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Renewing Oasis mirage trait


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8 hours ago, Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

Trait reduces condition duration of burning, torment, bleeding and confusion by 20%. Is it suppose to reduce poison duration as well?

There are other skills/traits that also remove damaging or non damaging condis with exception of some others. Especially on thief I found this.

Hide in shadows (heal skill) removes damaging condis, except torment. 

Withdraw (heal skill) removes immob, chilled, cripple and torment. 

Guarded Initiation (trait in arcrobatics) removes vuln, weakness, slow and confusion. 


Well i am not sure why torment is not in "Hide in shadows" or why it is in "Withdraw" then. Or in your mesmer example why "Renewing Oasis" does not include poison. 

Imo it really should looked again on skills/traits like that. Or at least i would like to hear reasons why some condis are often not included.

Sometimes i can understand this if its 2-3 condis that are not included. But making it like...1 specific condi is not included but all others are...really is annoying. Like in "Renewing Oasis" and "Hide in shadows". Really lost my life by non removed Torment a lot. At this Moment you always think the same: Why is this ******* skill not including also this 1 damaging condi that is left?


But...thats all just my humble opinion 😂

Edited by SeTect.5918
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On 10/21/2021 at 4:47 PM, Svez Poizon XD.5268 said:

Trait reduces condition duration of burning, torment, bleeding and confusion by 20%. Is it suppose to reduce poison duration as well?

I also do not understand why this skill does not reduce the poison time, it seems to me that there is a bias or an unrecoverable bug like the respawn time of a clone from the seal of illusions
The explosion of a bomb on a meta in tarir imposes all conditions and when the oasis trait is activated, the poison really hangs the longest

Edited by Zraurum.8493
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