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GW2 3D Catan (or just 3d printable miniatures for anyone else)

Tai Kratos.3247

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I've long dreamt of getting a 3D printer and making my own 3D Catan board, so now I'm doing it! And I decided to make it GW2 themed. The idea is that the player gets their 5 settlements, 4 cities, but also 1 capital, which is like a super city. I am designing the capital pieces to be able to take a small cell battery and be lit up with hobby LEDs from the inside.


I decided to start with the most difficult city first - The Black Citadel



(I can't figure out how to imbed images - please let me know how it's done so I don't have a janky external link!)


It's designed with a hollow pipe from the base to wire the LEDs up, the front spheres are going to be transparent resin to allow them to glow (inserted via pegs), and the back plate is removable to give you access to positioning the LEDs before gluing things shut. It will be designed to print at about 1.5" wide and 2" tall when all is said and done. Not all of the detail work is complete on this first model.


I intend to update this post as I make progress. Once I am done with the files, I want to make them available to anyone else for printing as well!

Edited by Tai Kratos.3247
Imbedding image
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