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Waiting for the Untamed presentation is giving me anxiety


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I had an oral presentation that I had to give today AND I have an essay that is do end of day tomorrow. They have NOTHING on the anxiety I feel towards the Untamed.


I will love the Untamed no matter what. However, if certain things don't happen, such as the primal energy making the pet immortal, it could kill the spec on arrival for WVW. 


With pet AI still being a problem, will there be more mechanical skills added to control the pet? New skills to teleport our pet with the click of a mouse?


All the unknowns are driving me crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!gadgjkhfgjkfhgkjldfhgjkhfgkjaf

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With pet AI still being a problem, will there be more mechanical skills added to control the pet?

From the press kit quote I saw earlier I think the answer is "yes" which has me on the edge of my seat going "YOU BETTER NOT BE SCREWING WITH ME ANET"


I'm so glad it's tomorrow and I'm trying so hard to steel myself for inevitable disappointment, but!!

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There's reference to the pet hitting/killing things, which then empowers the ranger. This is fine in Conquest and PvE, but if the entire spec is reliant on this mechanic, it's gonna be bad news for WvW. And the pets will need invuln or substantial aoe damage resistance for zerging. 

I am hopeful and positive, because they've been aware of these issues plaguing the pets. They would have been aware of the problems during the spec's design. Hoping for the best.

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