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I am really curious about something in the lfg.


When you kick someone out of squad and they just keep popping into the squad, making their life mission to get you not to fill, waste your time, and be childish, what do you do? 

Since they keep using /sqjoin to join the Squad.


Someone suggested to me to make the squad private and remove the allow party members to send invites, and also make so anyone joins with approval.


That didn't work for me too, and the guy just kept coming back.


Is there a solution or do I have to just give up?


If there is not, shouldn't Arena net make something for this?


I have been in such situation multiple times, in Squads and Parties, and it is getting on my nerves.

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You can change it so that anyone who tries to join needs to be approved. I'm not sure how that works with LFG but it will stop people from using /sqjoin on you.

If your squad doesn't have a tag there's nothing you can do unfortunately.

There needs to be a better solution for this and for parties. It's way too easy for people to troll or do it out of spite.

Edited by Sagecore.2678
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22 minutes ago, Sagecore.2678 said:

You can change it so that anyone who tries to join needs to be approved. I'm not sure how that works with LFG but it will stop people from using /sqjoin on you.

If your squad doesn't have a tag there's nothing you can do unfortunately.

There needs to be a better solution for this and for parties. It's way too easy for people to troll or do it out of spite.

I was the commander, but even after we did the join with approval thing, it still didn't stop the troll.


This is such a simple thing to solve yet why is it so hard to get?

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I assume this was for a raid or strike since in open world it really doesn't matter.

I imagine the situation was you were 9/10 and the troll kept joining as the 10th slot so you couldn't fill with the last slot with someone legit. Have one of the members in your squad temporarily leave (and whisper them so you keep their character name) so you sit at 8/10. Let the troll sit in your squad at 9/10 while you lfg the 10th legit player. Once you fill, kick the troll, set the squad to invite only and invite back the person you whispered.

Edited by Shikaru.7618
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