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Posts posted by Henry.5713

  1. A lot of players might simply assume that anyone at your level of kills would know exactly how they are supposed to link their KPs. Your possible lack of knowledge might have made them suspicious. And to be quite fair, I hardly ever pug myself but I am fully aware of what a pug group would expect of me. This makes me wonder if there isn't another side to your rather sensational story, there almost always is. And I am sorry if that makes me sound "toxic".

  2. About Scourges...A slight damage increase (like 5-10%) should be fine but anything above that is too much. There is no other DPS build that provides this amount of safety to the player and their squad.Sand Shades, already being such an easy and quite spammable class mechic, come with group condition cleanses, boon strips, and group barrier. The best-in-slot DPS utilities include a very strong healing skill and an anctual ressing signet. And there is the large HP pool to consider which keeps a lot of players from downing constantly. Epidemic remains a strong option for both on demand AoE damage as well as the good old Epibouncing. It is no longer utterly broken but still worth using as long as there is any option to bounce.

    The arsenal of most DPS builds looks rather laughable in comparison. There isn't even a rotation. All you have is a simple priority list. Granting this build damage even remotely equal to the top builds would be quite the opposite of balance. A lot of less experienced players already find themselves outperforming half of their squad because actual raid bosses are about more than just single target DPS against a dummy.

    They have their place in raids. Quite a good place actually. It is simply not as obvious as the spot on top of the benchmarks.

  3. @Shiyo.3578 said:

    @Krzysztof.5973 said:Dungeons, strikes, raids - you name it, you literally have no power over me putting whatever I want in the LFG as long as it within the ToS. Every now and then some sad frog joins my squad or whispers me whenever I put up high-req LFG. Getting mad over the fact that I put my own LFG and have people join it anyway, baffles me. Nobody is forcing You to join it. You can literally make your own LFG with requirements You see fit. If I put 1k LI for raids and have people join it or 250 LI for all strikes run - It's none of your business. Make your own all welcome LFG have fun in the game the way you prefer. Thank you (:

    Stuff like this actively kills the game and is why every smallish online community is completely horrible. All you're doing is making it so your game eventually DOES die(that means all your LI, ap, whatever, means nothing in the brand new game you'll play and get gate keeped out of!)

    Every game dies eventually. I doubt there is a single aspect of GW2 or tiny detail in design that is not being used to predict the inevitable doom of our game by one person or another. Not unlike any other MMORPG out there.

  4. We have been there before. Everyone was forced to grind their trinkets and AR for ages before being able to progress. Your personal level used to matter a lot more and all that. Never stopped anyone from performing terribly in the higher tiers. The entire system was changed for a reason.

    Also, are we talking about changing ALL +9/+5 infusions into account bound items? I am sure people are going to be pleased to longer be able to trade the infusions they sunk thousands (sometimes tens of thousands) of gold into, especially if they do not even play Fractals themselves. Removing the AR part off of those infusions might be another option. But then there are those players who ended up buying a set of tradeable infusions like Ghostly Infusions with the intend to use them as a slightly cheaper alternative. Those guys would feel rather ripped off.

    In short, too many downsides for such an uncertain outcome.

  5. ARC has done more to protect people from unjust treatment than any amount of carebearing has ever managed to accomplish. The logs are detailed enough to remove most of the silly assumptions and excuses people would make about why things didn't go as planned. Players are no longer able to blame everyone but themselves for their mistakes.Not to mention that my personal enjoyment of raids, and Fractals for that matter, has grown quite a bit ever since uploading became a thing. The new ability to review minor details and the many ways to further improve my personal play as well as the synergies of my squad has kept me interested far longer than anyone could have guessed. And I am hardly the only one here.

    Do not mind a more basic ingame DPS meter. Some people are reluctant to download anything 3rd party and all that. Just hope the entire Build Templates debacle does not happen again. I would be rather disappointed if ArcDPS was to be replaced with a more fancy looking, but ultimately far less comprehensive and less useful ingame tool. Not to mention the possibility of it then being place behind a paywall.

  6. Toughness based tanking has always been nothing more than their easy way out for the first wing. The idea that your most "tanky" person needs to be your tank in any situation seems so simple and basic. Most MMORPG veterans would know that games, especially one as complex as GW2, usually give you good reasons to look further than that. Not to mention that new players are known to wear quite a bit of thoughness gear for one reason or another. All of that makes their decision look pretty strange in hindsight. We should be happy the aggro isn't based on your individual HP pools.

    I would very much prefer a dynamic system similar to Qadim2 that allowed us to pick our tank on the fly. Or one that allowed us to set the tank for the entire fight, if the ability to swap is considered too good.

  7. Should we have housing? Maybe. But you might as well ask if we "should also have" new elite specs, weapon types, countless new raids, huge PvP updates, WvW alliances (lol) and so much more.The question you need to ask is: Should ArenaNet put in the resources required to make this happen and the effort to then turn it into something that isn't abandoned soon after? Probably not.

  8. People want to be on the winning side, no matter how much they claim to be looking for a challenge and a fair matchup. This is human nature and pretty much why you can't allow people to move freely during a competition. Balance, in terms of quantity as well as quality (if possible), needs to be set up in advance and then locked for the duration of the matchup. People will simply move to the winning side otherwise. There are also those who will just log off for a few weeks if they aren't winning, turning a bad matchup into a terrible one.

  9. There are countless of reasons why players might have to leave early. And we aren't exactly talking about short PvP matches or something like that here. Some people might have a harder time being able to sit down for an hour or two without serious interruption.One side says they should refrain from joining any groups in the first place to not inconvenience other players, the other side says they should be allowed to join and that people need to cut them some slack. You know, the usual argument.

    Turning the behaviour in question into a punishable offense would cause a huge headache for the support. They would have to deal with countless of reports and the waves of protests from the supposedly wrongfully banned.

    Just block and move on like the rest of us. I know it sucks.

  10. The rather infrequent content release schedule is the only real issue I see. There needs to be a new wing every six months (not even considering the hardcore players here) to keep people busy. We are talking about a game that does not require you to grind levels or gear between releases afterall. Even the more casual groups manage to finish the newest wings in just a few months, to then be forced to go through another long period of boredom. That's not how you maintain a healthy community.

    Not sure about "better rewards". There would need to be something crazy to make the old crowd return and get excited over. I don't see that happening. ArenaNet knows how much of a controversy that would be.

  11. There should be the option to display as much or as little as you choose. The Fractal Attunements are the closest thing we have to an experience display. Relying on them is not perfect but infinitely more preferable than having to link KPs.

  12. A stystem that allowed others to judge me by the gear I am wearing, the builds I am running and the number of specific kills and titles I have gained, at the click of a button and without me having to do anything , sounds ultimately preferable to me than any of this KP crap we have to go through. Or worse, forcing others to throw the dice and hope my AP numbers mean anything.

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