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Regon Phoenix.8215

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Posts posted by Regon Phoenix.8215

  1. @necromaniac.7629 said:If you yourself can't manage to counter their bursts why even waste my time explaining anything to you

    Hitchens's razor is an epistemological razor asserting that the burden of proof regarding the truthfulness of a claim lies with the one who makes the claim; if this burden is not met, then the claim is unfounded, and its opponents need not argue further in order to dismiss itYou made a claim, you can't prove that claim to be true, so it will dismissed as a false claim.

  2. @praqtos.9035 said:So taking utilities for "oneshot" setup is ok? Make build especially for oneshot is ok? Then why its bother you AT ALL if they build for it ? Makes you complaints and thread itself ridiculous

    Because some classes can do that with nearly no investment. Like mesmer who can simply 1shot people out of stealth. Of deadeye who can 1shot you also from stealth. This how it should be: 1shot builds shouldn't be possible full stop. No matter how bad or good they are, there shouldn't be such thing. However, they are a thing and some are much much better than others. Even if you go core rifle warrior, it would never perform as good as rifle deadeye.

    @praqtos.9035 said:In fact like 4-5 days ago I did play unranked and it did hit me 19k

    Did you made a picture to prove that? No? That's what i though.

    @praqtos.9035 said:Maul sic em gazelle CC chain death. Can be done from stealth ez.

    Alright, however, if you look way above, you will see a screenshot in which i already showed that ranger is broken. Though, soulbeast is more broken than core ranger.

    @praqtos.9035 said:Any engineer can oneshot with "meme barrage". Also Kamikaze holo with overheat bomb.

    ...... I already said that holosmith could do that. Why are you repeating what i have already said?

    @praqtos.9035 said:Like... why anyone need to prove you wrong because you have no clue what classes are capable of ? What a facepalm.

    :D :D :D so, you prove me wrong by admiring that i am right? :D :D :D you are doing a great job, mate. Keep it up.

    @praqtos.9035 said:What is the most hilarious you are trying to justify warrior oneshots which defeats purpose of your thread, if you even had it...

    So, me saying that riffle warrior is a bad example (because it it is no way as strong as other 1shot builds), but example none the less (agreeing that it should not be possible for warrior to do that), is me justifying it? :D :D how high are you?

  3. @sephiroth.4217 said:Killshot core war

    The one who for half of fight have no adrenaline or takes adrenaline granting utilities and then can't even 1v1 anyone in entire game. And i never seen one hit for +16k in pvp. Well, at least this is a close one.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Churning Earth memes

    You must be joking....

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Churning earth memes but better and FA

    You weren't joking???

    @sephiroth.4217 said:DH traps and GS

    :D :D alright.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Sic Em core

    :D :D how in the name of the lord, could it do 16k damage in 1 sec or less? :D :D :D

  4. @Daishi.6027 said:and even with thief you would have a general idea of being stalked.

    How? Don't just say that you see invisible enemies, share how you see them. Do you use some sorts of hacks or something, because no other player in here seems to know the trick you are using to see invisible enemies.

    @Daishi.6027 said:While on point there is more than enough distance for you notice a target approaching.

    Oh, so you one of those people who don't know that mesmer can teleport around. That explains a lot.

    @Daishi.6027 said:Sorry, but no good player finds it “impossible” to dodge stealth attacks. The game gives you enough tools to discern for yourself.

    Yeah, pro player like you, who see invisible enemies despite the fact that you don't even know that mesmer can teleport, can dodge attacks from stealth. Teach us, master.

  5. @Khalisto.5780 said:30% find mesmers annoying to fight against, but not necessarily op - and these people are the people who fight against unskilled mesmers who don't even know what to do with this class50% can't even find the real mesmer - there are people who think that mesmers are bad and should be buffed20% are laughing that someone thinks mesmers are OP - and these are mesmers who enjoy their broken class while facerolling most other classes

  6. @"necromaniac.7629" said:

    No my friend, there a re plenty of ways to not instantly die to their bursts, speaking as mesmer myslef, they do manage to get me to atleast 50% hp but as soon as i see that red thing below me i just invul, dodge stealth and re start the fight.

    Wow, so you can "invul, dodge stealth and re start the fight" when you get 1shoted? Could you share what kind of magical skills allow you to do that while you are downed? It would be so interesting to read.

  7. @Daishi.6027 said:Here is a radical idea, maybe you can anticipate the hit and dodge it by knowing he stealth window.

    So, players you fight against announce when they enter stealth and when they come close to you without you knowing they are in stealth? With who do you play? I would love to play against people who announce when they are about to ambush me out of stealth.

  8. @sephiroth.4217 said:Warrior..

    Citation needed. Prove what you claim.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Tempest..

    Citation needed. Prove what you claim.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Weaver..

    Citation needed. Prove what you claim.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Guardian..

    Citation needed. Prove what you claim.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Holosmith..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do that.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Thief..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do it. (well, at least 10k in a single hit)

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Deadeye..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do it.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Chrono..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do it.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Mes..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do it.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Mirage..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do it.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Ranger..

    Citation needed. Prove what you claim.

    @sephiroth.4217 said:Soulbeast..

    Well, duhh. I already said this one can do it.

  9. @DigiQWill.6378 said:Where do you get those insane numbers from?

    I literally explained everything point by point...... Reread my original comment.

    @DigiQWill.6378 said:Calling invulnerability for the time it takes you to learn where the player is simply a lack of knowledge from you - in no way should Mesmers suffer from your subjective thoughts because you think they are hard to play against.

    QUOTE: "A good player will act just like clones"If you play only against bad players who instantly give out where they are, that doesn't mean that there aren't any good mesmer players.

    @DigiQWill.6378 said:And I want to know how did you get 27k hp on Warrior in PvP while thinking you'd be viable.

    So, the problem isn't that a mesmer can 1shot a player with that amount of health OUT OF STEALTH, but the actual problem is the amount of HP? Are you serious?

    @DigiQWill.6378 said:And I would like to know what makes you think you can't evade a burst from stealth.

    Here is a radical idea you might never though about: maybe because you can't see players in stealth and you can't do anything about what you don't see?

    @DigiQWill.6378 said:Mesmers were nerf well enough already.

    Doesn't matter. It still can do ridiculous things and who quite game breaking. No amount of nerf (maybe except to power mesmer) could fix a broken design.

    @DigiQWill.6378 said:Not played at high ranks when it comes to structured PvP (mAt levels) and has one of the lowest winrates right now (if I remember correctly, Ben mentionned it was around 45% - right besides Elementalist. I don't remember where he said that though).

    The fact that not a lot people play something doesn't change the fact that it is fundamentally broken. Not a lot of people are capable to study science, but nevertheless teach science to kids in schools.

    @DigiQWill.6378 said:While disguising your argument behind the "Ah only good players can play Mesmer correctly, thus making this class only performing but it doesn't mean it is less broken in the right hands", the same could be saod from all classes.

    It doesn't matter how good you play warrior - you will not be able to 1shot people out of stealth. It doesn't matter how good you play necromancer - you will not be able to evade everything for +10 sec while applying tons of conditions at the same time.

  10. Lets classify all mesmer player in these categories: 30% of all mesmers who can't play the class, 50% of all mesmers who can play this class (average players) and 20% of all mesmers who can play this class very well.Lets talk only about those 20% of mesmers who can play this class very well.

    Now, lets separate out power mesmers (either core, chrono or mirage, doesn't matter) and condition mesmers (mirage).

    While playing a warrior with +27k HP i was instantly 1shot by power mesmer out of stealth. While it might be extreme case of lucky crits, but still, power mesmer can deal over 27k damage instantly out of stealth. There is no country play to it, there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent that from happening. It doesn't matter what class you play or how good you play - you will instantly die without any warning. And i don't mean you will have time to dodge once or twice. Nope, it will happen in under 1 sec of time frame. To whom does that sound fun or balanced?

    Now, condition mesmer (mirage) is a bit different. This how average fight against one goes:Step 1: He/she instantly makes clones and breaks your targeting. A good player will act just like clones, so you will have to manually search for the real mesmer. This make take anywhere from 1 to 3 sec.Step 2: Once you find the real mesmer, he/she will enter stealth and make more clones. So, once again you will have to manually search for the real one anywhere from 1 to 3 sec.Step 3: After you find the real one, then she/he will dodge and evade some of you attacks will give that players from 2 to 4 sec of invulnerability.Step 4: After evading some attacks, he/she teleport around (loss of sight, etc) until some abilities goes off cooldown which would be equal of 6-8 of invulnerability.Step 5: Repeat steps 1, 2 and 3.Now, that gives a good mesmer player about 14-28 sec time frame of being untouchable. And during this entire time mesmer ins constantly applying conditions. So, not only you can't do anything to that mesmer, but you also are take about 6-10k damage every single second from conditions applied on you.

    When played by a player who mastered this class, then there is nearly nothing other players can do to deal with mesmer. You will either be instantly killed or have to fight someone who you can't touch and who deals tons of damage on you while itself being safe from anything.The main point i am trying to make that mesmer isn't overtuned (or under powered, how some mesmers claim they are while instantly killing other players from stealth). The main point is this: mesmer is broken class in every step of its design, and that cause great problems when skilled players abuse this class. New/unskilled players and average players doesn't even matter, because they can't abuse the state of this class how skilled players can. While there are other classes who perform better in the hands of average players (because mesmer is quite complex class compared to most other classes), but that's not an excuse for keeping this essentially broken class in this state.And it could be fixed very easily in three steps:1) Remove stealth from all abilities and traits;2) Remove ability to break the targeting;3) Reduce amount of clones summoned from any abilities to 1.

    With these three simple fixes every single issue with mesmer would be instantly solved: no more instant kills from stealth and no more armies of clones putting constant pressure on you while you don't even know where the real mesmer went.

  11. GW2 have PVE content? Is there actually people who play this game for crappy PVE where everyone simply build as much damage as they can and your class doesn't matter as long as you can push out good damage?Nah, PVE does not exist in this game. At least PVE i would be interested in.

  12. To answer the topic, there is few easily explainable reason why they don't:1) Average fight between two players lasts for 2 sec. PVP is completely messed up dumpster-fire of button mashing as it require nearly no skills to play, so people who are interested in skill-intense games avoid GW2 regarding pvp;2) You can be 1shot by some classes out of stealth and there are no counter-play against that which makes PVP unfair and unfun;3) Because Anet focus all new content on PVE, because they failed to enter e-sport scene.

  13. This is my personal opinion based on my personal experience. I will give a list of classes (based on player's skill level) i like/dislike playing with/against regarding how good/bad they perform.

    If you have very fast reaction speed and good skills, then play these:1) Holosmith (power) - infinite sustain, infinite condition denial, one of the highest burst in the game, tons of CC, good mobility, high utility and versatility;2) Soulbeast (power) - even higher sustain than holosmith, decent condition denial, almost highest burst in the game, good amount of CC, high mobility, high versatility, can 1shot people from stealth;3) Mirage/Chronomancer (power) - decent sustain, lots of damage denial, the highest burst in the game, decent amount of CC, high mobility, high utility and versatility;4) Mirage/Chronomancer (condition) - decent sustain, lots of burst denial, high condition application, good amount of CC, very high mobility, high utility;5) Weaver (any) - very high sustain, high damage denial, high burst, good amount of CC, high mobility, high utility and versatility;6) Tempest (support) - unkillable, high mobility, very high utility and good versatility;7) Herald (power) - high sustain, high burst (some people even claim it to be the highest in the game), good mobility, high utility and decent versatility;8) Firebrand - unkillable, highest utility in the game and high versatility;9) Spellbreaker (power) - high sustain, high damage denial, lots of condition denial, high burst, high amount of CC, high mobility, good versatility;10) Deadeye (power) - almost highest burst in the game, decent amount of CC, highest mobility in the game, high versatility, can 1shot people from stealth.(P.S. with good skills you can essentially play anything and perform very good)

    If you are new player or just don't have good skills, then play these as these classes do not require good skills to at least do something:1) Holosmith (power);2) Spellbreaker (power);3) Soulbeast (power);4) Dragonhunter (power);5) Tempest (support).

    If you are new player or just don't have good skills, then don't play these as these classes require good skills or are just bad classes on general:1) Necromancer (any);2) Weaver (any)3) Mesmer (any)4) Thief (any)5) Revenant (any)

  14. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:He swaps from the firearms to melee and, unless they changed this in the newer games, doesn't use them at the same time.

    That's why Major Trait 9 exists. You could go around with GS and still use pistol as a burst skill.

    But he dual wields pistols. If you want Dante, then dual wield pistols.

    Too bad that won't happen. Spellbreaker got two weapons from a single elite, so next elite will not get two weapons. Next elite most likely get main-hand weapon or two handed weapon, though.

  15. @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:He also uses dual swords depending on the game.

    Yeah, but we already can have two swords equipped (and know no build which would use two swords, because that's simply not optimal), so there would be no point to try to bank on that.

    @Lan Deathrider.5910 said:He swaps from the firearms to melee and, unless they changed this in the newer games, doesn't use them at the same time.

    That's why Major Trait 9 exists. You could go around with GS and still use pistol as a burst skill.

  16. Theme: imagine Dante from Devil May Cry.

    Adept Minor TraitYou now can use pistol in your off-hand and allow you to use Devastation abilities.Your Burst will now use your off-hand weapon while you are dual-wielding. Axe, sword and mace bursts remain the same as when used from main-hand weapon.

    Adept Major Trait LineMajor Trait 1Your Devastation abilities now will bonus damage against enemies bellow 50% of their maximum health. (Your healing devastation will last 1 sec longer when used while you are bellow 25% of your maximum health)Major Trait 2Bleeds you apply deal 15% more damage and heal you for 10% of damage they cause.Major Trait 3Increase damage dealt and decrease damage taken by 1% for every 10% of your missing health.


    Master Minor TraitCritically hitting an enemy bellow 15% of their maximum health counts as Overkill - it will ignore toughness, remove protection and cause 3 stacks of bleeding for 6 sec.

    Master Major Trait LineMajor Trait 4Gain 100 bonus ferocity. Your Pistol 5 now will always score critical hit when used within range threshold. Range: 300.Major Trait 5Gain quickness for 5 sec when you inflict an enemy with 10 stacks of bleed or more. Cooldown: 20 sec.Major Trait 6Instantly restore 50% of you missing health whenever you kill an enemy. Cooldown: 20 sec.


    Grandmaster Minor TraitGain 100 bonus ferocity and 80 bonus condition damage. Every 6th of your attacks will have 33% bonus critical strike chance.

    Grandmaster Major Trait LineMajor Trait 7Your Overkill will now trigger against enemies who are bellow 25% of their maximum health and cause 2 more stacks of bleeding for 6 sec.Major Trait 8Quickness on you will last 25% longer. Gain 2 sec of quickness whenever you gain fury. Cooldown: 6 sec.Major Trait 9Your F1 will always use pistol burst regardless of current weapons equipped and reduce your F1 cooldown by 1 sec.

    Pistol 4Rapidly unload barrage of bullets dealing damage to enemies in target area, bleed them and knock them down. You can't move while casting this ability.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 14 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Radius: 240
    • Damage (6x): 900 (scale with power)
    • Bleed: 3 stacks for 5 sec
    • Knockdown: 1 sec


    Pistol 5Evade all attacks for a short duration and release a powerful shot at your opponent. This ability will deal bonus damage and inflict bleeding on a critical strike.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 16 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Evade: 1/2 sec
    • Damage: 500 (scale with power)
    • Bonus damage: 600 (scale with power)
    • Bleeding: 4 stacks for 8 sec

    Shield burstRelease powerful wave of compressed air. As this wave travels it will knock down and drag along all enemies it hits. It also will reflect all projectiles. Increase damage done and travel distance with greater adrenaline.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 8 sec
    • Level 1 range: 400
    • Level 2 range: 500
    • Level 3 range: 600
    • Level 1 damage: 300 (scale with power)
    • Level 2 damage: 600 (scale with power)
    • Level 3 damage: 900 (scale with power)


    Warhorn burstRelease blast of extreme noise dealing damage to enemies around you and inflict confusion on them. Increase radius and damage with greater adrenaline.

    • Casting time: 1/2 sec
    • Cooldown: 8 sec
    • Level 1 radius: 300
    • Level 2 radius: 450
    • Level 3 radius: 600
    • Level 1 damage: 200 (scale with power)
    • Level 2 damage: 300 (scale with power)
    • Level 3 damage: 400 (scale with power)
    • Confusion: 2 stacks for 8 sec


    Pistol burstUnload powerful barrage of bullets while evading all enemy attacks. Each hit cause bleeding on critical hit. Increase damage with greater adrenaline.

    • Channel time: 1 sec
    • Cooldown: 8 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Level 1 damage (4x): 600 (scale with power)
    • Level 2 damage (4x): 800 (scale with power)
    • Level 3 damage (4x): 1000 (scale with power)
    • Bleeding: 1 stack for 8 sec

    Healing DevastationGain temporal immunity to all damage and heal yourself for a percentage of damage you cause for the duration of this ability.

    • Casting time: 1/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 60 sec
    • Duration: 3 sec
    • Damage to healing: 60%


    Utility Devastation 1Impale you target with a chain dealing damage to it and inflict bleeding. Reactivate this ability within 5 sec to pull your target to you. Deal 30% more damage to your target if it is bellow 33% of its maximum health.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 40 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Damage: 600 (scale with power)
    • Bleeding: 3 stacks for 10 sec
    • Tether brake range: 900


    Utility Devastation 2Jump to targeted location dealing damage and crippling all enemies in targeted area. Then, jump back at your original location dealing damage and crippling all enemies at your original location. Deal 25% more damage to any enemy who is bellow 33% of its maximum health.

    • Casting time: 3 sec (time between start of the first jump and the end of second jump)
    • Cooldown: 50 sec
    • Range: 900
    • Radius: 240
    • Damage (2x): 1800 (scale with power)
    • Cripple: 5 sec
    • Leap combo finisher


    Utility Devastation 3Roll forward and perform devastating crush in front of you dealing damage to enemies and knock them down. Deal 50% more damage to any enemy who is bellow 33% of its maximum health.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 50 sec
    • Range: 300
    • Evade: 1/2 sec
    • Damage: 750 (scale with power)
    • Knockdown: 1 sec
    • Blast combo finisher


    Utility Devastation 4Stunbreak yourself, stun nearby enemies and inflict bleeding on them. Deal 100% more damage to any enemy who is bellow 33% of its maximum health.

    • Casting time: instant
    • Cooldown: 45 sec
    • Radius: 240
    • Stun: 1.5 sec
    • Damage: 300 (scale with power)
    • Bleeding: 2 stacks for 14 sec


    Elite DevastationPerform massive upwards attack knocking enemies in front of you into air and float them. Reactivate this ability within 3 sec to jump up and slam enemies in front of you into the ground knocking them down. Deal 25% more damage against enemies who are already disabled. Deal 75% more damage to any enemy who is bellow 33% of its maximum health.

    • Casting time: 3/4 sec
    • Cooldown: 140 sec
    • Range: 240
    • Damage of first hit: 700 (scale with power)
    • Damage of second hit: 800 (scale with power)
    • Float: 1.5 sec
    • Knockdown: 1.5 sec
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