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Posts posted by LadyKitty.6120

  1. If you're interested in optimal META rotations and numbers, go to Snowcrows.com or https://lucky-noobs.com/dps-tabelle/ .

    Since the balance patch cadence has become longer again, Kitty finally has time to do some dps testing (though like everyone knows, she's not exactly a top-tier dps as she's actually a support main). Though Kitty has improved quite a bit and she's now using a gaming mouse instead of oldschool skill clicking.Since doing it in a website form is pricy and slow, Kitty's this time using a google docs spreadsheet ('cause excels are nice) as it'll also allow doing some Top-listing and stuff (once Kitty figures how to fetch some cells). And the spreadsheet ofc includes link to each test's video and Kitty's included the traits, skills and gears at the end of each video.Kitty will fill it as she gets the testing done and at the time of posting this original post, there's 62 builds tested this far.

    Long url to spreadsheet (gotta copy-pasta to address bar since forums are broken atm): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZTdQqAYMN_IBnEwuYgQlHnNTxvLLlhzCMhNUOqiQra0/Short url to spreadsheet: https://tinyurl.com/KittymarksBuilds tested this far: 364 (updated 6th September)

    Like usual, Kitty's testing pretty much all weapons and popular runes and spec/trait variations as well as some tank variations, boonbot variations and stuff (and most of all, MEMES).

    And since there's lots of people who don't approve of what Kitty's doing...Disclaimer: Kitty's not a top-tier DPSer and thus her test results don't represent what kind of dps top-tier dpsers should be doing, just what some decent dpser does. If you can outperform Kitty, you're better than her at the build, yush. These test results are just intended to give some clue about what various variables(weapons, traits, runes) to the builds do to dps and to help people estimate what their preferred weapons might do dps-wise in case someone doesn't find the metabuilds best suited for their playstyle (or just don't have the optimal weapons yet). And obviously lower number means you need to play it better relatively to reach the same dps and builds with lower numbers shouldn't be used for speedrunning or with very skilled squads as they likely won't like them.

  2. @Blood Red Arachnid.2493 said:I don't raid. The last several times I was in fractals, the healers were always Firebrands or Druids. Never once was it renegade.

    From a logical standpoint, this makes sense. The biggest issue with heal renegades is that their heals are focused in narrow areas and are anchored to the tablet. Heal Firebrand is much more mobile, and heals in a wider area. Also, Heal Firebrand provides a lot of aegis, regeneration, and they can provide stability. Renegade just gives out alacrity and might no matter what build you use. This makes firebrand much more useful than renegade for healing in fractals.

    And good bunch of fury (dps firebrand provides the missing 40%) and swiftness if you use Pack runes.

  3. That build caused Kitty to "wtf?" more than healthy amounts.

    1. Random condi and expertise infusions on Nomad's heal build?
    2. Dagger instead of staff on supposed super-heal build.
    3. Well of Blood instead of Sand Flare on damage prevention build.
    4. Nomad's build to begin with (unless you're indeed like Kitty and feel like tanking every boss)
    5. Well of Suffering on heal build.
    6. Well of Power on a build with 0 boon duration and clearly not even trying to boon.
    7. Vampiric Rituals instead of Transfusion on heal build? You prolly use it to get protection but if the other healer is Tempest, Druid or Herald, they bring 10-target protection anyway. And Transfusion's ability to pull ppls out of danger zone is the main perk it's used for (on top of being pretty much heal scourge's main AoE heal).
    8. Desert Empowerment instead of Herald of Sorrow.
    9. Saffron Mango Ice Cream instead of Rice?

    If you want to heal and barrier to the max, do something like http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQJAWWnE9Cd2gV9Cm2As3gluBTvneUTqUfgRQFY6BMACAA-jxRPABC/EAAY/B+VCOpyvl0Fc5lAAN1fIFgfzsA-eOr if you want maximal health pool, something like this also works. It also has a nice bonus of 50% effective Epidemic. http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRUQJAWWnE9Cd3gt1Am2As3gluBT/neUTqTPgBQAg6DMCqAA-jxRPAB1rEUM1fs8SAguyPhfCAGpLAg9HIFAyysA-e

  4. @"Tiviana.2650" said:I want to tank on a scourge, im bored with chrono chrono chrono. We need more variety or it gets old and stale, this meta for everything is getting old. It cuts out half the player characters.

    And it doesn't help that almost everyone has the "only chrono can tank"-attitude even if you offer to tank as 2nd healer.Like Kitty often rants, people rather fail many times due to for ex. tank chrono getting ported 3 times in VG's every phase than let a competent tank of some other class get the job done.

  5. Power Staff Minion Master Reaper-Summons all minions-Spams Haunt, Putrid Mark, Soul Spiral and....auto-attack. Win!-Easiest way to get kicked out of raids.-Still out-dps's some people if you really master your minions.Rotation video:

    Obviously Kittymarks has restarted benchmarking operations for new memes.
  6. MMORPGs are kinda bad for streaming as the PVE content people care about watching is mainly some story and successful raid kills and from what Kitty's been testing, Youtube is the big thing when it comes to GW2 videos. Especially "let's play story"-videos also work way better as VoD than stream as like with any series, you want to be able to stop the video if needed and come back to continue watching at your own leisure.And when it comes to video views, Kitty's personally currently getting more views with way fewer videos uploaded than before her 1/2 year content drought when she was upping more than video a day. So GW2 seems far from dead. (Though raids are, a bit).And besides, like some OP anime character said in some anime, "there's nothing more boring than watching someone play an MMORPG" (if you can play it yourself).

  7. Kitty now got to testing the new Shadow Arts and it looks...nice. The Dark Saviour-trait actually provides the teef with huge amount of outgoing heals if you decide to spam Infiltrator's Strike and Return. And if you combine that spam with Deadeye's Fire For Effect and Trickery's boons...nyahahahaha...8NDmBiV.jpg

  8. Heal/Boon Deadeyegw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAsanMJCdPhlPBOGDUGjFmCjfSuJDlcNpAwAwLG8CmAA-jxhXQB25BAgQlfAY/hQdCA8n6PNUJI90DQKA/mZB-e-Keeps up full might and fury for 10 and swiftness+vigor for 5-Spams Infiltrator's Strike+Infiltrator's Return to heal about 1,5-1,8k per shadowstep (going to target is 1 shadowstep and returning to original position is 1 shadowstep) and also heals thru Skelk Venom, Merciful Ambush by stealthing ppls, Shadow Refuge and weapon-swapping with Sigil of Renewal.-Strips boons on Mark-Mostly limited to healing peoples around the target

  9. @Josiah.2967 said:

    @"Dadnir.5038" said:You're mistaken. What brought the reaper to be competitive isn't the healing part of the trait but the bit of extra damage that the trait bring. The benchmark will stay the same because people that release "meta builds" have good enough mastery of the game mechanism to barely need any heal in raid and take support mainly for offensive support.

    Sure PuG will suffer a bit because there are people like you that voice unnecessary concern about reaper's viability in raid after the patch. But at the end of the day, the reaper's efficiency won't suffer from this change and at best reaper players will just have to position themself a bit better.

    I am sorry, but it's the healing in Shroud that made it viable. We are the only class with a downside for using our DPS cooldown, and our DPS cooldown must be used to stay bottom tier competitive.

    For those who think healing in Shroud affected its dps majorly due to better scholar uptimes, Reaper was never viable to begin with as that's mostly speedrunner stuff to worry about and those peoples wouldn't run reaper to begin with. Those who wonder if Soul Eater nerf makes reaper unviable have bigger things to worry about as for those who currently think of reaper as viable option, some meager 1-2% difference in dps due to lower scholar uptime isn't a dealbreaker.

  10. @"Fir.7932" said:Firebrand is like the strongest support class in the game right now. The only thing that could at least compete with it was Chrono, so what does Anet balance team do? Yeah rework Chrono again and gutt him even more. Great work everyone. And nerfing Holosmith which was already barely holding any space in DPS meta? Yeah another amazing move. Let's just sit and wait while our meta will slowly change to raid squads and Fractal groups made of Guard healers, Guard supports and Guard DPS =) Oh and one Alacrity rev, for Alacrity you know.

    It seems to me, that you are just trying to delete Chronomancers from the game. Let's just think about how Chrono can benefit the group. He can give quickness BUT Firebrand does it better, He can give aegis (which is going to be pain in the kitten after this balance), but Firebrand does it way better, He could give alot of other boons like stability, but not anymore, while Firebrand still can and he can do it while healing or putting out way higher dmg. Well at least chrono still has Alacrity, but revenant can still do it better. Well, mesmers have still portal, how unique is that? Oh wait.... But hey. You gave healing on the Wells, that was briliant move, such a live saver having a healing at the end of those small tiny circles. =)

    They're known to look at how much peoples use certain skills and classes and since PVE-endgame (Read: raids) have a huge emphasis on their PVE-related balance decisions, you might be able to see why they're still nerfing chrono. (btw, the reason is same as why they also keep striking the druid further and further)Did you guess? drum roll badumtshhh Because everyone STILL requires tank chrono and off-chrono for quickness and alacrity and druid as main healer (and either 2nd druid or heal-scourge as 2nd healer). Kitty raids a LOT, all with pugs, and she still sees double-chrono in at least 95% of squads and at least one druid in about 97-98% of squads. She's quite often offered her heal or condi quickbrand but nope. "Only chrono can tank!"As long as raiders don't start thinking and stick to super-old meta, you can expect chrono and druid get nerfed even further. They've already both been toned down reasonably enough one or two balance patches ago but people.By the way, the heals on wells+Illusionary Inspiration (with scepter interaction) actually makes chrono a decent 2nd healer that can cover the possible gaps in quick+alacrity left by the actual boon support-chronos. Though it doesn't provide much might so in that regard it's as reliant on well-mightbotting primary healer as the usual heal-scourge (which Kitty will criticize later in this post).

    @OhBarros.2514 said:From a PvE player i want to know if you even play Reaper in Fractals CM or even Raids? As a necro main was always a struggle to play necro in raids/fractals. And when i was happy cause i can heal myself and sustain a little more, after a few ''dps'' buffs i was able to play Reaper on fractals cause on Raids it's still bad. But i was happy.

    I even ask myself who ppl gonna play WvW and PvP with Reapers cause since Scourge release Reaper is just bad. The only way you could play Reaper and be good it's on openworld and doing story. I just want to play with my necro on raids or fractals, it's too much ? The only time i was able to play necro you nerfed epidemic. Too broken tbh. It's Ok.Fractals and Raid: - Reaper Ehm. No scholar, need to stay until full health then shroud, bad dps compare to other classes.

    • Condi Scourge? Not good but can epi and share some barrier. Good for Desmina. So we can kill golem. That's all.
    • Healing Scourge? We can share barrier but that's all. Lots of Barrier. Not saying it's bad, cause it's a good second healer.Just my opinion. I just want to play my main classe like i play with other ones it some end content like fractals and raids.

    Reaper still works well in fractals and raids. Slightly weaker potential dps than other options (10%-15% lower potential than competing builds) but as long as you don't play exclusively with top 2% players, reaper still gets the job done and if you learn reaper well (which isn't hard compared to many other builds), you'll still outdps majority of raiders by a good margin. To do equal dps, you only need to outskill most peoples by 15%.If someone thinks reaper is too weak, Kitty's earlier this week uploaded some videos where she's given a good dps race to some decent power DD as power GS reaper (without axe and with exotic armors+Flame Legion runes 'cause Kitty's undergeared alt account). Kitty wouldn't reaper in speedrun-level squads, but in 99% of other squads, she certainly would.Condi scourge also works decently, just needs to outskill peoples by 20%. Though even condi scourge can improve squad's survivability against heavy hits (like VG's greens) a lot with a tiny bit of extra effort of using Sand Flare+Sand Cascade.And when it comes to heal-scourge...the more popular buildcrafters have done a very bad favour to it. It's now a popular 2nd healer due to all the condi-cleanse, barriers and insane resses but when it comes to boons, it doesn't provide any...or does it? It does, a lot, if you add some harrier's into the mix instead of running pure magi's. Even better if you're good enough to use your chrono's minstrel set and tank stuff has booning heal scourge. It can provide full might, 60%+ fury and swiftness and full regen to the sub on top of all dem condicleanses, barriers and resses. In some cases Kitty's also outbooned some druids though she was the 2nd healer. Don't believe it? Watch the videos (channel link in signature for shameless but evidential advertising).

    Chrono change? I'm sick after reading that change. First Chaos Chrono, 11 boons? Ok i agree, fair nerf. Signet after that. Signet again. Now? Less Aegis, less sustain, less party plays. Let's me thing about new F4 CS. Supp chrono already bad at dpsing and giving boons (Firebrand Renegade ftw and big dps).Now even in fractals you gonna share boons properly cause you can't use CS before grab MistLock. Cause you can't grab while in combat and even if you can do it, you need clones.Let us see whats missing from Chronomancer so we can change the class a bit every patch. Till Chrono full rework .

    And pls make CS F5.Not being able to CS before MistLock just means that you need to get a proper boon duration instead of running almost pure dps build, which isn't that much of a dps loss due to extra concentration from fractal potions.

    Soulbeast - > I don't play PvP and WvW so i can't talk about it .I like that condi get a buff. I really like it. Good job !Kitty also likes being able to pewpew with even more vicious results. Though not quite twice as vicious.Thief -> I'm glad i can play condi thief again. Hope so.

    Enginner? Gonna wait and see that changes cause Holo isn't meta even Fractals or Raids, i was praying for a little buff and this happens. Kinda sadWhat isn't meta will never die...oops, Kitty meant that even if something isn't the META, it doesn't mean that the build is totally unplayable. It just means it's not a build for speedrunning but it can usually do totally fine in most squads.Elementalist? Make Staff meta again. Or playable.

    Guardian too strong. In so many ways, DPS, Healer, Quickbrand.We can even go fractals with 2 DH, Quickbrand, Firebrand healer, and one renegade to some alacrity.I still like guardian, but kinda sad every class gets erase by him.Actually, you can even go fractals with 3 DH, a condi quickbrand and heal-renegade.

    @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

    Literally, the lessons to learn from all their balance patches over the last 6 years of playing is DO NOT PLAY META, as the people that whine on the forums will get your class killed so you have to respec. Play off meta kitten, and at least it will be unchanged kitten.

    Kitty learned that within a few balance patches after she started raiding 2 years ago. And here's one of the reasons why Kitty's tried to popularize the off-meta builds: As long as 90% of raiders play meta and nothing else, metabuilds will be nerfed until people start playing other builds, too.This game has perhaps the most versatile build system in any current MMORPG with dozens of working heal build variations and hundreds of dps-builds (differentiated by stat set, weapon combos and important traits) that'd bench above 25k dps and as of now, raiders mainly play 4-5 support builds and 15-20 dps builds. Since we have such a system available, Kitty doesn't wonder at all if Anet wants people to utilize it. "You can play how you like" or "Create your own playstyle" sounds like a nice advertising line and it's quite possible (though still requires using suitable gears and isn't the case for top 2% speedrunners but totally possible for other 98%).

    Though off-meta builds rarely getting touched has also a negative aspect. 1,5 years since Kitty started asking for such and still no 10-target Experimental Turrets or 10-target Empowering Might q.q

  11. @"NeverLoseGuy.3894" said:I'll admit, maybe I gave the wrong impression, but the new "autoattack/unload" I talked about would be something like this:

    • No channel time, works more or less the same as the old autoattack, just fires faster similarly to repeater speed.
    • The autoattack gives you a might on each hit.
    • Optionally you could make it a chain attack with second hit giving you bleeding. When its dual equipped anet could also animate it to be firing both guns I suppose.
    • Stealth could have a lot shorter channel time, while still applying the same amount of condis. Think of it like scattergun when it fires.

    Now back to the discussion of what p/p should be: I personally agreed with it being more of cc heavy weapon, mainly because the resources are already there. All the skills could work as a cc, leaving the autoattack to be the damage dealer. All the skills would work as a supplement rather than working as a de facto autoattack.

    For the other skills, body shot should work like a bullet shot, headshots and smokeshots could use some buff, maybe headshot gives back ini if interrupted, and smokeshot giving larger radius for combos, particularly when used with dagger. If anyone has a better idea for skill 3 that would work as a cc please do say it, but I personally think it should be most powerful of all.

    If I were to consider the idea of p/d, it would actually be a buff, since now it grants you even more boons, while (optionally) also bleeds your enemies, allowing some viable condi using such combination.

    Tl;dr: I said it wrong, my mistake, I meant to say that I think a buffed autoattack (including stealthed) and a skill to replace unload (which is not only redundant, but also overshadowing other skills) would make p/p better as a cc weapon, and also buffs other builds that uses pistol.

    So now you're suggesting making auto-attack as p/p's main way to dps? That'd literally make p/p into new sw/p, equally dull, except with more range instead of having to melee and totally defeats the purpose you suggested in OP. And sw/p already has the CC covered well on Infiltrator's Strike, Pistol Whip and Headshot.And yush, on paper Unload spam looks too OP. But at least in PVE you still need to master the easy'ish rotation and you also need to constantly think 15 secs ahead to have stolen skill available for stealth to reset malice between Marks to trigger M7 as often as possible. And considering how simple it sounds in theory and how it has superior dps uptime and boons and good dps, why people don't play it more? 'Cause very few could actually pull it off in real situation. (And staff does have superior dps if the boss is a damage golem.)

  12. @Solori.6025 said:

    @"Ithilwen.1529" said:Yet another huge nerf to Mesmer in removing the Chronomancer as one of the clones.

    Portal for thieves? There is no longer a
    that makes the Mesmer class unique... every single unique skill and ability has been removed.

    Except that scourges already have had Sand Swell-portal since PoF, though it had much more limited range, it wasn't as visible and it was also limited to valid paths. Portal for thieves is actually a rather good thing when it comes to raiding as thief will become a viable alternative to chrono for portaling in escort (and possibly other bosses where it could be useful). And though there will now be 3 classes with portal-ability, mesmer still has lots of hardly replaceable utilities that other classes would need to be special-built for, like Feedback (FB's Courage-tome has too long CD in comparison), quickness+alacrity output in same class, some of the best tanking abilities (as convenient combo of channeled evasions and blocks which require some niche builds to be even remotely achieveable by other classes), massive amounts of CC, accurate pulls with largest radius, boonstrip, aegis-share, boon extension, stealths...and there's more. Only herald and firebrand get even half of these things while mesmer/chrono gets most of them in one build if needed.And ofc mirage doesn't get any major damage nerfs and thus continues its supreme dps sovereignty at 4-5 raid bosses and since everyone still wants chronos as the supports (very few accept firebrigade even now), it's not uncommon to see 6/10 of the squad being mesmers at those bosses.

    So please tell how mesmer has been nerfed a lot and how it now can be replaced by other classes since it doesn't have unique skills and abilities.


    I never thought I would see the day where someone actually hates mesmer because it pve's too goodHAHAHAHAHA

    Well, Kitty's actually played mesmer twice more than any other class, she started gw2 as mesmer and mesmers are still kinda her "mains".But having to always play mesmer instead of dozens of other possible options due to it having some advantage can get kinda frustrating for an altoholist, especially if Kitty can do the same thing on her alternative builds equally well or better but people insist on mesmer "because only chrono/mirage can do it!". For similar reason Kitty's also refusing to play druid atm (except staff-only wannabe-nooby version for "Can it boon?"-challenge), and probably healscourge soon at this rate.It's most annoying thing ever when you join as healer and offer to tank while at it (if you know tanking so well that you almost never eat a mech) and then commander insists on chronotank and said tank gets ported twice in VG's first phase on every try. It has happened way too many times lately in LFG-squads.

  13. @Ithilwen.1529 said:Yet another huge nerf to Mesmer in removing the Chronomancer as one of the clones.

    Portal for thieves? There is no longer a SINGLE THING that makes the Mesmer class unique... every single unique skill and ability has been removed.

    Except that scourges already have had Sand Swell-portal since PoF, though it had much more limited range, it wasn't as visible and it was also limited to valid paths. Portal for thieves is actually a rather good thing when it comes to raiding as thief will become a viable alternative to chrono for portaling in escort (and possibly other bosses where it could be useful). And though there will now be 3 classes with portal-ability, mesmer still has lots of hardly replaceable utilities that other classes would need to be special-built for, like Feedback (FB's Courage-tome has too long CD in comparison), quickness+alacrity output in same class, some of the best tanking abilities (as convenient combo of channeled evasions and blocks which require some niche builds to be even remotely achieveable by other classes), massive amounts of CC, accurate pulls with largest radius, boonstrip, aegis-share, boon extension, stealths...and there's more. Only herald and firebrand get even half of these things while mesmer/chrono gets most of them in one build if needed.And ofc mirage doesn't get any major damage nerfs and thus continues its supreme dps sovereignty at 4-5 raid bosses and since everyone still wants chronos as the supports (very few accept firebrigade even now), it's not uncommon to see 6/10 of the squad being mesmers at those bosses.

    So please tell how mesmer has been nerfed a lot and how it now can be replaced by other classes since it doesn't have unique skills and abilities.

  14. And to elaborate further about how bad the situation with Soul Eater is as of now in PVE...though it could've been splitted between PVE and competitive modes. (Kitty started writing this in Necros' "Soul Eater Rant"-thread, but it's probably more meaningful to publish here instead.)

    The nerf is mostly due to PVE and it was needed (though we still need nerf to teef's Invigorating Precision, too, so give Kitty 9 good p/p or rifle DEs and she'll show how broken IP is...) As of now, a decent reaper does about avg. 20k dps or more to boss in raids whenever dpsing. That means over 1k heals per second from Soul Eater-trait alone. And to add to that, possible adds multiply that healing as long as they're alive and thus reaper's been able to sustain itself with Soul Eater alone as long as mechs weren't failed to the inevitable wipe.Kitty did some math for her guildies on discord about one of her recent Slothasor kills (and that's one of the more damage-intensive raid bosses).

    As for ex. a Slothasor Kitty did on power reaper 2 days ago lasted for 278 seconds and Kitty took 281k damage during that time (which is much but squad had otherwise really low dps and that meant really much incoming damage as the fight progressed).

    Kitty did avg. 21k dps total (including damage to adds) and thus (278 seconds 21k dps 0.05% dps as incoming heals) / 281k damage taken = 291,1 / 281 = 1.039.

    And that 1.039 means that Kitty got more heals from her damage than the damage she took and as long as she didn't take enough burst damage to get downed (and Kitty never did), Kitty could've fully sustained herself entirely through Soul Eater's heals. And the same thing has happened at other bosses like Sabetha, Cairn, Mursaat Overseer and Samarog on Kitty's cleaner kills.

    And if you have a squad of good reapers with Soul Eater as it is now, you could also essentially eliminate the need of a healer at some bosses (just need the boons).And actually, Kitty did a reaper-only Slothasor a couple weeks ago (she was being a healer reaper, the only actual pure healer in the squad, to boon and heal peoples if they ate shakes or tantrums) with a squadful of somewhat mediocre reapers with Soul Eater traited.So does this not need a nerf?

  15. @RisenHowl.2419 said:Reaper has no sustain at all without it since passive spectral armor was removed from soul reaping. Where on earth was soul eater too strong?

    In PVE (fractals and raids), reaper was getting over 1k heals per second when hitting stuff, multiplied if there was multiple targets. At bosses like Sabetha or Xera, that meant occasional 3-5k average heal per second bursts as long as adds were alive and Soul Spiral would've healed to full if there was adds present. And since power reaper is also quite decent at booning itself due to spite and reaper traits, 500-700 health per sec from hitting stuff in open-world wasn't quite farfetched either if you used power dps build.Though then we also have p/p M7 deadeye with IP...

  16. @Karl McLain.5604 Sorry to disturb but does the balance team have any plans on when the next balance patch will be (after this oncoming balance patch)? The patch cadence used to be quarterly (once every 3 months) but then it was sped up to every 4-6 weeks a year ago and now we had another close to 3 months between major balance patches. Just having a general idea would be helpful for people who do dps testing and guides as knowing about how long the current status lasts helps at planning stuff. (As Kitty's been thinking about restarting Kittymarks to test and publish numbers of all kinds of builds again if the BP frequency is slowed down again.)

  17. @Stand The Wall.6987 said:

    @LadyKitty.6120 said:From PVE standpoint some of these suggestions are horrible.

    reread the first sentence.

    Kitty did read it, but whenever you balance, you gotta remember that most of the balance changes affect PvP, WvW AND PvE. And that plays a huge part in why the balancing is so difficult and there's certain issues in all gamemode as certain builds are in totally different position in different gamemodes (for ex. power rev).

  18. From PVE standpoint some of these suggestions are horrible.

    @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:so I like making these every once and a while. here we go. (aimed at pvp/ wvw)

    ranghalve all bonuses from traits while in beastmode, remove gs 2 bonus attack of opportunity completely, nerf sic em by half but reduce cdThis would lower dps soulbeast's damage so much that it'd return to non-existence it rose from half a year ago.teefnerf damage and range of daggerstorm but reduce cd a bit, honestly I think the kite potential of rifle is broken but teef needs all the help it can get so idkdagger and rifle DE stealth burst 15/ 10% per malice to 5%In PVE trying to backstab is already annoying enough in certain circumstances and rifle DE is very difficult to pull off properly. DE's damage is also very conditional so nerfing it would push it back to "it has dps equal to weaker builds and it doesn't bring any utility so useless build".necsadistic searing - remove burnIt'd make the trait pretty much useless for majority of PVE scourge builds.

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