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Posts posted by Vision.7265

  1. Beetle. Drifting with my 7-person drift guild. Map exploration with a new toon + beetle = waypoint dopamine effect. It's like the entire world has all these checkpoints: just put on some good music and drive.

    Making characters is always fun for me as well. I JUST found out SB renegade is so addicting. It's more pew pew than LB ranger. Not as much as deadeye, but I don't like how with deadeye you're pretty much stationary like a sniper. I like to run and gun like the p/p thief but with more visual effects.

    Metas are still the heart and soul of this game. I still do TT like an addict. The only thing keeping me from leading a squad or helping out officially with condi team these days is beetle (::laugh::). I do DS casually as well. I like jumping into a failing meta and getting my other buddies to save a run.

    Story is still fun to go through with different characters. It really shows you the care they gave the game.

    RP and Cosplay is still something I do casually as well.

    In a nutshell, anything and everything in the open world keeps me here these days. Why be stuck in an instance when there's so much they designed for you out there?

    EDIT: Map chat (in some places) is HILARIOUS. Lore is great too.

  2. @Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

    @XYLO.7031 said:Someone please> @Steve The Cynic.3217 said:

    @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:Have you seen them on Charr? I have no words. No, wait, I do: clown shoes.

    I'm inclined to say "clown feet" rather than "clown shoes", but yeah.

    XD They ARE clown shoes on Charr. Screenshot will not do it justice. See it for your self. XD

    ...I didn't think it could possibly be that bad, but...uh...actually, yes, it is. (Sorry for the low-quality image.)


    Dem Charrs got big feets. =)

    The male charr is fun. I want to get the shoe on a male charr.

  3. Happy Wintersday, designers!

    Thank you for making the Stylish Shoes Skin. 4 dye channels: outer rim, bottom, jewel, and jewel accent.

    I wanted to cite other posts wanting party heel shoe skins (not wrestling boots), but I didn't think it was necessary.

    I bought for myself, and my gifted my friends today.

    For those of us who were waiting, this was a LONG time coming. If you went through the entire wardrobe in this game, you probably realized it is very wrestling-boot heavy. Definitions vary but for me a boot is anything that comes up above the ankle (boots with heels do not count). These were the first good-looking pair of actual heels (shoes that came up below the ankle and had a pointed heel). I've been using Aurora shoes for the majority of my female human toons, but they were short heels that maybe your grandma wore or that girls wore to school in a uniform. This game is a fantasy where we have all the ridiculous (but well-designed) skins we have now, but we didn't have party heels like this one that came out today.

    Thank you to all of you who work tirelessly in our current environment and give us a break from the daily hardships we face with your artistry and design.

    Let's make 2021 a good one.

  4. As I said in another post:

    XYLO.7031July 12, 2020I would love to have another player to hop into the passenger seat of my beetle for a test spin. I will call it "Spill your guts Sundays" or "Throw-Up Thursdays" or "Toss your Cookies Tuesdays" or "Lose your Lunch Fridays." And with that said, I would also propose a special auto-emote for a passenger leaving the vehicle early or after an extended duration of spinning, drifting, and big air jumps. :smiley:

  5. I will admit I saw this whole new page of masteries waiting to be obtained and was really happy. When I found out I could only get up to the second one and was forced to stop my progress. I researched and found that the next part in the story series was later as everyone has shared. I went into full sadface and logged off. Thank you for the sales, but I just won't be jumping on them like I have in years past. I cannot monetarily support this change. I had no problems with the previous living world season structure. This change wasn't ideal at least for me since we've been completely trained into the previous living world system with a new map, currency, story, events, etc. with each episode.

  6. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @"Thornwolf.9721" said:.... as most of the E-specs really... do feel samey.

    For me, I think that this feeling can be dependent upon what content one enjoys playing. I'm really casual, so I'm never worried about playing META builds or having BiS gear or skills. I like to mix/match for a particular concept and see what works with what. I main a ranger and have been through soulbeast and druid more than once and now I'm back to core with sword/dagger as my main weapon set and having fun with it. Recently, I started back on my scourge and I know it isn't the "correct" build, but it's fun for me.

    How are we not friends or even in the same guild? Between you and Hugo, I agree with most of what you say in the forums overall.

    This is the right attitude for this game because that's how it always was: play as you want.

    I'm excited for the new expansion. I hope we go back to this game's roots of playing as we want.

  7. @Zaraki.5784 said:What are the best ways to farm those 2 million exp required?

    Dragonfall easy. Add XP boosts and it goes quicker: guild exp pot from tavern, ascended food, exp banners, and the xp item you get free from logins and BAM... easy 2 mil. Just under an hour with all that going on at Dragonfall meta.

    Without boosts, my buddy said two full DF metas with chest event chain and lazy leeching (he said he mostly got bronze chests for event completion at dragonfall, lol).

  8. @Ashantara.8731 said:I like it, but I am not utterly impressed by it. The animations are exactly the same as above water, which is fine, but I am diving just as fast with my +20 Swim Infusion as I do with the Skimmer now, so hmm.

    I think I'll stick to swimming, it is more fun and you are always ready to fight or harvest while you're exploring.

    I totally agree on this point. If you can pass the last step with just swim infusions (which require no mount), then what was the point of this feature? Although I am thankful for them adding it to skimmer and got it only a few hours after release, I am underwhelmed that the swim infusions match mounted speed. It needs a beetle turbo underwater or something to separate it from regular swim infusions.

    One thing I appreciate about it is the sounds of diving into water and rising above water. It's as if you really are swimming and it matches the same sound exactly. Really great job simulating the sound. I also like the camera splash drops. Well done.

  9. @kharmin.7683 said:

    @vesica tempestas.1563 said:Gamers want rich complexity of choice, it's interesting and rewarding. Trinity enforces the absolute opposite if this: meat shield, healer, dps focus on dmg meters and stack on healer. A gaming dead end.

    Not that I think GW2 should go trinity, but while going the route less traveled sounds nice, that they replace the things they take away with things that already exist in so-called restrictive trinity games is a bit of a let down. That they had to then add in lame psuedo versions of tank and healer roles just to come up with partly compelling raid encounters is also telling.

    IMO, typical raiding requires trinity which is why it doesn't fit so well in GW2. IMO also, raiding should have never been implemented in GW2. /shrug

    I agree. It corrupted the happy community overall. Play as you want (exploration, experimentation, and fun) became a job (you must have this build, this gear, and this item).

    What's sad is that I realize there are people that primarily play the closed, optional content who do not even know the rich lore of this game, read any of the books, or explored the vastness and beauty of the world that Anet created.

    That's the draw: that vast open world where we play as we want.

    Raids were a haphazard addition to this game at best. Trinity didn't exist in the traditional sense before raids because build diversity matched the original open world ethos.

  10. The skins that aren't worth buying are the ones that look too much like the base models in shape. I prefer and like supporting Anet with the ones that completely re-imagine the mount like the shrine guardian fox skin for jackal or the synergistics skin for beetle or Shimmerwing for Skyscale or any other that changes from the base skin.

    I'm still waiting for pure doggo breeds as skins for jackal without the oozing sand or liquids.

  11. @naiasonod.9265 said:

    The real complaint I perceive underscoring what the OP is requesting is that they're bored and want to gank people and have a helpless audience on demand because they really want to flaunt in new ways at the people that don't care.

    This is the actual reason. Anyone that wants to force PvP into the dominant PvE open world centers of the game just wants to take advantage of people by getting easy kills on fresh noobs in their beginner maps.

    They probably can't kill people who are actually good in the dedicated PvP and WvW modes and want to farm easy kills.

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