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Posts posted by Henry.5713

  1. I stopped playing quite a few characters over the years because I ended up swapping classes or builds and because I simply got bored of their aestetics. Yet I never regretted creating any of them as they all served their purpose for at least a short while. Gear cost becomes a nonfactor once you are fully covered in ascended or even legendary gear. Guess you aren't there yet. Alts are never a waste in GW2. There are also a lot of uses you can put them to.

  2. Those who have been around since the start have seen this happen time and time again. Content gets moved into the spotlight to then fall off harshly or be abandoned entirely. You hardly even have enough time to get used to their pace or to get excited about the game changing directions before it is changed again. Remember dungeons? Remember PvP Esports? Remember Fractal Leaderboards? Remember the refocus on Fractals not so long ago? Remember WvW events? Remember expansions? Raids lasted for quite a while all things considered.

  3. Why do people feel like they should be able to draw the "lack of time" card to be extempt from grinding training groups? You are supposed to accept that they simply do not have the time to acquire their their starting kills and KPs that way. You are supposed to appreciate that they might even become an asset to your group in due time. As long as you put in the time and effort they lack to make all of this happen. You should be more than happy to struggle for a while and with quite a few kills while still teaching them. And all of that.

    Don't get me wrong. I am able to see their point of view. I might even be in the same boat if I were to start raiding in another game given my own limited playing hours. But that's the thing. This supposed lack of time is a universal issue rather than something unique to newbies. People might simply lack the extra time need to help out and train a newbie or two. People might not have the time to go through countless LFG pugs until they happen to get lucky with their members while attempting some harder kills.

    Just strikes me as a little ironic to have people insist so heavily on lacking time while they assume everyone else has unlimited playing hours. I mean, would they suddenly gain this free time if you allowed them into your group? Of course not. Silly to even ask. Would they be willing to forgo their own smooth and rather tightly timed clears in favour of helping out someone new if it meant no rewards or at least reduced rewards for weeks? I kind of doubt that.

  4. This kinda system fits a solo orientated game. It fits a multiplayer game that allows you to group up for solo content with appropriate boss scaling and all that. Loved it in Diablo 2 to spice things up.

    But does it fit content which requires a certain number of players to stay alive till the end to be able to complete mechanics or to kill bosses in time? Many mistakes done by your allies are far more punishing here than just losing a single person's damage or support. Quite a few mechanics require you to rely on a single person to complete a task that might insta wipe you otherwise like Dhuum greens. There are mechanics which make your staying alive depend entirely on your allies and their performances like Samarog and Matthias CC phases.

    Such a hardcore system would be a team effort more than anything else. Not to mention downstate and it's effects on how content is balanced. Would we allow ressing before full death or would people die instantly?

  5. People tend to run rather inefficient builds in those lower tiers. People tend to run terrible builds at first with very little synergy and all that.

    The key to success in all group content is, well, group synergy. Never go for self-sustain if group-sustain is avaible to you. Do not cover something someone else is already taking care. A single well build and played support will be able to do more for the survival of their entire group than any amount of random defensive gear, defensive utilities or kiting by the other players.

    The rule of thumb is to try to maximize damage on four of your members while using as little as possible support and healing on your last player. The amount of boons and healing required on this last person might vary greatly depending on the group but the rule still stands.

  6. Do we actually need to be told about these "reasons"? Niche content attracts a niche crowd. Introducing multiple difficulty tiers might slightly increase the size of said crowd but raids would continue to be niche content no matter what.You either decide to have niche content in your game for very specific crowds or you do not. Trying to make all content appeal to most players is never going to work. Some people simply do not enjoy PvP. No amount of carebearing will ever change that. Many players are never going to enjoy competitive PvE. And again, no amount of babysteps to introduce them to raiding will change that fact.

    The great majority of the players who wanted try raids already did do so. They went through long phases of active raiding and they eventually quit due to a lack of new content. The number of people who have been actively raiding since day is getting closer to zero by the day. Everyone is moving on or at least going on an hiatus for a while.

    Feels like we have a said this a thousand times already... The only way to maintain a sizeable raid community is a good rate of new raid content. No amount of new incoming players who might or might not even like raids are going to make up for those who already quit.

  7. Raids are about as good as they always were. That part hasn't changed. Most of us accepted the fact that we can't expect all releases to equal the difficulty of Dhuum CM. There should be variety and all that. However, easier bosses require far less time to get all achievements done which in turn makes you crave new content almost instantly. It is a double-edged sword in the end. There need to be at least two wing releases per year to keep people busy. The most hardcore groups might prefer an even faster rate.

    No amount of possible new raiders will ever make up for the those who already left due to a lack of new content and those who are going to leave soon.The lack of content is the real community killer. Something that shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone since we have seen this happen multiple times already. Strikes will do about as much to save raids as Fractals did to save dungeons if they slow development even further in favour of Strikes.

  8. I love these reports and the discussion that ensues.

    In case anyone cares about the previous years:

    • 2014 85,634

    • 2015 100,526

    • 2016 76,636

    • 2017 82,824

    • 2018 80,163

    • 2019 58,688

    • Q4 2015 37,331 Heart of Thorns

    • Q4 2016 14,870 Nothing

    • Q4 2017 34,903 Path of Fire

    • Q4 2018 15,699 Nothing

    • Q4 2019 11,331 Nothing

    This would indeed make 2019 their worst year by far and Q4 2019 their worst (or one of the worst) quarter(s).

  9. How do we even define challenging content? It may be almost impossible to find a common denominator here. Anything from not being able to complete story instances first try to finishing all CM bosses on their release day has been called challenging at some point.

    My personal definition goes something like this:Content that requires me to put a real effort into. Anything that requires me/us to retry for a few hours to be able to achieve the first kill or completion. Not counting any time spend on watching guides or figuring out mechanics on release day and even more basic stuff like gearing your character or coming up with builds.

    There is certainly a lack of challenging content if I go by this defintion. But it is just one subjective view out of many.

  10. People have been asking for something like this for years now. We shall see if they were right and how everything turns out once this nuke has hit and we have had some time to get used to the new balance. I certainly salute this bold new approach to balancing their game. It is a refreshing change after years of overbuffing stuff and listening to the whining.

  11. I have one rule whenever I LFG: Never argue with pugs!

    The only thing you are going to achieve by trying to force your will onto a premade group is to piss them off and inevitably waste the time of everyone involved, including your own. You will get kicked, they will come to the forums to complain.

    Your party, your rules. Up to you if you want to run a group that only accepts asuras on core builds wearing full Nomad gear.

  12. Remember when there were about ten groups on the LFG at all times looking for just that one chronomancer? Good times.

    On a serious note, my best advice is to tell people they are free to kick you if you underperform as a DPS. Many seem to agree to that deal and it is up to you to prove them wrong then. A good Daredevil will usually beat most mediocre players in any case.My second advice is to just grow a thicker skin and to stop blaming everyone else's supposed toxicity. Seems a little ironic to me that you judge others for insisting on having that healer, a subpar option in your eyes, while you get angry at them for calling your thief the worse option when compared to other META DPS.

  13. Never played the first game but this sounds like just a fancy way of converting group content into solo content. Something I have never been a fan of with games. Sure, it would be just an option here but then why fight symptoms rather then fix the actual illnesses at hand? Frankly, henchmen will not make old and unattractive content such as dungeons more desireable nor will they turn Fractals or raids into content that pleases everyone.

    Not to mention the fact that many seem to be hoping to see henchmen out of sheer nostalgia without considering the huge differences between our current combat system and the one used in the first game.How would ArenaNet possibly balance them around instanced content without taking away everything that makes it remotely challenging, without tweeking and reworking the majority of bosses? Do people even know the content well enough to be asking for such a thing? It is one thing to ask for henchmen to be able to run dungeon story instances without a hassle but raids? Come on...

    We have already seen people multibox certain bosses with clever squad compositions and proper positioning but that certainly does not work everywhere. How would you ever run bosses such as Dhuum without huge changes to the fight or without turning it into a micromanagement nightmare that even less people will be able to perform? Or are we talking about the removal of all mechanics and any difficulty to allow the bots to tank and spank for you like ín the easiest of easy modes? Maybe that is what this is truely about in the end.

  14. They made the obligatory statements anyone would have made after those layoffs. Nothing so far has indicated any improvement over how things have been going for quite a while now.

    Don't get me wrong, I still consider Guild Wars 2 a good game that is worth picking up but I haven't felt the "magic" in years. The game might simply no longer be "the one" to many of them. The once in a lifetime project and opportunity. Just another day at the office, working on content because they are supposed to to keep the game going to ensure their paycheck. Hardly the first time we have seen this happen to a studio.

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