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Posts posted by Henry.5713

  1. Not going to talk about the need to run healing or tanky gear or the lack thereof.

    Just for the sake of having a discussion. We could consider a few options:

    3 stats

    • Healing Power (main)
    • Concentration
    • Power or Vitality/Toughness

    4 stats (power)

    • Healing Power (main)
    • Concentration (main)
    • Power
    • Precision

    4 stats (condition)

    • Healing Power (main)
    • Concentration (main)
    • Condition Damage
    • Expertise

    4 stats (a better Minstrel)

    • Healing Power (main)
    • Concentration (main)
    • Toughness
    • Vitality

    The most optimal would be a two-stat combination with a ratio of 70/30 - 60/40 between Heaing Power and Concentration.Just enough to max out your Boon Duration. Imagine 70/30 with the similar amount of overall stats of a three-stat set:


    • 427 Healingpower
    • 182 Concentration

    That's a gain of 176 Healing Power (a gain of around 70%) over the main stat of a three-stat set (251) and an extra 248 Healing Power if compared to an off-stat (179). Now that would be a hillarious amount of healing.Silly and a complete waste in many cases but still a big buff if we consider passive healing trough Regeneration, Symbols, Bow of Truth, etc. and spammable skills such as Cosmic Ray and Desert Blossom or traits such as Selfless Daring.

  2. People often talk about the shrinking size and quantity of the raid community as a whole and thus the many attempts or at least ideas to attract new people. But we also happen to neglect to mention the quality of the incoming new and even remaining old players.So, how about an attempt to actually keep the veterans who have already gained everything there is around rather than looking to replace them with players who are neither interested in the content nor can be considered even close to it's target audience?Not saying there should be no new blood or that these attempts shouldn't be commended but both goals need to happen simultaneously and parallely to eachother to ensure a healthy community with a mixed base of players willing to learn and able to teach.

    New content or more specifically raid content that doesn't only come once a year should be the main goal but if that isn't possible for whatever reason then there might be multiple ways of keeping the hardcore, semi-hardcore communities and anyone who has raided for years interested.Ways to add additional rewards or special titles and masteries similar to what they did with Fractals. There should be an incentive to keep your squad together and to redo ancient bosses weekl after week. There could be weekly new challenges on specific bosses or the occasional reset of old CM modes. Not sure how hard it would be to implement such things but it sound far easier and more doable than releasing an additional new wing every six months.

  3. If there is one thing you learn by leading raid training groups for a while then that's that the majority of players seems to greatly overestimate their own knowledge of the game and their ability to play any remotely hard content. And honestly, why wouldn't they? The game has been historically terrible at teaching players anything about mechanics, boons, and so much else. It became even worse after the game that was supposed to not have any build trinity ended up with it's own and rather "unique trinity" of support and DPS builds with the release of HoT and raids. Feel like this needs to be said no matter how often we bring it up.

    Strikes are well designed and exactly as they should be if they manage to do their small part to fix this problem, even better if they end up being a stepping stone towards raids (seems to be the case for some players here). And there is still "just some" casual content with the easier bosses for those who are not interested in any of this other than enjoying another "111" boss or two.

  4. Dungeons have been there from the start. Content which was specifically designed to be rather challenging and thus not for everyone. Instanced and not fully inclusive content which rewarded you with great gear and unique and nice looking skins not avaible anywhere else. They even advertised dungeons openly to bring in those more hardcore players. Remember reading articles from testers struggling with the exploreable paths of AC after the devs made sure to show them how hard the game can be for those looking for such content.Kinda sounds like anything that supposedly started with raids only. Not to mention that dungeons were supposed to be a much larger part of an overall far smaller game compared to the tiny amount of content raids provide you with nowadays when you look at the vast amount of casual content avaible to everyone these days.

  5. The only way to make sure absolutely noone is going to complain about the difficulty is to turn all encounters into cutscenes, cutscenes which require you to press buttons occasionally to make you feel like you are actually playing but without any consequences whatsoever. Oh, and you need to be able to just skip these cutscenes to instantly "win". Maybe sell an "instant win" button on the cash shop...

    On serious note: They seem to prefer to go for reasonably easy encounters instead, to actually retain at least some gameplay and I say reasonably to not offend anyone because they are certainly rather easy. Wouldn't mind if we went for less "tedious and boring" over "more easy" in the future.

  6. Why does it have to be only one of the instanced options? I'd vote for "Yes, slowly redo/reblance old dungeons (including rewards) and then eventually add new ones themed around the expansions while they refocus their work on new Fractals and raids. With proper schedules and all" if it existed. The likelihood of this refocus happening, let alone anything about dungeons, is a different story entirely.

  7. Any squad-wide boon(s) with a perma uptime should require you to run a certain T3 trait that comes as a trade-off. This is the case with Renegade Alacrity and has been a thing for ages with Druid Might and probably one of the reasons why the Spirits have been nerfed to no longer apply close to perma boons onto your full squad even with Nature's Vengeance.

    Not the biggest fan of the FB's easy access to Quickness which doesn't even require a lot of investment into boon duration. But then I am sure most people would instantly trade their low boon duration builds for a trait that allowed them to apply perma Quickness to their entire squad at least as far as raids are concerned and even if they had to max boon duration then.

  8. Always thought it was weird that we have yet to see the "toughness twin" of Marauders outside of PvP. Sounds like a perfect fit for roaming warriors or any high base HP pool classes in general.There are obviously some mixes which attempt to mimic four-stat-sets but those will always be slightly inferior. You face the same issue with Minstrels. Trying to mix them together with three-stat-sets will make you miss out on about 9-10% of overall stats as they do indeed provide a lesser number.The only reason why this was never a problem in PvE is because there you usually consider anything non-offensive to be a waste anyways. Pretty much Berserkers has been king since the start.

  9. Yet another new map I will go to once or twice, masteries which I will only bother with for the sake of reaching the max level (again), new features and mechnics... but unique to the map which I will not go to after as I already said. None of this speaks to me and a lot of players like me.

    Coming back to your question about the lack of hype. The only way to get most of the community excited about an update all at once would be another expansion with loads of features and content for everyone. There will rarely be much hype otherwise.

  10. Not to mention that the Reaper and it's style in particular seems to speak to a lot of players who prefer dark and edgy "stuff".

    These long frames of rather stale METAs wouldn't feel as bad if the content releases were far more frequent. No new builds to try and play while you have to replay the same content over and over again is certainly a pretty bad combination of issues.

  11. Balance isn't perfect but it has been far worse in the past. There is no longer this one reigning god in the form of the elementalist that greatly outperforms everything else. The builds mentioned might be best in slot but there are many which come close nowadays. Not to mention the variety in support choices. Some stuff might be slightly more efficient but it isn't the only thing there is.If you want to complain about the true must-have, complain about the warrior and it's eternal role as a banner slave in raids.

  12. There have been many periods of warrior core builds outperforming their respective elite spec counterparts over the years. This didn't happen near as often with any other class from what I remember. The greatsword in particular is such a strong and well designed weapon in combination with stances and specific secondary weapons that you can easily throw it on any of the elites and do fine.That and the fact that old issues such as the need to run said stances, specific traits and even entire trait lines persist to this day due to weapons skills which provide you with little to no boons in comparison to other classes and lackluster elite spec utilities which pretty much force you to go back to core utilities outside of a few good ones, not sure I even need to mention Healing Signet and all of that.

    In short, you are often stuck on the same old weapons, same old utilities and same old traits. Your role doesn't really change either. We have certainly yet to see an elite that completely transforms the class or opens it up to different roles. All we have had so far are elites which are pretty much the core warrior with a special feature. Special features and new weapons which are being nerfed into oblivion until the entire line is no longer worth taking and you go back to the trusty greatsword/stances core combo.

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