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Recently returned player LFG. NA or EU.


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So, the title says it all really, I'm 29 going on 30, came back about two months ago and am looking to join a few guilds. have a few level 80's and two of them, Daredevil and Soulbeast, are running Ascended gear. I'm working on a second set of trinkets by doing PoF achievements at the moment. only done Fractals the one time and never raided but have a little Strike experience.


I live in Australia so there's really no difference to me between NA or EU focused guilds in terms of time for activities.


Also I have Commander Tags though they don't see much use.


Hit me up in game if you want to talk about anything at Nevvah.7408

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Hello there traveler, Why not join the squirrel family on our adventures?We are waiting for you to make our new-player-friendly guild just a little bigger. Apply now to get your first batch of nuts! (Limited stock, gone is gone)

we are not focused on pvp or wvw although we do hop in from time to time. We do want to get experienced in those as well especially when the alliance update comes out and the whole guild can play together.

Raids, Fractals, Goals?

Since we're an old EU based Guild that is being rebuild, our priorities would be to get more members, gear up and have fun. Dungeons, Fractals, strikes, Guild missions,.... these are the things we will focus on first. We started with raid training for the newer players among us. We truly wish to make our guild a welcoming place where everybody can be themselves and meet new people. It would be greatly appreciated if you join our Discord server, if you're willing to join us, so we can make it easier to keep track of things, and well, have it as a place to chill. ^^


Join our Discord server: https://discord.gg/hVwYH7NP4P you don't happen to have Discord, you can send me a mail in game ( SlimSmoking.8364), or even send a whisper

Best regards.

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