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Everything posted by mordefelix.5826

  1. Lmao no one here is arguing about your kitten PvE mobs. We're talking about kittening raids. Why would I give a kitten about any PvE mob open world crap? You can literally just press one with any class and breeze through the content there.
  2. And all these arguments to why THIS class shouldn't be nerfed. YOU GUYS KNOW that Anet LITERALLY said they wanted this to be the case. Yeah I'm going down that road because this literally isn't the case. I'm complaining because THEY LITERALLY agree with me that this SHOULD be the case, but they have not implemented the changes to MAKE this the case. STAFF is the DPS build. There's absolutely NO reason to go axe/torch+ pistol right now lmao. Mesmer We're excited by how enthusiastic everyone is for the staff-wielding mirage. With the recent improvements to Chaos traits, the torment condition's performance in PvE, and the changes to the staff skills themselves, staff is currently overperforming as a boon support weapon. We'd like to keep axe-and-torch as the DPS build, and ease the performance of the mirage's staff down into a competitive support build, which means lowering its overall damage output (and confusion uptime).
  3. I respectfully disagree. ANET LITERALLY said themselves that they want axe/torch mirage to be the top dps class in THEIR POST. Staff overshadows by far, but you know let's forget what anet said right? 😄 Oh also for reference look at the post below plus just here to review that they literally want this to be the case lmao. Yeah it isn't fun when you see something that obviously supposed to be a boon class literally kitten on every other dps class. THAT'S THE POINT OF BALANCE. GAMES are not FUN when they're extremely UNBALANCED. League of Legends, DOTA, Overwatch, WOW, FXXIV. If they makes things incredibly unbalanced then people don't enjoy it. Staff mirage is ironically SO much more broken the other classes in this regard so YEAH I'm gonna say something. Your argument about the sledgehammer ALTHOUGH understandable does not mean that WE SHOULDN'T say something lmao. That's also just an incredible assumption for you to think that people are just not gonna say anything and be like "yeah, let's keep the game unbalanced TO THIS SEVERITY and be like ok with this brain dead class rotation". I'll take the kittening sledgehammer to this dumb staff if it means the best class to bring isn't brain dead.
  4. I mean I could, but people even now are STILL claiming staff mirage is somehow not a good dps class anymore after the may 25th nerf. I just want this given enough attention that the nerfs haven't done nearly enough at all
  5. This with UPDATED arcdps and not even a good rotation imo https://dps.report/4hMt-20210530-134443_twins 32k+ with bad vuln. https://dps.report/ajCa-20210530-151933_sh 51k Just broken. Let's also remember stackings at least two mirages gives overcapped alacrity. But we don't need to worry about that since you want to stack STAFF mirages ANYWAYS for max dps. LET ME ADD THIS IS WHAT ANET WANTED BUT DID NOT DO. Mesmer We're excited by how enthusiastic everyone is for the staff-wielding mirage. With the recent improvements to Chaos traits, the torment condition's performance in PvE, and the changes to the staff skills themselves, staff is currently overperforming as a boon support weapon. We'd like to keep axe-and-torch as the DPS build, and ease the performance of the mirage's staff down into a competitive support build, which means lowering its overall damage output (and confusion uptime).
  6. Still waiting my man for an actual non-delusional response, and if for SOME REASON you NEED further evidence, here's in game golem log to show it's DPS is indeed not fake and the same time https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/825393090277277747/848305264141926441/unknown.png. This confirms the time and dps the log was done.
  7. Ok. So your argument once against is dog kitten. Here are some NON-bugged logs (not gonna even point out that confusion and other conditions were represented correctly in those logs). This is my CURRENT 5/29/2021 updated arcdps LOG. https://dps.report/a928-20210529-163815_golem Staff mirage which hits higher dps on golem vs PRE PATCH May 11th condi chrono (WHICH IS now NERFED due to chronophantasma 25% damage nerf) https://dps.report/3Axm-20210309-205458_golem and is one of the best logs out there to date. Let's do some hard cold facts comparison for all those staff mirage players that think this nerf makes staff mirage unplayable. STATS COMPARISON: https://dps.report/a928-20210529-163815_golem FOR STAFF MIRAGE: 42.935 stacks of confusion, 30.338 stacks of torment, 31.452 stacks of bleeding and 0.987 stacks of burning and .263 stacks of poison. At a grand total of 26k.126k dps on golem. This is with one hour of me benching. Vs https://dps.report/3Axm-20210309-205458_golem FOR CONDI CHRONO PRE MAY 11th nerf (AND IT's WEAKER NOW): 40.038 stacks of confusion, 9.84 Stacks of bleeding, 5.939 stacks of burning and 10.143 stacks of torment. At a grand total of 14.898k dps on golem. CURRENT STAFF MIRAGE literally destroys PRE NERF May 11th Condi Chrono in every condition based stat and flat damage EXCEPT in burning and there's no way in hell that burning will make Condi Chrono do more damage than 20+ more stacks of torment and 20+ more stacks of bleeding and 3ish stacks of confusion. So there's your argument that bugged logs and any claim left that it's anything less than broken. Also you're just completely wrong lmao. Oh also let's not forget it literally gives itself alacrity and 25 might but yeah lets forget that 🙄 Please give some ACTUAL data to back up your false claims 😉. Oh let me add something additional. This is my dps log vs. a condi chrono. But yes it's no longer playable/ not a dps class kekw.https://dps.report/4hMt-20210530-134443_twins
  8. Exactly LMAO. https://dps.report/a928-20210529-163815_golem Somehow this staff mirage is worse than uhhhh condi chrono pre 11th nerf https://dps.report/3Axm-20210309-205458_golem. But yanno. Staff mirage gutted. Trolls.
  9. Any actual suitable response? No counter data to give in actual raids where Staff Mirage is somehow kitten on for an appropriate boss? I'm waiting for some actual decent dps raid player that knows the rotation based on a DPSreport to please demonstrate that staff mirage is "bad dps" now vs. another "good dps" class like condi chrono. Or are people just making false claims again because their braindead auto attack class ways are no longer the best?
  10. You serious? Do you know how confusion works? This is from a solid (not snowcrows level player) that was able to hit 42 stacks of confusion AFTER NERF https://dps.report/P3gJ-20210525-145831_golem. This is from a CnD player (Snowcrows level essentially) player BEFORE the nerf hitting 47.6 stacks https://dps.report/kWS3-20210512-170953_golem. That's a maximum of 5-6 confusions stacks difference. How the kitten is that DEAD AS PURE DPS CHOICE. Lmao people were literally hitting 60k+ on SH and boo hoo it's going to hit 40k to 50k now with decent rotations. You're either memeing or just literally don't know how confusion works. It literally still shits on normal dueling illusions mirage but you know "DEAD AS A PURE DPS CHOICE" KEKW. Oh here if you need to extrapolate anything lmao. https://dps.report/9G6P-20210523-190944_sh. Take out a couple stacks of confusion and oh boi he's only hitting 3k less on area stats and in actuality is hitting freaking 50k+in self stats . Wow that's dead dps right?
  11. You know what you said is like patently false about its damage. In self stats alone it's STILL hitting 50k+ on SH. The amount of confusion this class outputs is just STILL broken even now. You actually have no clue where the majority of this class' damage comes from which is its ridiculous supply of ambushes with the correct build which in turn gives tons of confusion damage per ambush. Otherwise this forum thread would have never even been posted if you knew how broken it is even now. Allowing it to do the damage it did with just autos alone is quite frankly just not ok in any sense.
  12. Anet seriously? You're not going to acknowledge this problem at all?
  13. Anet.... are you going to acknowledge this post whatsoever?
  14. Anet. Please. Help us all. Auto targeting is an essential function in this game. T .T
  15. I am also running into this issue for every single class. From Weaver/All forms of guardian/berserker warrior/renegade/holosmith/soulbeast/clones disappearing with chrono and mirage. It's absolutely infuriating that auto target has changed to this way.
  16. @"Stephane Lo Presti.7258" I'm actually kind of angry for once for whomever/or whatever groups made this decision it's just .... well wrong. Anet is charging us for... builds. Builds that have been FREE on arcdps for years and should be a baseline feature. People don't feel happy about this, we don't want Anet's build template anymore because they've voided our trust on what they were bringing to us. On top of that you're voiding arcdps buildtemplates too? Veteran players and players that enjoy the game and played the game to the upmost of highest levels are the people really getting hit and for what reason? Because we enjoy the game and want to play every single build possible? We want to be helpful by being able to play any role for raids and fractals, but what it's like you're saying to us is...." Well you know what? fuck your build and all the work put you in, give us money so you can play your cool specializations. Also fuck your legendary armor too that you worked so hard for, you can only have TWO build templates you can use. The rest you need to buy with money" That's just wrong to tease us something even better than arcdps templates to only find out its gated by a paywall. People have worked hard in this game to get where they're at, and to KEEP where they're at, we have to pay more? At least pick something else to monetize. This is not the way Anet and although you have been disappointing in the past, this is just borderline EA levels of Audacity here now. We've been loyal customers for years to you guys. Where's the trust and honor with this?
  17. @Healix.5819 As I said, other people know better, namely you. @Gaile Gray.6029 this is a relevant post and supporting this would be the compromise we would be looking for since this should be an increase to security if anything from the above post to Healix.5819's comment to my post.
  18. @Gaile Gray.6029Although I agree that security > convenience, there are other suggestions in here that have been posted and seem like viable options. Launchbuddy encrypts your passwords as well and if people use two form authentication I'd be hard pressed to believe that this a security issue as it will just force all of us the change our passwords to be the same between multiple accounts to make things easier though I would still defer to your judgment if you believed otherwise. Could there possibly be a compromise where you make sure that all of us have phone/email authentication instead? People here have been making very good points (far better than my own suggestion) and that there seems a far better way to compromise and make sure security is upheld without having to do away with this functionality. All of us would have to resort to arguably higher security risk prone setups in order to keep viably multiboxing if at all which is why I'm particularly against this loss of functionality.
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