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Mesmer Questions


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I'm currently torn between two classes after my epic failure that was thief (Basically I don't think thief was viable for me and spent way too long trying to force myself to play it as I liked daredevil thematically as it reminds me of martial artists/Monk types in other games.). Now I am torn between two classes due to elite spec's Mesmer for the Chronomancer (I mean any class that can use gravity based magic is awesome sounding) and Necromancer for the reaper. My question is this the Mesmer isn't overly....Thief like is it? And how viable or difficult are melee mesmers? I prefer battlemage types over straight up casters though do know mostly its up to build here. Whatever class I go with I'm wanting to get through the expansions with and of the classes I liked these two the best so wanted to get other people's takes on them and the elite spec to make a choice.

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Mesmer is only thief-like in that it has (limited) access to stealth, and they both have a teleport skill and a portal skill.  Other than that, they're very different classes.

Mesmers have some very good melee options, although I personally say that if you want a melee battlemage, don't go Chrono; go Mirage.  Axe mirage is fantastic.

As for Reaper, that one's awesome too, although that one has more of a "death knight" feel to it than a "spellblade" feel.

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To be honest I like Dark Knight/Death Knight themes in characters so that doesn't bother me. I didn't like Mirage I liked Chronomancer for the Time/Gravity magic theme hence why Mirage wasn't an option for me. Magic/Class theme is important to me and something I find myself more or less drawn to a class for (IE Reaper for the dark knight themes, originally thief for the daredevil's martial artist theme, and Chronomancer for the time/gravity magic.) Reason I asked about whether mesmer was close to a thief I spent more or less a month trying to get my thief to work ha ha I got good advice on here but alas thief just wasn't for me.

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2 hours ago, Crymsyn.5037 said:

To be honest I like Dark Knight/Death Knight themes in characters so that doesn't bother me. I didn't like Mirage I liked Chronomancer for the Time/Gravity magic theme hence why Mirage wasn't an option for me. Magic/Class theme is important to me and something I find myself more or less drawn to a class for (IE Reaper for the dark knight themes, originally thief for the daredevil's martial artist theme, and Chronomancer for the time/gravity magic.) Reason I asked about whether mesmer was close to a thief I spent more or less a month trying to get my thief to work ha ha I got good advice on here but alas thief just wasn't for me.

Heyyyy! So due to the state of the entire Mesmer profession including Elite Specs that are with it, we are not in a good place and I personally wouldn’t recommend it DUE to the fact of the numerous nerfs we’ve received. “Supposedly” we are getting a rework but who really knows at this point what Anet wants to do with Mesmers since they seem to be investing more on other professions and watering down ours.


When I look at what you want in terms of “gravity” magic. Yes Chronomancer is supposed to be that theme but the only I guess “time” magic we possess that’s noticeable would be: Gravity Well, Quickness Boon and Continuum Split. Our Melee combat is alright but I personally think the Reaper is better due to their Reaper Shroud.


Additionally with that said, if you did choose the Necromancer, their new elite spec being released, the Harbinger, does have a “Gravity’esc” skill on their Harbinger shroud called Vital Draw.


At the end of the day, I’m sure you’ll make the right decision and all we can do is give you our opinions. But I personally think you might get what you want out of the Necromancer/Reaper.


Hope this helps. ☺️


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