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Posts posted by RabbitUp.8294

  1. On 8/11/2021 at 11:56 AM, WindBlade.8749 said:

    It's the only thing that did not get stolen from us.

    I'm glady to offer conjures for the next guardian spec, it's will be the weaver farewell gift to new melee power offhand sword guardian spec.

    What exactly got stolen from you?


    The whole idea of elite specs is sharing skill types among the professions. If you are keeping tally, elementalist shared 2 of their unique types (cantrip and glyph), same as necro who shared wells to both chrono and, after the change, scrapper. Meanwhile warrior's stances were given to both SB and weaver, and physical to DD and now WB. 

  2. 1 minute ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

    I would put Renegade, firebrand, chrono, druid, scourge, tempest, mirage, berserker, spellbreaker (warrior support mostly comes from core but both especs can use) over herald in general as supports for pve. I feel that's a pretty conservative list all things considered.

    It depends if you are doing rankings or actually making a squad. Half of them fulfill the same role, so you are not taking multiple of them. Warrior is also not a support, it has offensive buffs, but plays as dps, unless you mean shout/warhorn warr, which is a meme in pve. I would also put tempest under herald. 


    As long as q&a is covered in the squad, and you are bringing another support, for me it's druid followed by herald.

    • Confused 1
  3. 30 minutes ago, ArthurDent.9538 said:

    Then there is herald being the second lowest dps e spec only beating out druid while  I would rank it only around 10th out of 18 especs for support.

    I wouldn't put herald that low as support. It might not bring q&a, but it can hard carry teams with its 10-man boon coverage and utility.

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  4. 1 minute ago, Scoobaniec.9561 said:

    This is not 2015 anymore. Rev has same cds or even higher than some classes while still having to use energy on top of it

    Not in pve. All the utilities and damage skills have less <15s cd, your cc are always up for breakbars. You never have to worry about cooldowns jumping from mob to mob.

    • Like 4
  5. Every profession forum will tell you that theirs is the worst ever, that Anet personally hate them and killed their dog. Try to filter that out.


    As for revenant, if you love varied playstyles, and little to no downtime (especially in pve) due to energy allowing for short cooldown skills, revenant is great. I wont go into any specifics, especially now that we are waiting for a new batch of especs that will surely shake the meta, but in the game modes I play (pve and wvw), rev is a great and fun pick.

    • Like 10
  6. 3 hours ago, rylien.3824 said:

    For me the ghost will surely have one of these legends :

    - Togo -> Scepter or Greatsword

    - Vizu -> Dagger

    - Nika -> Dagger



    Personally to choose I would prefer the Legend of Togo.


    Perhaps also that will have a Tegu as a legend ... 😟

    What's the point of Vizu or Nika when we have Shiro? That's a downgrade.


    13 hours ago, Tabootrinket.2631 said:

    Wait... did I miss something ?
    Has it been confirmed that the fire icon is a thief e-spec with torch ?

    Nah, just speculation.

  7. Honestly, I think some change to the profession mechanic is in order. Rev especs feel more limited in scope compared to other especs. We get the weapon and new skills, but so far, the "new mechanic" we some extra F keys, and they haven't exactly been revolutionary either, like how druid and holosmith got a whole new transform or chronomancer's Chrono Shift.


    I just want something more out there, or at least a full weapon set.

    • Like 5

    On 6/30/2021 at 3:14 AM, Sajuuk Khar.1509 said:

    While we know EoD isn't the end of GW2's story, I would be surprised if we get much more then a LWS6 that expands on Cantha as LWS4 did for Elona. IF we do, I suspect it may be a "clean up" arc, some more maps in Central Tyria covering stuff like Malyck's tree, the centaurs, finally clearing up the ghost problem once and for all. a Wizard's tower raid, etc.

    I'm a bit more optimistic. Gw2 is anet's only game, so they either keep developing it, or start on gw3, which I honestly see no reason to. The game's graphics and combat hold well.


    On 7/16/2021 at 1:34 AM, Faridah.8431 said:

    I know 90% of people hated it in GW1, but I really look forward to seeing how they handle a dense urban city like Kaineng City in GW2.

    I'm on the 10% then. I still remember the first time I played Factions, I was fully prepared for a Kung Fu panda/Mists of Pandaria experience, which I really didn't care for, but the first time I stepped foot in Kaineng City's slums I wow'd out loud. 


    The jade sea and echovald's cathedrals are some of the more interesting fantasy enviroments, but the slums were the highlight for me. So different from anything I've ever seen in any game. I was overjoyed when I saw snipets of them in the trailer, because I was worried Anet might have chosen to go with a cleaner, more safe depiction of Cantha.

  9. 6 hours ago, DoomNexus.5324 said:

    Exactly this. I don't want to watch a movie while having my playable character running around.
    I think this is actually a huge factor why the gw2 story is so bad.. Anet is ALWAYS time crunched, they can't do a thing without getting side tracked by another expansion or whatever the higher ups decide to do and this is just kitten if you try to maintain ONE main plot without a single proper side story.
    I reaaaaally really hope - if they even continue the concept of living world, which I really hope they don't - that they at least just expand on the world and don't push their weird plot nobody cares about. They could easily add idk 2 or 3 smaller and limited plot lines that end after one or two episodes or maybe at the end of the seasons.. When they get crunched again they could just scrap one without having to rush the others and everyone would still be kinda happy.

    And no I also don't like Aurene.. I think Anet overhypes their own kitten way too much and fail to recognize that the vast majority of players are not invested into the stuff. I can understand that the Anet staff get attached to Aurene since they are creating her and are constantly developing content around her but for us players it's a really different story.

    I think players really overestimate just how much they speak for the majority.

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  10. 5 hours ago, voltaicbore.8012 said:


    This is pretty much exactly how I feel.


    I liked baby Aurene, and was looking forward to a more grown up/talking/has agency/is actually helpful version. What we got was an unfocused mess. We asked Braham to un-rally the Norn to save Jormag (destroying Braham's reputation among his people in the process) and fought Balthazar in a volcano to save Primordus. We were told that killing more dragons would end the world. Fast forward to the end of IBS, where we killed both of those dragons at the same time.... and things are just fine?


    Weak storytelling happens for a lot of reasons, and I accept that narrative can be particularly difficult to deliver well in the MMO format. I'm willing to accept the GW2 story so far as it's been told to us, warts and all. My problem is that ANet seems to think we all adore and can't get enough of Aurene. In other words, it's okay with me if the story is bad. It's less okay with me that ANet doesn't seem to understand (or worse, is pretending like they don't know) the story took some bad turns.

    Seriously, is the story so difficult to follow?


    The premise is pretty simple, you can't kill dragons unless you have someone to absorb their magic. We didn't have that someone when we killed Zhaitan and Mordremoth, so things starting getting really bad. That's why we couldn't let Braham and the others kill Jormag before PoF. As for Kralkatorrik, Balthazar would have been able to absorb the elder dragon magic, but he was a villain, so not exactly the person you want having that kind of power.


    After Aurene grew, killing dragons was back on the menu. Although, I'm willing to bet EoD will reveal that Aurene isn't alone, either Kuunavang is playing a similar role unbeknownst to us, or DSD somehow an ally.


    Edit: And that's why everyone should have seen the Aurene rez coming from a mile away. The way the story was set up, it was simply impossible to proceed without her. 

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  11. 1 hour ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

    Profession Skills

    Combo Fields and Finisher Skills

    • – Combo finishers will now prioritize using your own combo fields before those created by other players, where available.

    This is an amazing change!


    I'm glad you guys are embracing the combo mechanic, it's such a unique aspect of gw2's combat system.


    I hope we see a few more finisher tags in existing skills. I understand wanting to limit combo field access for balance and thematic reasons, but I feel finishers should be more commonplace.

    • Like 2
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  12. 17 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:


    The "obvious" Rev icon is a red herring. It's like people think the "obvious" fire 🔥 icon would be Ele. It turns out to be a support spec for Thief (Torch). Look, the Necro new icon is not "obvious" either. This Oni Samurai fits Rev the most compared to any other classes.


    Not a good comparison. It's not the same as having a fire or a bottle. The rev icon literally uses the base Rev eye, a specific symbol. It would be very confusing to have one profession's symbol appear on another's elite spec. If it was a more generic looking eye on the elite spec icon, then maybe but it's the exact same eye.

  13. My guess is that thief gets the flaming diamond, ele gets the bullet and warr gets the mask.


    1 hour ago, Smoosh.2718 said:

    Flame with the diamond for Thief interesting theory, lets hear your thoughts as to why that icon.

    The reason why I believe Thief will get the Oni mask, is due to my believe thief will get access to greatsword.

    I really doubt thief is getting a 3rd two-hander in a row regardless of which icon they end up with.

  14. 2 minutes ago, Infusion.7149 said:

    Hate to be negative, but it's 0 of 3 for me thus far across all 3 new specs.
    Willbender isn't poised to be an amazing improvement over DH which has leaps, a teleport (JI), and pulls.

    If offhand sword is purely offensive it may actually be worse than core guardian sword+focus in terms of sustain as well.

    This will probably be another high power DPS spec in PVE though I wonder what that means for power DH.

    The only mobilty skill DH has is F2, everything else is part of core guard (and available to WB). 

    • Like 3
  15. 48 minutes ago, Panda.1967 said:

    So far… we’re at 2 for 3 on bad elite spec names in EoD…


    Willbender seems completely counterintuitive to Guardian design and principles… the elite spec is described as being “the elite personal guard to the emperor and his ministry”… but “Willbender” sounds like an inquisitor or torturer… and it just doesn’t feel like an elite spec name either…


    Virtuoso is also a terrible name for the new Mesmer elite spec… the name is great for A Mesmer elite spec… just not this one… what about throwing mind daggers around reads as a “Virtuoso”? The spec name implies a musical elite spec… Virtuoso should be a bow wielding spec with shouts and arias… supporting their allies while befuddling their foes… instead we have a dagger throwing mentalist… at least Guardian’s new elite spec name kinda fits the theme of the spec… but this one isn’t even in the same ballpark…


    Admittedly I'm not too thrilled about willbender. Though to the lore point you raised, last time we saw Cantha, it was devolving into a dictatorship, so the imperial guard might very well be closer to inquisitors than bodyguards.


    As for virtuoso, the term applies to artists in general, not just musicians. Sure, knives are not very artistic, but I guess they have more pizazz than your regular old assassin.

    • Like 1
  16. 5 hours ago, Dadnir.5038 said:


    Let's just say that both the leap forward and the roll backward are utility skills and there is no movement skills on pistol and "shroud skills". That make 0 increase in mobility.


    Sure, at first glance, as we don't know of the specificities of these skills, it feel more engaging to use than the current options of the necromancer (dark path, death sharge, spectral walk, flesh wurm, march of undeath, sand swell). But it doesn't mean that there is "more".


    For all we know, the movement skill could be a single glyph that make you leap forward while used "in shroud" and roll backward while used "out of shroud" with a shared 30+s CD. People assume that the utilities are elixirs, but nothing say it is, the elixirs could very well be shroud specific skills.

    Elixirs are the utility skills. You can see that the character is not in shroud when she drinks the elixir (no shroud aura on her and she's holding the gun). The elixir gives her a green aura around her feet (presumably this is the visual effect of blight). There's no way they are using the word "elixir", which is an existing skill type, if harbinger doesn't have elixirs. They could have said potions, concoctions, etc.


    All mobility skills are used while in shroud. There are 2 different ones, one is the Shield Bash animation, the other is the acrobatic flip,. The backroll looks more like a regular dodge, than an actual skill.


    And the narrations would have to be intentionally misleading if you were correct. It says they use elixirs to inflict blight on themselves, then in harbinger shroud they gain devastating abilities when suffering from blight. So, elixirs cannot be shroud skills, it would be backwards.


    • Like 3
  17. 5 hours ago, Tempest.8479 said:

    Rev is tough for me to judge, because it always strikes me as channeling only a portion of a powerful entity's magic. Rogue could steal all your powers, but a rev can only be an imitation of someone or something much more powerful imo. 

    I would agree, it seems like rev would have to give themselves completely and be possessed by the legend to channel their full power. Though there are two notable exceptions, they might be mainly fanservice, but they have significant impact on this thought-experiment: Jade Winds and Rite of the Great Dwarf. Not even Shiro and Jalis themselves could use those skills on-demand. Shiro unleshead the Jade Winds once upon his death, and never had access to that power after his death, and Rite required all the dwarves performing the ritual together. 


    Now if we ignore that, rev can still channel someone much more powerful to compensate for the power loss. Using the same example, Xera was significantly stronger than the typical mesmer, so a rev channeling her would have to be at least on par with a player mesmer. 


    Anyhow, if we remove revs from the equation, I agree with your conclusion. Mesmer and ele seem to wield the most power.

  18. Revenant is kinda unfair in that regard. It's like Rogue from X-men, it doesn't matter how good you are, revenant can just channel a legend and do the same thing. It's like kids at the playground "oh you pick mesmer, I channel Xera and beat you".


    Speaking of mesmer, devs have said that chronomancers don't literally control time, just create the illusion of time manipulation. They still have powerful telepathy and telekinesis, though. 

    • Like 4
  19. On 8/10/2021 at 5:04 PM, LadyEden.7519 said:


    You keep forgetting that there are different people working on EoD than the team(s) that were working on HoT and PoF.


    It's all made to please the new anime generation of GW2 players rather than the mature longtime fans of the franchise.

    Mature longtime fans are really invested in guardians looking to the right, huh?

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  20. 1 hour ago, Ragi.7291 said:

    And for the shouts out of heal, they are almost all instant or at 1/4 of second + quickness thus instant.

    ("Shake It Off!","On My Mark!","For Great Justice!","Fear Me!", "Stand Your Ground!", "Save Yourselves!","Retreat!","Hold the Line!","Feel the Burn!","Eye of the Storm!","Suffer!","Rise!" >> instant
    "Rebound!", "Flash-Freeze!",Aftershock!","Feel My Wrath!" +quickness = instant)
    The necro 1s1/4 for 1 skill, youpi. you have time to be interrupted 4 times

    Which other shout is an AoE stun?


    Maybe the other classes should complain because Reaper's heal shout has the shortest cast time out of all heal shouts. 🙄🦥

    • Thanks 1
  21. 15 hours ago, Za Shaloc.3908 said:

    Your idea of having it trigger weapon-swap, while interesting, gives me the impression of further shoving Invocation down our throats. 

    To be fair, both Salvation and Corruption interact with the legend swap, too. But I see what you mean.

  22. Honestly, revenant should get 2 weapons like warrior. Yes, warrior is the weapon master, but revenant also gets a full weapon set for every legend, so it's weird when some legends are forced to borrow weapons from another.


    I hope this is one of the rules they break this expansion. Glint was ok, because everything was still new and so Glint felt like part of core rev, then Kalla avoided the issue with a 2hander. 


    Like, just imagine getting an off-hand only again. Sword/sw is already about aa spamming, so having to use sword again with the new weapon would be like getting no weapon at all. And if it's mace, then it means it's another condi spec, lol.


    Main-hand only would be slightly better, but only slightly. Sword would still be better ST damage, so it would just be a power weapon with better cleave. Unless they go the virtuso route with a 1200 range mh weapon.

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