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  1. Did y'all learn nothing from diablo 3? They had to literally delete the entire TP feature to make the game feel meaningful again. Long time players feel nothing when they get an asc drop, but for new players it's pretty much the only kind of drop that can possibly give you a sense of satisfaction/reward. Make it tradeable on the TP and it's just junk again.
  2. Wow, last I checked I was at around 1500 transmute charges and still climbing lol. I honestly forgot they are even a resource/currency, every time I try out a new build I just pick whatever skins I want and hit 'apply' and I've never even come close to running out. If I were to take all my stacks of skirmish chests across my characters and convert them to more charges I'd probably have another 1000-2000 lol
  3. Yeah they literally have to be inside the tower/keep/whatever, and then you need to actually get credit for killing them. But you don't need to be inside when the clock hits midnight, you just need to have gotten the kill inside the zone within the time limit. So ideally you want to actually sabotage the defense to let them in, and then call in a zerg to kill them once inside. The timing is really tricky because if the zerg comes too early, you get nothing, and if it comes too late then the tower flips. The most productive way to get it done is actually to get as large a group of people as possible, then hide out near a camp stacking stealth and wait for pip farmers to show up, then everyone gank them together and BM.
  4. Kind of depends. Condi scales well vs large numbers of unorganized opponents, but doesn't work well vs organized boonball comps.
  5. oh? same QQ people still though? **edit: Oh, I am hearing otherwise. Not sure if true or not. Wishing you some low-toxicity success. small-scale is to be encouraged and nurtured... unfortunately pretty hard to do during prime time when it's just map queue blobs everywhere. Outside of reset night and during off hours though, it's sometimes pretty fun.
  6. I spent years maining various versions of thief and mesmer, *precisely* because stealth was such a broken mechanic, in combination with all the other instant "get out of jail free" abilities and mobility. It gives you an incredible amount of freedom as a roamer/ganker. Oneshot out of stealth, safe-stomp, back into stealth, disengage when cd's are low ish, repeat. 'zerg surfing' was one of my favorite things to do as D/D thief. This isn't even just thief - PU shatter mesmer was one of the trolliest builds I ran back in the day. Trapper ranger and DH were also pretty oppressive at some point though I didn't play those myself. The only reason I (and many other stealth enjoyers) stopped playing these was because of all the flavor of the month sic 'em soulbeasts, DH tethers, and holos with the 'reveal if you ever hit anything' trait that made it hard to abuse stealth. But those are pretty rare now (and don't have nearly as much ranged oneshot potential either), so we're seeing a lot more thieves being dusted off the shelves again [and complaining loudly about cele, despite still mostly winning the 1v1 against cele builds]
  7. Yep, every fight starts as 1v1 or 1v2 and then ends as 1v8 so successful 'roaming' generally depends on either having enough stats in the build to out face-smash 2-3x outnumbered fights (generally cele boon builds), or enough damage to quickly gank and then mobility to disengage at will (generally glassy builds), or a party of 3-8 like minded friends, or a friendly tower/keep that you can stand next to the door of and shoot arrows from. Everyone chases, but glassy players on the 'traditional' roaming classes tend to be salty ego boys about how 'skillful' they are on their 'high risk high reward' builds while they do their 6v1 chasing. Also, they're running max mobility gank builds so they tend to be much harder to get away from, and they have a tendency to get their egos bruised if you ever win a 1v1 and will spend the rest of the night trailing you at a distance and +1'ing if you ever engage someone else.
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