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Crafting - which should come to the priority


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I currently have the following

  1. Tailor 500
  2. Weaponsmith 500
  3. Armorsmith 430ishThe reason I made Tailor first because I enjoy playing my mesmer
  4. She runs lot faster
  5. She actually has higher survivability than my revenant and not as boring as my ranger (my first 3 level 80s)
  6. Light armors on female look way more sexier than medium or heavyAnd secondly I did Weaponsmith for the Greatsword AscendedThen Armorsmith I just get it up to make Viper for my revenant because without Viper revenant is kinda like a joke.

So what do you think I should level to 400+ next?

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Chef is nice for making your own food -- which can benefit all of your characters.

Artificer can allow you to make some weapons which can be used by your mesmer, as well as various potions which can be used by any character.

I personally think chef is the most fun discipline because its recipes aren't as cookie-cutter as most other disciplines. For example, nearly every recipe from the armor and weapon crafting disciplines follows the pattern of: outer/top component + inner/bottom component + insignia/inscription. With chef, however, it's pretty much: "throw a bunch of stuff in the pot and see what comes out." It's a very fun discipline if you want to use the discovery system. Artificer has a bit of that too with potion making.

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but chef is somewhat very advanced players favorite, because I am somewhat a beginner just 6 months old. Yeah Artificer seems good, currently I have all professions besides Necro and Engi and working on a new Engi soon while work on a Necro with my friend.

should i go with jewel? does jewel crafting cover amulet, rings, and accessories?

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@EnidLarr.1478 said:but chef is somewhat very advanced players favorite, because I am somewhat a beginner just 6 months old. Yeah Artificer seems good, currently I have all professions besides Necro and Engi and working on a new Engi soon while work on a Necro with my friend.

should i go with jewel? does jewel crafting cover amulet, rings, and accessories?

Yes, but you cannot craft ascended Jewelry so Jewelcrafting is kinda pointless now except for making Amalgamated Gemstones for Legendaries.

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I'd go for jewelcrafting, just because it's pretty cheap to do so AND gives you a way to refine gold and silver; gold and silver won't make you much gold or be that useful, but it's handy when you get too much of the ores.

If not jewelcrafting, I'd say artificing. It's good to have in case you ever want to craft those types of weapons, plus you can make potions.

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Chefis always seen as the ugly cousin of the crafting disciplines, as it can only reach level 400, is cheap to level and all the good selling foods are only good selling, because the ingredients are expensive as hell. On the other hand, all the account-bound foods you can access after reaching level 80 are highly overpowered and help you improving your characters abilities and loot a lot. Having it on 400 is never wrong and not very expensive at all.

Artificeris also a bit underestimated. On the first view, its options are quite limited, thinking about the weapons you can craft. But the Artificer has several side-options which make it one of the most useful crafting disciplines in the entire game. Here is a little overview about the things an Artificer can do, aside from crafting weapons:

  • refining essences of luck
  • refining agony infusions (fusion)
  • clay pots: If you ever want to craft Mawdrey. If not, you can use the farmed geodes from DryTop to purchase clay from a T4+ vendor, craft the pot and sell it on TP for a little extra money.
  • grow lamp: Also mawdrey related, but also useful to make money out of quartz crystals.
  • Superior Sigil of Malice: It is one of the most powerful/expensive condition-build sigils in the game. The recipe can be aquired from the PSNA with some patience and ~ 26k karma. You can get the Watchwork Sporkets from the Sporcket Generator in your home instance. It is a long term investment, but in my opinon one that pays off.

Usually when something new is added to the game, something which has to be crafted but does not suit into any armor/weapon category, it mostly will be crafted by the Artificer. It was my first level 500 profession and I did never regret that step, although none of my mains uses artificer weapons.

Those are the two I would recommend. Chef is underestimated until you first use an account-bound food. Then you spend hours of researching all the other account bound food. At a certain point, you start questioning yourself how you ever played without it. Try it.

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