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New lvl 80 engi player looking for advice


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Hi all! 
So I’ve recently used a lvl 80 boost on my engi as it was the only character left I needed at 80 and as a class it interests me a lot! I just came here looking for advice and want to look for and what to avoid (in terms of builds) 

I mainly do open world, but would love to get in to doing fractals and raids, also WvW interests me to! 
Any advice would be much appreciated as I am pretty much brand new or the class 

Thank youu! 



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Hello Scrapper+Holo main here with +250li (a bit of raid experience)


Here is build i used in old days to lv up, worked fine 




->Flamethrower have 425 range auto attack thats alows you to kite mobs


->Also as "boosted" character you prob got exotic solider gear, throw it to trash-kun as it's make you tank while doing 0 dmg 😕


Whats most importent you need looks on?


->Juggernaut while your on your flamethrower your geting more stronger and also no one can stun ^^(as long you have stability that is refreshed evry 3s)

->Backpack Regenerator while your on your flamethrower(or any other kit) your geting pasive self-healing

->Big Boomer using your "2" skill on flamethrower is "explosive" that trigger that trait givings you some pasive self-healing

->Short Fuse using your "2" skill on flamethrower is "explosive" that trigger 4s fury for you

->Blast Shield evry time you press "v" you will get small temporary hp (barrier) after you hit someone after that dodge cuz 

->Dolyak runes while wearing 6 of theam your geting pasive healing that help you survive

->Sigil of Celerity if you stun/push someone (3 on flamethrower) you will get Quickness


Now have fun exploring basic maps from all tyria ^^


Your rotation is:

->spaming 1

-> sometimes 2 for fury and pasive healing (on flamethrower)

-> turn for rifle 3+5 for aoe burst, then back to flamethrower


-------->What next?<----------


You have 2 options to go : Holo or Scrapper (in future also one more)


-> Holo doing alot dmg, but he can overheat hurting himself, also is super glassy

-> Scrapper is 2/3dps 1/3 tank, chosing scrapper you will have easy mode while exploring hot and pof expanshons , as 15% dmg you do turning to barier huh your attakcs not even hurting me


For open word i recomend you Scrapper


Here is my build i use :



with this build you will be super tanky while having 25might stacs, perm fury, perm quickness


Your Rotation is 111111111

2 for fury boon

5 for Quickness cuz Sigil of Celerity

and all gyros off cd (whenever thay up)


-> for fractals up to tier 4 i recomend Scrapper : https://lucky-noobs.com/builds/scrapper-power as you provide inaf dmg now after buffs (33-34k) rotation is super eazy as you do hammer+ granades 2 when your cd on hammer 2 off (as Electro whirl got 6s cd, and Shrapnel Grenade got 5s cd)

and you can provide alot superspeed to team witchout much effor or switch for aoe Quickness if your team don't have any support around tier 1-3 fractals

-> for raids i recomend Holo rifle https://lucky-noobs.com/builds/power-holosmith

Reson is compare to fractals you got timer on bosses to kill them, and on some bosses you need that adional dmg numbers or evryone die if your team don't bring inaf damage, good egzemple is Gorseval on wing 1


pro tip, if you starting learing holo i recomend swap granades for rifle turret

that way you just do holo mode then rifle 3+5 then bombs 2+1 spam until holo mode is ready 😉

Also presing Suprise shot evry 8s 


And most importent tip: if you plan go raids, search for small/medium Trening raid guild, thay will teach you all starting from wing 1+4 and cuz of smal/medium size your will have always spot ^^


Progresive Trening raid guilds are also good choise as ppl ther play evry 7d togheter and only free spots rotate, you will have much more fun in trening raid squads as you will can even bring off-meta class and ppl will be more friendly to you ^^


Here is my kp : https://killproof.me/proof/GRNv/tokens

85% are obteined by progresive raid trening guild, as thay lerned me all, then i helped carry other ppl that joined after me ^^




Edited by Noah Salazar.5430
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If you're intending to do fractals you are probably going to be running power holosmith in fractals (see https://discretize.eu/builds/engineer/power-holosmith) because scrappers aren't able to provide aegis , fury while moving around, and/or high amounts of might without comboing.

In raiding it depends on which raids you are looking at , the ones that scrapper excel on as far as heal scrapper are condition heavy fights were mobility is favored (such as Matthias in Wing 2 or  Soulless Horror in Wing 5). Generally most fights are okay if not great on holosmith at least as a DPS and superspeed holo or superspeed scrapper is one of the predominant picks for River of souls in Wing 5.

If you're just starting to raid you will probably do Wing1-4 so if you look at wingman stats for this patch:

The notable situation you don't want to run power in W1-4 is Matthias but there you can run heal scrapper and be quite effective.

I'd look into https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/holosmith/power-holosmith for raids. If there is a druid , herald, or tempest covering 10 man fury and might you can use something like https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/scrapper/power-quickness-scrapper or https://snowcrows.com/builds/engineer/scrapper/heal-quickness-scrapper.

For WVW you pretty much want to run scrapper in some flavor whether it is pDPS or heal scrapper since Kinetic Accelerators isn't split between WVW and PVE. Unlike in PVE, firebrand quickness uptime is not going to be as high , boon rip is rampant, and aegis is often wasted on autoattacks. Because Matthias and Soulless Horror (SH) are not toughness based aggro you can use your minstrel WVW gear in raids as well.

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