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Lan Deathrider.5910

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Posts posted by Lan Deathrider.5910

  1. Counter proposal:

    • Triggerguard and flickerstep go onto F4 and F5.
    • Using F1-F3 does not put the others on CD.
    • DSM recharges all Dragon Slashes.
    • Gunsaber moved to the elite as an advanced weapon kit.


  2. 1 hour ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

    We heard that a few of you have been requesting swimwear. We think you're going to like this early look at what's coming to the gem store in late June!

    Update to answer a question asked in the thread: "These are separate armor pieces--if you look over the different screenshots you can see some mix and match going on."



    All the jokes I've made over the years about needing a mankini in game have finally born fruit...

    *le sigh* *pulls out the card*

    • Like 3
    • Haha 1
    • Confused 2
  3. 25 minutes ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    I hate to break it to you but staff does no sustained DPS. 

    Also your build dropped the quickness trait so it's like absolutely useless as a PVE healer. 

    Also also the problem with Warrior healer is being unable to serve the MANY flexible roles thrown to the healer to do, eg many kiting or pushing roles on many of the fights. Because the Warrior toolkit is absolutely garbage and people in this very forum STILL ask for the remaining varied toolkit skills we DO have to be turned into knockdowns or something. 

    Yeah, but with FH and Relic of the Warrior you can swap into Staff, drop heals, and then go back to Axe/Axe for Decapitate spam or whatever one is running for DPS in all of 2.5s.

  4. 10 hours ago, CalmTheStorm.2364 said:

    I like it!

    Some sample traits:

    Bean Burrito: your farts "explosions" torment nearby enemies.

    Kimchi: your "explosions" set enemies on fire

    More like:

    • Wounding Precision becomes: Gain x% of your precision as expertise. Explosions now deal torment per hit, 5s/3s (PvE/Comp)
    • Sundering Bursts becomes Sundering Explosions: Bursts not become explosions, explosions inflict 5 vulnerability, 10 if they crit at the current durations. Multiple attacks do not proc the trait more than once.
    • Dual Wielding becomes Incendiary Shells: Explosions now deal burn per hit, 4s/2s (PvE/Comp)

    Defense and Tactics could get a few to cause explosions to have beneficial effects in an AoE around the warrior, things like adding explosions to heal skills, that then grant protection in an AoE. Or have explosions cure conditions on allies within 600 range. But honestly, I'd focus on the above traits from Arms as a way to increase the condi game on warrior. It would also have the side benefit of enabling condi DPS Spellbreaker and BSW and increase some build diversity.

    • Like 2
  5. 18 minutes ago, Shagie.7612 said:

    I don't think they were super popular but paragon/war builds using the offensive spear skills rather than being a support build were always a ton of fun to me, would be neat to see warrior use it for the 900 range wep niche

    I would really like to be able to play war in teamfights or something

    Man I loved playing that on gw1. Still do sometimes 

    • Like 1
  6. IMHO, put explosion tags onto Torch, which make sense in a way, and then add explosion related traits to a few core traitlines. Things like applying Vuln stacks on explosions, or blind, or torment stacks. Rather open design space really.

  7. 51 minutes ago, WingSwipe.3084 said:

    People dont enjoy using torch, but its for the main reason of it being wonky as all hell and the condizerker traits being all kinds of kittened with the aura spam shenanigans.

    Condizerker needs a more consistent method for creating auras on its own if it is to do better as a play style and torch should have the ability to do so. If it was there for aura generation it would synergies perfectly with the condi playstyle.

    Last Blaze: Rage Skills Grant Fire Aura in addition to it's previous effects.

    • Like 2
  8. As much as I do not want another 2h power weapon, UW spear is probably one of warrior's best move sets. If they do port it directly to land, Crapface is right, Barbed Pull ->FB->BB, Barbed Pull ->any F1, Barbed Pull->Final Thrust, etc. It opens up so many combos. Tsunami Slash might be an issue, but then that paired with Brave Stride might work, especially Strength+Defense with Stalwart Focus to get stab from Barbed Pull if someone runs core or forgoes Discipline like a Gigachad.

    I'm still salty about not have a 1H 900 range MH weapon though...

  9. I think that would work, but I also think returning Might to 5 stacks and buffing the coefficients to 1.75/2/2.5 would work better. Let me have a strong burst rather than a strong followup to the burst. The burst itself is the follow up after all.

    • Confused 1
  10. 22 minutes ago, StraightPath.3972 said:

    Gentlemen, gentlemen.
    Comments like this make me fuzzy inside, making me appreciate just how different oddball of a warrior I am compared to most.

    I am most certainly not above using endure pain to it's disgusting limits, and these will go very far in pve after patch drops.
    You may want to make sure kids leave the room prior to reading this, but:

    Endure Pain - 30s
    Defy Pain - 20s if attached to a Headbutt
    Defiant Stance - 30s
    Last Stand - +1 second to all of above.
    Savage Instinct + Eternal Champion - a lot of on demand strike damage immunity.

    Slap all these together and your 5s cd enduring pain isn't so far off ..
    Even if my damage dips somewhat, the ability to ignore some mechanics and just focus on hitting would be worth it imho.

    Throw in shield stance and using Berserk to fuel immunity rather than offense and you could do it. You'll need regen or condi condi clears on top of it.

  11. 1 hour ago, Jzaku.9765 said:

    I mean they could literally copy paste the underwater moveset onto the weapon and it would be pretty good lol. Multi-hit attack for adrenaline, pull, block, moving 100b... Berserker even gets an AoE pull burst skill, incredible. 

    I know... I really do not want another melee power dps weapon, but Spear's underwater kit is very nice. It would easily replace Greatsword in a lot of content. I just wonder how Tsunami Slash would work though... Spin to win with heat seeking tracking out to 1200 range? No wonder they removed 3 Spin Arc Divider if that is the case.

  12. 1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Yeah cheesing boss mechanics. Still a dps loss taking it. 

    Not if you're doing it solo, but that is a discussion for a theoretical 5s CD endure pain that will never happen.

    1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    Glyph is still better. 

    You pop is the moment people go down or even Pre cast it. 

    All true, self banner rezes are a thing.

    1 hour ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    It heals and when people go downstate again, they get up again. 


    You just caused an earworm from a crappy song. Lyssa curse you...

  13. 1 hour ago, draxynnic.3719 said:

    I'd be surprised if they give spears to everyone right away. There are some professions, like warrior, that were running out of suitable weapons, which might be part of the motivation, but there are some that have a wide range of possibilities left.

    I'll be curious to see how the mechanics work in practice, since that might hint at what else might be moving into the window of possibilities.

    Because Dwayna forbid that they actually give warrior a new MH or 2H range weapon right?

    • Like 1
  14. 5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    1. Reducing the CD on pure defensive skills is kinda pointless in PvE as people who know what they are doing will never slot them. Even if they had 5s CD. 

    It's only noobs that would consider them and we don't need noobs to make even more bad choices. 

    I don't know... Endure Pain on a 5s CD would get taken in Raids for certain things. Hell, I would solo several fractals on CM with a 5s CD Endure Pain. As to the actual CD decreases, yeah they won't matter to people who know what they are doing.

    5 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

    2. The CD reduction is a big deal. It's still a FAR worse version of Glyph of stars. Which is 48s CD. The elite banner would need a CD of 30s or something to be balanced. 

    Banner is a full revive where several others are percent-based revivals. The percent-based ones are all 20-48s CD and range from 7%-25% revival, with pulsed revivals being on the order of 7% and bulk ones at 20-25%. The pulsed based ones average out to the same as the bulk ones after all pulses with some variation. The druid elite and battle standard are 120s currently and full revive. After the buff to a 90s CD it will be in line with the percent-based revival skills.


  15. 21 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

    From the video clip it looks very much like a 2-hander, so that's probably baked in. However, I see no reason why a throw skill or two couldn't be on the bar to give it some versatility. 1H axes can be both melee and thrown just as IRL, so there's no good reason why the spear can't be dual-use like that too.

    Unless of course they're just going to let us bring the existing skillsets out of the water, in which case the whole discussion is moot. 

    In the clip the character is holding it in one hand with the other hand unused. They clearly do not have the ground animation working yet, it could be the same UW stance, just on ground and it is 2H, or it could be a 1H that is drawn from the back. Either way they have work to do there.

    • Thanks 1
  16. @Rubi Bayer.8493, here is some Suffused Obsidian armor feedback. 

    • I like that the unsheathed elements are a slight ornamental upgrade to T1 rather than a steep jump
    • I like the glowing runes and that they take on the dye of the channel below them
      • Not sure how easy it would be to do, but having the floating runes being a separate dye channel entirely would be amazing
    • I both like and dislike the rune burst on the draw animation
      • I like the muted feel of it, but at the same time wish it could be dyed
    • I liked this collection so much more than the Aurene variant collections. Please go with this style of collection moving forward for any future variants to legendary items.

    Also, Gharr is lit. Please expand his item list to include Core, HoT, PoF, and EoD gifts in the future.

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