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Wielder Of Magic.3950

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Everything posted by Wielder Of Magic.3950

  1. Dear Anet,As you may have noticed, a very vocal part of the community isn't very happy with your current template implementation, myself included.A few things I hope you can work on: The build template: It would be best to not charge any gems for this whatsoever. Why? Because it is nothing more but a string of text of a few kb that can literally be saved on your HDD, a textfile, or in your guild message of the day while also being unlimited in the amount of builds you can store. Asking money for something like this with restrictions in effect while you can literally copy and paste an infinite amount of builds from a textfile is something that rubs a lot of people the wrong way, and if I may voice my opinion, rightly so.2a. the equipment template: Lower the price on this one. A bag slot is 400 gems for 20 slots, that is 2 more than the maximum amount of items you can play in an equipment template. For 800 gems you have a new character with 100 storage/bagspace. 500 gems is not a reasonable price considering the alternatives.2b. Synchronise the amount of templates. Give us 3 build and 3 equipment ones, not 3 and 2. This forces the impression that you shipped an incomplete system on purpose, wanting us to buy that third equipment slot straight away. This does not put Arenanet in a favourable light. The current template limit of 6 makes templates borderline useless for veteran raiders/fractal players with a multitude of builds while the casual player with a single build will most likely rarely use templates let alone buy additional ones. I would suggest to expand this limit ( chrono raiders sometimes use 20+ builds! I understand you want to make money, but 3+3 free templates and a max of 6+6 will not satisfy anyone who actually wants to make use of them), but also to once again seperate pve, wvw, and pvp templates. If possible either give us a seperate set of templates for each gamemode that auto-switches like in the old system, or give us the option to 'tag' a template as pve/pvp/wvw so it automatically switches us to the correct template for the correct gamemode.4.Please give us an option to 'lock' templates down, so changes we make to equipment or skills do not automatically change the template as well. Food for thought.
  2. Achievements in the crystal dragon instance are unobtainable if you are not the instance owner it seems.Crystal Circuit Racer only shows up for the instance owner and not for others,Electrophobia simply does not trigger ( I avoided all of Kralkatorriks attacks, had the achievement buff icon until the final cutscene, never got the achievement).As an achievement hunter, this frustrates me.
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