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Posts posted by Vision.7265

  1. I will admit that at release I wasn't fond of the chronomancer because I didn't understand it. In time, everyone including myself knew how useful it was. In fact, it probably is the most imaginative way to create an evasion sort of a tank with multiple illusions that would 'tank' on top of the physical tank or chrono player. RIP old school traditional huge hp/def tank. Now it's a tank you can't hit and if you do, you hit/kill an illusion that gets regenerated. Wow. It's a masterpiece.

    When people REALLY started using it to the point where no other class was needed aside from different chrono builds in certain runs, I think that's when they started chipping away at its power and usefulness. It's sad because I would like for them to restore the original pre-nerfed chrono (I mean c'mon, MoA now is a garbage 'elite' slot skill that is never used on land among other things). With the original pre-nerfed chrono, they could use it as a model for all the other classes in terms of usefulness and uniqueness rather than nuking it into oblivion and having other classes just steal what it was good at.

    Instead, they should have kept the chrono as is and asked: hey how do we make the other classes as fun and as flexible as this without completely negating or stealing the chrono's unique role and abilities? They would only have to do it for 8 more classes. So imagine in closed content someone saying: no we can't have 2 of anything, we need this other classes because they bring this unique buff/ability/skill we need. Instead of the tired, old school tank, healer, dps combo that has been beaten to death, make all these classes great by giving them their niche that no other class can step on.

    I would hope they would go back to the ethos which no other game has: "play as you want."

    What needs to be done is to really support this ethos by adapting current class specs and future specs to have really fleshed out skills and roles that are completely different but complementary in a group so that no one class or spec completely trumps another in a group.

    I thought they were west coast based? Where's the class and build inclusion?

  2. Dolphin skin, please. If the hummingbird can swim in the water, the dolphin can hover above it. No mutant creations from Inquest Labs please (don't splice the dolphin with a skimmer).Seriously, Anet can just skin anything in the water for skimmer as well as any dog (sans-sand) for jackal (still waiting for my floofy samoyed sans-sand) and I bet people will buy and collect them.

  3. I Ctrl+Shift+h whenever I do a recording or screenshot whenever I'm beetle riding for full immersion for sure. XenesisII's post is right on the money for this:

    @XenesisII.1540 said:

    @"Eraser.9860" said:I am absolutely loving the game but I'm so frustrated with the inability to edit, disable parts of the UI. It's to distracting that it's close to ruining the game play for me. The huge XP numbers that pop up anytime you kill someone, the damage floaters and many other things just cloud of my screen. This is just my opinion and I get why they are there but come one, give us an option to edit and disable parts of the UI.
    I honestly would love to be able to play the game with "hide UI" enabled but with only health and a few other vital things available.
    Again this is just my preference and I respect everyone's opinion. Thanks!

    You do know you can hide parts of the ui right? they even have presets you can choose.Can't hide numbers, but you can get simple condition floaters, so a little less in the spam I guess.


    I like how clean and well placed the ui is, I even used a mod of it when I was playing wow lol.


  4. I love the new beetle mount, but I made a suggestion a long time ago:

    "for a beetle with exhaust pipes on the side and exposed engine on the sides as well.

    More lights. Make my beetle look like it's not street legal."

    In essence, an American-muscle car inspired beetle mount skin. You can call it 'steam punk" and fit it in with Charr lore easily.

  5. @GW Noob.6038 said:How many dye channels for this mount? I want the tire treads to be Shadow Abyss, or possibly Midnight Fire, and the light emanating from the rim to be a darker golden/brown hue. The lights on the bike chassis would be some medium yellow, like Banana or maybe Dawn.

    There are 4: one for the inner globe (or hubcap), one for the GLOW from the inside, one for the rings & lines around it, and one for 'tire'.EDIT: Parts of the seat are also colored by each corresponding dye channel as well. I think for most mounts, the 'saddle' or seat has only one dye channel. This seat is split into the 4 corresponding channels for the hubcap, tire treads, inner light glow (for the whole skin), and detailing.

  6. @hugo.4705 said:

    @XYLO.7031 said:Has anyone been able to do a 360 degree Big Air Trick on this skin? I was spamming ramps the first day and it just stays straight for me. It's the only trick that doesn't come out mid-air. I love this mount and just want it to shiny spin too.Edit: I spent several hours dying the mount for other toons lol.

    I tried to check today in kourna with high jumps and ramps, the saddle only tilt left or right. I'm wondering if it's a bug, the 360 trick isn't just a random feature, it's a core feature included with the mount since its launch. Really hope it's a bug. Wasn't able to perform the trick.

    Thanks for verifying, Hugo. I've been going dye crazy in the interim.As a side note: I know in my mind it's just a skin, but because it is much more massive visually, it feels like a larger, heavier vehicle. Like previous skins were AE86 toyota sprinters vs this current skin which really feels like a GTR R34 Skyline.

    Anyone else have the same experience?

  7. Has anyone been able to do a 360 degree Big Air Trick on this skin? I was spamming ramps the first day and it just stays straight for me. It's the only trick that doesn't come out mid-air. I love this mount and just want it to shiny spin too.Edit: I spent several hours dying the mount for other toons lol.

  8. I would love to have another player to hop into the passenger seat of my beetle for a test spin. I will call it "Spill your guts Sundays" or "Throw-Up Thursdays" or "Toss your Cookies Tuesdays" or "Lose your Lunch Fridays." And with that said, I would also propose a special auto-emote for a passenger leaving the vehicle early or after an extended duration of spinning, drifting, and big air jumps. :smiley:

  9. Solid 8. I marked best because saying it's just a decent game means to me 5 to 7. I really enjoyed this game way back before xpacs. The community was nicer. There was Freedom in builds (I like freedom); Build inclusion was much more apparent back then than it is now. I honestly do think like Hugo and others here that the game has lost its way in terms of play as you want. If the Beetle mount never came into existence, I would have stopped playing. I know I'm a minority when I use the beetle for most anything (along with my beetle buddies), but I don't even need an official or guild track. I can just go rally race around a map for fun.

    Additionally, people have been really hard on Anet in this thread so far. I can't speak for anyone else, but they've been nice to me in terms of online support. They always answer my tickets and help me out. Though we didn't get to hear voice acting on the release of the latest episode, they could have just stopped releasing anything altogether in light of our current pandemic, but they didn't! We all still get to play, and we all should be thankful for at least that. Aren't they all on the west coast? Aren't they going through some stuff right now?

  10. To make a cheerful looking male Asura is a challenge, but it's possible. I created one that looks like a happy human kid. I have at least one of each race and yes, Asura look like they're permanently angry or judgmental (maybe because they're the most intelligent of all the Tyrian races?). So aside from that design challenge, an effeminate Norn (male or female), a fluffy cute Charr (not intimidating), are among other design challenges for the player to tackle in game but perhaps much more possible than the Asura one.

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