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Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

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Posts posted by Keitaro Dragonheart.9047

  1. I can see the potential for a kind of...pseudo-support build. Scourge corrupts boons, Spellbreaker rips boons, so the new spec could focus on stealing boons and sharing them with their allies. There's also the potential for a debuffer; GW1 Assassin had many spells that focused on debuffing enemy targets. Some examples:

    Siphon Speed was a skill that slowed the target and sped up the assassin.

    The Elite Skill "Siphon Strength" which reduced the target's damage output while increasing the Assassin's.

    Beguiling Haze, a Shadow Step Spell that inflicted Dazed on the target.

    There's plenty of options, aside from pure DPS. A DPS/Support or Debuffer hybrid could be interesting. However, I'm more concerned with the implementation of whatever its going to be. Most of the Elite Specs thus far haven't been very impressive.

    • Confused 1
  2. PoF Maps only problem is mob density. In some places, there is ridiculous overlap. The Djinn HP in Crystal Oasis comes to mind; a Hydra, a couple of sand sharks and I think 2 sand lions. And if you're particularly unlucky, a Forged Patrol. Fortunately, it's far more tolerable than Pre-Nerf Orr.

    Shudders. For those who weren't here before Orr was nerfed; mob density was far higher and every mob, it's undead mother, and undead pet cat had an entire bar packed with CC skills. So trying to navigate Orr was like playing a game of Ping Pong, only your character was the ball. 

    PoF Maps aren't nearly as annoying, and I feel like mob difficulty is less than HoT maps, but harder than Core; so just right.

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  3. 22 minutes ago, Liewec.2896 said:

    because its Anet.

    they wave the nerfbat around in the dark and then turn on the light to see what they've broken,

    they then rename the shattered broken pieces a balance patch, pat themselves on the back for a job well done and then go on holiday for another 5 months.

    I literally Lol'd at this. 🤣


    It's funny because it's true.

  4. 3 minutes ago, Celestia.9128 said:



    Nah m8, this thread is precisely about teef mains started complaining about a spec that was not even released for beta testing. It's not even a teef spec, it's a guardian spec.  

    "while screeching hysterically into the void about literally everything when it comes to thief gameplay/mechanics." 

    I'm only seeing the reverse here in this thread, where teefs have been screeching hysterically about something that turned out to be subpar. Oh the irony.

    You see the reverse in this thread, but in the entire Thief, PvP and WvW forums, since 2012, it's been nothing but bad players crying and whining about one thing or another. And considering the Willbender got things thieves have been asking for for years, I'd say their anger is justified. Unlike carebear anti-thief whining, which is just that; whining.

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  5. Ironic, isn't it? Anti-Thieves calling Thieves drama queens, while screeching hysterically into the void about literally everything when it comes to thief gameplay/mechanics. 


    "Waaah, teef did something that mildly inconvenienced me! OP! Nerf teef!" - Anti-thieves.

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  6. Just now, CratZII.5872 said:

    Amusing seeing this forum cry about new guardian

    Unlike you and your crying about thief (your tears are delicious btw), there are legitimate reasons why thief players are upset about Willbender. 


    As a matter of fact, I sincerely hope whatever Thief gets as an Elite is even more "annoying" and "frustrating". Harvesting the salt mines will be a very enjoyable experience. 💗

    • Like 2
  7. 15 minutes ago, CratZII.5872 said:

    thiefs are very unfun in wvw and always flee from the fight so it's just tedious to try to roam with anything else. I'm glad if thief becomes useless. Good riddance

    It's always amusing when the anti-thief care bears come into the Thief forums and rage. Your deep-seated hatred of a video game character suggests you need professional help. It's both sad, and funny at the same time.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 hours ago, Peacekid.1463 said:

    have faith guys there might be a surprise coming lets just believe in them, expect the unexpected ^_^

    For those of us who have been here since 2012, "faith" is in woefully short supply.

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  9. Warrior is my third favorite class behind Thief and Mesmer. Honestly, I like the three of them almost equally, and this patch was insulting to me; both as a Thief and a Warrior. Like, seriously, after all these months, this is what you have for us Warriors and Thieves?! Are you kidding?! 


    At this point, I'm convinced that Necromancer and Guardian are the only classes that matter to Anet.


    It's either that, or Anet's Balance/Systems Team(s) are the most hilariously incompetent Devs in the entire Gaming Industry.

    • Like 3
  10. 8 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    You should go read the depression circle that is the warrior forums this week.


    Moral is pretty down. If the new warrior espec isn't powerful I think half the warrior mains will just reroll as Willbenders.

    I know your pain. Thief, Mesmer, and Warrior are my three favorite classes. Watching all three of them get nerfed, gutted, and/or neglected for years has taken its toll. I'm at the point now where I'm actively expecting their EoD Elite Specs to be disappointing, so when they're revealed, and they are, then I won't be let down. Or surprised. 🙂

  11. 2 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

    Hey, I feel your pain. The warriors have a omnibus change request thread for warrior skills and traits. A number of our ideas got taken from that thread and given to the Willbender.

    It's starting to get to a point where it feels like Necromancer and Guardian are the only classes Aret gives a flying crap about. So if you're not a Necromancer or a Guardian, fully expect your class to be neglected, ignored, or ruined.

    • Like 3
  12. Kids these days, I swear. The level of entitlement of today's gamers is just astonishing. This is a "first look", so basing the entire xpack off of that is entirely ridiculous. Also, it's a one time, minimum payment of $30. Meanwhile, craptastic games like WoW still exist and charge a monthly fee, on top of a fee for recycled, sub-par "expansion" content.


    This generation is going to ruin video games for everyone.

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  13. On 7/8/2021 at 3:47 AM, Knuckle Joe.7408 said:

    cause it is, it has been nerfed to oblivion now cause people QQ'ed about ele doing massive damage (which is just logical seeing we're the most fragile class), now it's kitten.

    This pretty much summarizes the entire "Professions" forum since 2012, tbh. "Wah, X thing killed me, OP, nerf", followed by Anet smiter's booning said thing and then never fixing it. Unless you're a Guardian or a Necromancer, it seems.


    Edit: Should mention here, Staff was "over performing" in WvW, way back before they made balance changes, per game mode. So they blanket nerfed staff across all game modes and then left it in the trash can.

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  14. 20 hours ago, MrForz.1953 said:


    Yes. Do behave like the very persons you despise. 👍

    I will, thanks. Every single anti-thief thread is a poorly disguised "delete the thief class". Literally every single suggestion they make would effectively remove thief from WvW and sPvP. And the kicker, when thief players dare to ask about what the Thief should get in compensation, they get nasty and declare thief doesn't need any buffs, or compensation.


    So please tell me why these players deserve to be taken seriously? I have some respect at least for the players who openly admit they just want the class deleted, because at least they're honest, and not pretending to care about "game balance". 


    Also your contempt is noted, and I don't care. Just like the people who want to delete one of my favorite classes.  🙂

  15. This is easily the dumbest idea for sPvP I've ever read. And there have been some truly dumb ideas on these forums over the years. Death is already punishing enough; nobody likes to lose. But you want to add insult to injury; you literally want to kick someone while they're down.


    That's a good start to turning this game's sPvP Community into LoL.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Jugglemonkey.8741 said:

    Honestly, they'd be better off nerfing D/P by removing the blind on shadow shot. That alone would make other thief builds far more viable. 

    They won't do that until the entire Thief Class is gutted, because they keep nerfing based on the tears from anti-thief Care Bears who can't tell the different between D/P and everything else. 


    At this point, the opinions of anti-thieves should be discarded without consideration, considering it's all the same "wah, thief beat me, OP, nerf" just in different flavors of L2P.

  17. On 6/5/2021 at 8:01 PM, Leonidrex.5649 said:

    guys guys, chill.
    people cant handle kittening C tier power block mesmer, cant you imagine if actual gw1 skills existed? in its gw2 power crept form?

    No kidding. As much as I would love to have a GW1-styled Mesmer in GW2...well, imagine the care bears, kicking, screaming, and crying about thief on a minutely basis, and multiply that by 100. Even if it was perfectly balanced, the care bears on these forums always have an anyeurism when they face something that requires an iota of effort, because God Forbid the game is anything except face-rolling your keyboard.


    A GW1 Style Mesmer would induce an ocean of tears;  too many people would lose to it, because they'd roll their faces across the keyboard as per the norm, and kill themselves. Which would be hilarious, quite honestly, but I'm not sure it's worth turning the entire GW2 forums into a literal salt mine.

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