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Everything posted by brando.7320

  1. no, seriously, infact that's a big problem with Hollywood, no consistency, crappy story arcs, tokenized character flip flops, also its been 7 years because its a game... and what do you expect them to do? just drop the characters, swap the guys for girls and girls for guys? they also just introduced rylocks kid, his mom and the Imperator, along with jormag… you don't just drop the characters you have in a story xD do just change your family and friends every few years? also some of the cast h ave come a long way. Marjory for one dropped the 1950s detective act and actually is now my favorite character(well next to canach)... you grow with the characters, you don't dump them... maybe if they end up in cantha or something, we will get a bunch of new characters, but its a gradual thingI think what you mean... or should mean, is you want a new game... which probably would have an entirely new cast... the story here tho isn't finished. ill agree that I liked gw1 better where they had 3 different sets of people as main characters than converged later.. was an awesome format.. a nice change of pace but, in order to do that they would have to release another stand alone story. Cantha would be good but I think NCsoft still has a problem with Asian cultures being in the game.
  2. I feel like some people are being a little edgelordish,bjora marches is actually both a step in the right direction and also kinda disappointing, a mixed bag but lots of good things... kinda feels like you all might have rushed? or maybe have a much smaller amount of people developing it?heres the good-the dark atmosphere and over all tone is awesome....-the music-strike missions-the beginning end of the story was pretty good, nice animation and voice acting and tone... imo-feeling a lot more rpgish with little little story tid bits you find with descriptive text about the condition of a body you find for example, the bone skinner popping up on -you when you check out a body, the random people succumbing to the whispers wondering around in the tundra.. very nice-I like the lobbies for the strike missions... the strike mission deals really remind me of gw1, im really like the return to that format-the acting.. I like the tone marjory has now.. I felt bad for her when she was getting teased with her sister... home run to the voice actress.. I wasn't a fan of the cheesy 1950s detective thing she had going on there before-the whispering... those dynamic ambient effects are awesome, again feeling a lot more rpgish and getting a lot more story in the environment, again... a lot more rpgish-the norn lady at the camp retelling what happened in eye of the north! seriously... relevant lore tid bits like that is awesome.. especially how a lot of people didn't play gw1 -it need more of that, its good to get more history to each enviroment, its also voice acted and not just text, and the notes and books you can pick up.. :) the bad-this map as far as things to do seems really shallow, collect badge things, kill the same champs and things for your mastery and repeat the same little battle deals at the camps and that ritual deal, and the two short metas... kinda feeling like destiny with mobs and short puplic events, and mirror puzzles... but it really doesn't work here, bland?... was this rushed or something?-the overly color coded mobs-the story was crazy short.. holy cow... that actually seemed like the prologue, and the prologue seems a lot thicker, is more gonna be added as we go? or is the bulk gonna be in the missions gw1 style?(which I am fine with:P)-the little mastery deals seem really gimmicky and not worth spending the time to collect the stacks.. plus it feels like the mobs are pinatas and I got to collect the candy.... WHY lol... I end up forgetting to use it because I don't really see what difference it makes... I thought the content was gonna be quite hard and those abilities would turn the tide... where actually.. over all the content is easier than HoTs and beyond and the mastery abilities are forgettable:/ also I see that they are themed for wolverine, eagle and dolyak?... nothing really goes into why this is, maybe its in the strike, I haven't got to the second one yet, almost could have just omitted the spirits aside from raven. really all I can think of... lots of cool new directions but the few bad things weights it down pretty a lot it feels..then again.. maps like bitterfrost were pretty short and small, cant always have the BIG episodesalso being that there isn't going to be expansions, I figured at more class updates would come, it disappointed me that along with that we probably wont see new subsecs, maybe updated animations??:/I could be wrong in assuming that...
  3. If not we could make one.. I would be interested in this as well.
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