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How do you guys manage alts in the open world?


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On 9/15/2021 at 11:09 PM, Zuldari.3940 said:

The problem becomes when you need to go to bitterfrost or DM or any of the other zones you need for certain ascended or even legendary gear. Now you have to drag alt after alt through these stories to get into the zones. I dont mind stories the first couple of times, but its tiresome having to do them again and again. They should sell or have a vendor ingame with a skip portal if you have done the story on the account already you can choose to do it again or not to get into the zone.

You don't need ascended gear for anything except fractals and raids. Also ascended and legendary gear have the same stats.


The LS chapters have vendors, like bitterfrost frontier. Talk to the unbound magic vendor and you see a scroll and a tome. The tome is to collect LS3 portal scrolls into, so you only need to buy the tome  once. Then your main can buy the scrolls for each LS3 map and stick em in that tome. Then you put the tome in a shared inventory slot and ALL of your characters can teleport to the six maps of LS3. LS4 and the Icebrood Saga same thing - they also have tomes and scrolls like that.

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I feel and think similarly. Nine years ago, when GW2 launched, I started with a ranger then planned on creating an engineer as a second character because it's a new class/profession. But I never played that second character until I went on hiatus after Scarlet invaded Lion's Arch.

Last year, 2020, I went back to the game and finished HoT and PoF with my Ranger. But I still can't get myself to play my engineer because yeah, redo everything again? No way!

It took more or less 3 months after finishing PoF that I finally played my Engineer. Initially I planned on leveling it up but it's taking too much time because I have limited skills. I used my birthday boosts and boosted it to L80 and guess what? My engineer is now my main character and I finished Core, HoT, PoF, LW3 and is current with LW4, with all zones (from Core to current LW4 episode) fully explored.

That's not all, I created a new character only 31 days ago, an elementalist. I used my L80 boost, did an HP run, and unlocked Tempest and Weaver espec. After doing that, I worked on Core Personal Story … breezing through it, while doing LW3 and LW4. Right now, I'm going to work on world completion, then finish HoT and PoF.

It doesn't end there. I have a mesmer mule character from 9 years ago that I am preparing already (cleaning up the inventory). I just boosted it to L80 (using the Tomes). I don't know when I'll start it but I'm getting excited.

So, what changed? I don't know. The L80 boost, I guess. Being L80 even though you are playing in low-level zones, actually makes the game easier. Then once I'm done with Core, it gets exciting all over again because of HoT and PoF, the LW seasons, and all zone completion. Maybe the mounts too because it makes traveling faster when exploring.

I guess what was stopping me from starting a new character is the leveling and lack of mount. Don't get me wrong, I love GW2 before mounts were introduced and before free level boost were dropping or given away because the game was new. Even did the jump puzzles without using portals. But today? I don't have time to go through all of those all over again, I'd rather boost and use mounts and ask portals.


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