouldn't be optional, but it would be possible.Also, regarding blue charges:Major Trait 2 (Blue Means Degeneration) - a blue charge every 5 secMajor Trait 7 (Overcharged) - gain a bonus charge every time you gain a chargeUtility Charge-up 2 (Generate Aggression) - a blue charge every 8 secLets assume you would be using dagger in main hand, because it is the main condition weapon.Dagger's burst have 14 sec cd, yet you can generate 4 blue charges in 8 sec (with right traits).Now, if you want to generate blue charges for other weapons for their utility, then yeah, it would be hard to generate 3-4 charges. However, blue charges mostly offers conditions, so if you play power build, then why would you want to apply conditions? Except for pistol, but pistol benefits from blue charges greatly, so constantly generating them for pistol would be quite overpowered.

    @Rinagal.9235 said:2) Every elite specialization of any profession (except revenant) work properly without heal/utility/elite abilities assotiated with those specializations, they don't fell to be neccesary and you may see many builds that don't have those abilities in them. Those abilities should extend core mechanic, have interesting interactions with core mechanic, not be a default requirement that makes specialization work.

    Well, that's debatable. Dragonhunter is quite bad without traps, just like scrapper without gyros.I do see your point. However, you don't need heal/utilities/elite from this elite for it to work, because traits already allow you to generate charges on your own. Heal/utilities/elite does help it perform much better, but they aren't necessary for you to play, because you would be able to generate enough charges through traits faster than CD on burst skills run out. So, technically you don't need any other way to generate charges outside of traits.

    @Rinagal.9235 said:3) Some trait choices feel too boring and obvious. If i want to be condi maniac, which traits will i pick? And if i'm power maniac which traits will i pick? Hmm... Even don't know. I see the only choice between damage (condi/power) and some survivability.

    Condition:Major Trait 2 (Blue Means Degeneration)Major Trait 5 (Tactics? Nahhhh)Major Trait 7 (Overcharged) or Major Trait 8 (Only Madness Spreads) or Major Trait 9 (Madness Fuel)

    Power:Major Trait 1 (Red Means Power)Major Trait 4 (Unstoppable Mobility)Major Trait 7 (Overcharged) or Major Trait 9 (Madness Fuel)

    @Rinagal.9235 said:4) The whole spec feels underpowered if you don't use GS with a power direction. You have to sacrifice too much (steal, few slots in right panel) for very doubtful benefit.

    True. GS would be the best and most optional weapon for this elite.P.S. you don't sacrifice steal. Steal gets replaced by burst. When an ability gets replaced by other ability, then old traits will still effect the new ability.

  5. @Synstylae.2751 said:

    @Jack Redline.5379 said:great sword is really not a good weapon for Thief also Maniac could be a sort of Berserker which alraedy is Warior sry i must say no

    @Synstylae.2751 said:Bad idea, greatswords dont fit into thieves weaponry, nice effort though, but still no

    Many weapons don't fit many classes, but it still fit somehow. Anet could make it fit and why doesn't it fit thief. Thief essentially is an agile and fast attacker who avoid attacks as a form of defense and perform specific heavy attacks then retreat after attacking either through stealth or mobility. What i presented fits this perfectly, but my elite more focused on damage instead of mobility/stealth, but other than that it is fit to the core idea of thief.

    There is nothing fast and agile about greatswords. Thieves are also considered far less muscular than warriors, i doubt a thief could even lift a greatsword, thats why they usually stick to small one handed weapons. Giving staff to thieves was a mistake on anet's behalf, it must have been the choice with least work.

    but it just does not fit thief in any way.

    Then what does fit thief?

  6. @Dace.8173 said:Translation: It is not worth the time to find something you could google for yourself, more so if all you are going to do is call people liars. I have no need to make stuff up. This is a discussion about a make believe profession in a make-believe game that will never be made. There is exactly zero incentive to lie about this, zero. So unless you are going to call everyone a liar (because everyone has said the same thing) then you have no leg to stand on. And if you are going to call us liars then you are really just coming up with any excuse to justify your profession against critique and displaying the fact that you didn't post it to actually have a discussion about it but to be praised for your "ideas."

    Translation: i made stuff up and now i can't prove their existence, so now i will go all defensive about it.

    @Dace.8173 said:That's not how burden of proof works. Opting not to provide it does not mean the statement is a lie. Nowhere does burden of proof maintain that failure to provide proof makes the statement a lie

    Really? Then i can fly and shoot lasers out of my eyes, and i also have met Batman on several occasions. I even have several selfies with him, but i will show them. I will not show my flying abilities or my laser eyes. Opting not to provide it does not mean the statement is a lie. Nowhere does burden of proof maintain that failure to provide proof makes the statement a lie

  7. @ChartFish.1308 said:

    @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:

    I'm honestly not invested in this discussion enough to do the google work for you.

    Translation: i made things up and i will not prove they exists.

    Yknow I had a person once tell me something similar about demon stance unyielding anguish. I knew that during beta it inflicted self-cripple, but they refused to believe me because "only necro has self corrupts". It was obviously removed later but i was new and didn't know where to find proof, so i was left with only what I absolutely knew to be true without proof.

    Turns out I was right. Unyielding Anguish
    inflict self-cripple. @Riranor.6315 obviously knows what he's talking about, so I'm more inclined to believe their rational posts rather than yours, as you clearly refuse to have a open discussion, happily talking down on others. If you want people to listen to what you have to say, then you've got to not be so pricey about it. It's no good being condescending to others.

    You don't know how burden of proof works? Just claiming stuff aren't evidence. If anything, refusing to provide proof of what you claim to be true is open admission of lying.

  8. @Dace.8173 said:

    @Dace.8173 said:I'm going to side with the others, it makes for an interesting Elite attached to Revenant or Guardian, or even possible Necromancer (maybe even stretch and say Elementalist) but as a stand-alone profession ....... Nevermind the nightmare in development time it would create. Basically adding this is committing ANet to three new professions, not one. The logic and justification for Revenant included the idea of symmetry. Scholar and Adventure had three professions so Solider needed a third too. So based on that prior statement the fans of the game will hold ANet to their symmetry logic and want an additional Adventure and Solider. So that would mean that in the next expansion they would add this profession and three elites to it. The next one they would add another new profession and then for new elites for that one. The fifth expansion would then add a new profession and five new elites for that profession. That's on top of designing new elites for everyone else. The more professions you add though, the more trouble you have creating balance between the professions. So you're going to have Revenant and Necromancer players who will think this profession and any additional ones are a waste of time and resources that could have been spent on buffing up those two professions.

    ANet breathes new life into this game mechanically with Elites and that's actually the best way to do it if they don't want to start creating more issues for themselves. I really would love to see an Elite rework of this profession. It doesn't have to be just one Elite as segments of it could be filtered out to multiple professions where appropriate. I would drop most of the story background elements as some of it clashes with where the game is currently at and where it appears to be heading next. I would instead work to fit the Elites into the current setting more seamlessly. The Embalmer could be a Necromancer Elite and the Boneburner could be a more villainous Legend for the Revenant.

    For some reason people seem to think i that i don't get Anet's idea about class symmetry. I do understand philosophy behind it.However, until Anet officially announce that they will never add any new class ever - there still exists possibility.

    Ok, but they did. That's why folks have been suggesting you turn this work and make them Elites instead of a profession. ANet has, in fact, stated they are not going to add any more professions.

    Really? Can you link it? This aspect of the concept could have been moved over with a single link, but nobody provided one.

    I'm honestly not invested in this discussion enough to do the google work for you.

    Translation: i made things up and i will not prove they exists.

  9. @Dace.8173 said:

    @Dace.8173 said:I'm going to side with the others, it makes for an interesting Elite attached to Revenant or Guardian, or even possible Necromancer (maybe even stretch and say Elementalist) but as a stand-alone profession ....... Nevermind the nightmare in development time it would create. Basically adding this is committing ANet to three new professions, not one. The logic and justification for Revenant included the idea of symmetry. Scholar and Adventure had three professions so Solider needed a third too. So based on that prior statement the fans of the game will hold ANet to their symmetry logic and want an additional Adventure and Solider. So that would mean that in the next expansion they would add this profession and three elites to it. The next one they would add another new profession and then for new elites for that one. The fifth expansion would then add a new profession and five new elites for that profession. That's on top of designing new elites for everyone else. The more professions you add though, the more trouble you have creating balance between the professions. So you're going to have Revenant and Necromancer players who will think this profession and any additional ones are a waste of time and resources that could have been spent on buffing up those two professions.

    ANet breathes new life into this game mechanically with Elites and that's actually the best way to do it if they don't want to start creating more issues for themselves. I really would love to see an Elite rework of this profession. It doesn't have to be just one Elite as segments of it could be filtered out to multiple professions where appropriate. I would drop most of the story background elements as some of it clashes with where the game is currently at and where it appears to be heading next. I would instead work to fit the Elites into the current setting more seamlessly. The Embalmer could be a Necromancer Elite and the Boneburner could be a more villainous Legend for the Revenant.

    For some reason people seem to think i that i don't get Anet's idea about class symmetry. I do understand philosophy behind it.However, until Anet officially announce that they will never add any new class ever - there still exists possibility.

    Ok, but they did. That's why folks have been suggesting you turn this work and make them Elites instead of a profession. ANet has, in fact, stated they are not going to add any more professions.

    Really? Can you link it? This aspect of the concept could have been moved over with a single link, but nobody provided one.

  10. @Dace.8173 said:I'm going to side with the others, it makes for an interesting Elite attached to Revenant or Guardian, or even possible Necromancer (maybe even stretch and say Elementalist) but as a stand-alone profession ....... Nevermind the nightmare in development time it would create. Basically adding this is committing ANet to three new professions, not one. The logic and justification for Revenant included the idea of symmetry. Scholar and Adventure had three professions so Solider needed a third too. So based on that prior statement the fans of the game will hold ANet to their symmetry logic and want an additional Adventure and Solider. So that would mean that in the next expansion they would add this profession and three elites to it. The next one they would add another new profession and then for new elites for that one. The fifth expansion would then add a new profession and five new elites for that profession. That's on top of designing new elites for everyone else. The more professions you add though, the more trouble you have creating balance between the professions. So you're going to have Revenant and Necromancer players who will think this profession and any additional ones are a waste of time and resources that could have been spent on buffing up those two professions.

    ANet breathes new life into this game mechanically with Elites and that's actually the best way to do it if they don't want to start creating more issues for themselves. I really would love to see an Elite rework of this profession. It doesn't have to be just one Elite as segments of it could be filtered out to multiple professions where appropriate. I would drop most of the story background elements as some of it clashes with where the game is currently at and where it appears to be heading next. I would instead work to fit the Elites into the current setting more seamlessly. The Embalmer could be a Necromancer Elite and the Boneburner could be a more villainous Legend for the Revenant.

    For some reason people seem to think i that i don't get Anet's idea about class symmetry. I do understand philosophy behind it.However, until Anet officially announce that they will never add any new class ever - there still exists possibility.

  11. @Riranor.6315 said:

    @"Regon Phoenix.8215" said:"In 1325 AE, a sylvari named Malyck was discovered who did not emerge from the Pale Tree or share in the Dream"

    At this point there is a Devil's proof, as neither of us can provide anything to support or deny Malyck's age

    Literally 2 comments ago: "Can't really address what we don't know. Until Anet confirms everything about everyone - there will still be speculations."

    And to that your response was:

    @Riranor.6315 said:It's not something that "we don't know." It's something you didn't know. Trying to claim they might be lying is a straw man argument, especially when Anet does foreshadow really well and doesn't blatantly lie for the plot (you fight the shadow of mordremoth literally first thing in the sylvari starting area.)

    So, you don't know, but you pretend to know. And you dare to talk about strawmen.[because this forum is a safe space and offending people in any way, shape or form isn't allowed, so the further part of comment was removed, because it might offend someone and offense is basically violence for these people]

    P.S. "Yet, is wasn't powered by technology or modern magic, but by an ancient slumbering being. In that city mostly humans, norms and sylvaris lived together in sorts of harmony. " if you had at least read literally the second sentence you would learned these basic things:1) The city is ancient, most of residents aren't2) City was created in ancient times around ancient creature, but nowhere did i state it was build by either humans or any other current race3) While most common citizen of city fall to 3 races, it still states that "In that city mostly" thus it means that other race and other creatures live there who could be first inhabitants, but these other creatures exists in small numbers4) Nowhere did i state that sylvani lived there for thousands or even hundreds of years, i only stated that this city was isolated for quite some time

  12. @Riranor.6315 said:

    @Riranor.6315 said:It honestly feels like you're upset with the fact people told you "ANET doesn't want new classes" instead of praising this and wishing it was in the game.

    It honestly feels like you can't make a comment with constructive criticism in it, so you will just gonna comment how you feel. Are you feelings somehow connected with the concept?

    @Riranor.6315 said:Honest opinion from me is that the concept is cool but with no precedent for it your lore actually cheapens it all and is unneeded.

    This class is based on classes from GW1. Thus, i could very well fit within the game.

    @Riranor.6315 said:The lore is thrown together for the sake of the class making it feel very forced.

    Again, how are your feelings connected to any of this? I can't change how you feel. Your feelings are your business.

    @Riranor.6315 said:However anet doesn't want anymore classes, to much reworking old stuff and including achieves, it will hit the meta harder than new elite specs, and it will throw off armor balance.

    Never say never.

    You never addressed my mentioning of the sylvari tho?

    Can't really address what we don't know. Until Anet confirms everything about everyone - there will still be speculations.

    @Riranor.6315 said:Edit: and by forced I meant the whole city concept. That city is what cheapens the entire thing. Those classes you mentioned are native to Crystal Desert, not the city you designed.

    So, creating a new area, which haven't been previously visited, cheapens the concept? Well, i guess then all elites are cheap then.

    It's something you didn't know. Trying to claim they might be lying is a straw man argument, especially when Anet does foreshadow really well and doesn't blatantly lie for the plot (you fight the shadow of mordremoth literally first thing in the sylvari starting area.)

    Please, contain your projection. You are only one here who doesn't know such basic things like mysterious origins of this race:"The origin of the sylvari is still unclear. What is known is that the Pale Tree was born of a fist-sized seed from a cave which Ronan, a human soldier, found. This cave was said to have been guarded by monstrous plant-creatures, though any details on them or the location of the tree is unknown, even to modern sylvari who have been looking for this cave since their race's birth from the Pale Tree. ""In 1325 AE, a sylvari named Malyck was discovered who did not emerge from the Pale Tree or share in the Dream"

  13. @Riranor.6315 said:

    @Riranor.6315 said:It honestly feels like you're upset with the fact people told you "ANET doesn't want new classes" instead of praising this and wishing it was in the game.

    It honestly feels like you can't make a comment with constructive criticism in it, so you will just gonna comment how you feel. Are you feelings somehow connected with the concept?

    @Riranor.6315 said:Honest opinion from me is that the concept is cool but with no precedent for it your lore actually cheapens it all and is unneeded.

    This class is based on classes from GW1. Thus, i could very well fit within the game.

    @Riranor.6315 said:The lore is thrown together for the sake of the class making it feel very forced.

    Again, how are your feelings connected to any of this? I can't change how you feel. Your feelings are your business.

    @Riranor.6315 said:However anet doesn't want anymore classes, to much reworking old stuff and including achieves, it will hit the meta harder than new elite specs, and it will throw off armor balance.

    Never say never.

    You never addressed my mentioning of the sylvari tho?

    Can't really address what we don't know. Until Anet confirms everything about everyone - there will still be speculations.

    @Riranor.6315 said:Edit: and by forced I meant the whole city concept. That city is what cheapens the entire thing. Those classes you mentioned are native to Crystal Desert, not the city you designed.

    So, creating a new area, which haven't been previously visited, cheapens the concept? Well, i guess then all elites are cheap then.

  14. @Riranor.6315 said:It honestly feels like you're upset with the fact people told you "ANET doesn't want new classes" instead of praising this and wishing it was in the game.

    It honestly feels like you can't make a comment with constructive criticism in it, so you will just gonna comment how you feel. Are you feelings somehow connected with the concept?

    @Riranor.6315 said:Honest opinion from me is that the concept is cool but with no precedent for it your lore actually cheapens it all and is unneeded.

    This class is based on classes from GW1. Thus, i could very well fit within the game.

    @Riranor.6315 said:The lore is thrown together for the sake of the class making it feel very forced.

    Again, how are your feelings connected to any of this? I can't change how you feel. Your feelings are your business.

    @Riranor.6315 said:However anet doesn't want anymore classes, to much reworking old stuff and including achieves, it will hit the meta harder than new elite specs, and it will throw off armor balance.

    Never say never.

  15. @Synstylae.2751 said:

    @Jack Redline.5379 said:great sword is really not a good weapon for Thief also Maniac could be a sort of Berserker which alraedy is Warior sry i must say no

    @Synstylae.2751 said:Bad idea, greatswords dont fit into thieves weaponry, nice effort though, but still no

    Many weapons don't fit many classes, but it still fit somehow. Anet could make it fit and why doesn't it fit thief. Thief essentially is an agile and fast attacker who avoid attacks as a form of defense and perform specific heavy attacks then retreat after attacking either through stealth or mobility. What i presented fits this perfectly, but my elite more focused on damage instead of mobility/stealth, but other than that it is fit to the core idea of thief.

    There is nothing fast and agile about greatswords. Thieves are also considered far less muscular than warriors, i doubt a thief could even lift a greatsword, thats why they usually stick to small one handed weapons. Giving staff to thieves was a mistake on anet's behalf, it must have been the choice with least work.

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