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DX11 War Eternal Final Movie Error

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Can confirm



Looks really bad. 

Also right after the movie the whole UI glitched out completely 
(note, the black skill bar is edited by me so nobody comes around and judges as this was the solo setup and not the meta setup)

Right after leaving the instance it got even worse including flickering and other errors. Couldn't take screenshot from that unfortunately as it didn't work properly due to the massive glitching. 

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Just had this myself. Couldn't see half the NPCs during the movie and the ones I could see were incomplete, including a few with black pits instead of eyes which was really freaky. The air ship afterwards seemed fine at first but once I started rotating the camera parts of it would disappear. Opening the character menu only showed a few icons with most of the window blank.


Lion's Arch looked fine when it loaded up but when i ported back to Dragonfall very little of the screen loaded up. I could see part of the ground and a few objects but that was about it. Couldn't even see the menu when I opened it to quit, had to Alt-F4 out of the game..

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